EP.150|The Demonic Dragon and the Knight

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EP.150|The Demonic Dragon and the Knight

Mal sniffed the air intensively, searching for her parents smell.

She then abruptly stopped when smelled the scent of alcohol, just any alcohol, bourbon.

Mal knew that bourbon was her father, Stefan, favorite drink.

“I fucking knew it! It would be Stefan who attacked mom.” Mal grumbled stomping towards the smell to see Nevermore trying to wake up the badly beaten Stefan by nudging her nose on his face.

“Nevermore! Get away from him!” Mal ordered, Nevermore began growling at Mal, breathing fire at her.

“Nevermore! What’s gotten into you!” Mal scolded, Nevermore’s tail pointed to Stefan.

“He didn't attack mom, did he?” Mal chuckled nervously, Nevermore shook her head. Real smart there, Mal. Nevermore sighed.

“Come on, we gonna get him some help.” Mal put Stefan on her back, carrying her towards Maleficent's castle to see a fight going on in the courtyard between Jeeves and Haydn. Jeeves fell to his knees screaming in pain.

“Jeeves?! Haydn?!” Mal yelled in shock. “Wow, who would've thought that Jeeves would be strong,” Haydn shrugged, “I guess that’s expected when you work for Maleficent.”

Jeeves got up, tears in his eyes “take back what you said about Miss Maleficent!” he screamed at Haydn.

 Haydn wrote something with his hand on Jeeves’ forehead, he screamed in pain until he fell, ultimately defeated.

Haydn then noticed Mal, Nevermore, and Haydn’s shocked faces. “How…” Mal stammered.

“Oh look, Maleficent couldn't handle me so she sent her daughter.” Haydn chuckled “this should be fun.”

“Yeah, it’ll be fun when I kick your ass.” Mal transformed into Zalia charging towards Haydn.

“Chaos Ruins: Wings!” Haydn chanted, wings appeared on his back, giving him the ability to fly away and evade Zalia’s poison claws.

“Stop moving! You insolent human!” Zalia turned her head, looking at him angrily, she extends out her own wings and speedily charged at him once more, this time managing to claw him twice.

“I will defeat you! Poison Steam!” Zalia vowed, she extended her hand forward, creating a multitude of hands, composed of poison energy towards Haydn.

He attempted to evade a couple, but still got hit by Zalia herself. She kicked him in the gut and then clawed him relentlessly.

Haydn flew away and Zalia chased him. I guess I have no other choice. Only a demon can beat a demon.

He lifted his hand in the air and yelled “Chaos Ruins: Dark Ecriture!” Haydn body became a dark-colored, demonic creature, with horns coming out of his head and his right eye covered with scales.

Their fists meet, the magic power was released destroying the ground around them, and they proceed with hand-to-hand combat.

Zalia had the upper hand for a while. Their darkness-charged fists and feet clash for a short amount of time until Haydn is overpowered and they crash into a cave. In the cave, Zalia yells “evil spark!”.

Zalia put her hands on the Haydn's body and electrocuted him with a powerful surge of electricity.

The electrocuted Haydn was overwhelmed by Zalia’s power “I cannot lose! Chaos Ruins: Darkness Breath!” a tornado of dark energy surrounded Zalia. They are later both out in the sky again.

“Chaos Ruins: Chaos Flare Bomb!” Haydn created a sphere-like bomb made from dark energy and charged at Zalia at close range.

The bomb created a huge wave of pressure, that sent Zalia flying into the river.

“It’s gonna take more than some water to end me honey.” Zalia smirked devilishly.

Much to Hadyn’d surprise, Zalia gathered the water of the river around herself. How much power does she really have?! Haydn wondered in shock.

“I got a lot of magic power honey! Poison Explosion!” With the power of darkness, Zalia held her hands together and a dark colored sphere gathers on their palm.

When fired, a powerful beam was expelled from Zalia’s hand and throws the whole river at Haydn. Zalia quickly followed up with more punches and kicks.

“Burn in hell! Poison Soul Sucker!” Zalia focused her magical power into the space between her hands, the energy taking the form of a spherical vortex.

When released, it is a large blast of dark energy that is capable of blocking out the sky, and it is powerful enough to defeat Haydn, knocking him out of the demon form and blew him away, sending him down to the ground.

“Stay away from my parents!” Mal scolded, watching as Haydn laid on the ground, bruised and broken.

Zalia then gave Mal back control of her body, she wobbled for a sec but soon came back to her senses.

“Mom! Mom!” Mal called out, dodging a fireball. “Mom! It’s me Mal! What the hell happened!” Mal asked, Maleficent turning back into her human form.

“Are you okay? He didn't touch your wings right?” Mal asked worredlyingly.

“No, he didn't touch my wings…he touched everywhere else, but not my wings.” Maleficent began to tear up, Nevermore licked her tears.

Both Maleficent and Mal sat on the broken river moat bridge. “Mom...wha...where...how?” Mal stammered. “It all started after the wedding…” Maleficent reminisce.

“Just leave then!” Maleficent yelled. “Fine! I will! Live your life with Stefan! But don't come running back to me!!!” Haydn slammed the doors, leaving the palace for good.

The next couple of weeks, Maleficent spent crying, eating ice cream, and locking herself in her room.

“Jeeves!” Maleficent cried out, Jeeves peaked in from the doorway, holding a pint of ice cream “yes your evilness?”

“Bring me more ice cream…” Maleficent muttered. “Your evilness, this is your 5th one today.” Jeeves warned her. “I don't care! I wanna eat my sorrows away!” Maleficent sobbed.

“Maleficent, you shouldn’t be eating your sorrows.” Stefan chuckled. “W-What are y-you doing he-here.” Maleficent stammered, a slight blush on her face.

“Jeeves said you were sad,” Stefan sat down next to Maleficent “so I’m here to cheer you up.”

“I don't wanna be cheered up. I wanna stay here till Mal gets back.” Maleficent sniffed, blowing her nose.

“Mal won't be back for a while, you just can't stay here forever, come on, get up,” Stefan tried to pull Maleficent off the bed. “Stefan! I don't wanna leave.” Maleficent whined.

“Can't we just stay inside and eat ice cream?” Maleficent reached from her near empty tub of ice cream “no! There’s a new episode of Real HouseWives of the Villain Isles is on!”

“Well it can wait, let’s have some fun for once! Go to a club, drink, eat something other than ice cream.” Stefan took the ice cream from her.

“But the club is crowded, and it’s sticky.” Maleficent’s whine continued.

“So? Look, Maleficent,” Stefan cupped her face “there are more people there, Haydn isn't the only one.” Maleficent looked into his brown eyes and smiled softly.

“We haven’t spent time together since the wedding, let’s go out, just me and you.” Stefan suggested. “Fine, let me get out of these PJ’s.” Maleficent chuckled. 

Stefan nodded and kissed Maleficent’s forehead, she blushed greatly, “u-uh...wai-wait out-outside...there’s some food in the fridge if you’re hungry.” she stammered.

Stefan left the room and slid down the door. Gods and goddesses can she not be cuter! Stefan blushed.

Stefan looked to his left when he saw Jeeves snickering, peeking out from the hallway “looks like someone likes her evilness.”

“Shut up Jeeves.” Stefan rolled his eyes, he then looked up and noticed the little window looking into Maleficent’s dressing room.

N-no! I shouldn’t be looking! Stefan, being the man he is, didn't really listen to his conscious and looked to see Maleficent in undergarments.

Now you can believe this or not, but to this day, but to this day, Stefan swore there was a little devil and angel on his shoulders.

“Stefan! What are you doing! It’s not polite to peak on girls!” angel scolded.

“Come on! Look at that body! It’s smoking! You gotta hit that Stefan!” the devil smirked, well devilishly, pun intended. “Gods you have no idea what I wanna do to her.” Stefan sighed.

“She doesn't need that right now, she needs friends, people who aren't trying to get in her pants!” the angel said. “But that’s exactly what he needs to do!” the devil said.

“Stefan! She just went through a break up, she needs time to heal.” the angel said.

“Exactly! She can use Stefan to heal, he could take all her pain away in one night.” the devil smirked.

“Are you even listen to us?!” they both scolded. “Yeah, totally.” Stefan brushed them off his shoulder, making the disappeared.

“You ready Stefan?” Maleficent asked. She wore a black bodycon dress with mesh cross.

“Ye-Yeah.” Stefan said, he walked off with Maleficent, he looked behind him to see Jeeves smirked. “Bring her back by midnight.” Jeeves chuckled. “Alright.” Stefan laughed.

Once arriving at the club, Maleficent saw her Villains friends “see I told you she wasn’t dead!” Acadia waved her hand high in the air, calling the two over.

There goes my alone time with her. Stefan sighed. “Well look at what we got here. I thought Maleficent would have killed you by now.” Christine chuckled.

“I was thinking about it.” Maleficent shrugged. “That’s our Maleficent.” Cruella ruffled her hair. “I’m glad you got out of you slump Maleficent.” Dante said.

“Yeah, I was tired of bringing you mint chocolate ice cream.” Esther agreed.

“You mean eating my mint chocolate ice cream.” Maleficent corrected her.

“What! It’s good! They only sell that in the Hero Islands! Do you know how many trucks I have hijack to get that ice cream?!” Esther scolded. “You’re still doing that?” Facilier sweatdropped.

“It’s fun! Sue me!” Esther raised her hands in defense “that’s how I got my magic mirror.”

“You hijacked it off a truck?” Farrah asked. “Yeah, a truck was bringing it to Snow’s castle and I though, why not.” Esther shrugged.

“She’s been doing it a lot more lately since Evie’s gone.” Gaston said. “I miss my baby blueberry.” Esther cried.

“Gods and goddesses, Gaston! Now look what you've done, Esther’s crying again.” Hades scolded, passing Esther a bottle of Rose Wine. “I’m not surprised Maleficent took you back.” Hex said.

“Why do you say that?” Stefan asked. “Because she lo-” Maleficent kicked Hex’s shin, making Hex spit out his drink. “Shut up.” Maleficent growled.

“Not only that, we all know Stefan lov-” Stefan kicked Hook in the shins “what...the fuck…” Hook groaned. “Shut up, pirate.” Stefan scolded.

“I don't get it Stefan, why won't you just tell her already?” Jafar asked. “Because, Maleficent has enough to deal with, she doesn't need me.” Stefan sighed. “But, if you like Maleficent, nay love her, just tell her.” Nikita said.

“It’s not that simple, Nikita. I already hurt Maleficent before, I don't want to hurt her again.” Stefan explained.

“But you won't, your magi’s are in sync!” Persephone shook Stefan back and forth.

“What...does...that mean?” Stefan asked, trying to recover from Persephone’s shake.

“When two people’s magi’s are in sync, that means they’re meant to be together.” Phantom explained.

Stefan looked at Maleficent laughing and smiling. At that moment, he knew was staring at everything he wanted in the world.

I guess we are meant to be. Stefan smiled softly. “Hey, you okay, Stefan?” Maleficent asked, snapping Stefan out of his trance “y-yeah I’m good.”

As the night wore on, the gang got really drunk. Sadly, Maleficent being a demonic dragon, couldn't get drunk.

“Ahh! I win!” Maleficent cheered, beating Hades in a drinking contest. “That ain't fair! You can't get drunk!” Hades complained.

“Loser says what?” Maleficent quickly asked. “What?” the group bursted into laughter. “I am the drinking goddess!” Maleficent cheered, standing on top of the bar.

“3 cheers to the goddess!” Venus yelled. Maleficent then placed 18 shots of tequila on the bar “Maleficent, what are you doing?” Acadia asked suspiciously.

“This,” Maleficent took a deep breath in, once she exhaled, a steamed across the shots, lighting them on fire “who wants fire shots?”

The villains shrugged “why not.” after drinking the shots, Maleficent licked her lips, fire shots seems to be the only thing that got her mildly drunk.

“So that’s what fire taste like.” Cruella coughed at bit. “I don't know how you do it Maleficent, I could never eat fire.” Christine chuckled. “You just drank it.” Dante told her.

“And I’m never doing it again.” Christine said. “I don't know what you mean, this is awesome!”

Esther drank another fire shot “me and Maleficent did these all the time when we were teens.”

“You guys are wusses!” Maleficent laughed. “You’re a demonic dragon, eating fire is your thing.” Facilier chuckled. “Yep, just one of the perks of being me.” Maleficent boasted.

“Come on, Stefan! Let’s do another shot!” Maleficent smiled, sharing another shot with Stefan. “Gods and goddesses, this is good!” Maleficent sighed in delight.

“Wait, you got some on your lips.” Stefan wiping the fire off her lips, the two stayed there, staring into each other's eyes.

She’s beautiful… Stefan couldn't look away. Maleficent’s heart began to race, her face turned red. Don't look at me like that.

Maleficent bit her lip. Stefan tried to control himself but Maleficent just looked so cute.

I can't take it anymore! Stefan grabbed Maleficent’s hand, the two leaving the bar and into the cab. “Maleficent, I-” she stopped him by smashing her lips into his. “Stop talking.” she whispered.

Soon, that one kiss turned into something more.

Maleficent and Stefan woke up the next morning with pounding headaches “ugh...what happened?” Maleficent groaned, resting her hand on her temple.

Stefan’s eyes widened when he heard her voice, so sweet and special “di-did we?” Stefan stuttered. “Yeah...we did it.” Maleficent said. “Wait! Did we use-” “yes we used protection.”

“Oh thank the gods. Look, I didn't mean to do what we did last night. You just looked so beautiful and I guess my impulses.” Stefan said.

“Don't be,” Maleficent looked away “I’ve always wanted to do that again with you.”

“You did?” Stefan smirked. “Yeah,” Maleficent saw his smirk “stop doing that, you look weird.” Maleficent blushed. “That’s your way of saying you love me.” Stefan cooed, ticking Maleficent.

“My gods, shut up!” Maleficent laughed. “Admit it! You love me.” Stefan kissed her lips making Maleficent smiled. “Fine, I love you.” Maleficent muttered.

Stefan flipped her over, now he was on top “I love you too.”

Over the next couple of months, Maleficent and Stefan’s relationship only grew stronger.

Maleficent was in the kitchen cooking dinner when she felt arms wrap around her waist, surprising her a bit.

“Hey,” Stefan greeted, kissing her cheek “whatcha making?” “jewel soup.” Maleficent answered. “Smells delicious.” Stefan drooled a bit.

Maleficent smirked and turned off the stove, sitting on the counter “I can think of something else that’s even more delicious.” Maleficent’s smirk grew. “Right here? In the kitchen?” Stefan asked.

“Why not? It’s exciting.” Maleficent twirled the string of the apron. “You’re really tempting me huh?” Stefan chuckled.

“I wouldn't say tempting,” Maleficent pulled him towards her “just suggesting,” Maleficent slowly unbuttoned his shirt “that we do it in the kitchen.” she placed her hands on his chest.

Stefan gasped “Maleficent…” she kissed his neck, making Stefan groan. She licked his neck, sucking it, she could feel her fangs appearing.

It’s now or never. Maleficent sank her fangs in Stefan’s neck. Stefan moaned, it hurt for a minute but then turned to pleasure. “Mine.” she whispered in a possessive tone.

Stefan just chuckled “I’m all yours.” they then stopped when a large crash was heard.

They quickly rushed outside to see Jeeves and Haydn fighting “Haydn?!” Stefan and Maleficent yelled.

“Wave at the happy couple Jeeves.” Haydn picked up Jeeves’ limp body, waving his hand at the two. “What are you doing here?” Maleficent glared at him.

“Secret business.” Haydn smiled smugly “the more important question is what he’s doing here.” Haydn pointed to Stefan.

“He’s my mate.” Maleficent held his hand. “Mate?” Haydn raised his eyebrow “let me get this straight, you marked him?”

Maleficent nodded “bit his neck and everything.” Stefan showed Haydn his mark. Haydn dropped Jeeves, pressing down on his neck, causing Jeeves to make an “oof” sound.

“Get off of him!” Maleficent yelled, Haydn smirked and pressed down harder “I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your butler’s bones cracking.”

Maleficent growled, Jeeves was like family to her. Not was, is family to her “get away from him!” Haydn tapped his chin “how about no.”

“Miss Maleficent...I’m okay...really.” Jeeves smiled weakly. “No you’re not! Jeeves, just let me help!” Maleficent began to cry. Jeeves shook his head “you’ll...get hurt…”

Maleficent sprouted her wings and darted for Maleficent, Jeeves put up his hand, sending a strong wind that pushed Maleficent back “you can't...get hurt…”

“I don't care! He’ll kill you!” Maleficent warned. “He’ll kill...you too.” Jeeves coughed up blood. “I can take him!” Maleficent assured him.

“Please, you’re just some one-winged nobody who marked her murder.” Haydn smirked.

“Take that back.” Jeeves groaned. “Oh, so the butler still has a voice.” Haydn chuckled.

“Miss Maleficent is...not a one-winged nobody!” Jeeves’ got a sudden burst of energy and kicked Haydn to the floor.

“Miss Maleficent, Mister Stefan, you must run! Keep the staff safe.” Jeeves ordered.

“But...Jeeves…” Stefan began, the wind began blowing harder, sending Maleficent and Stefan into the master bedroom. Stefan locked the door and blocked it with the dresser.

“What are we gonna do...what are we gonna do!” Stefan paced back and forth, Maleficent slapped him.

“Focus Stefan, look we have to listen to Jeeves, you take the staff and hide.” Maleficent told him, pulling a red book on the bookshelf, making the shelf move to reveal a bunker.

“What about you?” Stefan asked. “I’ll take care of Haydn.” Maleficent wrapped up her hands with tape.

“No way, you saw how strong he is, he crushed Jeeves in an instant,” Stefan held Maleficent's hands “I can't lose you Maleficent.”

“You won't, I'm strong.” Maleficent kissed his cheek. “I’m not saying you’re not strong, because you are, you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met. But even you got limits.” Stefan warned her.

“Mal needs us to be alive when she gets back.” Stefan told her. “And we will be, I’ve beat Haydn before, he’s a massive wimp.” Maleficent chuckled.

“Not now he isn't. Haydn is a lot stronger now. I can feel it.” Stefan said. “I'm the goddess remember,” Maleficent kissed him again “I can take anything.”

“Maleficent, that was at the bar, now we're in real danger and I'm sorry I have to do this.” Stefan pushed her into the bunker and shut it tight.

“Stefan! Stefan! Let me out this instant!” Maleficent yelled, banging on the door.

“I'm sorry honey, but you're the mistress of Evil, you need to live. I'm just some random human.” Stefan said.

Maleficent fell to her knees crying she could hear Stefan being thrown against the bookshelf “where is she?!” Haydn yelled.

“If she's away from you, that's all that matters.” Stefan body was broken and bruised.

Maleficent continued to cry, she couldn't stand not being able to do something.

“Stefan…stay alive you…for the both of us.”


Well shiz! That might be my longest episode yet! I actually like writing about Maleficent and Stefan.

Fun fact: Stefan was the name of a boy who used to have a crush on me (i didn't go out with him because 1) he was a massive player 2) because he was annoying)

Also, Maleficent is on of my favorite Villains of all time (also Dr. Facilier too)

Anyways! Idk if you guys watch soccer but USA women's team is going to the finals!!!!

Woop woop!!

But back to the book, in the next chapter, a character from the very earlier episodes will show up.

Wanna know who it is? Well, u gotta read to find out!

Stay sweet
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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