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I don't know anymore . I've been crying for an hour because I've been thing about Homophobes and Gay and Lesbian people. And it's hard for me to be once Lesbian when I want to be a lesbian again and my Boy friend is firmly straight and im a Christian. This is probably the worst  thing I've ever thought to make a decision of. I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel like just killing myself.... I'm literally dieing and crying right now ... What do I do??.... I wish God could tell me which is wrong and which is right but Nothing will stop me from ever stop supporting Gay and Lesbian people... Cause I've been lesbian since 8 believe it or not cause that's when I made out with my first girl friend (again believe it or not) I-idk I'm freaking out... My boyfriend thinks no it's wrong to support them... So it's very Tough for me than for him.... I needs help guys.... I can't hold this on my own...

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