Chapter 1- They meet each other... And Me!!!

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This is in my P.O.V

I grin like a maniac. I have a great plan to capture my favorite goldens(short for golden trios). 
(* spots you; the reader*)
" Oh hey! Didn't see you there. I'm  ilovesophiefoster. Today( and for a few days/ weeks)we are going to bring my favorite 'golden trios' to my react room and make them react to each other, me, memes, fanart and headcanons."
(* forgets ur there*)

I snap my fingers and 12 teens appear.

I spot the actual golden trio; Harry, Ron and Hermione on the complete right of the room. Then there's Sophie, Keefe and Fitz in the center of it. Annabeth, Percy, Grover, Piper, Jason and Leo are on the left talking to each other.

I internally squeal. I'm so excited!!!

"Ok listen up-" I start, but Ritz savory cracker(🤣) interrupts me.

"Who are you?" He asks

"I was getting to that, Fitzy. My name is ilovesophiefoster and I'm gonna make you react to... stuff"

Then Annabeth speaks up. "How did you bring us here? Are you a god? And what do you mean by react to stuff?"

"One, I am not a god. Two, I'm gonna show you a lot of different things like fanart, headcanons and memes and you lot are gonna have to react." 

" You still didn't say how you brought us here" Annabeth says

" I'm the author( 4th wall shatters). I summoned you. I thought that was obvious."

" The author?" Leo asks

"Don't ask. Anyway, I'm now putting you in groups of three so you can introduce yourselves. Once each group has finished the task I'll switch them up. Clear?"

"* in British accent* Cristal. What( I was tempted to write 'wot' instead of 'what'. XD)are the groups?" Hermione asks

" Percy, Harry and Fitz, you're group 1. Annabeth, Hermione and Sophie, you're group 2. Leo, Keefe and Grover, you're group 3. And but not least, Piper, Jason and Ron, you're group 4." I take in a deep breath as I finish.  Can't wait to see the results!  See you in the next chapter!

Was that a good first chapter??? Comment what u guys think of it.



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