|| Chapter 3 ||

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It's been a week. A whole week ever since Gold was brought to the hospital. You were currently in Gold's room. Those two doctors - who's names you still didn't remember - were here as well and were examining Gold's legs again.

Mr. Pryce said that Gold would start to feel his legs two or three days after the surgery, but it's already been 7 and he still can't feel anything. But no one ever told him - who knows what his reaction might be. They said they would only tell him things until they knew what exactly was going on for sure.

Gold's parents stayed in Johto for three days and got back to Hoenn due to work. Mrs. Ethans was very nervous about leaving her son in this state, but you promised to take good care of him.

"Y/N.~ When are you all gonna let me move and get out of here? It's getting boring." Gold groaned. You were glad he never attempted to get out of his bed himself - that made things easier.

"I told you that i don't know. Ask Mr. Pryce the next time you see him." you sighed and waited for the two doctors to finish what they've been doing for a week now. They shook their heads at you - still nothing. This was seriously starting to worry you.

As much as you didn't like it, you grew pretty attached to this annoying patient of yours, you just wanted him to get better already.

"We'll be off." the brown haired young man said and left the room with his partner.

"Your girlfriend still hasn't visited you yet?" You asked - or more, the words left your mouth without you really realising it. You sat down on the edge of the bed next to Gold - who was in a sitting position.

"Not yet! She's probably preparing a surprise for me at my home, and will come pick me up once she's done!" Gold smiled. But he felt differently, you could read it from the look in his eyes that he was actually a bit sad she hasn't come yet.

"She better hurry up then." you said, not really expecting to make a difference, but it seemed that what you said, cheered the male up at least by a tiny bit.

"Hey Y/N, it's getting pretty boring." Gold repeated and stretched his arms a bit. You turned your head to the side and your eyes locked with his beautiful golden ones. "What do you want me to do?" you said, raising an eyebrow.

"Entertain me." The raven haired male smirked, and by the smirk, you could tell that he was thinking about the dirty stuff. Didn't his girlfriend mind him being so flirty with other girls? Not that she would know about it, since she never came to see him.

"Do you like books?" you asked after a bit of thinking. If he did, you could easily pass by at Jasmine's library and borrow some, then give them to Gold.

"I thought you were asking me if i like boobs." Gold laughed lightly, you looking at him with 'seriously' written all over your face. Gold recovered from laughing and replied; "Well, i like some of them. And i really like Manga!" the boy grinned.

"So you're an Otaku or what?" you asked, smirking teasingly. The male nodded, stating that he wasn't embarrassed about it, nor trying to hide it. "What about i bring you some Manga's? Will that 'entertain' you?" you asked and got up from the bed, adjusting your salmon colored shirt.

"Fine i guess. But i wanna meet your friends too, you said you'd introduce them to me!" Gold exclaimed, now leaning back in his pillow. You thought that him meeting Falkner could actually turn out pretty okay, but Jasmine was too pure for him.

"So which Manga's do you want me to get for you?" You asked. You weren't exactly an expert when it concerned Anime. Your patient Janine would sometimes tell you this and that about it, but only about Sports Anime and Manga. Nevertheless, you were positive you could manage somehow.

"Hm... can you get me Attack on Titan? Volume 9, 10 and 11 would be appreciated." The male thought for a moment before replying, then grinned at you like he usually does. You nodded and took your bag. "I'll be off then. Don't stress Erika." you said, opening the door. Gold waved at you childishly before you left the room, soon the first floor as well.

You glanced at the clock above the reception counter. It was currently 3.14pm, you still had a bit of time, but you weren't exactly busy, so it wouldn't matter if you left for half an hour or so. "Morty, i'll be off." The blond wasn't particularly interested, since he was busy staring at his computer while sipping what you assumed was green tea.

Once outside, you started walking upwards. The library was the building on the left of the train station - it wasn't far away, just about ten minutes by foot.

The building in front of you now - the library - was built similarly to the other buildings in the city, this one had a golden roof though, and had a book-placard above the entrance. You stepped through the automatic doors and got greeted by the young lady at the reception;

"Good afternoon.~ how can i-... Oh hey, Y/N!" the caramel haired female cut herself off as she recognized you, you flashing her a smile. "How are you Jasmine?" The two of you had a short conversation before you got back to the reason why you were here.

"Do you guys have Manga's here?" you asked, looking around at all the shelves, filled with books. Jasmine had to think about it for a moment before nodding; "We do actually, on the first floor. I can show you where if you wan to."

"Don't worry, i think i can find it, you don't have to stop working because of me." you reassured her and walked to the stairs, soon up. The inside of the building was arranged in a more old style than other libraries you've seen in Violet or Cianwood City - It was similar to the one in Ecruteak City.

There were a lot of shelves on this floor as well, only that the books in them looked different and partly smaller. You didn't know they had such a big amount of Manga's in here. You searched for the name Gold told you... Attack on Titan was it?

There was a young man on the same floor as well, he wasn't far away from you. The male seemed pretty young and had longer, red hair. He was looking through some Manga's himself.

You skipped to shelves and areas on the first floor, walking by the Yaoi/BL section, the Ecchi/Harem one and Psychological/Sci-Fi, but you couldn't seem to find the one you were looking for.

You sighed - it's already been 20 minutes since you came here, you needed to get back to the hospital. The red haired boy you saw earlier was now currently sitting at a table in the 'reading-corner', you thought that maybe you could approach him and ask for help - since he seemed to know more about this place.

"E-Excuse me." you said silently as soon as you got next to the male. He looked up from his book and locked eyes with you. His eyes were deep blue, it was like looking at an ocean. The male was probably the same age as you. "What is it?"

"I don't want to bother you, but could you maybe help me find this 'Attack on Titan' series?" you said unsure, not too loud since this was a library. The male seemed to sigh as he closed his book, 'you-are-bothering-me' was written all over his face.

"You won't find it if you look for 'Attack on Titan'." the male said and got up, leading you to a shelf of books. "You need to look for the japanese name, which in this case is 'Shingeki no Kyojin'." the male continued and pointed on one particular shelf.

"Ah, thank you." you said, but at the time you had, the male already left - He sat back on his place. The Manga series you were looking for was all ordered in those shelves, now you just had to find parts 9, 10 and 11, like Gold asked you to.

You walked down the stairs and got to Jasmine - who just lent out some books to another customer of hers. She smiled as soon as you approached her. "I'd like to take these three..." you said, placing the books on the counter.

"I didn't know you were into Manga." Jasmine chuckled and checked on her computer. She then stamped on a piece of paper something, then but that piece of paper in a drawer. Apparently that was to keep track which books were currently not in the library - lent out to someone - and which were available and such...

"By the way, we've received a set of new books. I'm not sure if they're based on something real... but wanna lend it out? A valuation from you could come in handy." Jasmine said while putting the three Manga's into a small plastic bag. She would sometimes give you additional books when they got new ones, saying that someone else's opinion could help her when recommending books to other customers.

"Sure, i'll take it." You said and waited for the girl to show you which one she would give you this time. She pulled out a regular book from under her desk and shoved it across to you. The title of it was "Narcissistic Excalibur" - you thought you've heard that somewhere... maybe back when you went to school... in history classes?

"I already took a look at the description, it seems that it has to do something with Lancelot, you know, that knight from the Arthurian legend." The caramel haired female explained, now also putting this one book into your bag. Now that she mentioned it, you did remember learning about that once.

You two kept having a nice conversation until you caught a glimpse of the time. You left the hospital at about 3pm and now it was already past 4pm. "I'd love to talk more, but i really gotta go." you apologized, smiling as you scratched the back of your neck. Jasmine nodded, she had to work too after all, so she understood.

You told her goodbye and made your way back to the hospital. Strangely enough, Morty wasn't sipping his tea like usually, but seemed rather... stressed? I mean, he was laying with his forehead against the counter.

"Everything okay?" you asked as you walked passed him and waited for his reply before you'd get onto the first floor. The blond was grumbling, muttering, probably even cursing something under his breath - not that you could understand it, since he was practically talking to the table.

You shrugged it off and proceeded upstairs. You didn't run into anyone, Erika was probably done with her shift too. It's been really long since you've been at Janine's - well, her room - you should pay her a visit, but after you deliver the things to Gold.

You knocked and entered the raven haired male's room, only to find him in his regular position; Laying in his bed in a more sitting-like position as he glanced at the TV. He turned his head only a bit, but smiled as soon as he saw you.

"Y/N.~ I missed you! You can't believe how lonely i was~!" Gold then changed his grin into a dramatic fake-hurt face as he leaned his palm against his own forehead. You rolled your eyes playfully as you walked over to him, sitting at the edge of his bed.

"I got you the stuff you asked for. I swear, next time you could tell me that i was supposed to look for a "Shin-something" name." you chuckled and pulled the Manga's out of the plastic bag, causing Gold to laugh lightly. At that moment, you felt a tinge of something deep in your heart, for whatever reason.

"Oh~ What's this?" He asked as he held the book Jasmine recommended you in his one hand. You stood up from the bed and did what you were currently urging for; You ruffled the male's hair, saying it was a goodnight story you could read him the next time he feels lonely.

The two of you joked and laughed for a good half-hour. You smiled as soon as you recovered from your laughter and looked him in the eyes. His golden orbs were truly beautiful. He was a pretty unique person - even though you didn't like him at first, you two had gotten pretty close in just a week. Hopefully he could finally start feeling his legs again and heal.

"I'll go check on Janine quick. I'll come back in the evening again. You better not fall asleep." you chuckled and walked to the door. Gold nodded, smiling as he started reading the 9th Volume of Attack on Titan - the one you brought him.

You exited his room and walked over to your other patient's one, knocking and getting in. The girl seemed pretty excited to see you as well - not as excited as Gold was though. "Janine, how are you? I'm sorry i didn't come by a lot in the last week." you apologized and walked over to her after closing the door.

"Don't worry, i heard you were getting a handful with that other guy. Poor dude though, i'm really sorry for him." Janine smiled at first, then looked at the floor with a rather sad expression on her face.

'Wait, what? '

"What do you mean?" you asked, trying to smile it off. You didn't know why, but it was like you felt a bad vibe when Janine said 'I'm really sorry for him'. Was she referring to the car accident he was involved with? She couldn't have possibly heard that he couldn't feel his legs... could she?

"Don't worry i'll keep it to myself - i know it's supposed to be a secret." Janine said with that same sad expression and finally looked up to you. You didn't have the slightest clue of what she was talking about - and she soon noticed that as well, after reading your expression.

"D-Did i say something wrong?" Janine was now getting concerned, since you weren't moving at all. "What exactly did you hear about him?" you managed to ask, gulping lightly.

"T-That... his legs aren't of any use to him anymore. That he'll never be able to walk again." Janine stuttered at first, but finished her sentence. The sentence that left you so shocked; Your eyes were wide and mind not able to process.

'He'll never be able to walk again.'

"What are you saying?!"


A/N: Early Update because why not ;3

Mhhh so we're finally getting down to business :)

Are you surprised~~?

Get ready for more :)

Btw, should i do an "Ask the Character" thing?  I'll do it if y'all want it ^3^

Thx 4 Reading!

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