Chapter 30 - "As you sow, so you reap..."

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Nandini's School: Staffroom: 5:10 pm:

Nandini shut the last copy after checking and piled up all the copies to keep it in her allotted locker. She glimpsed at her wristwatch. It was almost done for the day. Twisting the key she checked the locker once more and grabbed the bag to get out. Just then the peon entered. He is a mid-height, dusky elderly person. From every angle, he is very normal-looking; to be precise a look through kind of guy but today it was a totally adverse situation. When he entered, all the teachers were looking at him. That was of course not for his looks but the thing he was carrying in his hand. A big soft toy of a Monkey. Everybody was looking at each other totally perplexed. Before anyone could shoot any question, the peon himself broke the ice.

The Peon: (Showing his both sets of teeth) "Someone sent this for Nandini Ma'am."

A suppressed whisper and mumbling started in the room. It was very much understood that all were contemplating who could be the romantic person and most importantly how is that person related to Nandini? Ignoring the glances and the buzz Nandini strode to the peon.

Nandini: (With a frown) "Someone? Didn't that person tell you the name?"

The Peon: (With a stupid grin) "He said everything is written here."

He pointed to the potbelly of the monkey. Only then, Nandini saw that a folded card is pasted on it. She annoyingly plucked it and opened it. Her face became red. With a flared nose she took the soft toy with a jerk from his hand and without looking at anyone bailed out the staffroom. If she had given the attention she could have heard the buzz behind her.

All the teachers: "Might be Mr Khurana. He is like crazy after it must be some other person...Mr Khurana won't behave like this...especially on school premises. He is even absent today...That's why it can be him...nobody will doubt him. What do you say? Does Ms Malhotra have a secret admirer? Who knows..but she is beautiful...I sometimes doubt...why is she still single?"

The buzz was going on and on.


Manik's Office: Outside of Soha's Cabin: 6:30 pm:

"Today, you will see a great actor Soha. But unfortunately, you won't be pleased to give me a big hand after the show." Manik chuckled in his mind and tapped the closed door softly.

Soha: "Come in.."

She only called Manik so she couldn't be ignorant. Manik entered with a poker face. He knew why Soha called him and he also knew how he has to behave. Without any formality he took the seat Soha glanced up and said in a smooth yet sharp tone.

Soha: "You must be knowing that tomorrow's presentation time has been preponed. Now it will be held at 12 pm..just before lunch. I know that you are not handling this project anymore but I want you to be present there. It would be beneficial for you as you will know where have you lacked and how can you improve."

She shrugged with a smile that fumed Manik to the core. "You bloody are showing my designs in the presentation by slightly changing it and now you are inviting me in this drama? More of this you want me to learn from my own work? Fucking Witch..." Manik cursed her in mind. Right now he was feeling like slapping this bloody cheater but everything should have a right time. He shall slap her but in front of everyone and that slap won't have a sound but the impact will be prolonged and elongated.

Manik: (With a gratified tone) "Thank you, Soha. I know I couldn't live up to your expectation in this work and I am very sorry for that. Still, you are thinking about my benefits and progress. I am really thankful to you for this. Sure I will be there on time. And if you need any help regarding this, please tell me. Not being a part of this project I still would be glad to serve this."

For a moment Soha was taken aback. Perhaps she didn't expect so humbleness from Manik because she saw his arrogance when he first came to know about his abrupt termination from the project. On the other hand, Manik was patting his back for this brilliant act and getting amused to see Soha's reaction.

Soha: (Stammered a bit) "O...Okay...thank see..that..that you took your...failure so sportingly.."

She smiled sheepishly. Manik saw that she is again trying to say something. Something that she knew would be a cause of a rift again. Manik smiled and got up to leave. He had to talk to Navya immediately. He was about to open the cabin door when Soha said,

Soha: "My offer is still open, Manik."

Manik halted and turned with a bright smile.

Manik: "And my answer is still, NO Soha...I can fail in my profession but I will never fail in my personal life. Good luck with your presentation."


Mumbai: In an Auto: 5:30 pm:

Nandini was sitting in the auto with a deep frown. Her face is red in embarrassment and vexation. The huge monkey is now sitting adjacently on the seat like a passenger. Nandini glanced at it and scoffed. She opened her bag and took out the card which was pasted in its belly.

My Nandu Baby,

I know I did a big mistake to drop you down. But it was your mistake too. You should have held my neck more tightly. So that when I loosened my grip you could have hanged like a monkey. (Nandini glanced at the monkey. Her nostrils puffed) So, I thought to apologise and when I was thinking about you I only could compare you with an adorable monkey. I hope you liked my gift and forgive me. See you soon at home. Kisses and hugs

Your Monkey Malhotra (Now the name sounds justified..he..he)

The auto stopped in front of Shreya's apartment. Nandini gave the fare and got down.

The Auto driver: "Madam, your Monkey?"

Nandini turned and spat,

Nandini: "Keep it...I don't mind."

The Auto driver: (Giggled) "But it will suit you more Madam. I know that nowadays even adults play with soft toys."

Nandini gaped with wide eyes. "How dare he tease me?" She frowned and picked the toy up. "Manik, you will be so dead tonight." She swore in mind and entered the lift.


Manan Apartment: Outside of the main gate: 8:00 pm:

A cab stopped in front of the car. Manik stepped out. He was on the phone. After exchanging the fare and the balance, he headed to the main entrance.

Manik: "Yes Navya...I got your message. Sorry, I ignored you in the office but it was necessary. I don't want Soha to suspect you in any way. So it's better to talk on the phone and avoid each other. At least until tomorrow's presentation. Now, listen to me carefully. Tomorrow, just before the presentation you have to replace the CD which Soha will be going to play with the one which I had told you to make. Do it very efficiently so that she can't smell the matter at all. After that my game will start. By the way, you have to be present at the time of the presentation. I don't want you to miss the show....ha...ha... Okay...see you tomorrow...All the best and a big thank you."

He cut the call and the lift dinged open at his floor. After pressing the doorbell twice it opened. Manik grinned at his grumpy wife. Being unusual, Nandini disappeared inside without wishing her husband. There was a big 'I don't smile without any reason' expression plastered on her face. Manik swallowed. He was indeed in dire straits. After freshening up, he came to the kitchen. Nandini was still sunk into her mundane work. Finally, Manik decided to break the ice.

Manik: (Enthusiastically) "Do you know what Soha said today?"

He had the hope that Soha's topic will break her silence. But Nandini remained silent though the curry in the pot definitely felt her anger as she started stirring it violently. Manik again took a chance.

Manik: (With an eager voice) "By the way, you liked the gift? Isn't it cute? Where is it?"

He moved his eyes everywhere as Nandini has kept it in the kitchen only.

Nandini: (Without turning back) "Why didn't you gift it to your Chuha...I mean Soha...I am sure they will make a good pair."

Manik's forehead creased. He smirked. At least his grumpy angry bird wife answered. Now it will be easier to simmer her down.

Manik: (Cleared his throat) "But I think you two make a better pair. A chubby Monkey and a short Monkey."

He gestured and pointed out her short height in a funny manner. It was like adding fuel to the fire. Nandini turned and faced him holding the servicing spoon high in her hand. It was looking like she is going to bang it on Manik's head then and there.

Nandini: (Fuming in fury) "I am a monkey? You threw me off in the morning and then you sent that embarrassing toy to my school? Do you know what the reaction of my colleagues was? They were gossiping about me. Imagining about my secret admirer."

Manik tried to hide his smile and came nearer.

Manik: "First of all, I didn't throw you just fell. Secondly, how can a cute toy be embarrassing? It had been if I would have sent you a pack of condoms or a set of bikinis. But that wouldn't be a smart move though I had a wish for it. And about the secret admirer...Well, I am your admirer...and out of this house a secret one too. Now, put the spoon down. It is scaring me."

He looked at the spoon dramatically.

Nandini: (Screamed) "MA....NI..K..."

She rushed at him and Manik tried to dodge. But suddenly his foot slipped and THUD...He kissed the floor with a bang. For a moment both startled and the next moment Nandini burst into a riot of laughter.

Nandini: (In between the laughter) "As you...reap. Ha...ha...ha..."

Manik joined her. He thought if his falling could have solved their quarrel so easily then he would have fallen early. Finally, the cloud removed and the sun peeped.

Author's note: Like this chapter, I will dedicate my next chapter to the first follower of this week and the reader who will comment the best. Love you all.❤❤❤

The chapter is dedicated to ashuban for her best comment and royanamika as the first follower of the week.

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