Chapter 40 - "The chasing game..."

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Aliya's college: Classroom: 11:30 am:

Aliya glimpsed at the watch shackled on her slender wrist and scowled.

Aliya: (Ground under her breath) "This Mukti!...can never be on time. I am sure she doesn't care about that lecture but at least think about my jittery condition, Man..."

She slammed the copy on the desk and unlidded the water bottle to wet her dry throat. She was about to pour water in her open mouth, someone patted her back. She jolted and some water spilt on her face as well as on the desk.

Aliya: (Coughing due to stifling) "What the....he...ll..."

She let out somehow with continuous coughing and turned to face the moron. Her eyes met two curious orbs dancing with amusement. A big satisfactory smile was plastered on her bonnie face.

Mukti: (Arching her brows) "What's up? Missing me or cursing me? But in that case, I should be the person coughing"

She occupied the assigned seat near to her beastie and took the bottle from Aliya's hand.

Aliya: (With gritted teeth) "I wish I could have throttled you without the help of this water. But I don't want to give you that privilege. Now could you care to explain to me why are you late and what is the actual outcome of your so-called spying or you just paid lip service?"

Mukti: (Winked with a board smile) "Chill,'s Mukti Vardhan...the one and only intelligent stalker of this college. And these kinds of works need patience and time. But yesssss, my work is done and you won't believe I got bonus information too about that Gattu Singh. But before that clear a doubt of mine.

She budged on her seat and brought her mouth near to Aliya's ear.

Mukti: (Whispered) "Does a man have boobs?"

Aliya widened her eyes and immediately turned her face to meet Mukti's confused expression.

Aliya: (Almost shouted in surprise) "WHAT?"

All the other students turned their faces to that loud reaction. Thankfully, the lecturer didn't come yet. Otherwise, they will definitely be punished for distracting the class. Mukti looked around to see the reaction on everybody's face and smiled. She addressed her classmate with a cool attitude.

Mukti: "Relax...we are just talking. Don't stare at us like aliens."

All knew Mukti's blithe nature and they wobbled in disbelief and again got engaged in their work.

Aliya: (Ground out) "If this is any joke then please choose someone else because I am not in a mood to bear your PJs."

Mukti looked at his phone to know the time and gazed up with a serious face.

Mukti: (In a serious tone) "Even I don't have time to crack PJs. At least not now. Okay, tell me. Can you bunk this class? Because I have to share a lot of things and this classroom has walls and it is said that walls have ears too. So, let's sit outside and discuss."

It's rare to have Mukti in a pragmatic and serious mood and when it happens then she becomes really interesting to listen to. Without any other argument, Aliya bobbed in positive and both the chums came out of the classroom. They straight headed to the ground area and occupied an empty bench. It was an ongoing lecture time so the ground was decently empty.

Aliya: (With a suppressed breath) "Now tell me everything. This suspense is killing me."

Mukti: (Took a deep breath) " fact, I couldn't sleep last night. My stomach was churning to tell you everything but then I thought it would be better to share face to face."

Aliya: (Being impatient) "Now, just cut the lines and tell me what happened? Have you seen Gattu? Did you talk to him?"

Mukti: "Both...and more than that I banged to him and here my confusion arose. Dude, he has boobs."

Her eyes became round like disks.

Aliya: (With hell surprise) "What? What the hell are you talking about? How can a man have boobs? I mean really, this is the height of your imaginations."

Mukti placed one of her hands on her head and with another hand, she pinched her throat.

Mukti: "I swear, Aliya. When I collided with that Gattu; I clearly felt his bulge on his chest. In fact, his body is very much like a woman's body. Don't get me wrong but being a girl I can feel a girl's touch. And when he talked to me I even found his voice is very feminine. I am very confused he the same Gattu whom we decided to stalk?"

With a perplexed expression, Mukti swayed her head in disbelief.

Aliya: "In fact, Bhai told me that his voice is distinct...unlike a man. A bit girlish. But that's not very unnatural. In fact, many boys and men have a soft and shrill voice....but..."

Mukti: "But do they have breasts too? Dude, I am telling you, this is much complicated than we are thinking. It is just the tip of the iceberg. Wait...I have got something more. Maybe this will help us to know more."

Mukti opened her bag and fished out a badge.

Mukti: (With excitement) "I got this badge from the place where I banged to Gattu. I am sure it must have dropped from his bag"

She tried to recollect his bag and widened her eyes once again. His lady's bag design gave her new puzzlement. Aliya took the badge from her hand and minutely observed it.

Aliya: (Murmured) "Nandini Malhotra....XYZ school."

Suddenly something struck her mind.

Aliya: (Almost screamed) "Mukti...I know this Nandini Malhotra...she is a friend of Navya. That means that guy was Gattu only. He visits Navya's place very often and that is our headache too."

She grimaced and continued,

Aliya: "It may be that he got it from Nandini and kept it in his bag."

Mukti: (With a frown) " his lady's bag. Aloo, I think we should keep an eye on this Nandini too. Maybe we get some new clue."

Both the pals agreed on the matter. For them, it was getting more tangled and confusing but they were determined to dive down in this.


Mumbai road: Inside a cab: 9:30 am:

Manik and Nandini were sitting in the car aiming to hit Shreya's flat.

Nandini: "Manik, there was no need for you to accompany me. You will be unnecessarily late for your office."

Manik: (In a stern voice) "Just keep quiet. We have had enough arguments on this matter. I can't ignore the fact that you are being followed by some unknown person. Nandu we are new in this city. We don't know its pulse. How can we be so ignorant? From now, I will drop you at Shreya's place and I will pick you up from there at night. And no further discussion on this. In fact, I wanted to pick you up and drop from your school too. But that is not possible because of the weird situation. But promise me, you will take care of yourself and be alert when you will be alone. Got it?"

Manik arched his brow at Nandini demanding a confirmation.

Nandini: (With a love-drenched voice) "Okay, my overprotective husband. I will be careful."

The word husband hit the driver's ears and his grip on the steering loosened for a moment just to give a jolt to the car.

Manik: (Annoyed) "Be careful, Bro. We don't want to die so soon."

In reply, the driver uttered a meek apology and again concentrated on the road. Nandini touched her moustache and giggled.

Nandini: (Whispered in Manik's ear) "He got a shock to hear that I called you husband. Indeed for how long do I have to roam around with you in this joker look? It's getting irritating now."

Manik: (Patted her cheek) "Very soon. Just waiting for the official announcement of that Singapore thing. Once I am done with this office and this city we will be free to live in whatever way we want."

In reciprocation, Nandini rested her turban clad head on Manik's shoulder. However, they didn't notice that since they got out of their apartment, a private car was following their cab maintaining a safe distance. Even when they got down from the cab and Manik encircled Nandini in a tight hug followed by a goodbye kiss on her forehead, a mobile camera shutter clicked for a couple of times from the same car. Manik again got in the car and headed for his office while Nandini aka Gattu Singh vanished inside the apartment. The private car kept standing outside of the building. After 20-30 minutes, Nandini came out wearing her usual dress and hired an auto for her school. The car again started following the auto. The person sitting inside the car tapped a number and kept the mobile on speaker. After 3-4 rings the call had been answered,

The person on the line: "Hello..."

The person in the car: "I have sent you some pics, Mam...following the other girl..will get back to you after getting some new information."

The person cut the call and increased the speed as the auto was almost out of his view.

Author's note: So here is the update. Hope you all liked it. Thank you so much for fulfilling my request. However, this does not end here. Keep supporting me with votes, comments and of curse follow and earn updates which will be worth reading. Love...❤❤❤

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