EP.125|Scared to Love

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EP.125|Scared to Love

The VK’s, and Ben, all hid in the trees, seeing that there were two large spotted black bears guarding the prison Carlos was being kept in.

The entire structure was made of stones and bricks, it looked impossible to get in or out.

“We have to stick to the plan. All we gotta do is-- wait, where’s CJ?” Ben asked, Evie pointed to the bears to see they were already down.

“Come on slow pokes! We got an animalistic to save!” CJ yelled, the VK’s sweatdropped. “What happened to the plan...I worked so hard…” Ben muttered, moping in the corner.

“CJ, the bears were our way in, we were supposed to hypnotize them because they know how to get in! If we killed them-” but before Freddie could finish, alarms began to sound off.

“This would happen!” Freddie yelled over the alarms, animals of many combinations began to surround them.

“Woops.” CJ chuckled nervously. “CJ, I swear to the gods, when we finish this mission, I’m so gonna get back at you.” Evie growled.

She eventually did get back at her, but that’s a story for a later episode.

“So, now what?” Jasper asked. “Isn't it obvious,” Hunter’s hands coated in a dark red and black mist “we kick some butt!”

Phillip watched from his crystal ball as the VK’s beat up the animals, he had a smug look on his face.

“Your girl and her friends are here.” Philip informed Carlos, the animalistic just growled, Philip chuckled.

“Why did she come? She has to leave!” Carlos was worried, CJ being here wasn’t good, if Philip were to succeed in his plan, it could spell doom for everyone.

“She’s pretty strong, I remember when we used to date” Philip stopped when he heard Carlos growling “did I hit a nerve, Carlos?”

“You fucking bitch!” Carlos yelled. “Looks like I did hit a nerve.” Philip chuckled. “Once I get out of these chain, I swear-” “you’ll what? Kill me? Rip me to shreds? Tear by body limb from limb?”

Philip just scoffed, “I’d like to see you try.”

Tyrock chuckled softly, soon bursting out in laughing, “what’s so funny, King Kong?” Philip questioned.

“I just think it’s funny that you think Carlos won't kill you.” Tyrock kept laughing.

“Please, Carlos can't kill me.” Philip scoffed.

“Yes, he can, you keep us locked up for days in here knowing that CJ’s body would suffer from Mate Withdrawal, also knowing that Carlos’ animalistic instincts would heighten and his moods will be out of control.”

“Then you told Carlos the one thing you knew would get him angry, also, you never feed us!”

“And I don't know what you did to Snowball but if you did anything to her I will crush you head like it’s a freaking walnut!”

“Little protective for a bunny won't you say?” Philip snickered. “So? I don't like Snowball.” Tyrock scoffed.

“You so like Snowball.” Carlos laughed. “Shut up! I don't like Snowball, ‘k?! She’s just a friend!” Tyrock scolded.

“Did you not see yourself when they took Snowball away?! Your eyes turned blood red and you killed 16 of my soldiers.” Philip laughed.

The crystal ball began ringing, an image of CJ popped up. Carlos smiled, Philip growled and shocked Carlos. “AGH!” Carlos yelled.

“I see you still have a thing for my CJ?” Philip smirked.

“Your CJ?! She’s mine.” Carlos growled. “That’s not what the mark on her neck says.”

“Why you-” but before he finished, Carlos was knocked out.

“Carlos, hello? Can you hear me?”

Carlos opened his eyes to see he was falling down a black hole. “Carlos, listen to me.” Ranee appeared next to him. “Ranee?” Carlos asked. “Yes, now listen, right now your body is on the brink of dying.”

“Let it,” Carlos scoffed, “I deserve to die anyways, Tyrock was right, animalistics are just a failure to the animal kingdom.” “Don't say that, you know you’re strong.” Ranee told him.

“Strong? Please, I’m the complete opposite, I promised myself and CJ that I would find who marked her and kill them. Now look at me, a failure falling into darkness.” Carlos sighed.

“Why are you so hung up on finding who marked her? You know CJ will love you, with or without the mark.” Ranee questioned.

“I know she will, but, it’s like there’s this part of me that wants to have that mark on CJ’s neck. It’s the same part of me that is sorta like an animal, it’s weird,” Carlos sighed

“I could hear this voice in my head but it wasn’t Alerez, it sounded more feminine it sounded so familiar but yet I can't remember it.”

“That makes no sense, how can it be familiar but you can't remember where it’s from?” Ranee asked. “I know it doesn't make sense, but like I could hear this voice, this voice telling me to beat the hell out of Philip and make him pay for what he did.”

“Maybe it’s you animalistic.” Ranee guessed, Carlos shook his head. “No, it’s different, I can tell just by its voice, whoever’s talking to me is pretty powerful.”

“It’s like there’s this white hot rage inside of my soul, but it’s locked behind a massive door I can't get past. The voice kept telling me to break it down, release my anger, open my “true power”.”

“But you already unlocked the animalistic, shouldn’t they be your “true power”?” Ranee asked.

“Apparently not, it’s like there’s more to the animalistic power, something I didn't feel when I first got Alvarez.” Carlos vaguely described.

“Do you think it’s because of everything that’s happened between you and CJ?” Ranee asked. “Well, I haven’t seen her in weeks, gods, I just want to be there with here, hug her, kiss her, f*ck her, kiss her neck, give her a mark.”

“But everytime I think about doing that, the guilt I have with her is making me want to die! I hate seeing her so lonely. I hear her muttering my name at night, but I feel like I shouldn’t deserve to be with her.”

“If I can't even protect myself, what chance do I have protecting CJ?” Carlos questioned. “All the chance in the world. You know CJ doesn't need protecting, but still you protect her.”

“Yeah, it’s sorta like a natural instinct to protect her. I don't know, it’s like an urge inside of me I feel.” Carlos vaguely explained.

“See, that’s your animalistic, studies show that animalistic do have a primal need to protect their mate,” Ranee began

Carlos groaned “but CJ isn't my mate” Carlos interrupted “yeah, maybe in writing it isn't. Sure she doesn't have your mark but you and her still share the amazing love as if she did have your mark”

“But what if she doesn't want me to mark her?” Carlos asked. “That’s impossible, she’s in love you. I’ve been watching CJ since she came into your life, man, I’ve never see her more happy than when she is for you.”

“Really?” Carlos asked. “Yeah, she even has a doll of you when you’re away. It’s chibi form any everything.” Ranee informed him a small chibi doll appeared in her hands.

“Awe, it’s adorable.” Carlos gushed. “Exactly, CJ wouldn't go thru the trouble of making this doll if she didn’t love you, Carlos.” Ranee said.

“You love her, don't you?” Ranee asked. “Of course I do, it’s just-” but before he could finish, Alvarez appeared “he’s scared.” “I’m not scared!” Carlos defended.

Ranee sighed and shook her head “yes you are Carlos, I know when you’re scared and when you look at CJ, you’re terrified.”

Carlos looked away from his sister “I promised her I would find who marked her and kick their butt,” “alright, you found them right?” Alvarez asked, Carlos nodded “but I can't beat him, it’s impossible, his power is just too strong Alvarez.”

“Carlos, I’ve been thru a ton of vessels, including your mother, and over the years I’ve never had a stronger vessel than you.” Alvarez smiled, resting her paw on Carlos’s shoulder.

“Now,” Ranee turned Carlos’ face towards her, “sorry for what I’m gonna do” she quickly, but powerfully, slapped Carlos.

“OW!” Carlos yelled, “what was that for?!” “go get your mate Carlos.”

CJ and the rest of the VK’s, and Ben, continued fighting the animals when Ben noticed something.

Each of the weird combinations of animals had a collar on with a vial of purple liquid pouring into their necks.

“Wait!” Ben yelled, getting the VK’s attention. “But I was having fun babe!” Mal pouted, kicked a combination between a giraffe and a hippo in the stomach. “I know, I know, but look” Ben pointed to the vial.

“I know what this is,” Evie tapped her fingers on the vial, “it’s called Crystal Grunge. When added to an animals, or humans, blood it will fuse to the closest life force there this, and for these animals, their closet life form was the other animal.”

CJ then grasped her hands around the vial on the spotted bear’s neck “all we have to do is pull out vial!” Evie then tackled CJ.

“Don't touch the vials, their like dominos, if you pull out one, all of them will explode.” Evie warned her. “We can't just leave them in.” Jasper said.

“I know, but taking them out will cause a massive explosion.” Evie warned once more.

“Look, you and Jasper figure out how to take out the vials, me and Ben will go inside and find Carlos” CJ began, soon getting interrupted, “why Ben?” Hunter asked.

“Ben can smell Carlos’s sent better than anyone, he’s our best bet in finding Carlos.” CJ answered. “Everyone else find any other animals inside this place and get them out.”

“How are we gonna do that if they keep on attacking us?” Operetta asked. CJ looked at the stone that was in her sword, she took it out and crushed it in her hands.

The white and black dust filled her hands, she then used the remain pieces of the stone to make small contains to fill the dust in, handing it to each of them.

“This dust will knock the out, but make sure you don't inhale any of it then it’ll knock you out too.” CJ warned.

CJ felt the emptiness in the hole, she sighed and gripped the sword and hoped on one of the spotted bears and began climbing up the loose bricks on the wall to get to the roof.

“COME ON BEN!!” CJ yelled, Ben sished. “If I don't come back, I either died trying to save Carlos-”

“NOW BEN!!!”

“Or CJ killed me.”


HELLO EVERYONE!!! SO sorry for not updating in a couple of days. Things have been real hectic in my life and SAT's are coming up in April and I gotta study.

I've been putting all my free time into writing. I've also gotten huge writers block becuz i know what I'm gonna do for the next two islands but I'm trying to finish this one!

Anyways, so idk if ppl are even reading this book anymore but if you are I would really love some feedback!

Also, check out Tabemashou_Pocky nalu book called I Don't Kiss Nerds. Its really good and y'all should give my friend some love!

Peace out ✌🏾

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