Chapter 48 - "It's more complicated..."

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Manik's Office: His Cabin: 11:30 am:

Three days passed. In between nothing important, interesting or inconvenient happened for Manan. Nandini regularly was going to school. Manik punctually came to the office. On the other side, Navya occasionally went on dates with Cabir. However, she was feeling that something is bothering Cabir. Once he was even asking about Manik's girlfriend. Needless to say, Navya shunned the topic then and there by saying that, he doesn't have any girlfriend. Inwardly she knew that she is telling the truth. Manik doesn't have any girlfriend but he has a wife who is none other than her best friend Nandini. However, since that day Cabir started behaving strangely. It seemed that he wants to say something to Navya but somehow, he was refraining himself to say it loud. Navya was waiting for the day when Manik will get the official confirmation of his Singapore job and all this hide and seek will come to an end. However, we should always be prepared for the unexpected. After all, life is not so simple. Manik was working on the new design on his laptop when his mobile squawked. Unmindfully he picked the call up.

Manik: "Hello...."

The voice from the opposite side brought an ear-to-ear smile to his face.

Manik: (Excitedly) "Dhruv, Bro, what's up? You called me this time! Really unexpected. What happened? Your sis-in-law didn't pick your call? So that you honoured me!"

Dhruv: (Scoffed) "Nothing like that. I don't call you at office time because I know how busy you remain. But, indeed, Nandu didn't pick my call up today and for that, I am going to punish her."

Manik: (Laughed) "Ha...ha...but for that, you have to come here and I know that as of now it's impossible for you. It's the bank closing month and more of that the irksome audit that you are facing right now. But you know Nandu was really missing you on my birthday. You remember how we enjoyed last year at the pub?"

Dhruv: "But I have to make that impossible to possible. It seemed that Nandu's wish really works. I am coming tomorrow."

Manik: (Almost yelled) "What? How? I mean why?"

Dhruv: "Bhai, you are reacting as I stay in Antarctica and I am coming to Mumbai on a penguin ride. Hmmmmm. Well, it's an abrupt decision and the force behind this immediate choice is Aliya. She called me and insisted that at any cost I have to come to Mumbai as soon as possible. Come what may. She didn't even listen to my words. Naturally, I had no other choice."

Manik: "But why does she want you to come? All of a sudden? Hey, don't tell me that you both are thinking to break up!"

Dhruv: (Annoyingly) "Eh, come on, Bhai. Nobody calls her boyfriend so eagerly to break up with him. On the contrary, if I won't go then this possibility has a chance and I don't want to take that risk. So, I am coming"

Manik: (Giggled) "Ha...ha..till now I only heard about henpecked husband but now I can see a henpecked boyfriend....Ha...ha..."

His words couldn't end; a voice grabbed his attention.

The person: "Husband...who is husband here? As far I know you are unmarried."

Manik: (With a formal tone) "I will call you back, Dhruv"

He cut the call and turned to the person who was standing in front of his desk.

Manik: (With gritted jaw) "Ms Soha, this is my cabin and I own some privacy. For your kind information, it's a courtesy to knock at the door before entering anybody's room."

Soha made a bad face and shrugged.

Soha: "Privacy or secrecy? You know who has something to hide needs privacy, I mean secrecy. Do you have anything to hide, Mr Malhotra?"

Soha placed her piercing eyes on Manik's perplexed face.

Manik: (With an uneasy tone) "Hide...what do you mean? Please come to the point."

Soha: (Scoffed) "Of course. I am coming to the point. The point is, three days ago one of my known people saw you in a hotel....with a beautiful sexy lady. I think that was your birthday and you were in your celebration mood. But that's perfectly okay. After all, it's your life and as per your words, you own some privacy. (She air quoted the word privacy with a smirk). But you know there is a very thin line between privacy and secrecy. And it looked a bit secrecy to me. You, with a beautiful and bold lady, are in intimate positions and more of that in a hotel. It didn't look nice and normal to me. After all, you have a social reputation which is involved with our company's reputation too. Our Chief Architect is enjoying his birthday with a mystery girl or should I say a harlot...."

Before Soha could utter any other word Manik hit the intercom and it smashed on the ground with a loud cracking sound. With fisted hands, Manik leapt up from his seat.

Manik: (Hissed) "If you open your filthy mouth once more time, I will forget that you are a girl. Get out...just get out from my sight before I forget my decency."

He was trembling with wrath. Soha kept on looking at his blazing orbs. A lopsided smile appeared on her lips. Slowly she left her seat.

Soha: (In an arctic tone) "You can shut my filthy mouth, Mr Malhotra but you know this kind of filthy news spreads like fire and I am afraid this fire can even destroy your reputation and career both. As a well-wisher that was my duty to warn you. Have a nice day. Ciao.."

She turned on her heels leaving behind a fuming Manik. Suddenly she halted and turned.

Soha: (With a conniving smile) "By the way, I forgot to show you something."

She opened her mobile gallery and faced it to Manik. It had some intimate images of Manik and Nandini in the swimming pool. Soha was smiling like a witch. Manik looked at her. His eyes were red in furry.

Manik: (Hissed) "You know I can sue you for interfering in my personal life?

Soha: (Shrugged) "Of course you can, but before that save your reputation, Mr Chief Architect. Your secret can ruin your gentleman image. All the best."

She winked and left the cabin. Manik sat on his seat with a thud.

Manik: (Murmured) "Should I say everyone about everything? Nandini...I need your suggestion..."

He tapped her number.


Nandini's school: Corridor: 12:15pm:

Nandini just came out of the class. After this, she had an off. She was thinking to sit in the staffroom and checking the copies. She was about to approach the staffroom when Aryamaan called her from behind.

Aryamaan: "Nandini, I need to talk to you. Can you please come to the canteen? It's urgent."

For a moment, Nandini hesitated. After that revelation about her love life, Aryamaan didn't talk to her. It was bothering her. She knew that it was necessary but at the same time she was feeling guilty. She didn't intend to hurt Aryamaan. Nandini nodded and with a smile followed Aryamaan to the canteen. They occupied a corner table.

Nandini: (With a polite voice) "Yes Aryamaan, tell me. Is it anything about Navya and Cabir? But I think their love life is going smoothly. You don't have to bother about them."

She smiled with a light tone.

Aryamaan: (In a serious tone) "It's about your love life, Nandini. I know whom do you love and whom do you consider as your future life partner. But he is not fit for you. He is...he is cheating on you. Manik Malhotra is a cheater."

Nandini choked on her sip of coffee. She wiped her mouth with a tissue.

Nandini: (Sternly) "Aryamaan; I respect you. I know you are concerned about me but it doesn't mean that you can interfere in my private life. I don't know how did you come to know about me and Manik but let me tell you Manik is a very good man. I completely trust him. He loves me. I can't tell you much about it. So, just stop this topic here."

Aryamaan: (Adamantly) "He loves someone else too. I don't know how do I utter this...but...but he has an illicit relationship with his cook and...and his cook is not a girl but a man. And I am sure you don't know about Gattu Singh, Manik's cook and caretaker. Of course, he didn't tell you."

For a moment, Nandini felt butterflies in her stomach. Gattu and Manik, that means she and Manik. Wow, when Manik will hear it he will be amused. Their love life really has got spiced up and speculated. Nandini took a bite on the cookies.

Nandini: (With a blunt tone) "You mean Manik is cheating on me with his cook? Aryamaan, don't you think it's too much unbelievable imagination? May I know where did you get this baseless information?"

Aryamaan: (In a grave voice) "Nandini, it doesn't matter how did I know but the thing is you don't know that apart from me, some other people also know about it and very soon it will come in the daylight. I just want to protect you."

Nandini: "There is no need for protecting me, Aryamaan because I am safe with Manik. You please stay away from it."

Aryamaan: (Kept staring obstinately) "I can't Nandini. Because I love you. I can't see anyone hurt you. So, I have to take off Manik's mask. Whether you like it or not, it's my responsibility now."

Before Nandini could show her denial, Aryamaan got up and left the canteen at a determined pace. A deep frown appeared on Nandini's forehead. Right then her mobile rang. It's Manik. She immediately slid the green button.

Manik: "It's getting complicated, Nandu."

Manik's voice was laced with disquiet.

Author's note: Hmmmm....all things are getting more and more complicated. 🤔🤔What will happen when this secret will come out? And how will it come out? To know, stay hooked.😉😉 Love you all. ❤❤❤

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