EP.16|Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Tea Party Madness For Us All Part 2

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EP.16|Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Tea Party Madness For Us All Part 2

“So it looks like you guys have it pretty rough over here.” Ben observed. “Yeah, but we make the best of it.” Lori smiled. “How?” Ben asked. “Yeah, we have it rough. But it molded us into what we are today.” Alistair added. “Most of best stories in my life happened in the Villain Isles.” Jasper reminisce.

“This town, it’s nothing like the stories I’ve heard.” Ben said. “Let me guess, they told you that this place was haunted and that we’re all curse? And that we are demon spawns?” Hunter asked as Ben nodded. “Come on, the party is already underway!” Maddie cheered as they entered Motormouth Tea party dance party where it was already in full swing.


“Maddie!” Everyone cheered. “Y'all hungry for some good fun?” Maddie asked taking out her wand. “Bring on that pecan pie, pour some sugar, only sugar don't be shy” and with a swish and flick of her wand a pecan pie appeared in her hands with sugar being poured on it. “Scoop me up

a mess of that chocolate swirl.” Maddie smiled as she licked scooped of some of the chocolate swirl, eating it. “Don't be stingy.” Maddie face her finger in Alistair's face. “I’m a growing girl.” Maddie shifted her body against Alistair’s before pushing him away playfully.

“I offer big love.” Maddie shot wand into the air small heart firework appear. “With no apology. How can I deny the world all of me?” Maddie winked.

“I’m not afraid to throw my weight around, pound by pound by pound!” Maddie walked around the room, not ashamed of a damn thing.

“Because I'm. Bad, blue & beautiful.” Maddie thru her hands into the air. “Face the fact. It's simply irrefutable!” Maddie smiled. “No one wants a meal that only offers the least. When girl, we're serving up the whole damn feast!” Maddie then moved the blue tablecloth revealing a massive array of food.

Maddie then the walked out and walked up to Maddie and her friends. He has toned dark and light, curly auburn hair and is tall. He wears a satin pink suit complete with a large toned purple collar, a white shirt and green buttons.

He wears dark pants and shoes along with black gloves, white cuffs, a light blue bow tie and accessories with two earrings on the left ear. Of course, he is never seen without his signature top hat.

“Dad! You made it!” Maddie cheered hugging him, The hatter then saw Ben. “Well I’ll be. Looks like you took a step out of bounds.” The Hatter chuckled. “I’m very pleased and scared to be here.” Ben said as The Hatter shook his hand.

“Oh honey, we have more reason to be scared on your Isle. Give me a sec.” Hatter then looked to his left. “I told you to put that record down before you scratch it!” Hatter scolded. “Shall we dance?” Zeref asked Freddie. “Sure.” Freddie smiled as they went onto to the dance floor.

Mal and Ben began dancing. “Ben aren’t you gonna get in a lot of trouble?” Mal asked, genuinely worried for Ben. “Your not planning on tell my parents are you?” Ben asked as Mal shook her head laughing.

“I meant, by someone else, you know the government bans any Hero Kids on the Villian Isle.” Mal sighed. “Maybe.” Ben started. “Maybe it’s worth it. Maybe it’s a start to a whole new adventure.” Ben smiled. “Idiot.” Mal chuckled. “Hey, don't blame me.” Ben chuckle also.

Jasper sat next to Zeref stuffing their face with chicken. “You people look like dogs.” Freddie and Evie sighed. “Hey, guys.” Alistair smiled as he wrapped his arms around Maddie.

“Is he okay?” Ben asked. “See, this happens everytime the boys are in the same room together, they try one-upping each other. Doing this is showing how much better at being a boyfriend. Even though none of them are dating anyone.” Maddie explained.

“Honestly, it’s kinda fun. I like it when Alistair pretends to be my boyfriend.” Maddie smield. “You wanna go dance baby?” Alistar asked as Maddie nodded. “So, it looks like our Maddie finally fell for the son of Alice.” Operetta observed as she watched Maddie dance with Alistair.

“Um, Alistair…” Maddie started. “Actually Maddie, I wanna thank you for being the greatest friend ever, and the greatest pretend girlfriend ever. No other girl would ever do it, most girls are all over me. But not you. You’re one of the guys. I respect you for that Maddie.” Alistair smiled. One...One of the...the guys? Maddie thought, her eyes began to water.

“I-I-I have t-to go.” Maddie ran into the bathroom, her eyes watering. “Stop crying Maddie! Alistair just said you were one of the guys! Not the end of the world!” Maddie cried. Maddie then heard squeaking coming from under the door.

“Earl Grey?” Maddie asked sniffing. Earl Grey was a small gray dormouse with a pink and blue top hat. “What’s wrong Maddie?” Earl Grey asked sitting on her nose. “Alistair think I’m one of the guys!” Maddie sobbed. “I’m sure there’s a reason for that.” Earl Grey assured her.

“But there isn't. I’m just his pretend girlfriend so he can one-up Carlos.” Maddie sobbed. “But I know somewhere in his heart you in there.” Earl Grey assured her. “I guess. I have to go out there again.” Maddie sighed. Alistair then knocked on the door.

“Maddie?” Alistair asked. “What do you want?” Maddie asked. “I wanna show you something.” Alistair answered as Maddie opened the door. Alistair quickly grabbed her hand as they ran to the roof. Hunter looked outside to see the sun was setting. “You okay?” Zeref asked.

“Yeah, it’s just nothing.” Hunter answered sighing. “Hey Hunter! Isn't the food great!” Operetta asked eating a piece of chicken. “Yeah, it is Music Note.” Hunter answered chuckling as a slow song came on. “Let’s dance.” Operetta grabbed Hunter’s hand pulling him onto the dance floor, the song Tale As Old As Time began playing.


Tale as old as time.

true as it can be!

barely even friends,

then somebody bends.

“You look amazing Operetta.” Hunter whispered making Operetta smile. “Th-Thank you.” the word “amazing” wasn’t a word she heard so often, or at all for that matter.

But hearing it roll off of Hunter’s tongue made her feel...what the word...equal. I know that’s not a great word to describe it, but to her it was. Her entire life she left like she was lower than everyone in the world. Like she was just a small cell and everyone else were body systems.

Her family didn’t help that much either, her step-mother always loved her siblings more than her. Half of the time, she didn’t even exist! The only person who would acknowledge her existence is her dad.

He would always take the time to actually be with her. Operetta looked into his brown eyes, she felt as though the world melted away and it was just him and her. Operetta didn’t know why she was feeling this way, she wanted it to stop, but in a way she didn’t.

Just a little change

small to say the least

both a little scared

neither one prepared

beauty and the beast

Hunter spined Operetta around as her red hair spinned with her. Hunter always loved her red hair, something about it was so intriguing. It’s like every time he saw it something sparked inside of him, he wanted to know what it was.

But he just couldn’t. Something about the red hair, it changed him, little by little. He saw it every night when he fell asleep, that same red that was on the head of the girl in front of him. But, why? Why was he seeing it?

Ever just the same

Ever a surprise

Ever as before

Ever just as sure

As the sun will rise!

“Hey, Operetta. We need to talk.” Hunter started. “After the song, okay?” Operetta smiled, leaning her head on Hunter’s chest as they continued to dance. “Sure…” Hunter smiled. “Maddie, you really do throw a lovely party. But why are you celebrating this?” Ben asked.

“Well, it’s kind of an ending. But it deserved to go out with a bang.” Maddie sighed. “What’s ending?” Freddie asked. “Our island. Our freedom.” The hatter answered. “WHAT?!” Everyone yelled. “Alright, it’s time you knew. Belle Beast just told me that we have had our last party on this island.” Everyone started murmuring in disagreement.

“Yeah, it seems out little island was a nice little place holder. But it was time to get some new changes. So, tomorrow, there gonna send millions of hunters here to exterminate us.” Maddie said sadly.

“I didn’t wanna tell y’all up front. I just wanted to have a little fun tonight.” The hatter sighed. “Now, I’ll never get a chance to go to the school.” Lori said as Alistair hugged her. “I know, I know.” Alistair rubber her back. “Fine if you can’t have your own school then come with us!” Mal announced.

“Mal, you’ve been dozing’ off during’ history?” Hatter asked. “Yes, always.” Mal answered. “Mal, Villains  and Heroes never been on the same school together. You know this. Only reason we're there is because of out punishment.” Jasper sighed. “Well, if we can’t go to school together. Maybe we should just march.” Mal smirked.

“Ooh, that’d get some big ol’ changes.” Maddie smirked also. “Better cause too.” Alistair added. “Like on the 11:00 news! What do you guys say? Should we give this princess all the fine ratings she deserves?” Maddie announced as they all started cheering and clapping.

“Meet up at the church! Tomorrow 4:00! And we will march on that castle grounds!” Hatter announced as everyone cheered.

“Ben, you going with us right?” Mal asked. “Walk with me.” Ben answered as they walked to the other side of the room. “Come on, don't be sad Lori. We’ll make a change okay?” Alistair assured her. “Can I come?” Lori asked.

“Now, come on Lori, you know me and C.A can’t be worried about you out there. I want you to stay with Bruce, anything happens he’ll take you to Mount Olympus.” Alistair answered as Bruce, the son of Medusa, slung his arm around Lori.

Bruce is tall, handsome and muscular. He wore black sunglasses, being the son of Medusa he turns people to stone with one look, his scalp hair is actually scaly and green, and on top of his head are, depending on medium, six to nine snakes, forming a mohawk.

He also has green scales on his bicep, though it's unclear if it is part of his natural skin or an added tattoo. Deuce also has a forked tongue, just like an actual snake.

“Anything happens to my sis I’ll kill you before the hunters even have a chance.” Alistair warned him. “G-Got it.” Bruce stuttered.

“Mal...I’ve been smiling and waving for my kingdom for my entire life.” Ben started. “Belle just promised I my connotation earlier than the end of next year. She invited royalty from across the world to meet their daughter for me to pick my future bride. That’s my shot, Mal. I can’t jeopardize that, not after what happened with Briar.” Ben explained.

“But it’s what right.” Mal said. “I’m sorry, Mal. I just think this adventure’s...a little...too big for me…” Ben apologized as tears formed in Mal’s eyes.

“Oh, god. No, no, no. That’s not what I-” Mal then cut him off. “I get it, Ben. It’s your shot.” Mal said. “No, Mal, that’s not what I-” Mal cut him off again. “It’s fine.” Mal then walked back to Evie who saw the entire thing. “Oh honey.” Evie pulled her into a hug. Jasper glared at him. “I should go.” Ben sighed as he left.

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