|| Chapter 8 ||

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'You better be careful of what you do~ XoXo'

"What the hell-..?" You mumbled and re-read the small piece of paper. Was that some kind of threat? Blackmail? A stupid joke?

The message just appeared out of nowhere, it caught you off guard. You didn't know if you were supposed to feel threatened, or how to feel about it at all. The next thing you spent time thinking about was who would have written it;

The writing was pretty, so you assumed it was a girls - even though you knew guys who have a pretty handwriting, but that isn't the case at this hospital - and it couldn't possibly be from Erika nor Nurse Joy, i mean, why would they write something like that? Then again, you saw in movies that the villains are usually the ones you least expect it from.

Then there was Whitney. Whitney had a grudge against you, but it couldn't possibly be her; Her handwriting is as ugly as her face - and she wouldn't be able to write this pretty even if she visited a calligraphy school for two years.

And then, when would the person have left the message in your bag? It must have been either when you left to go to the library or when you went to the therapy with Gold.

This whole thing made you feel like you were some sort of investigator and not a nurse. So for now, you decided to ignore it and eventually tell someone later. You put the paper into your bag again and took out your phone.

Just like you thought, there was a message from Falkner - he sent it yesterday evening. It said;

"Heiiiiii~ i'll come by at around 10am tomorrow okay?? C ya then :)"

You smiled at the message and checked the time on your phone; It was 10.21am already? Lately, when you've been spending the nights sleeping at the hospital, you've been sleeping a lot longer in the morning. Not that it mattered much.

The time meant that Falkner was already here, didn't it? So you quickly placed your phone back into your bag and zipped it closed, then exited the staff-room and walked over to the reception desk where Morty was relaxingly sipping his green tea - you assumed.

But it seemed like your friend didn't make it here yet. That actually gave you time to ask Morty about something concerning that paper you found this morning.

"Hey Morty, you didn't happen to see anything suspicious yesterday, did you? Like someone who isn't allowed entering the staff-room getting inside anyways?" You asked, cutting it as short as possible and making it sound the less suspicious you could.

"Hmm nah, not really." Morty mumbled, placed down his empty cup of tea and actually started thinking about it more. "Wait actually, yeah! There was that-..." he tried adding but was soon interrupted halfway by a someone you knew too well;

"Good morning guys~!" The dark blue haired male called out cheerfully while waving his hand and walking towards you and the blond receptionist.

You both replied with a 'Good morning' as well, Morty's was a bit more stutter-y than yours for some odd reason. You all asked the usual, like, how you were doing and all... you completely forgot that Morty was going to tell you something about a suspicious person entering the staff-room.

And after a short conversation, you decided you should slowly be getting to Gold with Falkner, this was the perfect opportunity to introduce him to your best friend.

"I'm sorry, but i'll be borrowing your boyfriend for a bit, you can have him later. In the evening or even at night.~" You hummed at Morty, teasing him until he got red, then grabbed Falkner's wrist and hurried to the first floor before Morty could get up from his chair - while he was just crying out a 'He's not my boyfriend!'

"You should really stop teasing the poor guy, you know it's not true." Falkner couldn't help but say while chuckling at the blond's reaction. "So wait, he tells you about it?" You asked. Why else would have Falkner known you teased Morty about his sexuality - which you actually didn't know for sure either, you just assumed.

"He does sometimes." Falkner admitted, now slightly starting to feel embarrassed. "But seriously, what's going on between you two? I won't buy that 'we're just friends'-crap." You said and the two of you got in front of room 46.

Fakner didn't really reply, the two of you just entered the room and waked in on Gold reading volume 10 of Attack on Titan while he had turned on the TV just to keep him company.

The boy looked up from his Manga, closed it and placed it onto 'Narcissistic Excalibur' on his commode. "Y/N, you're back.~ Who's that? Don't tell me it's your boyfriend!"

"I told you, i don't have a boyfriend. This is Falkner, the best friend i've been talking to you about." You sighed then introduced the dark blue haired male to your patient. "Falkner, this is Gold..."

"Are you sure? He's pretty handsome actually... You're not cheating on me, are you?" Gold said dramatically after having looked at Falkner again - a closer look. Falkner grinned widely and thanked the other for the compliment.

He walked closer to him and sat on the chair next to him. They started chatting as if they've known each other for years - the conversations sometimes got a bit inappropriate, which left you face-palming - but it made you really happy seeing that those two were getting along.

After all, you were actually the only person Gold really talked to at the hospital. Of course, there was Erika, she was nice, and Whitney - we don't even need to talk about her. While the two were talking and laughing, you went and sat down on the bed next to Gold.

It seemed that he already ate breakfast by himself, since the bowl of usual fruit porridge was empty and next to the two books on the commode. You should remind yourself later to bring it to the nurses who were in charge of meals.

"Hey Gold, do you like animals?" Falkner asked and took his phone out of his pocket. "Wait, look, this is my puppy Ren. Isn't he adorable?" He then grinned and showed Gold a picture of his dark blue Japanese Spitz.

"He's really cute~ Wait-.. Did you say Ren? The one of DRAMAtical Murder? The dog who has that deep voice and turns into a hot guy?" Gold suddenly changed the topic - or at least, he seemed to have in your point of view.

"You know about it? I know there's a game, but i only watched the Anime series." Falkner said. It suddenly felt like listening to two girls ranting about Yaoi together.

"I'd really love to see Ren in person! He might start talking after he sees me! Imagine him saying, like, 'Aoba' in that deep voice." Gold laughed and so did Falkner.

"My family owns an animal shelter, you can come by any time and see Ren along with a lot of other animals." Falkner grinned and put his phone back into his pocket - after he had shown his new friend a load of pictures of Ren and other animals he takes care of.

"I'd love to! We're gonna go there once, right Y/N?" Gold asked, turning around to you. The smile he had on his face... it wasn't one of those perverted smiles he'd make after staring at you or making bad jokes about Sabrina, it was one which actually seemed pure.

"Of course we are." you replied, flashing him a radiant smile as well, and the grin he made after you said that, made you melt even more.

* * *

"Okay then, see you later, Feraligatr." Falkner said goodbye one last time while you were walking him to the door. Gold replied with a 'In a while, Krookodile' - which was apparently their new insider-joke.

You sighed and closed the door after both you and the dark blue haired male exited your patients' room. You've been hanging out with Gold and Falkner for 3 hours for sure, if not longer.

"The guy is pretty cool." Falkner grinned while you lead him through the hallway - in direction of the stairs. There was an awful lot of nurses passing by today.

"I still didn't catch up on what he has. You know, why he's here?" Falkner added as you almost reached the stairs. That's right; You never really had a chance to tell either Falkner nor Jasmine that Gold actually suffered from Paralysis, since you yourself only learned about it recently.

"He... He's paralyzed. In his whole lower body - so he can't feel anything in his legs." You started explaining and you two eventually walked down the stairs. "People say that he'll never be able to walk again, but i don't believe that." You added.

"Oh... damn. I'm really sorry for him." Falkner said with a tint of sadness in his voice. "But i think he'll manage to get better soon."

The both of you got back to Morty - who meanwhile had his cup of tea filled again. He had just sipped a bit before seeing you approach, then placed it on the reception counter.

"I'll let you have Falkner now. Gotta bring lunch to Gold." You explained quickly, wiggling your brows at Morty. "Don't do anything indecent to him." you added and Morty started fussing again. You probably would have too, if you were in his shoes, but teasing him was just too much fun.

You walked towards the kitchen - you nurses called it 'kitchen' but it was just the room where certain nurses or doctor assistants prepared meals for the patients. You were just about to enter and get the meal you ordered for Gold just before you left with Falkner, but you almost walked into someone on your way in there.

"Oh-... Nurse Joy!" You were a bit surprised, but returned the smile she was flashing you. You haven't seen her ever since she told you about Gold's true condition - and you never really apologised for your over emotional reaction.

"How are you, Y/N? I haven't seen you in a while." asked the pink haired woman, and the two of you stepped away from the door to avoid collisions with other nurses or doctors.

"I'm good, thanks for asking. But I'm really sorry about that thing with-..." you were about to finish apologising, but Miss' Joy cut you off by waving her hand reassuringly - she knew what you were about to say.

"Let's just forget about that, i was at fault too." she admitted, smiling sheepishly. "How is Gold holding up?" She then added. You glanced down to her hands - she was holding a set - the usual lunch meal.

"He's okay i guess. He had his first therapy just yesterday, things will just go better from here on out." you smiled confidently and Nurse Joy seemed to like that attitude quite a bit.

"That's good to hear. I was actually about to bring him his food, but I'm sure he'll be happier if you do it." Nurse Joy smiled sheepishly while looking down at the food she had in her hands, and held it out to you. You nodded pretty much understanding, and took the set from her.

"Thank you... Have a nice day i guess." You said awkwardly before heading for the first floor - carefully, since today's meal for Gold was steer-broth soup with tiny meat balls in it, accompanied with a slice of bread - and you certainly didn't want it spilled on the stairs.

You knocked and carefully walked into room 46, closing the door behind you with your foot, then walked over to the raven haired male, soon sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. "I got your lunch."

"Feed me please.~" Gold hummed and opened his mouth wide like a small child would do when being fed by his parents. You blushed lightly but still sipped the spoon into the soup and carefully neared it to Gold's mouth.

"Nuh-uh~ It's hot, you gotta blow on it for me." added Gold, like a little brat and turned his head slightly to the side to avoid the soup being pushed into his mouth. "D-Do you have to do this to me..?" You grumbled, looking down while your face was getting redder and redder.

Gold chuckled at your reaction - mentally stating how cute you could be - then positioned his head right again. "Of course, you don't have to. I'll just have to starve to death.~" He hummed and made you get even more irritated.

But even if it did irritate you, you still did like he requested. Sometimes you yourself would question it, and doing these kinds of silly things made you awfully happy. So you blew a bit on the spoon - containing that small amount of soup - and neared it his mouth again.

You unconsciously said "Now say Ah.~" which made you blush so much that you wanted to hide under a rock - it even made Gold shy. The male took the soup and swallowed it while avoiding eye contact with you, since his cheeks were dark pink.

You repeated the process and so fed the male until his bowl was almost empty. "Y/N, talk a bit about yourself... you know everything about me, but i barely know that you're afraid of elevators." Gold suddenly said after swallowing a small meat ball of his soup.

He was sorta right, and you didn't really have anything against it, so you didn't protest - like you usually would do; "Well, what do you want to know? I'm not really that interesting."

"What about we start with that thing about your parents? I told you about mines." Gold didn't need much time to think of the first thing he wanted to know, but being the oblivious person you are, you didn't quite get where he was going with this, so he needed to add; "You called after your Mom in your sleep today, so i started worrying."

"T-That? You still remember that? That was this morning..." You blushed a bit embarrassed and placed the empty bowl of Gold's lunch on the commode next to his bed. "The situation is pretty similar to yours, they both moved away for work."

"My dad is the highest rank doctor at the Slateport main central hospital, and my Mother is his main assistant. I guess i followed their footsteps in this matter." You started telling, but weren't looking at the male directly. "Anyways. At first we all lived here in Johto together, they worked in this hospital too. But then they got a better offer from a certain man called 'Adrien Lane' in the Hoenn region - and they accepted of course. I still had to go to school though, and they didn't want me to change schools whilst middle of the year, so i stayed here. I was allowed to live with Jasmine and her parents during my most unstable period of time - i'm really thankful for that."

"And the dream i had last night was nothing special, i just kinda miss my parents sometimes." You finally finished and locked eyes with the male's golden ones. You were sure he understood, since he must have felt the same way.

"Come here." Gold said and spread his arms, ready to hug. You blushed at first, but just like with every other silly thing you did with him, you were okay with this one too, so you leaned in and let him embrace you tightly.

"I'll always be here for you, so now you don't have to worry about being lonely again." Gold said in a rather soothing voice - the voice was a bit too soft and felt slightly ticklish against your neck. You could feel the male running his fingers through your hair - which was still tied in a ponytail, just now it was a bit messier.

You nuzzled his chest and were slowly starting to fear he could hear the fast pace of your heartbeat, but the warmth of the hug was just too pleasant. At one point you started wondering about what kind of thoughts you were having - and mentally slapped yourself, telling yourself you should get your crap together.

Gold then pulled away, but not completely; While he distanced your head from his chest, he traced his hand from the back of your head to your cheek and kept it there, holding your face so that you were slightly looking up at him.

He seemed to be piercing through your soul with his eyes - but that gave you another opportunity to admire their beautiful color. But all of the sudden, the aura surrounding you two seemed to have changed; The whole scene just seemed to have gotten intense all of a sudden.

It took you time to notice how close his face actually was to yours, but you did. His beautiful golden eyes seemed to have a tint of lust in them all of a sudden. You felt like you were hearing every 'thump' your heart was making - and you suddenly started feeling slightly dizzy. Not the dizzy you'd feel when you had strong head aches, another 'dizzy'.

Gold seemed to be whispering something, but you couldn't hear it since you were lacking focus - He inched even closer to you, to the point where you couldn't take it anymore;

"W-Wait-..! Eh-.. would you look at the time! We have to go to your therapy, o-or else Miss' Sabrina will get mad!" You stuttered and scooted away from him quickly, covering the lower part of your face with your arm.

You didn't dare to look at him in this state; Your face was so red, you could compare it to any red object - instead, you took the time to take deep breaths and make your heart calm down a bit - everything done silently of course.

"Y-You're right, let's go!" Gold then nervously chuckled. He himself was blushing as well, but you wouldn't know that since you weren't looking.

'O-Oh my god... what was that?!'


A/N: I don't know about you guys, but i really like this book :)

Actually, what do you think of it so far?^^


Thx 4 Reading!

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