Chapter 37 -"The quidnuncs..."

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Manan Flat: Bedroom: 10:20 pm:

Nandini removed the turban and plucked out the sticky moustache and pasted it on the mirror with full force. It was evident how much she was irritated until now.

Nandini: "'s so hot."

She started unbuttoning her shirt. Meanwhile, Manik entered the room holding a glass of lemon water. Since Nandini had come he whiffed that something is not normal with her. Her staggering gait and drowsy eyes were clearly revealing her tipsy condition. Without any query, he went to make the lemon water. It will help her to come out from this uncomfortable feeling. Seeing Nandini taking off her shirt without going inside the bathroom Manik's eyes popped out. He immediately placed the glass on the dressing table and rushed to her.

Manik: (Hurriedly) "Wait..wait..wait..stop..stop. Go inside and change."

Nandini looked at him from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes were tiddly.

Nandini: (With a pout) "Why? Why go inside? I will change...right here right now."

She again tried to unbutton the shirt. Manik placed his palm on hers.

Manik: (With an amused tone) "Okay, you can change wherever you want but before that take this lemon water. It will help you to decrease this wasted condition."

Manik tried to reach the glass but Nandini fisted his shirt and pulled him to her.

Nandini: (In a husky voice) "Why, Mr Malhotra? Am I looking drunk? Then listen to me. I only sipped twice and I am...I am not drunk. You understood?"

She swayed her head with dropping eyes. Manik raised his hands in defeat.

Manik: "Okay, okay you are not drunk. But at least have it as a refreshing drink. I made it with so much love."

He pouted to convince her. Which can't be done by force can be accomplished by pampering. Nandini giggled and knotted her finger in his shirt to yank him closer.

Nandini: (In a squiffy voice) "Manik Malhotra, who doesn't even...know how to cut a lemon...made lemon water for me? Wow...a big round of applause."

Nandini freed Manik's shirt and clapped in a funny way. More the time was passing more the intoxication of the Champaign was affecting her nerves. She staggered to the cupboard and took out her nightdress.

Nandini: (With a seductive grin) "Mr Malhotra, can you help me in changing my dress. I don't know why my hands are not following my orders."

She pouted with a slightly imbalanced body. Manik sighed and shackled her with the shoulder to enter the washroom. Nandini tilted her head to see Manik's face and giggled.

Nandini: (Giggled out) "Why are you looking so hazy? Like...your nose is on your head and...and your lips...your lips are...oh my have two two lips. That means I have to...kiss you two two times? Oopss."

Nandini palmed her mouth with wide eyes. Manik unmindfully touched his lips but immediately removed his hand with a stupid expression.

Manik: (Frowned) "What? Two two...Nandini, just stand steady and let me change your dress. After that, drink the lemon water. Don't know how much they made her drink (Said in a low voice)"

With an innocent smile, Nandini neared him forwarding her chest to indicate the buttons. With an affectionate smile, Manik started unbuttoning them.

Nandini: (In a baby tone) " are you feeling?"

Manik removed her shirt. Her milky soft skin was now only clad with her inner. Manik turned his face. This was not the right time to get horny. He placed his hand on her pant buckle.

Manik: (In a pretentious composed tone) "I am feeling good. What happened to me?"

He slowly unzipped her trousers. Nandini touched his cheek.

Nandini: (In a curious tone) "Then why...why are you sweating? You are also feeling happy like me?"

Meanwhile, Manik finally uncladded her. Nandini was standing like a beautiful portrait in front of him. Manik's skipped his heartbeat. He rubbed his forehead and wiped the sweat beads.

Manik: (Whispered) "Don't ask how I am feeling. It's like you have the full platter in front of you and your hands are tied."

Nandini couldn't hear him and arched her brow in a query.

Nandini: "Hmmm...?"

Manik made her wear the nightdress and wiped her face with a wet towel.

Manik: " come and have the water. You will feel better."

Both came out of the washroom and fortunately without any further tantrum Nandini gulped the lemon water in one go.

Nandini: (With distorted face) " khatta (Yack..this is so sour)"

Manik: (With wide eyes) " It should be sweet as payasam. Now go to bed and lie down. I am coming."

Nandini: (With a pout) "You are very bad. You always scold me and order me. I won't talk to you."

Saying this she sauntered to the bed. Manik smiled and wobbled in disbelief. He went to the kitchen to refill the water bottle. When came back he saw Nandini was sleeping like a ball in the bed holding both knees to her chest. Manik came near and slowly made her straight. She stirred in slumber. He tucked the comforter around her and increased the AC temperature. Nandini was looking like an angel devoid of all worry and tension. Manik kissed her temple and lay down beside her. An eventful day for Nandini came to an end.


Deshmukh Niwas: Living room: 7:30 am:

Sulbha, Aliya and Vishwanath were sitting on the sofa and diwan bed while Lata was mopping the floor.

Sulbha: "Vishu, have you thought anything about Aloo? She is 21. We should start searching for a good groom for her. Don't know what happened to these people. There are so many good looking boys everywhere but when you try to search for an apt groom all vanish like camphor. Either they are married or already have...girlfriend."

She uttered the word girlfriend hesitantly. Maybe she didn't want to say this so explicitly in front of her son and granddaughter.

Aliya: (Whined) "Dadiiii...I am just 21. There is enough time in my marriage. I am not going to get married so soon. Dad, don't listen to Dadi."

Sulbha: (Rolling her eyes) "I know what is playing in your mind. You want to do a love marriage. These English films are spoiling this generation. You were watching that movie last night....right?"

Viswanath and Aliya both looked at her in surprise.

Sulbha: "That movie...where a big ship sinks in the ocean. I even know the name of that hero. Leonardo DiCapsicum. But one thing I couldn't understand, why his mother named him after a vegetable. I mean that must be so embarrassing for him. Just like that day Cabir said that Manik's colleague's name is Dabba. God knows, what happened to this generation? Who keeps these weird names?"

On the other side, Aliya's expression was worth watching. She couldn't decide whether she should cry or laugh. But before she could react Cabir entered with a chortle.

Cabir: (Controlling his laughter) " are genius. What a name you suggested for the most loved Hollywood actor. Leonardo DiCapsicum....ha...ha...But for your kind information, his name is Leonardo DiCaprio. And that girl's name is Navya, not Dabba. Uff...sometimes you just kill us with your lines."

He sat beside Sulbha and side hugged her affectionately.

Sulbha: (Making a face) "Whatever, I am not interested to know the name of any Hollywood actor. I am just interested in my grandchildren's future. Vishu, what do you think about that boy, Manik? He is handsome, has a good job and as I met him, he seems a good person too. I think he is apt for Aliya. Why don't you approach him? After that, we can contact his parents too."

It seemed like someone blasted a bomb in the drawing-room. Aliya helplessly looked at Cabir while he roamed his eyes on his Dadi and Mama. Viswanath folded the newspaper and sat squarely to reply. Till now, Lata had finished her mopping job but was minutely listing their discussion. It is truly said that being a good gossipmonger you have to be a good observer and listener. And Lata knows real news gets generated in living room discussion. However, before Viswanath could say something Lata came forward wrapping her saree end on her waist.

Lata: (In a suspicious tone) "Aai, don't let Aliya Didi marry that boy. Society people are not talking good about him. Asha was saying."

Vishwanath: (With a frown) "Why? What did she say? And when will you stop doing this gossiping. Aai, why do you egg her on?"

Lata completely ignored Vishwanath and sat on the floor facing Sulbha. Because she knew that right now only Sulbha will appreciate her precious information.

Lata: (In a low tone) "That boy Manik and his cook Gattu Singh....there is something between them."

Lata got closer to Sulbha and almost put in her ear.

Lata: "Asha once saw that boy Manik kissing that cook before leaving for office."

Author's note: Plz do inline comments..❤

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