|| Chapter 15 ||

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"Really? I'm so sorry, i totally forgot to mention that to you!" Nurse Joy said while the two of you stood outside the surgery room, waiting for the doctors to be done inside. After you had spent a bit more of the necessary time cuddled up with Gold, you had helped him get dressed and got dressed yourself as well, before going to the hospital again, where you were currently now.

Doctor Pryce as well as the blond and the brunet doctor - the ones who performed all those small examinations when Gold first got to the hospital, and everyday after it, until they were told Gold suffered from Paralysis - were all in the surgery room.

Gold was inside as well, in fact, he was the reason why all of them gathered up inside. Nothing risky was happening inside, they were just examining him again, since you informed them about the sudden achievement in the middle of the night.

You and Nurse Joy were told to kindly wait outside, so you did. And while doing so, you exchanged a few words, mainly Nurse Joy telling you about the thing you've been wondering about; How on earth did Gold use the bathroom if he couldn't stand on his feet and wasn't even told about it at first.

"You see, we've been giving him a special medical syrup in the first week, so that he could avoid having to use the restroom. We kept giving him another type of medicine after that as well - he took it daily - but apparently he didn't take it yesterday, and it already had effects a few hours later." The woman explained and it became a bit more logic to you.

"So, do i need to keep giving them to him?" You asked a bit unsure. Nurse Joy shook her head; "I think it's best if he stops taking the medicine. It could turn out that he ends up feeling more bit by bit, just like he did last night."

"Also, the medicine could end up slightly affecting his hormones, and i would like to avoid dragging him into more trouble in case something would happen to his body." the pink haired woman added, and finally, the doors leading to the surgery room were opened; Mr. Pryce walking out while Gold followed him in his wheelchair.

"I need a moment with Nurse Joy." the older stated bluntly, and the two of them walked a bit further away from you and Gold, where they could have their quick and apparently private conversation.

"How did it go? Are you feeling okay?" You asked the raven haired male as you met his gaze, him flashing you a bright grin. "I was a bit nervous at first, to be honest, but old fart Pryce said that everything was fine, even better than he had imagined."

You were happy to hear the good news, so happy that you grinned so widely and were about to tackle Gold in a hug if it weren't for your two superiors returning from their short conversation again. The elderly man filled you in on the situation, and gave you advises in case things like those would happen in the future.

"Thank you again." You slightly bowed your head while all four of you still stood in front of the reception desk. Doctor Pryce and Nurse Joy soon headed for the elevator, Proton who sat behind his desk continued doing his job, and you walked out of the hospital with Gold.

You were already heading back home, since today was theoretically your day off. But you were planning on taking Gold's things you had brought from his house out of the boxes you put them in, and arrange them in your room.

"Come on, come on, sing with me Y/N.~" Gold groaned while you guided him in his wheelchair, walking on the usual sidewalk. "I told you, one, i can't sing, and two, i still don't know the lyrics of it!" you sighed, but the male wasn't giving up.

"My singing isn't that pretty either, but who cares.~ I don't mind if it's you who hears it. And i don't know the whole lyrics either! Just this part, come on it's easy!" he insisted and didn't seem to be able to stay put in his wheelchair. "It's like; Did you see my bag~ Did you see my bad~ It's hella' trophies and it's hella' thick~"

And just like that, Gold tried teaching you the lyrics of MIC Drop - a song of a certain idol-boys-group he listens to - until you reached your home. You entered the house and headed for your room right away.

"We'll be putting your stuff in my room today, although you're just gonna sit here and watch actually - i'll do the job." You said while helping the male get onto your bed and putting his wheelchair somewhere where it wouldn't bother you. The male hummed an 'Okay~'  before you opened the two carton boxes.

"I took a few of your things, like your laptop, phone, a few Manga's..." You said and went on with listing other things while pulling them out of the two boxes. "I took this too..." You said a bit more silently when you showed Gold the small box you found under his bed.

The males' face heated up really quickly once he caught a glimpse of the object, but he smirked right afterwards; "Were you looking for my Hentai magazines~? I don't hide them under my bed!" He laughed and added; "You little perv.~"

You couldn't help but blush, since that was your primary objective. But you quickly shook that off and started placing several of Gold's things in your room - it slowly getting fuller and in your opinion, better looking than it was before. Less empty.

* * *

After a good while of organizing the room, you plopped onto the bed next to Gold. You had taken that small photo box with you and just placed it onto the commode next to you. The small box wasn't the only thing on the commode; Gold's phone was on it too - you put it there to charge, since it had no battery left.

Gold was in a sitting position, his back leaning against the pillows you had adjusted for himself, while you had your head on his lap, looking up at the ceiling, then at him.

"I could have helped you, you know." Gold pouted, feeling slightly guilty of having you made do all of the work even though he was the man here. You ensured him it was fine, and soon started a conversation you knew was going to end up being a bit more personal - because you were going to mention things you actually preferred to avoid, but had to tell.

"Ah yeah, back when i went to your house, there was that huge pillow on your bed. Mind telling me who the girl printed on it is?" You grinned, the male smirking down at you while he ran his fingers through your hair softly.

"That, my dear, is Leone. A super hot chick from Akame ga Kill!" Gold said proudly, you ended up giggling a bit at how silly he looked. Not just silly, but a bit cute too if we were being honest. You reached for the small photo box on the commode with your hand and opened it, pulling the pictures out of it.

"These are really sweet. I didn't know you had a side like this." You admitted, looking at the photo where Gold was in with two elderly people. Gold smiled, looking at the picture as well. "You're so cold.~ I've always been a sweet and pure guy.~" He hummed and made you roll your eyes playfully. "The cute lady you see there is my grandma, and the other is my grandpa." The male then added in a tone that didn't sound silly like before, but really sweet and tender.

You kept quiet and just nodded, since you were afraid to ask more - you didn't want to bring up his grandparents, since you didn't know if they were still among you. But Gold continued by himself. "The two are holding up pretty good for their age. They don't even live that far away from here - on Route 34"

You then took the next picture - the one with Gold and the Hamster, which you had also seen before. Gold chuckled when he saw that one; "This one here is with my Hamster. His name is Pibu and my grandparents take care of him."

The two of you spent time just laying on the bed and looking at photos. You enjoyed listening to the stories Gold had to tell, and smiled to yourself at the feeling of getting to know the male even better.

"Or that one time, me and Silver secretly snook in a lizard we found in the garden. You had to see my grandpa's face, it was priceless!" Gold laughed and so did you. Until your mind focused on the name 'Silver' only. Silver. Lyra. The little encounter at the library. You had forgotten all about those frustrating things, but you knew you should talk about it with Gold.

The male in fact noticed that you seemed a bit distracted when he told you another short tale of his childhood, so he asked you if you were okay. You sat up and leaned back, now facing Gold. "Is Silver a friend of yours?"

"Totally! We're basically childhood besties~!" Gold hummed cheerfully and that made you feel somewhat strange. "Does he have red hair by any chance?" You added carefully on which Gold simply laughed lightly; "Yeah, kids used to call him period-head at school, but i call him Ginger - because that sounds way cuter.~"

Was that really possible? Was Lyra really cheating on Gold with his childhood friend? Only the thought of it made you feel sad. "Why, do you know him or something? He's really bad with girls, i'm telling you!" Gold chuckled, but stopped when he was sure something was up with you.

"Gold... i think i might need to tell you something..." You started and looked away. "It's nothing pretty. Although it could be just me jumping to conclusions..." Gold had gotten serious by then as well, since he slowly started worrying about you.

He thought that something had happened or would happen to you, since unlike you, he remembered about the strange notes you received - the ones you told him about. But you had something completely different on your mind;

"It's about Lyra... and that Silver-friend of yours." You finally started and found the courage to look him in the eyes again. The male was getting more curious as well as slightly worried by the second. "Go on."

"I went to the library, to get your Manga's. And that's when i saw your girlfriend with that red-head. They looked really close - my friend even mistook them for a couple. And at the time i was there, they held hands. I could be overreacting, but i got really suspicious..." You told, furrowing your brows at the mention of Lyra. "I really don't want you to get it the wrong way! I don't want to interfere in your relationship or anything... i just don't want her to hurt you."

You just realised a moment or two after that you had said that last part aloud, which you didn't plan - and because of that, blushed, avoiding making eye contact with Gold again.

"Oh Really..." Gold said lowly, and for a moment you started fearing he thought of you as whiny girl who just wants his relationship ruined, so you quickly stuttered; "I-I'm sorry, but it's really the truth-! I didn't make anything up-..!"

But you were soon silenced by Gold who placed his index finger on your lips. "I would never doubt you, Y/N. Angels don't lie after all." he whispered, and that made you go all soft in- and outside, your face heating up way too quickly.

"I believe you, i really do. It's just that I'm not surprised." Gold said with a small smile on his face, even though you knew he was hurt. "I know she was there. She was at the hospital, but she didn't bother to come upstairs and see me for even just five minutes."

He then slid his finger down to your chin and away from your face. You knew that Gold was actually a person who seemed all silly on the outside, even a jerk sometimes, but there was like a hidden side of him; the one that notices every small detail and thinks rationally about everything.

Gold seemed to be wanting to say something more, but he stopped himself before the words could leave his mouth. "A-Anyways! Let's not talk about depressing stuff like that! We should be happy I'm out of the hospital, no?"

"And by the way, I'm starving.~ You know how to cook right?" Gold then grinned as if the whole sad thing never happened. You figured that he didn't want to talk about this. Not now at least, and so you went along with it.

"Of course i do! Let's go make some lunch together.~"


A/N: Sorry if this seemed like a filler~! But i promise you it isn't, i know what i'm doing ;3


Another smol announcement ^-^ This book will be 30 chapters long, so prepare to bore yourselves >3<

Thx 4 Reading!

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