EP.11|Shopping Time!

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EP.11|Shopping Time!

In our last episode of Good At Being Bad we learned Briar and Winter been dating since the summer, it was summer love, the only thing in the way was Ben. So when Ben broke up with Briar, she was over the moon excited.

Now! Onto this episode of Good At Being Bad!

“Evie why are you dragging us to the mall?” Carlos groaned. “Cause, one I wanna rub in Winter’s face that I have her car now. And two, didn’t you saw you wanna spend more time with CJ?” Evie looked at Carlos smirking.

“Shouldn’t you be having your eyes on the road?” Carlos asked. “I’m the one with the license kid.” Evie chuckled. “You don’t have a license. They took it from you when you entered the school.” Ben corrected her.

“Oh Benny-boo. That’s sweet that you think they actually took my license.” Evie then held up her license. “What did you give the police then?” Hunter asked. “An explosive joke card.” Evie smirked as everyone sweat dropped.

“Speaking of Benny-Boo. How was your talk with C.A?” Zeref asked. “Good actually, me and Briar broke up. Meaning that when I get coronated in 3 months I won't have a queen.” Ben’s phone started ringing.

“And here’s my father now, let’s see how he reacts shall we?” Ben the answered the phone, putting it on speaker. “Benjamin Adam Beast! You better have a damn good reason why you broke up with Briar! I just had to sit thru a 30 minute call of Aurora crying her eyes out saying that you broke up with her daughter!” Adam yelled.

“Dad, Briar didn’t like me! She like another person. I made sure she wasn’t in a relationship with one sided love. Plus, her and the other person are kinda cute together.” Ben smiled.

“Does it look like care?!!? Me and your mother have been planning this coronation for the past 17 years! So either you get a girlfriend by the week of your coronation or I’ll make sure you marry a stripper! And not one of the classy ones! I’m talks ugly, old strippers! Now you’re mother wants to talk to you.” Adam the passed the phone to Belle who’s mascara was running from crying to much.

“Why...would you...break up with the perfect girl!!” Belle sobbed. “She wasn’t the perfect girl.” Mal scoffed. “Son, is that Mal?” Belle asked. “Nooooo.” Ben trailed off. “Pass her the phone.” Belle growled. “Good afternoon Belle.” Mal smirked. “I told you to stay away from my son!” Belle yelled. “Yes you did but I didn’t listen” Mal chuckled. “Look, my son can do a lot better than you! You little slut.” Belle scolded.

“Slut?! I’m not the one sleep with a goddamn hairy dog! I’m actually sleeping with a person! Your son in fact.” Mal smirk widened. “You’re sleeping with my son?!!” Belle screamed. “You are?” Ben mothed. “Play along.” Mal mouthed back. “Yep! I must say your son is a beast in bed.” Mal looked at Ben who was blushing.

“CJ. Be a dear and hold this for a second. Ben’s parents are about to get a show.” Mal started advancing on Ben. “M-Mal...wh-what are yo-you doi-doing?” Ben stuttered as Mal fingers trailed down his chest as Mal’s lips came into contact with his. “Mal, what th-the hell?” Ben breathed. “Shh…” Mal smirked as she pinched his right arm making him grab onto her waist. “God, rock my world Ben!” Mal whispered seductively his ear.

“Your gonna mark me everywhere tonight. My neck, my chest, everywhere. Everyone’s gonna know that I’m yours. I wanna be covered in bite marks by the end of the night. I want you and I want you bad, Ben.” Mal smirked. Ben’s eyes turned electric blue with specks of green and yellow in them.

“You really want me that bad?” Ben smirked as he pinned Mal to the seat of the car. “B-Ben?” Mal asked. “God Mal stop talking.” Ben growled as his lips smashed into Mal’s. “Life has never tasted so good.” Ben voice sounded so different to Mal, it was more positive, more animalistic, more sexy. Ben’s kissed trailed from Mal’s lips all the way to her neck. “Ben!” Mal yelled out in pleasure.

“Scream it Mal. You said it yourself, you wanna be marked everywhere. I wanna make sure nobody takes you away from me. Every place on your body is gonna have a mark on it. Especially the hidden parts.” Ben whispered as Mal blushed.

“Mal, even when I was with Briar I felt so incomplete, then on tuesday during that swim class you were in that tight bathing suit and something happened. I don’t know what but it sparked something inside of me. Something I didn’t feel with Briar.” Ben growled as  he looked into Mal’s eyes.

“You looks so hot.” Ben smirked as he smashed his lips into her again. “You know how hard it is, seeing you day after day after day looking hot as all hell and not being able to do a thing about it!” Ben licked his lips. The electric blue from his eyes started to fade as he passed out on top of Mal. “Benny-boo is...sleepy…” Ben yawned as he buried his face into Mal’s chest.

“Mmm...warm…” Ben smiled as his arms wrapped around Mal’s waist. “They hung up 30 minutes ago.” CJ said as Mal’s eyes widened. “Were here, boys stay here till Ben here wakes up. Meet in the food court at 1pm.” Operetta got out of the car and walked inside the mall with the rest of the girls.

“What was with that whole blue eye thing?” Jasper asked. “Well maybe it’s a beast bloodline thing. You said you’ve developed animalistic skill, like hearing and smelling heightening. Has this ever happened to you or Dude?” Zeref asked.

“It’s happened to Dude, but he didn’t do what Ben did. He kinda attacked me when the whole blue eye thing happened. But, usually when he’s around Perdita you can see this small tint of blue in his eyes.” Carlos answered as he petted Dude.

Ben then sat up slowly. “What happened? Ugh...my head hurts like hell…” Ben groaned. “You don’t remember?” Hunter asked as Ben shook his head. “Nope...all I know is that I need some ibuprofen.” Ben sighed. “Come on, there’s a Walgreens inside the mall.” All the boys walked inside the walgreens in the mall.

“So, wait. What happened?” Ben asked taking an ibuprofen while drink some water. “You basically made out with Mal.” Carlos smirked as Ben spitted out the water. “HUH?!?!” Ben yelled. “Yeah, it was sorta like this.” Jasper then spun Hunter around and dipped him.

“I wanna be with you all the time. I wanna mark every part of your body.” Jasper mimicked making Hunter blush a bit. “So yeah like that.” Jasper the dropped Hunter on the floor. “I have it all on video.” Carlos passed him his phone. “Oh my god.” Ben sighed.

“Yep. Now come on, let’s go to the Disney St...I mean Adidas's store.” Carlos sweat dropped. “Shut up! So I like disney! They own star wars!” Carlos defended. “Yeah okay, meet us in Adidas.” Jasper chuckled as Carlos smiled widely and ran into the Disney Store.

“He’s never gonna get a girlfriend is he?” Zeref sighed. “Nope.” Hunter snickered as they started shopping. “So what if I like the disney store. I’m my own person, I can walked into a disney store and not be offended.” Carlos told Dude. “Nice a limited edition swords!” Carlos gushed. “It’s the same one Darth Vader used in the movies!” A person next to Carlos gushed as well.

“Awright they ca' me Lorna McNessie.” Lorna introduced, her voice had a thick scottish accent. Lorna has bright orange hair with lowlights and in this doll she wears it loose in the back but she has part of it in a curled ponytail in the top right of her head. Her hair is curled. Her lipstick is a pinkish red and her eyeshadow is a thick solid grey with a pink line in the crease.

She is wearing a red top with kite shaped seams pattern and a net bib. The sleeves are curled and puffy.

She also wears a top waist kilt, with a plaid-ish design that is mostly red chess and waves with Loch Ness Monster type creatures printed in it. It also has occasional black hearts with celtic knots. Her kilt is shaped as if it wraps around her waist, with excess fabric falling.

Lorna comes with a reddish pink travel handbag shaped like a sporran. It has molded celtic knots and studs, as well as an interpretation of the Lochness Monster in the front. It also has an angled studded handle and it opens.

The back of the bag shows a molded tartan pattern. She also has a small tartan tam in her head. She wears one ear cuff only, on her right ear, which is a black Loch Ness Monster made of celtic knots.

She's also wearing a vinyl black waist belt, with molded celtic knots and studs, and two plastic studded wraps that go around her left shoulder.The belt clips at the back. Her shoes are simple black with celtic knot like laces across the front of the shoe.

They are platform wedges, and the heel and platform are basic molded grey bricks, with some bricks sticking out, referencing the Scottish Castles.

“My name is Carlos. And this here is Dude.” Carlos introduced. “Aww! ye hae a puppy. Ah dae tay, come haur Alec.” Lorna called over a west highland white terrier. Dude growled lowly at him. “You smell like Perdita.” Dude growled.

“Oh, that cocker spaniel? I met her when were exploring the mall together. She’s very nice. Though, she would never go for you.” Alec smirked. “Why you! I’ll have you know I have a very big chance of being with Perdita.” Dude scoffed. “She hates you, but she doesn't hate me.” Alec chuckled. “Look, I will make you difficult if you so much as look at Perdita!” Dude threatened. “No balls.” Alec smirked.

“I’ll show you!” Dude then tackled Alec as the two began fighting. “Woah! Dude hey that isn't any way to treat a new friend!” Carlos scolded. “Identical fur ye Alec.” Lorna agreed. “Aam sorry fur alec, he usually doesnae act it loch thes.” Lorna apologized. “No, I should be sorry. Dude knows better than to attack other dogs.” Carlos sighed.

“Sae urr ye gonnae buy that sword or am ah gonnae hae tae rammy ye fur it?” Lorna smirked. “Nah, I don’t have enough money for it.” Carlos chuckled. “ ‘Ere, ah will buy it fur ye. As an sawry fur Alec attacking ye.” Lorna smiled.

She not that bad. Maybe this is what I need to get over CJ! Carlos thought as he silently nodded. Lorna picked up the sword and walked over to the counter paying for it. “I wish they had more stores like this, that have an entire section for star wars.” Carlos sighed.

“Thare is! tis a wee hain oan th' fourth level, tis a' Star Wars inc! thair entire hain is juist Star War merch. A'm sae excited somebody finally likes Star Wars lik' me!” Lorna clapped happily as she grabbed Carlos’s hand and ran off, pass CJ and Freddie.

“Who the hell is that?” CJ growled. “Oh is somebody jealous?” Ben cooed. “No! I just wanna know who that is!” CJ defended. “Her name’s Lorna. She’s a foreign exchange student.” Ben answered. CJ looked to her left to see a poster showing a dance contest.

Dancing Contest!


Come show of your skills!

Winner Prize for Dancing: Private lessons with Rosetta Maori

“You know how to dance right?” CJ smirked. “I don’t like how this is going…” Freddie groaned. “If I teach you how to dance, and you win, I get the prize?” CJ nodded. “You’re gonna need a lot of work.” Freddie sighed as CJ clapped excitedly.

Meanwhile, Jasper was looking thru the POP anime figures when Evie appeared behind him. “BOO!” Evie yelled making Jasper jump. “Dammit Evie! You scared the crap out of me!” Jasper scolded. “I know! Now come on. I don’t like shopping alone.” Evie smiled as they walked up to a store called L'amour des vêtements.

“L'amour des vêtements?” Jasper asked. “Yeah, far warning...this store...I’ve never been inside here with a person other than Mal...the store...is kinda...well you’ll see why I don’t come here alone. Oh and do not hit on anyone in this store.” Evie warned as Jasper nodded and they entered the store to see countless beautiful looking girls shopping for clothing that looked hot as hell. “Hello!” A cheery voice behind. “Hello sir, Is there anything I can help you with?” The cheery girl asked.

She had porcelain ivory skin, black eyes, brown hair, she wore a black corset bodysuit, white bunny ears, and white heels. “Hi…” Jasper trailed off Evie sighed lifting up his chin, Jasper now looked at the girl’s face instead of his chest.

“Jasper I am...I mean I’m Jasper.” Jasper smiled as she shaked the bunny girl’s hand. “Kathy.” Kathy introduced. “Oh miss Evie! Where is Miss Mal?” Kathy smiled. “She’s out today. But I brought Jasper. It’s been a while since I’ve been here.” Evie chuckled. “Well call me if you need anything Miss Evie.” Kathy smiled as she skipped off.

“She’s extra chirpy today.” Evie observed as she looked thru the shorts. “More like perky.” Jasper chuckled. “Pervert.” Evie growled as she grabbed some clothes. Jasper looked at her questionably. “What?” Evie asked. Jasper could imagine Evie in one of those bunny girl outfits.

The white bunny ears flopping on top of her blueberry colored hair. The white cotton tail so fluffy resting on her lower back. The black corset bodysuit holding onto every curve possible in her body. “Hello! Jasper! Aren’t you coming?” Evie asked as Jasper followed her into the dressing rooms.

Mal was walking thru the somewhat packed mall when she felt something buzzing in her satchel bag. She opened her bag to see her spell book was buzzing. Mal rolled her eyes and went inside a clothing store and sat down in one of the dressing rooms.

Mal opened the book making a small hologram of Maleficent appear. “Hello mother.” Mal sighed. “Hello Mal! I just called to check up on you. How is you’re Evil School?” Maleficent asked. “Oh, yeah it’s great. Learning tons of new evil stuff.” Mal lied. “Malena Maleficent. Where are you?” Maleficent asked.

“At Evil School.” Mal started to nervous sweat. “You’re at that Arcana Academy aren’t you?” Maleficent asked. “Yes...Mom I couldn't turn down that offer!” Mal defended. “I thought you said you didn’t want to go! Mal, I want you to come home right now.” Maleficent ordered. “NO!! I have the right to go to whichever school I want!” Mal yelled as she shut the book.

“Ugh, my stupid mom!” Mal growled. “Hey are you okay?” A voice in the dressing room next to hers asked. “No. My mother wants to be a douche! She wants me to be like her and go to the same school she went to.” Mal sighed. “Wait, Caleb?” Mal asked as she walked out of the dressing room to see an old friend. “Caleb!!” Mal smiled as she hugged him tightly. Caleb is tall and physically fit. He has a piercing in his left ear, and has long sideburns and golden eyes.

Caleb wears a white shirt with orange crossbones on it. Over it, he is wearing a golden vest with a white ragged collar. He accessories with a black and teal checkered scarf, a teal ivy cap, a golden earring in his left ear, and a golden wrist watch. Caleb's pants are simple black jeans with teal stitching, which he combines with a teal belt with a golden buckle.

For shoes, he wears golden boots with black soles. “I haven’t seen you in ages! How you been?” Caleb asked. “Good, well I could be better, I have to go to this stupid hero’s school where me, Evie, and 8 other VK’s are the only villains there. All the heroes hate us. Other than Ben.” Mal answered. “Sorry to hear that. But why are you at the mall? You hate malls.” Caleb chuckled as they walked out of the store.

“Evie dragged all the VK’s, and Ben, here when she won Winter White’s car.” Mal sighed. “You still have 99 siblings?” Mal asked chuckling. “Hey, when you’re a werewolf you tend to have a lot of siblings.” Caleb answered. “Maleficent still bugging you huh?” Mal nodded.

“I used the school as an excuse to get away from her, but now, I guess it’s kinda growing on me.” Mal smiled as they sat down at the Coffee Express, a well known coffee shop. “Wait, when you say Ben, you mean Ben Beast? As in the future king this country?” Caleb asked. “Yeah, although if he doesn't find a girlfriend by the week of his coronation he gonna end up marrying a stirpper.” Mal laughed.

“What happened to Briar? Oh no, Mal did your whole “push her off the bridge” thing work?” Caleb whispered. “No, I didn’t kill her. We found out that she’s a lesbian, we saw her kissing Winter.” Mal chuckled. “Briar and Winter are lesbians?” Caleb asked in shock, Mal nodded. “Who would've thought.” Caleb sighed. “Yeah, even I was surprised.” Mal agreed.

“Hey Mal, I was wondered, since it’s been awhile since we seen each other. Do you wanna get dinner together tonight?” Caleb asked nervously. “Sure, I would love to. Pick me up at 8pm? At Arcana Academy.” Mal smiled as Caleb nodded. Mal then got a message from her phone. “I have to go, I promised my friends I would meet them in the food court. Hey, you wanna go meet the other VK’s?” Mal asked as Caleb nodded.

CJ sat in the food court, angrily eating her food. “Is she okay?” Operetta asked. “Nope. She’s angry, as you can see.” Hunter answered. “She’s angry at that girl talking to Carlos. She’s pretty much jealous.” Freddie answered eating pasta. “I’m not jealous!!” CJ yelled. “She’s jealous. She’s jealous.” Crackers squaked.

“See, even your parrot agrees with Freddie!” Zeref added. “Nobody asked you Zeref!” CJ scolded. “You know what, I’ve had enough of this.” CJ got up and walked over to the table Carlos and Lorna were sitting. “Carlos, there you are. I was looking everywhere for you.” CJ giggled as she played with her hair. “What is she doing?” Ben asked. “She’s trying to flirt. And not doing the best at it.” C.A commented. Appearing out of nowhere.

“When did you get here?” Zeref asked. “Somebody should go help her.” Operetta suggested. “I got this.” C.A said, avoiding Zeref’s question. C.A then pulled out a pink arrow with blue zebra prints on it. “This should give her a little nudge.” C.A brought out her bow and arrow and aimed it at CJ, and within seconds the arrow hit CJ. CJ’s head was in pain for a second as the arrow took affect.

“So, on my way to finding you. I saw this flyer. There’s gonna be a dance contest today, I was wondering if you wanna enter together?” CJ asked sweetly. “I wish I could, but Lorna already asked me to be her partner.” Carlos answered, CJ glared at Lorna, who was smirking. “I don’t think we met. I’m CJ Hook.” CJ introduced, her voice in somewhat of a growling tone.

“Lorna McNessie. A buzz tae catch up wi' ye, Carlos haes tellt me sae muckle aboot ye.” Lorna smirked. “Do you wanna sit with us?” Carlos asked. “Aye, bade fur awhile.” Lorna agreed, placing her hand on top of Carlos’s. “Thanks, but no thanks. You two looked busy. But before I leave, Carlos where is Dude?” CJ asked.

“Somewhere. I don’t know, maybe with Perdita.” Carlos answered, not really caring. CJ sighed and walked back to her tabel. “God damn loch ness monster girl!” CJ growled as Dude jumped onto her lap. Dude whimpered looking at Carlos and Lorna. “I know boy, he barely paying attention to me too.” CJ sighed.

“How are you gonna enter the dance contest without a dance partner?” Evie asked. “Oh, I already got that all planned out.” CJ then started dialing a number on her phone. “Hey, I need your help. Dance contest, 4:00 at the mall, can you come? You can. Perfect.” CJ smirked widely as she hung up the phone. “Carlos is gonna regret meeting that girl.” CJ snicked. “Who did you call?” Ben asked.

“Somebody who owes me a favor.” CJ rubbed her hand manically. Mal the walked into the food court with Caleb by her side. Ben started choking a bit on the bite of the burger he was eating. “Guys, this is Caleb. One of my old friends.” Mal introduced as Evie quickly hugged him. “It’s been so long!!” Evie smiled. “Hello to you too Evie.” Caleb chuckled.

“Hey.” Was all CJ said before going back to angrily eating her food. “Don't mind her she’s mad.” Zeref chuckled. “Okay. Anyways as Mal said, I’m Caleb Wolf.” Caleb and Mal then sat down in two empty seats at the table as everyone introduce themselves. Operetta then noticed the pink bags next to Evie label L'amour des vêtements. “You guys went to L'amour des vêtements?” Operetta asked Evie.

“Yes.” Evie answered vaguely, looking down at her plate. Operetta could tell Evie’s face was red. “You went in by yourself?” Mal asked surprised. “Um...not exactly…” Evie answered. “Jasper went with me.” Evie face was even redder. “I don’t know why Evie is so embarrassed. I had a great time.” Jasper added. “You did?” Zeref asked. “Yeah.” Jasper answered.

“You, Jasper Damoola, the son of Jafar, had a “good time” at L'amour des vêtements?” Hunter asked putting finger quotes around the words good time. “Exactly, what did you do in that store?” Ben asked. “Well-” Evie then cut Jasper off. “Jasper Damoola! Don’t you dare!” Evie scolded. “But-” Evie cut him off again. “We are never speaking of what happened in that store! Ever! Again!” Evie yelled.

Jasper nodded as they both sat back down. There were a few moments of silence until… “Evie went into the store to buy some shorts, when I went to see what was taking Evie so long. Apparently, Evie didn’t go into the shop to get shorts. Evie went in to get s-.” Jasper blurted out but before he could say anymore, Poison Apple jumped on his face and started scratching his face.

“What part of “don’t tell anyone” did you not get!!” Evie yelled. “Oh I got it. And you got us the s-” Jasper then got cut off. “I got nothing!! I just got shorts and some shirts and a dress!” Evie yelled as Jasper smirked. “Wait you got a dress?” Jasper asked. “Yes, I bought it when you were hitting one of the bunny girl’s, even though I told you not to!” Evie scolded.

“Okay…anyways if we’re all done eating. Me and Caleb are going to do more shopping.” Mal said as she and Caleb got up, but before leaving the food court she whispered something in Evie’s ear. “He did?! YAA!!” Evie cheered as Mal winked while walking off.


Finally, it was time for the dance contest. Mal, Ben, Zeref, Freddie, Evie, Jasper, Hunter, Operetta, Caleb, and the pets all stood in the audience waiting for the contest to start. “So who do you think CJ’s partner is?” Mal asked. “No idea. She wouldn’t tell anyone.” Ben answered.

“Something tells me this isn't gonna end well.” Zeref sighed. “Well, I taught CJ all I knew about dancing. So hopefully she’ll win.” Freddie hoped.

“Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to this year’s dance contest! I’m your host Cody Collins, the rules are simple as this: judges will go around the dance floor, if they tap your shoulder you’re out. When you heard the buzzer you switch partners with the person closest to you. Last 10 competitors standing move onto the 2nd round. From the last two competitors standing will move onto the final round” Cody announced as the music started to play and the contestants started dancing.

CJ then entered the dance floor as Carlos looked their way, astonished to see who was her partner. “Alistair Cupid…” Carlos growled. Alistair has semi-long, messy white-blond, and dark blond hair, bright blue eyes, bangs and peach-colored skin.

He wore a dark bright blue rolled-up-sleeves, or mid-quarter-length sleeved shirt with patterns on it such as clocks, Queen of Hearts cards designs, pocket-watches, teapots and many other patterns and designs. He also has light blue at the cuffs resembling denim, light tan pants, and dark brown boots.

“Oh hey Carlos. I didn’t see you there.” CJ smiled, knowing all too well what was going thru Carlos’s mind. She’s partners with Alistair!! Carlos thought. “She partners with Alistair!” Jasper said in shock.

“Why is that a problem?” Evie asked. “Evie you don’t understand, Carlos hates Alistair. Ever since they were little kids they had this feud between them. Now CJ being partners with Alistair in this contest probably isn't sitting to well with him.” Hunter shortly explained.

“You’re partners with Alistair?!” Carlos growled. “Yes. Is that a problem?” CJ smirked as Alistair spinned her around. “Not...at all…” Carlos lied thru the skin of his teeth. “I just don’t get why you chose Alistair.” Carlos added as he dipped Lorna. “Well you were already with Lornar! What did you expect me to do?” CJ said as Alistair's pulled CJ close putting his hand on CJ’s waist.

“Let’s win this.” Alistair smirked as CJ nodded as they began dancing. The buzzer then sounded and Carlos immediately pushed Alistair out of the way and began dancing with CJ. “How in the world do you know Alistair?” Carlos asked. “He goes to a school nearby Arcana Academy. Me and him have been friends for awhile now and he owed me.” CJ answered as Carlos dipped her.

“So did you kiss him too or was that just me?” Carlos smirked. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” CJ denied. “Yes you do. You just don’t wanna talk about it.” Carlos corrected her. “I seriously don't know what you’re talking about.” CJ said. “CJ, why are you avoiding it?” Carlos asked as CJ and Carlos began dancing the waltz. “Because. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” CJ answered as Carlos spun her around.

“So you’re gonna just disregard everything that happened that night?” Carlos asked. “Yes, cause nothing did happen that night.” CJ answered. “I can’t believe you CJ. Why can’t you just own up to the fact that it happened?” Carlos asked. “Cause it didn’t!” CJ answered. “Maybe this will jog your memory.” Carlos then spun CJ around and dipping her, Carlos kissed her.

As much as CJ wanted to deny then fact that this kiss and the one before never happened. She could because this kiss was on the jumbotron. “Okay so maybe we did kiss. I don’t wanna remember it though!” CJ said. “Why?” Carlos asked. “Cause I just don't.” CJ protested. “That’s not a real answer. Just tell me why.” Carlos asked again.

“Cause...cause....” CJ started but before she could say anything the buzzer sounded. She tried speaking thru the buzzer but it was no use. “What?” Carlos asked. “CAUSE I’M SCARED TO LOVE YOU!!!” CJ yelled, but the buzzer was already done and everyone was looking at the two of them.

“What?” Carlos was in shock. CJ couldn’t do it. “Illeum Imperfeos.” CJ chanted and with a wave of her wand time started reversing 15 seconds CJ then stopped the reverising. “That’s not a real answer. Just tell me why.” Carlos asked again. “Cause...Cause….” The buzzer then went off.

“And that’s the end of the first round! Our second round will begin in 15 minutes.” Cody announced as Carlos ran to the backstage with CJ. “Why do you keep avoiding telling me?” Carlos asked. “Oh look, water bottles.” CJ said, avoiding his question. “If you don’t wanna tell me why now, find me when you do.” Carlos sighed as she began walking away.

“Where are you going? We have to do the second half.” CJ reminded him. “I really don’t wanna do this anymore. See you later CJ.” But before Carlos cold fully walk away CJ grabbed his hand.

“Please. Please just do the second and last round with me. Alistair ran off, so I have nobody to dance with.” CJ said as Carlos looked into her eyes. He could never say no to her. “Fine. But you promise to tell me after?” CJ nodded as they entered onto the dance floor again.


“And our winner of the 2018 dance contest is…” Cody started. “CJ and Carlos!!” Cody announced. “So, which one of you is gonna take the lessons with Rosita Mauri?” Cody asked.

“Actually none of us. We’re giving the prize to my best friend Freddie Facilier. She’s always dreamed of dancing with Rosita Mauri, I think she would need this more than us.” CJ announced as they invited Freddie onstage. Rosita stood next to Freddie.

Rosita has wavy, dark-brown hair, dark skin, red lips, and vibrant blue eyes accented with sparkly, gold eyeshadow. She also has flushed red cheeks. She wears a golden-yellow dress, with pink ribbon-patterned designs on it, and black hem trimming at the bottom. The long-sleeves and chest part are made of a sheer white fabric.

Rosita accessories with a silver, jeweled necklace, and a silver metal-plate-like covering around her waist, her tiara sports gold gems on it, and her silver shoes have gold details on them in the cartoon; in her artwork, both her crown and shoes are purely silver.

“CJ said you taught her how to dance for this competition, yes?” Rosita asked as Freddie nodded. “Well, Freddie Facilier. If you can dance just like CJ then I have no idea why you would need the lesson.” Rosita said. “It’s my ballet that need helps.” Freddie chuckled.

“Well, meet me saturday morning at this address. We start then.” Rosita smiled as she handed Freddie a sticky note, on it was 2689 w Altron street. Freddie turned it around as it said You were just as talented as you’re mother was at your age. Freddie then ran towards Rosita. “You know my mother?” Freddie asked stopping in front of Rosita.

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