Chapter-39 "The Drama- queen in jeopardy..."

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Mumbai: Outside of a posh restaurant: 7:00 pm:

Cabir was eagerly waiting outside of the restaurant as fixed for their first official and mutual consent date. As previously planned, Navya was supposed to come directly from her office. Though Cabir was excited and happy a pinch of anxiety was perturbing him deep inside. Aloka asked him and Aliya to find out the truth about the whisper of Manik and his cook Gattu's relationship. But Cabir knew that any rush or wrong step could create misunderstanding and chaos in so many lives. Even Aliya and his life and future are involved in this. So both the brother-sister due mutually decided that before diving deep down they have to take their partners in confidence. Aliya will raise the topic in front of Dhruv while Cabir will discuss it with Navya. "But how? I can't ask her directly if she has some romantic connection with that cook, neither it will be nice to ask her if Manik has the same. God, it is so flustering." His mind uttered in frustration. Cabir took out a cigarette and lit it. Now, this only could simmer down his dilemma. He couldn't feel that someone came near and stood just behind him.

Navya: (In a vexed tone) "If there is so much urgency to die, rail tracks are a better option. Why are you straining your lungs?

The voice immediately compelled Cabir to turn. Navya was standing with a deep frown folding her hands on her chest. Her eyes were fixed to his aflame cigarette. Cabir's lips automatically parted in tumult and the cigarette dropped straight to his foot.

Cabir: (Yelled in pain) "Ouch...."

He jerked his leg like a horse and leapt like a young monkey. It turned Navya's frown to an amused chuckle. Though she controlled her laughter.

Navya: (In a fake solemnity) "It seems that cigarette not only burns man's lungs it can give a burning sensation to his skin too. If you are done with your awkward dancing can we sit and talk?"

Cabir: (With a sheepish smile) "Yeah, of course. We have come here for this only. At least for a couple of hours in the start."

His voice had some hidden indication that didn't get unnoticed by Navya. Although she couldn't grok the double meaning.

Navya: (Furrowed her brows) "What do you mean?"

Cabir looked at Navya from the corner of his eyes. If he had explained the inner meaning of this WHAT, it would have been quite a fast approach for a second date that he was expecting some romantic moments with her apart from these dry talks. They occupied a corner table. The restaurant was partially full as it was a weekday and the time was not preferable for busy people. He sipped on his water and tried to turn the topic.

Cabir: "So, how was your day? Hectic or regular?"

Navya: (Puffed a blow) "Both. Regular in work-wise and hectic in responsibility wise. You don't believe I couldn't even have my lunch. Shreya and Nandini will yell at me if I tell them."

She smiled affectionately indicating how much they are emotionally connected.

Cabir: (Being concerned) "Oh...I am so sorry. Lemme order something. Even I am famished."

He grinned profoundly. Navya nodded with a smile. Cabir pushed the menu book towards Navya.

Cabir: "You live with Shreya and Nandini. Are they from Mumbai only?"

Navya: (Unmindfully) "Shreya is my cousin. She has been in Mumbai for quite a long time but Nandini is new. In fact, she shifted here at the same time when I came."

Navya eventually chose her dish and the waiter got their order.

Cabir: "Oh...but how did you become friends? I mean did you both meet in Mumbai?"

Navya: "No, we know each other from Delhi. In fact, her hus...."

She abruptly held her tongue and cursed herself in her mind. What the hell was she going to tell? Her husband is her boss! Shit. She looked at Cabir who was looking at her with a quandary.

Navya: (In a hesitant voice) "I mean her house was next to ours. We used to be neighbours."

Cabir: (With raised brows) "Oh, that's wonderful. That means you all are living like a family. Even more like in a girls' hostel without any warden. Why should boys have all the fun? Ha...ha...By the way, I guess you all are working girls. So how do you manage your meals? I mean do you have anybody to cook?"

Somehow Cabir reached to the word cook. "Now I can raise the topic of Gattu. God, help me." He prayed in his mind. Meanwhile, the food reached their table and both of them almost sprung on it. Hunger doesn't care about social and table manners. Navya was skillfully tackling her noodles with the chopsticks. On the other hand, Cabir initially tried to imitate her but when he saw that every time only the sticks were pocking his empty mouth he shifted to the usual fork. There is no use of pretence when your stomach is churning.

Navya: (With a mouthful of steamy noodles) "Food we manage by ourselves. Shreya makes the breakfast and I make the dinner. Sometimes it gets altered. For lunch, we are totally dependent on our office canteen."

Cabir: "Why? Nandini doesn't cook?"

Navya: (Unmindfully) "Nandini will cook when she stays with us. She is always busy with her hus..."

Navya again controlled her motor-mouth and slapped her forehead virtually.

Cabir: (Cringed his brows) "Hus...?"

Navya: (With helpless eyes, stammered) "Hus...hus...Hachhuuu..."

She didn't get any other way to divert the word instead faking a sneeze.

Cabir: (Being concerned) "God bless...Navya I think you have caught a cold. Should I order some soup? You will feel better."

Being successful in mending the damage Navya decided to continue the drama for a while.

Navya: "Hachhuuuu...I am my nose...hachhuuu..."

She covered her mouth and nose with the table napkin and sneakily glanced at Cabir to be sure that if she has to sneeze more.

Cabir: (Grimaced in awkwardness) "It's ok..relax for a while. It will be subsided. Ok, let me divert your focus. It works. How long do you know Manik? I mean it's a nice coincidence that first I met Manik as our tenant and after that, I met you who coincidently works in his office. By the way, what do you think about his caretaker com cook Gattu Singh? Is he a reliable person?"

It seemed to Navya that now she has to start all weird things to change this topic. "You are trying to divert my focus or you are trying to give me a heart attack?" Navya cursed Cabir in her thought.

Navya: (With a distorted face) "Cabir, can we go home? My stomach is paining. I think this food didn't suit me. Please!"

She clutched her abdomen with a pain-stricken face. How much a person can do the drama to save her friends! Her Drama Queen name seemed significant for that moment.

Cabir: (Being worried) "Sure...God...should we visit a doctor first? This food...I must complain to the manager."

He tried to spring up with a hostile mood.

Navya: (In a pretentious suffering expression) "Cabir, No need...please let's go...I will be okay after taking some rest."

Having no other option Cabir came out of the restaurant. Needless to say, Navya's drama was still full-on. She was clutching her abdomen and almost bent to curb her stomach pain. Cabir was wrapping her waist to give her support. Sitting in a cab they eventually headed to Shreya's flat.

Cabir: (With a hesitation) "Ummm...Navya...actually I forgot to tell you something important which I thought to discuss today."

Navya sheepishly looked at him. She didn't have any strength left to withstand another dangerous question of her new bae.

Cabir: "Is Nandini single? Actually, Aryamaan likes her a lot and most probably he is planning to propose to her very soon. Nandini helped me to get you so now it's my responsibility to help her."

Navya felt that now only the drama of being faint can save her from this jeopardy. She slackened her body on the car seat, helplessly.

Cabir: (In an affectionate tone) "Aryamaan and Nandini will make a good pair."

Until now, Navya lost her power to even protest. The cab speeded to its destination.


Outside of Manan Apartment: Near entrance gate: 8:10 pm:

An auto stopped in front of the society gate. Nandini exchanged the fare and got down. As she approached the entrance, someone banged at her. The collision was intense and Nandini almost lost her balance but somehow she dodged the topple. However, her bag dropped to the ground.

The Person: "Oops...I am so sorry. Are you ok?"

Nandini crouched to pick her bag up. She gazed up while dusting the bag with her hand. A girl around her 20's was looking at her with a smiling face.

Nandini: (In a tried voice) "Yeah, almost. Don't worry, I am okay."

Nandini was too tired to even argue on this collision. She adjusted her turban and moved towards the gate without waiting for any reply from the girl. The girl kept on observing her for a while. Her eyes were squinted in some indecision.

The Girl: (Whistled) "Interesting ..."

She turned to leave the place when something, fallen on the ground caught her attention. She stooped down to reach the thing. It was a school badge. The name of the school was written on it and something else was written too. A name. The girl scrunched her eyes to read the name in the faint street light.

The Girl: "Nandini Malhotra."

She mumbled. A perplexed expression was plaster on her face.

Author's note: The lines in Italic are the thoughts of the respective characters. 

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