EP.172|Center of My Nightmares

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EP.172|Center of My Nightmares——————————————————

The last thing Evie remembered before passing out was flames.

So. Many. Flames.

All coming from Jasper.

It wasn't like his normal flames that kept her warm on those cold winter night. No... these were threatening, fearful, vengeful, filled with hate and anger.

It shook her straight to her core.

As much as the flames scared her, she woke up to the delightfulness of Jasper's heat. A warm, calming heat, that took away all her worries and doubts.

"Jasper?" Evie rubbed her brown eyes, adjusting them to the lighting. Jasper grunted, something seemed different about him, she brushed his hair with her fingers, smiling softly at him.

Jasper was basically purring at her touch, it was almost like clouds, he never knew peace like this.

Jasper wrapped his arms around her tighter, growling in his sleep, it shocked Evie, it was almost like the Jasper she knew was still there but his appearance changed.

Her fingers traced over his newly doned red scales that peppered his mid tan skin. How long was I knocked out for? She chuckled quietly at her own thoughts.

"So, why didn't you tell me you were hiding this power?" Evie questioned in a joking way. "Why didn't you tell me you got up." Jasper blinked his eyes open to reveal his ruby red, dragon shaped eyes,

Evie flinched every slightly at his touch "I'm still Jasper, don't worry, I just have new eyes and some new powers."

"Prove it."

Even though his eyes changed color, he would never lose that pervy look in his eyes when Evie muttered those words.

He squeezed her breast, kissing her neck. "Ja-Jasper!" a red blush appeared on her face. Did she always smell this good! Jasper found himself sniffing the crook of her neck.

He could feel his fangs growing. Shit...no, not now, I wanna do it properly! He self scolded.

"I-I-I...um...Jas-Jasper?" he stopped when he heard the concern in her voice. He looked up to see Kuno standing at the doorway.

"Awe, how cute." Kuno gagged "it makes me sick."

Jasper's flames sprouted again, acting as a barrier between Kuno and Evie. She closed her eyes in fear of getting burned, but it was quite the opposite, she wasn't burned, it was like a big warm hug that sheltered her.

"Get out." Hunter growled, standing behind Kuno, a dark aura surrounding him. Kuno gulped slightly, but with his large ego, he scoffed and walked off into the lounge.

"Thanks Hunter." Jasper smiled, the flames dying down. "No problem." Hunter winked, "how you feeling Evie?"

"Better, thanks." Evie smiled. "Don't worry about Kuno, the idiot won't be bothering you," Hunter glared at Kuno "right?"

"Whatever." Kuno mumbled. "You won't believe how long he's kept this a secret." Carlos laughed. "You knew!" Evie scolded.

"You told the dog boy before me!" Evie hit her boyfriend's chest playfully "I'm hurt!"

Jasper kissed her cheek "I didn't want to tell you because I was scared you'd break up with me." Jasper muttered.

"Honey, I would never do that, I don't care if your a sea monster, your still my Jasper." Evie smiled, wrapping her arms around her neck in a loving fashion.

"You think he's gonna mark her?" Maleficent asked, sitting at the bar with Cosmina, sipping another margarita.

"Most definitely." Cosmina nodded.

"Eh! Milo! You forgot the salt." Maleficent said, but Milo wasn't paying attention to Maleficent. "Milo! Hello!" Maleficent snapped her fingers in his face.

"What is he staring at?" Cosmina followed his gaze to meet Eddie's. "Isn't she beautiful." Milo gushed. "She's a robot! She's incapable of love!" Tabina scolded, blocking him from seeing Eddie.

"Tabby, move," Milo moved Tabia out of the way to continue gazing at Eddie.

"Why does he keep looking at me?" Eddie felt her circuits heat up, her head was reeling. "Maybe he likes you." Evie snickered slyly.

"That's impossible, Evie." Eddie shook her head. "Eddie, I get it your new to the whole mate thing but demons are pretty serious when it comes to it. It's really the only thing we're pretty serious about." Hunter chuckled.

"But that doesn't mean I'm Milo's mate." Eddie stated. "Yet." Jasper smirked at Eddie. "Jasper!" Eddie scolded as her circuits heating up again.

"Come on! Milo is so crushing on you!" Carlos winked. "Go talk to him." Levi pushed Eddie towards the bar, the demon and the robot looking into each other's eyes.

"T-Th-Thank you for let-letting us st-stay!" Eddie stammered in a yelling tone. Milo smiled goofily, "you're welcome, anything for a cute robot."

"Shut up." Eddie scoffed, sitting at the bar. "What, it ain't my fault your cute." Milo winked at her.

Eddie smiled and looked away. Maybe...I wouldn't mind seeing him more often

"You have a mate?" Carlos asked, play fighting with Levi some more. "Yeah, she was the best woman ever! I haven't seen her in ages!" Levi buried his face in his paws "gods and goddesses I miss her."

"What as she like?" Carlos further questioned. Levi and arlos turned back into humans "she had beautiful white hair, and she smelled like black pansies, and she loved when we would play fight. She had this cool talent when the lightning magi she used would summon a little dragon, it was adorable."

"She really sounds like something." Carlos said. "She really was..." Levi muttered, "it's been years since I've see her though..."

"Did you two break up?" Carlos tilted his head. Levi shook his, "no, just, one day, people forced us to split and go to different islands...I haven't seen her since then."

"Lets get her back then!" Carlos stated, rising from his chair. "Excuse me?" Levi looked up at him. "I know what it's like to lose a mate, it's hell and it hurts like a mother fucker, and I never want anyone to go through that."

"Why would you want to help me? Kuno didn't..." Levi muttered. "Who gives a crap about him! I know what it's like to get your mate taken away! Imagine what she's going through! Imagine all the december of mating season you and her missed! All the love that was lost! Don't you want that time back?!"

Levi stood up proud, "yeah!"

"Exactly! As Carlos DeVille, I make it my duty to get you back to your mate!" Carlos vowed. Levi smiled and hugged him tightly "oh thank you, Carlos!"

I promise, I'll be with you again. Levi had a large smile plastered on his face.

"You two had one job! One job!" Araden scolded at Kuno and Delia, who hung their heads low.

Araden glared at Kuno "you were supposed to convince Evie into guilt joining my order," his gaze shifted to Delia "and you were supposed to drive them to the portal to the Shadow Realm, NOT get across the border!"

"Sorry Araden..."

"Oh you will be sorry! This is the last time I order off Evil Minions.com! Worthless I tell you! Worthless!" Araden growled, turning away from the two of them.

The demon felt a hand on his shoulder, "don't be so harsh on them, they're giving it their all."

Then, for the first time ever, Araden's lips formed into a smile.

"I know, but I'm sick and tired of people not respecting me." Araden semi pouted. "Araden, I know your lying. As nice as respect is, you're doing this for another reason."

"No I'm not." Araden looked the other way. "Don't lie to me darling." she smiled, soft hands turning Araden's face towards.

"You don't need to do this for me."

"I need to save you." Araden looked down.

"Who the hell is he talking to?" Kuno whispered. Delia shrugged "beats me."

"Araden, I don't need saving, I'll be okay..."

"Nadia...I can't, I don't wanna lose you..."

Nadia smiled, even after her death, the gods and goddesses granted her and Araden spiritual vision, a certain access that allows Araden and Nadia to talk whenever.

The only problem was, Nadia's dead.

"If you do this, the gods and goddesses will take away our spiritual vision." Nadia warned. "But if I get the grail, you'll be back, the real you, not just your spirit." Araden leaned his cheek into her palm.

"How do we know that?" Nadia muttered. "I don't but...if there's even the slightest chance you would be back in my arms...I'd gladly give up my life." Araden vowed.

"Araden, you can't be serious-" Araden cut her off "just leave everything to me, goodbye Nadia."

Meanwhile, inside the bus, everyone was doing their own thing, but for now, we'll focus on Hunter, Carlos, Evie, and Jasper.

Evie sat in Jasper's lap, it was nice Jasper was finally showing her his dragon side.

Especially all the public displays of affection.

As well as dragons being possessive, greddy, and powerful, they we're very open about their emotions.

This couldn't have come at a better time, see before they arrived at the Villain Islands, Evie and Jasper were going to a rough patch.

Jasper was avoiding her, not telling her anything, and it got to the point where Evie almost wanted to break up.

But now that she knew about his dragon side, he was way more open! Evie never knew how amazing it was to be in relations with a dragon until now.

"I love you, Blueberry." Jasper kissed her neck, leading down to her shoulders "I never want anyone else, I want to be all yours Evie."

Evie chuckled and tilted her neck slightly, allowing more access to her neck "I'm all yours Jasper."

Kuno walked past, once him and Evie locked eyes, she felt like her soul was breaking down. He winked at her and looked away.

Jasper growled as the flames around Evie and him again, he glared daggers at Kuno, almost like a warning, telling Kuno to back off.

"Mine..." he snarled at him, the flames grew brighter, his eyes glowed a bright red. Kuno kept walking, Jasper was getting on his nerves.

"Stupid Kuno." Jasper muttered, nuzzling his nose into Evie's neck. She flinched ever so slightly, but that was enough for Jasper to notice something was wrong.

"Baby, something wrong?" Jasper sincerely questioned. "Just remembering stuff...that's all..." Evie mumbled, looking away from Jasper.

"Blueberry, I don't want either of us to keep any secrets." Jasper said, intertwining his fingers with hers.

"It's Kuno." Evie sighed. "Did he hurt you? Because I've been dying to punch him in the face!" Jasper's eyes glowed red again.

"No, not now, but years ago he did." Evie sighed. "You want me to make his blood boil, literally?" Hunter had a vicious look in his eyes. Evie chuckled, "not yet, but I'll keep that in mind."

"What did he do?" Carlos asked, petting Levi in his jaguar form, who took residence in his lap.

"When I was 11, I was looking for work." Evie began, her facial expression turning into that of a sad one.

"You want to be a maid?" a 9 year old Mal questioned, walking through the sunny Villain Iles with her best friend Evie.

"Yeah, it's only for the summer, my family is really low on money and we can't live with you and Ms. Maleficent forever." Evie said, sipping her smoothie.

"I've told you this a thousand times Evie, my mom doesn't mind you two staying, you have nowhere else to go. I'm not about to have you and your mom live on the street." Mal reminded her something she said often to her blue haired friend.

"At least let me pay you back." Evie muttered. "You don't need to," Mal sighed, "but if you must pay back, please be careful with this job."

"I'm just working as a maid for a guy named," she looked back at the flyer "Kuno Ababwa," she rolled her eyes in a joking way "what's the worst that could happen?"

"I'm serious Evie, I've heard about this guy and his family, they're no joke and very strict when it comes to their workers." Mal warned, she didn't want anything to happen to her best friend.

"I know things are still a rough with the heros, especially since we won the war, but I doubt I'm gonna die at this job." Evie laughed, slinging her arm around Mal.

"Let me see your necklace." Mal held out her hand, Evie took off her necklace and handed it to Mal. Mal then placed a small button on the back, "this is a distress button, if anything bad happens to you press the button than me or somebody I know and trust will be there to help you."

"Mal, why are you so worried, it's a live in maid job for only 3 months, I'm not going to war." Evie rolled her eyes once more.

"The last maid quit for unknown reasons, but I heard what they made her do was so awful she went to therapy for 9 months for tamura." Mal shivered, she knew Evie couldn't handle that much trauma.

"Those are just rumors, Aladdin was a thief just like you and me, so I'm sure he knows what it's like to lose everything like I did." Evie said, trying to assure her younger friend.

"Just please promise me you'll use the button." Mal whispered. Evie kissed her forehead, "I'll use the button, now, wanna help me pack?" Evie suggested, Mal nodded quickly, the two skipping back to Mal's house.

"Maleficent, I can't thank you enough for letting me and Evie stay here." Ester thanked her and Maleficent sat in the garden, drinking tea.

"Esther, you and Evie are basically family, you can stay as long as you want." Maleficent smiled, slingling her arm around her lifelong friend.

"I just feel bad, I don't want to intrude our stay..." Esther muttered. "You're not! Esther, your Mal's godmother, so of course I'm gonna let you stay!" Maleficent ruffled Esther's hair.

Esther was about to say something else but was interrupted by Evie and Mal running towards them yelling "mom! Look! I found a job!" the blue haired girl replied cheerfully, waving the flyer as she ran.

"Huh?" Esther chuckled, her and Maleficent sitting down wicker garden furniture. "See," Evie passed Esther the flyer "it's only for the summer, but it pays really well."

"I don't know Evie, you sure you wanna be a maid," Esther looked up at her "especially for this family?"

"Why is everyone so worried? The Abawa Family can't be that bad." Evie shrugged. "I've tried to talk her out of it but she won't listen to me." Mal sighed.

"Evie, I don't want you to think you have to get a job to help me," Esther rested her hand on Evie's shoulder "I have some jobs lined up, I don't want you to grow up too fast."

"It's okay Mama, I want to do this, you've done so much already," Evie smiled gently, "plus, I heard the uniform is super cute!"

Esther chuckled, even though Evie was only 11, she was acting like she was the grown up instead of Esther "why couldn't you just get a job at SmoothieMart like Mal."

"Cause the SmoothieMart rejected her." Mal laughed. "Mal! I told you not to mention that!" Evie punched her playfully.

"You got rejected by the SmoothieMart!" Maleficent laughed, falling out of her chair. Evie puffed up her cheeks.

"Maleficent shouldn't talk," Esther leaned in "she got rejected by a hotdog cart."

Evie giggled as Maleficent glared at her "go get pack, you idiots."

Evie and Mal gladly went upstairs to begin to pack.

"A couple hours later, I arrived at the Ababwa Palace"

Evie looked at the beautiful palace she stood before, she gulped and knocked on the door, the large doors opened to reveal Jasmine.

"You must be Evie," Jasmine lips curved into a semi-wicked smile "welcome, I think you'll fit in just right."

Evie eyes lit up, smiling up at the princess "it's a pleasure to work for you and your family."

"Oh honey," Jasmine placed her hand behind Evie's neck, placing a small mark on her neck that glowed faintly "the pleasure all mines."

Little did I know, the beautiful palace I once love, became the center of my nightmares...


Alright, so the other day i look to see I have 1.58k, that's really great! I go to bed and wake up, I now have 1.74k!?

Like damn! I didn't think it get that popular!!

But anyways! I wonder who this Nadia girl is? Friend or foe? Could she be real reason behind Araden's actions!

What about Evie! How will her new maid go turn out?

And how will Jasper reacts when he hears what Kuno did to Evie?

Find out next time on Good At Being Bad!

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