Part 6: "I Love you?"

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(A/N: ok your being warned ... My Hearst is already getting heavy from thinking of what I'm about to write... There is going to be extreme drama and meltdowns... So be prepared...)

?? Pov:
It's now 11 am... Springtrap and Goldie have gotten some sleep and are up. Springtrap is wanting to confess his love to Goldie and ask him to go out with him. Springtrap is really nervous and doesn't know what to do... For the first time Bonnie couldn't stop feeling guilty for Springtrap and his helping him to get ready to ask Goldie.. Goldie is in the long hall way where Springntrap went crazy trying to think...

Springtraps Pov:
"Ohhh im really nervous... What if I mess up or stutter??" I asked with worry and fear thick In my cracked voice. Bonnie was helping me and I really appreciate his help. He was smoothing my hair down and smoothing out my fur."Don't worry, I can tell Goldie will want to date you. But let's hope Freddy doesn't catch me helping you ..." Bonnie said with tension and eyeing at the door. I was a bit confused, I ain't scared of the fucking Fazbear. "Why does it matter?" I asked Bonnie as he still smoothed on tuft of fur that kept fluffing up."if you haven't notice, Freddy is jealous.. Freddy has liked Goldie for 20 years.... I wish he would see that there is other people that need love..." He said with his ears drooping. I was even more confused," What ? Do you like Freddy??" I asked him. He looked up at me and then blushly smiled."I do! But he still doesn't seem to take any interest in me..." He said solemnly."There done !" He said backing up a bit has if I was a model and he was trying to study me."Wait, what can I say? What will I do??" I asked and he thought for a second. Then he snapped his fingers," Got it!" He walked off to one of the counters and grabbed a rose and started cutting off the thorns," You can give him this rose and maybe write a little note saying 'I love you!" He exclaimed as he finished cutting the thorns. I noded and looked through drawers. I found a price of blank card and a pencil. I started writing on the little card."Done, am I ready," I asked when I finished writing and Bonnie gave me the rose."I think you are ready!" He said with his hands together and on his mouth has if he was trying to hush with his hands. I breathed in and out,"Let's do this..."

Goldie's Pov:
I was leaning against the wall in the hallway where Springtrap went crazy and attacked me. "I just don't understand... What happened to him it was like someone was controlling him..." I said in my head and then I realize Freddy was walking down the hall to me and leaned against the wall next to me."You doing ok?" He asked with concern. I didn't want to tell him cause I didn't know what he would do... I didn't want him to worry about me.
"No, no I'm fine. What are you doing here anyways?" I asked looking at him. He looked away as if trying to hide his expression. "Oh so now his hiding something from me!? Who's next Chica?!?" I didn't show my anger, but I did show interest. Freddy looked back at me. He was blushing a bit and smiling at me. I was kinda shocked too see that. He then grabbed my hands and held them softly. The touch felt different though making me blush unsettlingly. Freddy looked at me straight in the eye,"Goldie, I-I like you. I have always thought of you more than a brother for the last 2 decades and I've been hiding my feelings cause I was scared of what you would think.. But now I'm more confident. Goldie... I love you." He said with heavy emotion in his words. Before I could even respond, I felt the touch of his lips on mine. He was kissing me?!? I started to nudge him off but he wouldn't let go of me but I finally shoved him off. I could see at the corner behind Freddy.. I saw Springtrap....

Springtraps Pov:
I was looking everywhere for him. The Backstage, the dinning area , the east and west halls, the closet. I couldn't find him. I finally decided to look down the long hall where I was at last night. I turned the corner but froze half way around the corner. I saw Freddy and Goldie kissing. My eyes started to water , I could feel it. I felt a heavy stab in my heart that broke me inside badly. I then saw Goldie turn and looked at me. I turned and ran. But I left behind the card and rose. I ran to the closet sobbing. I locked the door and hugged my knees in the corner, close to my chest. I cried in my knees.Why does this happen to me!? I knew it! Im always going to be left broken, sad, and alone!?
That's when I heard his voice,"Your not alone... You have mEe!¡.... The monster was talking to me...

Goldie's Pov:
"Springtrap wait!!!" I shouted and ran to the corner. I felt something under my foot and looked. I gasped and put a hand to my mouth. It was a rose and a card. I picked up the rose and then read the card..

To my Goldie,
We were like partners in crime. Unstoppable. Like death do us part, as when roam in the dark. After 30 years I have been dying to find you. And now we have finally reunited.. Goldie, I.Love.You~
Springtrap *
I cried as I read it. He loved me.. He was going to ask me out but Freddy blew it. He ruined all of this?!? "Freddy!?!? How could you?!?!? I love Springtrap not you!!Uhh I HATE YOU!!!

I messed up...

Omg!!!!!! I'm like crying now!! And my heart is heavy . I feel like Springtrap right now... But to me it seems.. Why did Goldie mess up when he shouted?? I also used some of the lyrics to "Partners in crime" on the card. I love that song and I thought it would be good to write on the card.
Find out next time!! Cliffhanger! Hehe XD I'm trying to lift my spirits cause today I'm going to post the First official part of Nightmare X Fredbear !! So Dont wait!!
Bee Gamers! JD out!!!!✌🏻️

Also thank you for 100 followers !!!!!!!!! I'm happy again!!!! And so shout out to
For being my 100 follower!!!!

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