EP.158|I'll Always Be There

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EP.158|I'll Always Be There

Ben burst through the doors of Maleficent's castle to see it turned into a sort of a hospital/rebel base. "Freddie!" Ben yelled out, Freddie ran out from the crowd to see a tearful Ben holding a blood Heine.

"Ca-can you..." Ben stammered. "I'll try, but she doesn't look good." Freddie whistled loudly, calling over her shadows who carried Heine to a different room. "She'll be okay, right?" Ben sniffled.

"Yeah," Freddie smiled "oh, and you might wanna talk to Mal, she's downstairs in the lab with Yzma, she's pretty pissed." Freddie warned him, Ben chuckled and walked downstairs to the lab.

Mal and Yzma were making potions "hey, baby." Ben greeted. Mal glared at him "what's wrong with you! How could you even consider joining Araden!"

Ben chuckled nervously "I'm sorry. I just...lost it, lost all my hope." Ben muttered, Mal sighed and hugged him, his face in the cavity of her chest "don't worry, if I'm still here, you got hope." Mal whispered.

"What potion are you and Yzma making?" Ben asked. "Healing potions, magi amplifiers, animastlic amplifiers, stuff like that." Yzma replied. "Gronk! Give me 6 ounces of dragon spit and 9 ounces of goblin eyes." she ordered.

Gronk came back with what she ordered, Yzma passed Ben some goggles "put these on, you'll need it." Ben put on the goggles. Yzma poured the ingredients in, causing a pink explosion, fogging their goggles.

"What is that?" Ben asked. "Just a little experiment, smell it will ya." Yzma passed him the cauldron to Ben. "It smells like lavender." Ben smiled, he loved the smell of lavender. 1) because it was Mal's scent and 2) because lavender just smells really good to him.

"Ah! I was right!" Yzma exclaimed, "You can make a potion that makes animasltics smell the scent of their mate with just their hair, some goblin eyes, and dragon spit!"

"I can't believe you never told me your were dating, Hunter, let alone you let him mark you." Phantom exclaimed. "Well...I was worried about telling you because I thought you wouldn't approve of him." Operetta said, wrapping up a little kid arm with tape.

"Oh course I approve of Hunter, he's obviously loves you a lot." Phantom noted. Operetta smiled at Hunter, who waved at her, smiling as tended to the wounded.

"But I swear if he dose anything to hurt you I will kill him." Phantom threatened. "He won't dad," Operetta grabbed a potion from her bag "now this is gonna hurt, sweetie." Operetta poured the potion on the little girl's arm making her wince in pain.

"He take care of us." Operetta winked. "I know-- wait, "us"? As in you and Hunter right?" Phantom questioned. "No~" Operetta cooed, walking off to get more gauses.

"So, let me get this straight, you both lost your arms?" Evie asked, putting some bandages on the shelf, CJ and Hunter nodded. "Yep, I lost mines while fighting Pan." CJ said. "And I lost mines when Operetta went evil on the Demonic Islands." Hunter said.

"Why didn't you just ask Mr. DeVille to make you a new arm?" Evie questioned, sewing up a little boy's stitches. "That would probably be smart." CJ and Hunter laughed, running to find Carlos' dad.

"Mr. DeVille!" CJ and Hunter yelled, finally reaching Hex, who ended up dropping the mechanic leg he was working on, luckily, it wasn't damaged. "Dios Mío! (my gods!) don't scare me like that!" Hex chuckled.

"We wanted to ask you if you could make me and Hunter new arms." CJ requested. "You sure you want that kids?" Hex turned round to face them "attaching a mechanical body part is a lot of work and pain."

"It can't be that bad, right? I mean, look at your arm, it can't be that hard." CJ stated. "This arm," Hex signaled to the mechanical left arm "took months of prodtyping, test, fails. Working on you two is gonna be hard, I hope your prepared for that."

Hunter and CJ nodded, Hex sighed. These are some tough kids. Hex chuckled. "Alright, lay in the hospital beds, I'm gonna have to put you under anesthesia for this." Hex said.

Evie sighed, she sat in Maleficent's garden, looking down at her feet "how could I let the mirror go? What's wrong with me...how could I do such a thing?" Evie buried her face in her hands.

"Mi nina, it's not your fault, sometimes people get the best of us, it happens." Esther assured her. "Yeah but Jasper had to save me! Again!" Evie groaned in shame. "It's okay to be saved once or twice, that's why you have Jasper and your friends." Dante told her.

"Yeah but I hate being saved!" Evie sighed. "You saved Jasper when he got taken by Milton. Evie, you're strong enough to save people. Look at what you did in Misty, you saved all those people! And your daughter!" Esther exclaimed.

Evie smiled "I guess I did." Dante ruffled her hair "don't worry, you'll get the mirror back."

Freddie was tired all day she spent healing and healing and healing, open wounds, curse lifting, stuff like that, but healing Heine was the hardest.

"Honey, you need to rest. You can't heal forever." Zeref warned her. "I know, but," a yawn escaped her lips "I promised Ben I would heal Heine and that's what I'm doing."

"But Heine wouldn't get healed if you tired and almost out of magi." Zeref sighed. "You don't understand, Zeref, once I make a promise, I live up to it no matter what." Freddie stated.

"You're so stubborn, you know that." Zeref laughed softly. "I know, but you love that about me." Freddie smiled, giving her boyfriend a quick peck on the lips.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Zeref rested his head on her shoulder, his arms around her waist. "Hmmm...let's see, when was the last time Zeref told me he loves me?" Freddie tapped her chin, acting like she didn't know the answer when she really did.

"Well, for all the times I haven't said it," Zeref kissed her lips "I love you Freddie Facilier."

Freddie smirked "I don't think I believe you." Zeref rolled his eyes in a jokingly way "fine, how can I make you believe?" Freddie thought about it for a while, then, an idea popped into her head.

"After this mission, when all the chaos is over, let's buy a house." Freddie smiled. "Where ever you want." Zeref whispered lovingly.

"In the Forever Autumn Islands, I wanna take over the voodoo shop my parents have there, and have a little program for children with shadow other magi powers, to help them control it," Freddie explained, she intertwined her fingers with his "and I want you with me through it all."

Zeref smiled, kissing her hand "I'll be with you for everything, my princess."

Their romantic moment was ruined but Heine chuckling "well ain't you two cute. Young love is adorable."

Freddie blushed, Zeref smiled goofily "she's my shadow princess." Heine smiled, Zeref and Freddie reminded her of her and Chernabog when she was younger.

"Where's Ben?" She questioned, and just like if the gods and goddesses were answering her prayers, Ben came bursting in. "Grandma!" Ben tackled Heine in a hug, turning into a puppy and licking her face.

"I miss you too!" Heine cried. "Don't scare me like that ever again, okay? I thought you almost died on me." Ben sobbed. "Don't worry Benny, I'm not going anywhere." Heine assure him.

Later on that day, the VKs, Ben, Milton, and Demonia all stood by the doorway of Maleficent's library.

"I-I don't know guys, what if he doesn't want to see me." Demonia paced back and forth. "It's Giles! He's been dying to see you for the longest." Milton smiled. "Don't worry, he'll love you, now get in there and be with your mate." Mal opened the door and pushed her in.

She saw Giles sitting on the couch, reading a book that had the title of POTIONS AND OTHER MAGICAL MIXTURES. Giles looked at the cauldron in front of him to see it was a greenish color.

"Dammit, that didn't work." Giles muttered, Demonia smiled and walked behind him, wrapping his arms around his neck. Giles' eyes widened in shock. "Hello, Giles." Demonia whispered.

Giles began crying "D-Demonia?"


So, my aunt decides to take us to six flags and we got in the water park but it rained on us! Lamo!

Anyways! Who's ready for a lemon!!! There's gonna be one with Giles and Demonia next episode.

And, they'll be a little Swan x Lucifer flashback next episode, maybe. Idk

Stay Sweet,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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