Chapter 43- "The celebration continues..."

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Hotelroom: 11:50 PM:

Manik and Nandini entered the room. The sight made Nandini pop up her eyes. It was looking like a honeymoon suite. All the lights were dim. Only fragrant candles were aromatizing the beautiful and cosy room. Nandini's eyes fell on the bedside and her cheeks turned pink. The bed was adorned with red rose petals. Even there was a heart made by petals. She roamed her eyes to every nook and corner. A chocolate cake and a champagne bottle were kept on the table. Her eyes reach to the bathroom side. The blind between the bathroom and the room was opened. So, the bathtub was visible from the glass partition. The hotel staffs didn't get stingy to fill the bathtub with rose petals too. Manik's romantic and erotic imagination was perfectly materialized by them. Each portion of the room was arranged perfectly and professionally. The bell boy bowed with a smile and closed the door behind them. Nandini arched her brow at her husband.

Nandini: "Is it your birthday or our wedding anniversary. Don't you think it's a bit over the top?"

Manik encircled his wife from the backside by her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

Manik: (Romantically) "I don't mind being over the top unless and until you become adventurous."

Nandini at first couldn't understand his double meaning words and tilted her head sideward to see her husband's face if there is some mischief.

Manik: (Innocently) "Top...I mean women on top. Now don't say that you couldn't get my hint. My cowgirl."

Manik winked at her and bit his side lip. Nandini scrunched her eyes and skimmed her hands sensuously on his hands which were placed on her stomach.

Nandini: "I got your hint very clearly, Mr Malhotra but you must have forgotten that why have we come here? So, can we go for the cake cutting? It's only 2 minutes left to strike 12. And after that, we can decide who would be the cowgirl and who would be the cowboy."

Manik glanced at the clock and bit his tongue. But the next moment pecked her ear in a blink.

Manik: (Huskily) "Okay, my intelligent and punctual wifey. Let's cut the cake first. We have the whole night to play the cowboy-cowgirl game. But remember that, Manik Malhotra never loses a game. Especially in bed."

Nandini giggled under her breath and unshackled herself from his grip. Both came to the cake side and Nandini lit the candles with a matchstick.

Nandini: (Looking at her watch) "5,4,3,2.1.....blow."

Manik immediately covered a candle with his hand and blew the others in one breath. Nandini started clapping with humming her favourite wish,

Nandini: "Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday dear hubby....happy birthday to you."

She cupped his both cheeks and placed a kiss on one of them with a loud sound...Muahhhhh. She then gestured him to cut the cake and Manik plunged the knife on it.

Nandini: "Hold on....let me take a picture."

She clicked her mobile shutter. Manik cut a small portion of the cake and held it in front of her mouth. With a bright smile, Nandini took a bite and tried to take it in her hand so that she can also feed him.

Manik: "Wait."

He scooted forward and placed his lips on Nandini and took his bite. Both swallowed the cake whether their lips remained sealed for a moment. Manik withdrew and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

Manik: (With satisfied tone) "Ummmm....the cake became tastier. We should always feed each other in this way. How effective!"

Nandini: (Rolled her eyes) "How convenient! Now can you tell me what's your plan for the dinner? Because my stomach is already churning as I didn't have anything in the evening."

Manik: "Oh Yes, your highness. I have arranged everything. We will have dinner at the dining hall and after that, we again come back here to spend the most awaited niiiiight......"

He yanked her softly and emphasized the last word showing how eager he is to return to the room. Nandini gave a lopsided smile and cocked her head sidewards.

Nandini: "Then let's go...let's enjoy the next phase of your birthday celebration."

Manik: "Yup..."

He offered his elbow to escort Nandini and she smilingly encircled it with her both hands. Both headed to the dining hall.


Hotel Dining hall: 12:20 am:

Manan sat on their booked table and ordered for the dinner. Today it was Manik's choice. After all, he is the birthday boy.

Nandini: "Manik, I want to tell you something. About Aryamaan."

Manik furrowed his brows. Nandini looked a bit flustered.

Nandini: (Hesitantly) "I...I told him that I am engaged."

Manik gaped in surprise. There must be some serious reason so that Nandini had to take this step. He patiently waited to hear the whole scenario.

Nandini: "Actually....Navya told me that Aryamaan likes me and very soon he is gonna propose to me. But before that, I cleared all clouds. Because I didn't want him to be more embarrassed. But now I am feeling bad for him. You should see his face. I hurt him and I am feeling guilty about it. I don't know how long this hide and seek game will last. We have already created a mess in some people's life."

She wobbled in despair. Manik rested his hand on hers and squeezed.

Manik: (With a composed voice) "Nandu, don't feel guilty. Remember, you can't make all the people happy at a time. It's not possible. And I knew that Aryamaan is inclined to you and that's why he deserved to know about this before it was too late. I can imagine his heartbreak, but I think he will deal with it very soon. But, wait a minute. Did you say that you are married?"

Nandini: (Wobbled in denial) "No, I just told him that I am engaged."

She pouted and Manik shrugged with a sigh.

Manik: "Now, I don't know you should have told him about your marriage or not. Because then you had to tell him about me too...which is not possible....GO...D, so much confusion. I just hope my Singapore posting happens soon and we can end this confusion."

Their talks got interrupted as the food reached the table. The next 15-20 minutes passed with light chit-chat. Both were so much into each other that they didn't notice a man was keeping an eagle eye on them and in regular intervals was taking photographs. At a moment Manik held Nandini's hand and pecked on it. Just then the slow music stopped, and the mobile shutter of that person clicked. Nandini pulled her hand back and consciously roamed her eyes around.

Manik: (Perplexed) "What happened?"

Nandini: (Unmindfully) "I heard some noise. A click sound as someone took our snap."

Manik looked all around to find any person who could match Nandini's doubt.

Manik: (Casually) "Nandini, who will take our photograph? We only live in Mumbai, but we don't belong to the Tinseltown."

Nandini felt the jest in his tone and pouted. Maybe it was her over imagination.

Manik: (Whispered nonchalantly) "If you are done with your dinner, can we go back to the room. You know I can't hold my horse any longer....please!"

He faked his helplessness. Nandini swayed her head in disbelief and got up. Sometimes her husband acts cute and horny at a time. Crazy Malhotra. They approached their room. The person typed in his mobile,

"Manik Malhotra is with Nandini Malhotra in a hotel. Gattu Singh is not with them. What should be my next step..."


Hotelroom: 12:45 am:

As Manik and Nandini stepped into the room, Manik lifted Nandini in a bridal style.

Nandini: (Trying to free herself) "Manik....relax. I am not going anywhere. Hold your horse. I didn't even have the cake properly. Let me enjoy it first. Put me down."

Manik: "Ummm, No. I don't believe you. You always make excuses to stay away from me. If you want to eat the cake then I will feed you. But I won't free you from my arms. At least not for the night."

He sauntered at the table still having Nandini in his tight grip. However, reaching the table he found out that he can't feed her as his both hands were occupied. He cutely looked at Nandini and she giggled.

Nandini: "Mr Smart Malhotra; your all smartness has vanished? Ha...ha....okay, let me do the honour. I am so kind you know."

She winked and cut the cake still being in Manik's lap. She put a chunk in her mouth while Manik rolled his eyes and opened his mouth like a greedy kid. Nandini cut one more piece and transferred it in his mouth.

Manik: (Mumbled) " more)"

Nandini chuckled.

Nandini: "Glutton..."

She lifted one more piece to feed him but suddenly mischief peeped in her mind. She looked at him with the corner of her eyes and held the chunk in front of his open mouth. But she didn't put it inside his mouth. Manik leaned his head forward to reach the cake piece but she pulled back her hand. He again scooted forward and she again did it. She kept on dodging his reach and giggling. Manik rolled his eyes.

Manik: (Warned) "You will pay for this, Nandu."

Nandini: "Oh really?.... But I don't think so....ha...ha.."

Suddenly Manik squeezed her body to make her feel ticklish so that she surrenders. However, he received something more annoying. Nandini mercilessly smeared all the cake in his face. Being startled Manik freed Nandini.

Manik: "What the....!"

Nandini split her side and tried to distance herself from her angry husband. But it was late. Manik grabbed her wrist and yanked her. She banged on his chest. Before she could free herself again Manik shackled his left hand around her waist.

Manik: (In an intimidating manner) "You are so gone today, Mrs Malhotra...teasing me will cost you heavily. Just watch me..."

Author's note: Manan romance will continue in the next chapter.

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