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I walked to the couch,my boots squeaking against the floor.I sat down on the soft pillows and pulled a blanket over my body.My boots were set on the ground,along with my white shirt.

My mind wandered to various things around the room.Then,I was swallowed in darkness.

I was in an alley,crying.Why?Why don't they love me.What's wrong with me.I was in a tattered,old shirt that covered my knees and stopped at my ankles.Then,I knew what was gonna happen next.The kraang are gonna find me.

But I was wrong...

A small figure walked into the alley.I backed away into the shadows,my back pressing against the wall.The figure had a cloak on and pulled the hoodie off.I gasped

My dead brother.

He was a miscarriage that our parents had before I was born.He had blue eyes and brown hair.But then those eyes turned dark.

"I know your here," He said in a low voice.I cowered in the shadows but stayed quiet.He looked at me straight in the eye and pulled me out."You're my ticket outta here," He sneered.

I was thrown into the back of the van.The white van.The door slammed shut behind me.I banged against the door,screaming out.I felt myself changing.And into something horrible.


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