EP.152|Slime Vs Shadows

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EP.152|Slime Vs Shadows

Freddie’s father was the Dr. Facilier, or more commonly known as the Shadow Man, he’s done some bad things in his past, and he’s trying to fix them. Which makes him have a target on his back.

Sometimes, this puts Freddie, Acadia, and Facilier Sr. in danger. After what happened on Zuo island, Freddie felt like somebody has been watching her every move.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when reached her father’s voodoo shop, it was practically covered in slime, “what the hell is this?” Freddie stuck her hand in it causing it to burn.

She quickly retracted her hand, shaking off the slime. She put some gloves and put her hands on the slime.

“Tamiki: Clearing Wipe.” she swiped her hands over the slime, making it disappear. Freddie opened the door but Voodoo flew at her, scratching her face “tamiki: Sealing Bubble!”
A purple bubble surrounded Voodoo, trapping her inside “Voodoo! Are you insane?! It’s me!” Freddie released her from the bubble, Voodoo hooted happily.

“Yes, I missed you too,” Freddie noticed the slime on Voodoo’s wings “what’s with all the slime?” Voodoo and Freddie dashed inside to see the entire place was also covered in slime.

“Why is everything covered in slime?” Freddie used her clearing swipe again. She walked into the back room to see 3 large cocoon looking shells stuck on the wall, she tried using her clearing wipe but it didn't work.

“Tamiki: Sword Dance!” the sword cut the slime cocoons enough so that Freddie could see the face. They were her parents, and her grandpa, “m-mom? Da-dad? Gra-Grampy?”

“Isn't live art lovely?” a voice behind her sighed delightfully. Freddie turned around to see it was none other than Tatiana.

“Why are you here? I thought you died during the incident on Zuo island?” Freddie glared at her. “Well, you thought wrong,” she shrugged “Araden has the perfect way to reconstruct a body.” Tatiana rolled her head back.

“I don't care about your body! I want you and your stupid slime out of here before I kill you!” Freddie ordered.

“Okay, 1” she held up one finger “it’s not slime! It’s mucus!” “that’s disgusting” “and 2,” she held up two finger “you shouldn’t be worried about me, you should be worried about him.”

Freddie turned around to see Facilier stepping forward, his eyes bright green, he unsheathed his weapon. Instead of his cane, it was a sword, a very sharp one at that.

“Da-Dad?” Freddie stuttered, “what-” but before Freddie could finish, Facilier yelled “tamiki: Shadow Scream!” one of her own attacks was sent barreling towards her.

She swiftly dodged the move and yelled out “tamiki: Striking Flash!” Freddie charged at Facilier. He grunted as she was knocked backwards.

Freddie returned to her normal form when she faintly her Tatiana chanting a curse. Then, a huge multiple headed dragon emerged from the slime.

Seeing she was distracted, Facilier charged at her and knocked Freddie into the wall behind her, causing the wall to break and for them to fall into the outside world.

She landed on the ground hard, because Facilier was still on her, almost using her to soften his own fall. He now unsheathed another blade, this one just as long but covered in shadows.

He charged at her, with his shadow sword in hand “tamiki: slime morph” she turned into a puddle of slime and sunk into the ground. She didn't expect him to stab the slime and to actually feel pain.

This caused her to materialize back into her human form and grunt as pain shot up her arm. She rolled up her sleeve to reveal a fresh new cut oozing blood.

“Tamiki: Power Claw!” her attack was sent full force towards him, but he only slashed her attack and nullified it. How is he able to cancel out my magi that easily? Freddie was shocked.

He then sheathed his shadow sword and unsheathed his regular one. The handle started glowing lavender and suddenly a strong shadow force lifted her into the air.

He jumped into the air, staying there for a second, but then he charged downwards towards her, his sword ready to slice her open.

“Do you remember when you saved me?!”

His attack stopped mere inches towards her face. He looked at her, anger and slight confusion swirling through his eyes.

“It was when I was 10, a couple years after mom disappeared, you let me go with you to Forever Autumn Island to help Grampy with the Voodoo Shop.” Freddie said, and just like that, it all came rushing back to Facilier.

Freddie watched in amazement as took in the view of Forever Autumn Island, all the trees were colored with the autumn leaves “it’s amazing!” she gasped.

“I know, me and your mom would always come here during the summer break,” Facilier sighed “that was before she disappeared.” Freddie held her father’s hand “Dad, what was mom like?”

“Well, she was a dance, a great dancer. We ran off to Paris and spent a year or two there. She had just the cutest smile, the most beautiful eyes, a little button nose,” he ruffled Freddie’s hair “she’s just like you.”

“Do you think she hated me? Is that why she left?” Freddie sulked. “Freddie,” Facilier crouched down beside her “your mother did not hate you, she loved you with all her heart. She left because it was her only choice.”

Freddie nodded and smiled “thank you,” she hugged him tightly. Facilier smiled, it was nice Freddie looked so much like her mom, it was like a little reminder that Acadia will be back one day.

Facilier looked over his daughter’s shoulder to see a large shadow monster “AHH!!” Facilier swooped up Freddie, holding her close to his chest.

Freddie began laughing as the shadow turned into Facilier Sr. “dad! You know I hate it when you do that!” Facilier scolded.

“Yeah but it makes my little shadow laugh.” Facilier Sr. chuckled, Freddie running into his arms “I missed you, Grampy!” Freddie smiled widely.

“So, how are you liking Forever Autumn?” Facilier Sr. asked. “It’s so cool! Do the trees stay like forever?” Freddie asked, grabbing one of the leaves.

Facilier nodded, “yep, hence why it’s called Forever Autumn.” “why are you setting up shop here?” Freddie tilted her head in concern.

“Because your mom loves this island and your dad thought it would be great to set up shop here to honor her.” Facilier Sr. explained.

“And here we are.” Freddie looked up to see a little shop with a sign on it that said Facilier and Acadia’s Voodoo Shop! “Pretty sign.” Freddie nodded in approval.

“The inside is cooler.” Facilier opened the door to reveal a beautiful shop filled with everything voodoo.

“Hi! Welcome to Facilier and Acadia's Voodoo Shop, where all our friends are on the other side.” the girl behind the counter greeted.

She was an ordinary sized woman, slender woman with big blue eyes.

She wore a navy blue tank top, fastened down by an orange sash along her belly.

She wears this in tandem with a blue-and-white striped skirt. While sporting a slender physique, she has a sizable bust.

Her most striking feature, however, is her ensemble of red, thick, curled-pigtails that drape over one another in a mountain of hair.

These locks are tied together with a blue-ribbon that's fastened along the right side of her head.

“That's Penelope, she's a family friend.” Facilier informed her. “You must Freddie,” Freddie nodded “wow, you look just like Acadia.”

“Wait! I've seen you in pictures! You and mom were childhood friends.” Freddie said, Penelope nodded.

Voodoo peeked out of the bag, flying around Penelope large hair “this must be Voodoo, she's just like Nyx.”

“Nyx is here?!” Facilier's eyes glistened, Voodoo quickly looked up from Penelope's hair to see a hawk flying towards her.

She ducked down, causing the hawk to hit the wall. Nyx recovered quickly and chased Voodoo around the store till his eyes set of Facilier.i

Nyx perched himself on Facilier's shoulder, rubbing his face against Facilier's cheek “I missed you too, Nyx.”

“I can't believe Nyx is still alive,” Facilier Sr. rolled his eyes “I've always hated that bird.” Nyx screeched at him.

“You're just jealous.” Facilier stuck her tongue out. “Jealous of what? My Shadow Animal is an eagle.” Facilier Sr. whistled loudly causing an eagle to appear and perch on his shoulder.

“Good job, Bullseye.” Facilier Sr. rewarded him with a fish. Nyx hid behind Facilier “dad! Bullseye’s scaring Nyx.” Facilier Sr. rolled his eyes “maybe your bird should get tougher skin.”

“Anyways, we open up shop in a couple of minutes, do you and Facilier Sr. mind setting up card reading room?” Penelope requested.

“Fine, Freddie, listen to Penelope.” Freddie nodded, she then noticed the wilting marigold flowers “they’re dying” Freddie frowned.

“Yeah, your mom would always use her magic to keep the plants alive, but since she’s gone, they’re wilting.” Penelope explained.

“Are there some here?” Freddie asked, playing with the little voodoo doll on the counter.

“Yes,” Penelope picked up another voodoo doll, playing with Freddie “but they’re in the forest, don't go there, okay?”

“Why?” Freddie asked. “There are monsters in there,” Penelope turned around to get some candy off the top self “ it’s not saf-” once she turned back around she saw Freddie was gone.

Freddie ran out of the shop, a picture of the marigold flowers in hand. I know this will make daddy happy! I just know it.

She knew Facilier loved Acadia with all his heart, but when she disappeared Facilier got sad, everybody tried something to cheer him up but only Freddie seemed to do the trick.

Like said before, Freddie was a little reminder that Acadia would be back. That’s all Facilier needed.

Soon, it was nightfall, it was cold, dark, and Freddie was all alone.

No Voodoo, no Facilier, no Grampy, just...her...by herself. Freddie never felt so alone than how she did on that day.

She was just 10, wandering in the forest, looking for a little flower “hello?” Freddie timidly asked. She heard the sound of distant growling.
Freddie began running as fast as her tiny legs could carry her she then stopped when she hit something large and furry. She looked up to see a massive cerberus.

“AHHH!!!!” Freddie yelled, she tried running away but the cerberus picked her up. “I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!” Freddie called out, she was then dropped to the floor. 

She looked back at the cerberus to see Nyx, Voodoo, and Bullseye scratching and screeching at the cerberus. “Freddie?! Freddie!” Facilier ran up to Freddie, hugging her tightly.

“Don't scare me like that! I thought I told you to stay with Penelope, you’re my only daughter, I don't wanna lose you.” Facilier and Freddie walked back to the shop.

“I wanted to get you the flowers, like the ones mom liked. I couldn't find them, I’m sorry.” Freddie muttered. “Freddie, I don't need some flowers to remind me of mom,” Facilier kissed hi forehead “I got you.”

Freddie hugged him tightly “thank you dad.”

He made his attack vanish and they both landed swiftly on the ground. Freddie watched as recognition filled his eyes.

“Freddie…?” he muttered, confused. He looked down at himself and back up at her “what happened?”

“What a shame, the fight looked like it was about to get interesting.” Facilier spinned around and met eyes with Tatiana.

“Well, you aren’t much use to me now,” she said, looking at Facilier “slime blizzard: black dance!” a group of black slime surrounded Facilier and enclosed him in a tight black slime ball. Freddie could hear him grunting and trying to escape , but there was no use.

“STOP IT!!” Freddie yelled at Tatiana, enraged that she was hurting her father. She only smirked and the slime around Facilier disappeared and he fell to the ground, beaten and bruised.

Freddie quickly ran to him and knelt by his side “g-get her f-for me, F-Freddie,” he weakly managed to say, before collapsing on the ground.

“You’re gonna pay for what you did to my father! Tamiki: Power Roar!”

“Slime Blizzard: Grey shield!”

Freddie’s attack was blocked by the shield made out of grey slime. She added a bit more power into her attack and soon Tatiana’s shield dispersed into tiny bits of gray slime.

“Slime Blizzard: Red and Yellow Dance!”
Her red slime produced fire while the yellow slime produced lightning. The slime merged, creating a lightning fire attack.

Freddie jumped in the air, but the slime only followed her. They sped up and soon hit her, making her fall to the ground. She quickly got up and yelled “tamiki: Dragon Claw!!”

She heard the sound of metal against metal and her attack was blocked again. Freddie thought Tatiana used her slime shield, but when her attack cleared, she saw Tatiana holding a sword in front of herself.

“You’re able to nullify my spells.” she mentioned. “Not just your spells, but any sort of spell,” she bragged, she started running towards Freddie “and I’m also able to use it against you.”

It was Freddie’s turn to smik now. Tatiana’s claw attack hurdled towards her, but she let it consume her, using it as a power up.

“Using my own magi against me probably wasn’t your best move” with her newly gained power, she yelled out “tamiki: lavender drive!!!”

Her body was then surrounded by a lavender light of her magic and she once again let it consume her. She then let out a blast of her magic towards Tatiana.

Tatiana grunted and yelled out in pain, but as her attack dispersed, Tatiana was still standing upright, only a couple of bruises seeming to appear on her face.

She looked at her father, still beaten and bruised. I’m sorry dad… Freddie got so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't hear Tatiana whisper her next attack. Next thing she knew, Freddie’s boy was starting to freeze.

She looked over and saw Tatiana holding up a white ball of slime with a smirk on her face. She then got out her slime sword at started attacking Freddie. She couldn't do a single thing, due to her hands being frozen on the side of her body.

Tatiana slashed Freddie’s cheek, but her sleeves, punch her stomach, she never felt so useless in her entire life.

I’m sorry, dad…

“You’re not allowed to give up on me yet! We’re just getting started here,” Tatiana then sliced the ice that was taking over Freddie’s body and fell to the ground. She heard Tatiana laughing at her smugly.

“Look at this, the little Shadow Girl, lays at my feet, unable to move. Slime Blizzard: Green and Indigo Dance!” soon, Freddie was enclosed within an indigo slime ball, almost like Facilier was.

Then, green gas started filling up the tight space, Freddie’s eyes widened and held her breathe, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to hold it forever.

“Freddie! Wake up!”

Her eyes opened and widened, hearing the voice of her father. She looked around, but she couldn't see anything but the green gas.

“Freddie, Please! You have to fight this!”

“...and then you’ll choke on the poison trying to find your breathe because of the air being to thin,” she heard Tatiana ramble on. No kidding! Freddie was trying to catch her breath but the air was thin.

As the poison started filling up in her lungs, her eyes began to water, she found it harder to breathe. As her vision blurred, she closed her eyes, ready to take her final breath.

“Stay strong, Freddie!” 

Her eyes opened lazily as she tiredly looked around. Mom…?

“For your family! For the VKs! For Zeref!”

Hearing her Grampy’s voice in her head, begging for her to stay alice, for everyone, gave her strength. She looked around, hoping to find a way to get out, but no anvil.

Maybe if I suck the poison...no, that might kill myself in the process. Maybe...the Kagechikara...but I haven’t fully mastered it yet. Well, it’s worth a shot.


“How are you able to talk right now?! The poison should have killed you!” Tatiana raged from outside of the paper ball.


Around her, and outside the slime ball, shadows started emerging from the ground.

The shadows outside the ball were attacking Tatiana while the ones inside were hitting the walls, trying to give her an exit route.

After a lot of punching and hitting, they finally made a hole, letting her body to slip out, finally letting her breathe fresh air.

“How’d...you get...out?” Freddie looked behind her and saw Tatiana laying on the ground, shadows surrounding him.

“Because of my family.”

She raised her hand and the shadows pounced on Tatiana, making Tatiana scream out in pain. Large tiki head statues appeared from the shadows, Freddie smirked.

“What shall we do with her, Miss Freddie?” they asked in a dark ominous voice. “Take her to the shadow realm, give her the same punishment they gave my father.” Freddie smirked devilishly.

They nodded, dragging Tatiana beneath the earth’s surface, transforming her into nothing but a shadow.

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