Chapter 19 - " The real GolMal begins..."

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Manik's Flat: Manan Bedroom: 8:00 am:

A soft push made Manik stir in his slumber. He tried to turn to avoid the unwanted nuisance.

"Manik wake up. It's 8 o'clock. You said you have a meeting today...right?"

A sweet known voice rang in his ears. Without unfurling his eyes Manik stretched his hand and grabbed a soft arm. He pulled the person and said in a sleepy voice.

Manik: "My morning dose. Nandini you know I can't open my eyes without my morning dose. Come, Baby."

He pouted his lips for a kiss but didn't feel anything on them. He tried to open his eyes blinking them repeatedly. A faint face was visible in front of him. A face of a guy with a turban and moustache. He furrowed his brows and opened his eyes trying to get a more clear view.

The guy: (With a mysterious smile) "Sat Sri Akaal Mr Malhotra. I am at your service. Would you like to have your masala tea?"

Manik fluttered his lashes to fathom the matter and jerked to get up on the bed with wide-open eyes. He whistled in excitement.

Manik: "Nandu! What is this? Why are you in this getup?"

He tried to touch her moustache. Nandini moved her face to avoid.

Nandini: "Don't touch. I only have one.

Manik: (Amused) "That's okay, but why all these? You are looking like a chota Sardarji (A kid of Sardar's).

He again tried to touch her fake moustache. Nandini retreated and got up from the bed. She headed to the door. Manik observed she has worn Dhruv's pants and a shirt. Though Dhruv is not very gigantic the attire still fitted her loosely. Manik pursed his lips in amusement.

Nandini: (Turned and looked at him) "You will get enough time to laugh at me. But right now, come to the living room. I am calling Dhruv too. He is still sleeping like a sloth bear."

She disappeared and Manik entered the bathroom to get freshen up.

Manik's Flat: Living room: 8:30 am:

For the last 15 minutes, Dhruv was not being able to control his laughter. Nandini's getup made him split his sides. At last, Nandini lost her patience.

Nandini: (Yelled) "Enough! If you are done with your riot of laughter can I explain why have I disguised myself as a joker?"

Manik & Dhruv: (Hardly controlled the laughter) "Yes please...we are dying to know what forced you to do so?"

Nandini: (Folded her lips) "You... To be precise..your dare. You dared me that I have to leave this house in daylight and that is without letting anyone know my real identity. So I thought to go incognito. It's"

She made a funny face.

Dhruv: (whistled in delight) "Superb idea Nandu. Bro, you have lost the dare. I don't think anybody can recognize her as a girl."

Manik grinned and immediately finished his line,

Manik: "To the extent, they may think that she is a malnourished Sardarji."

Both Dhruv and Nandini took some time to grok his words. After realising Nandini glanced at her tiny frame and flared her nostrils in anger. On the other hand, Dhruv again burst into laughter.

Nandini: (Hurled a cushion to Manik) "YOUUUU...."

Manik dodged the hit and raised his hands in defeat.

Manik: "Okay, jokes apart. But I must say this is a superb idea to fulfil the challenge. But one question...where have you got this turban and moustache from?"

Nandini: (Pulled up her collar in pride) "I told you that I am going to conduct a drama with my students. These are the props. Thankfully I got it from our school storeroom and kept it in my bag. Smart know."

She shrugged to show her delight. Manik nodded with an appreciative smile.

Nandini: "I won the dare now it's your time to fulfil yours."

She shuttled her finger to both the siblings. Suddenly her eyes fell on her watch.

Nandini: (With wide eyes) "My God, It's almost 9. I have to leave. First I have to go to Shreya's flat and get back to a normal look. After that, I will leave for my school."

She leapt up from her seat.

Nandini:(In a teasing tone) "By the way, Dhruv, you have only some hours to ask Aliya and Mr Manik Malhotra, I think you already have lost your dare. Because neither I will be here nor any Deshmukh Family member will see us together. So there is no question of witnessing the 'Dare to kiss'.

She air quoted the last words. Manik was about to say something when the doorbell rang. Nandini headed to the door and opened it. To their biggest shock, Mrs Aloka Deshmukh was standing on the threshold with a smiling face. The expression of all Malhotra's was worth watching.

Aloka: (With a surprised expression) "Mr Manik Malhotra..."

Nandini pointed towards Manik with a dumbfounded face. With a perplexed mind, Manik came forward and found his landlady furrowing her brows in annoyance.

Aloka: "Mr Malhotra, I came here to invite you but I think you are busy with your guests."

She roamed her eyes on Dhruv and Nandini. Manik immediately curved his lips for a welcoming smile.

Manik: (With a welcoming gesture) "Mrs Deshmukh, Please come in. I am not busy at all. They are family. He is my brother Dhruv Malhotra and...."

Dhruv: (Snatched his words to finish) "He is Gattu Singh. Our cook. Actually, our Mom is very worried about Bhai whether he gets proper food in time or not. That's why she sent him for his caretaking. He will live with Bhai from now."

If a bomb had blasted in the room Manik and Nandini wouldn't have been shocked so much. Their eyes bulged out in surprise. It came like a bolt from the blue. Before they reacted Aloka sat on the sofa with a relaxed face.

Aloka: (Happily) "That's very good news. Your mother has done the exact thing which I was thinking. Mr Malhotra is new to this city. He perhaps has to spend most of the time in the office. In this case, someone should be in the house to maintain it. As he is a bachelor, a good cook and caretaker can take responsibility."

She turned her face to Nandini and gave an appreciative smile. However, Nandini couldn't realise how she should react. With her numb limbs and confused mind, she sat on a chair slouching.

Aloka: (Enthusiastically) "Okay, now the purpose I came here for. Mr Malhotra, tomorrow is Gudhi padwa. It is celebrated as a New Year in Marathi culture. So tomorrow we have a Puja in our house. That's why I want to invite you to dinner. Don't worry; there will be no one else except our family."

She smiled at Manik expecting an acknowledgement. Manik looked at Dhruv and Nandini in confusion. The last experience in Deshmukh Niwas was not very happening for him. Aloka noticed his hesitation and built a notion that Manik might be hesitating because of Dhruv. She immediately tried to light up the situation.

Aloka: (Jubilantly) "Mr Malhotra, if you don't mind can I invite your brother too? We will be happy if he comes. I hope he is here until tomorrow?"

She turned her face to Dhruv who smiled in a silly manner and nodded in positive. Manik sagged with relief as now someone will be there to save him.

Manik: (Grinned) "Thank you so much, Mrs Deshmukh. So thoughtful of you. We will definitely come. Now I am more relaxed as Gattu is here. Thank you Gattu."

Saying this he went near Nandini and kissed her turban.

Manik: (Whispered) "Dare accomplished."

Nandini was startled at his smartness while Manik winked. After that time went with some irrelevant talks and tea. Aloka bid adieu after 15-20 minutes after taking a promise of attending the dinner from Manik and Dhruv.


Manik's Flat: Manan Bedroom: 9:25 am:

Manik was getting ready for his office in haste because it was already late while Nandini was still there. The difference was she was continuously hurling cushions and other unbreakable things to Dhruv who was helplessly trying to dodge every hit.

Nandini: (With flared nostrils and rolled eyes) "I am Gattu Singh? Manik's cook? How this innovative idea came into your brilliant brain?"

She picked up a comb this time and aimed.

Dhruv: (Pitiful and helpless manner) "Bhai, please save me from this Bandit Queen. I told this for both of you. Please let me explain."

Nandini halted for a second while Manik too paused when curling up his cuffs.

Manik & Nandini: (Simultaneously) "FOR US? How?"

Getting a chance to be saved Dhruv dared to come near and perched on the edge of the bed.

Dhruv: (Excitedly) "Look. This lie will allow Nandu to live with you, Bhai. She just has to disguise herself when she will go outside. She can stay here at night without any disturbance. From now, you both can stay together like a couple. You should thank me for this rather than these abuses."

He showed an empty glass thrown by Nandini just some minutes ago. Manik and Nandini looked at each other. They were trying to gauge his words. 'Should they be happy or worried? Does he really mean sense?'

Nandini: (Crunched her brows) "And my school? How will I leave for it?"

Dhruv: (Enthusiastically) "You can go to Shreya's house and change. Come can bear this much strain to get this big happiness."

Now he gained his confidence that he finally had been able to convince them.

Manik: (Pursed his lips in dilemma) "It will not be as easy as it sounds. Still, let's try. Nandu, one more thrill in our secret married life. Let's enjoy it."

He grinned in ecstasy. Nandini rolled her eyes.

Nandini: "Hmmm...okay, let's do it. But Dhruv, what about your dare? We already have completed our dares? How will you complete it?"

Dhruv made a puppy face as he couldn't figure out how will he meet Aliya? Suddenly his face brightened up with a thought.

Dhruv: (Jubilantly) "I will meet her tomorrow. I will ask her there."

Nandini: (With folded lips) "But the time-bound is 24 hours, dear."

Dhruv bent down his head in disappointment. Nandini and Manik smiled to see his cute antics.

Nandini: "Okay, we are extending the time limit for you. This is your return gift. Thank you so much for all the efforts to unite us as a couple. We will be always grateful to you for whatever you did for us whether it was before our marriage or after this marriage. Now, it's our turn to settle your love life."

Dhruv shyly looked at her.

Dhruv: (Shyly) "Thank you Bhabi..."

Nandini smiled and pinched his nose. All stood for a group hug. Cute family bond.

Author's note: The lines in Italics are the thought of the characters.

👍Please stay at home and please be safe to save our country.   🙏🙏🙏

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