EP.174|I'm Not Crazy! The Shards Can Talk!

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EP.174|I'm Not Crazy! The Shards Can Talk!

"Jasper!" Evie giggled as Jasper placed butterfly kisses along her neck. "Gods, how did I never noticed your blueberry smell earlier." Jasper sighed in delight, once again taking her addicting sent.

"Probably cause your an idiot." Kuno said, walking past the pair again. Jasper snarled at Kuno "mine..."

"Yes, yes, we all get the Blueberry's yours, you don't need to rub it in our faces." Kuno muttered, sipping his drink.

"And you'll be good to remember that." Jasper growled, continuing his public displays of affections on Evie.

"You're all mine." Jasper felt his fangs growing again. Not now, Ioaz! Jasper scolded.

"Not now, Ioaz." his inner dragon, Ioaz mocked, "we'll do it later Ioaz' 'she not gonna accept Ioaz' 'I wanna do it on my own terms'. UGH! You humans are so annoying!"

"Well god forbid I want this on my own terms! I don't want to just jump on her like a crazy animal!" Jasper said, rolling his eyes.

"That's not such a bad thing...I mean, she might like it for all we know..." Ioaz muttered. "MIGHT! She might like it! I can't mess things up," she looked into Evie's brown eyes "espeically not with her."

"Hm?" Evie turned her head towards him "everything alright?""Yeah, just thinking..." Jasper mumbled. "Jasper," Evie faced him, her legs swinging to the other side of his lap ."we said no more secrets..."

"I know baby," Jasper kissed her lips, causing the Blueberry to blush slightly "it's just...Ioaz is kina annoying me."

"And you two are annoying me." Kuno groaned, hopping over the bar "happy couple make me sick."

Jasper growled, "let's go to a different car," Jasper held Evie's hand as they walked to the middle row of the bus.

Him and Evie sat down on the couch, "as I was saying, Ioaz is a dragon-""I said no Hunter!" Eddie repeated, walking into the room, Jasper sighed.

"Just go with him! For the sake of the gods, Eddie, I get you a robot but somewhere in that metal body there's a human heart that had strong feelings for him." Hunter gripped her shoulder.

"He'll meet other girls." Eddie rolled her eyes. "No he won't, when demons see their mates, they don't turn back. They stick with that one mate, forever." Hunter said.

"But my dad..." Eddie started. "Will be okay, I'm pretty sure he'll understand." Hunter smiled, patting Eddie on the back, pushing Eddie towards Milo.

"H-Hi Mi-Milo!" Eddie's circuit began to heat up again. "Hello, my beautiful metal angel," Milo smiled at her "what can I get cha?""I-I-I um...we-well...I was wondering, si-since, y-you're going to start yo-your own journey, d-do you mi-mind if I-I come with?" she stammered, her hands began to shake.

Milo smirked, grabbing Eddie, lifting her up to the bar "I would love to have you come with me!" Milo hugged her, Eddie smiled and hugged him back.

Hunter smirked, "shut up," she whispered. Hunter smiled when he heard Milo make some sort of a clicking or maybe a growling sound.

It reminded Hunter of the sound he made when he met Operetta.He was happy for Milo, and Eddie too, something about the two of the made Hunter know they'll be together forever.

Hunter then noticed Jasper glaring at him "I get it, I'll leave, yesh, you dragons are weird..." Hunter muttered as him, Milo, and Eddie left, finally allowing the two some peace.

"Finally..." Jasper sighed in relief "anyways, Ioaz, he's my inner dragon, and ever since we met he's wanted me to mark you."

"Mark me?" Evie tilted her head, trying to play the part of the "innocent girl", she knew exactly what he meant, the other day, Maleficent gave her a book on dragons. There was a whole section on mates.

"Well, you know when animalstics and demons have mating seasons?" Jasper began, Evie nodded, moving her hair to one side, revealing her unmarked neck.

Jasper licked his lips slightly "yeah," Jasper blinked a few times, "anyways, dragons mating season is every january."

"Well, it is only December 10th, so why are you telling me now? January isn't for a while?..." Evie played with her blue hair, biting her lip and looking away from Jasper.

Evie noticed the strain in Jasper's eyes, he looked like he was holding something back.

It's working! Evie smiled slightly.

"So, what is mating season anyways?" Evie let her hands trail along his arms. "We-well...it's kinda like the other mating season..." Jasper struggled to explain, he didn't care about explain, he wanted Evie and he wanted her now!

"Jasper? Everything okay?" Evie battered her eyelashes, her eyes sparkling in the sun.

"Yeah...it's just...gods Evie, we're you always so cute!" Jasper dug his nails into his palm.

"Awe, you think I'm cute..." Evie blushed, her hands on the side of her face. "Yeah, oh gods and goddesses you're so cute..." Jasper looked at her up and down "not just cute, but hot too!"

He tried to kiss Evie put Evie put her finger on his lips "I still wanna know more about mating season, what if there's risk?""Yeah, risk for anyone who tries to touch you." Jasper growled. "I meant risk on me." Evie chuckled. "Oh gods no! There's no risk, actually, according to Maleficent it's a real advantage to be a dragon's mate." Jasper said, lying down on Evie's lap.

"Will the marking hurt?" Evie tilted her head. "If you wait anymore, I'm going to hurt you!" Ioaz scolded.

"Marking doesn't hurt, it actually feels good." Jasper said. "U-Um, dragons...they're not hurtful right?" Evie mumbled.

Jasper sat up "of course not! Demons, animalistic, and dragons are completely different in so many ways, we live for a good fight, and if we see something we want we stop at nothing to get it."

"Especially when it comes to mates." Jasper crawled towards her "when I saw you, gods, I wanted you all to myself," Evie smirked and got up "catch me dragon!"

"Oh~your on!" Jasper smirked, his eyes flashed red, a spark of excitement was sent through Evie's body.

"You better start running. Just because you're my mate I'm not gonna go easy on you!" Jasper began chasing after Evie.

"Come here my tasty Sapphire!" Jasper taunted, running pass Maleficent who was once again sipping a martini.

"Kids..." Maleficent laughed. "Yes, but they're the ones who'll save our generation." Healer clinked glasses with Maleficent.

"Healer! Gods dammit! Ever heard of a little thing called a bell!! Buy it!" Maleficent said, making herself another martini.

"The others are late, they should have been here 5 seconds ago." Healer shrugged "time is so off today."

"Wait, 3...2..1..." she counted down and as soon as she reached 1, the white portal appeared, dropping Ben, Operetta, and Freddie from it.

"And this is why I don't use portals..." Freddie groaned, rubbing her head. "Ben! Get off Operetta! You're gonna crush the baby!" Freddie pulled Ben off Operetta.

"Gods sakes, I'll be pretty surprised if my baby last till the end of this mission." Operetta muttered, she rubbed her eyes to see Maleficent.

"Miss Maleficent?" she looked to see Healer sitting next to Maleficent. "Healer! Oh my gods I miss you!" Operetta ran into her embrace."I miss you too, my little snowflake." Healer smiled, stroking Operetta's hair. "Where are we?" Ben asked. "Mirror Realm." Maleficent replied."Also, since you here, Ben," she pulled on Ben's collar "find my daughter!""Ye-Yes Miss Maleficent! Ri-Right away!" Ben stammered.

"Why do you terrorize that poor boy?" Healer chuckled. "Because, it's fun." Maleficent winked.

"Will you two keep it down...gods, trying to slee-" Hunter then rubbed the sleep out of his eyes to see Operetta.

"Operetta!!" Hunter scooped up his girlfriend, his face lighting up with glee "I missed you!"

She snuggled up close to Hunter's chest "I missed you, my Hellraiser."

Hunter smiled, holding her closer "you remember, don't you?""Yeah, I remember everything, and this time I'll never forget." Operetta kissed his lips, enjoying the warmth of her demon.

"Remember?" Evie tilted her head, Jasper finally caught her, but since Operetta, Ben, and Freddie dropped in unexpectedly, Jasper would have to wait for her prize.

"Yeah, we say some stuff in that portal." Ben flashed his innocent smile, he couldn't wait to find Mal and tell her everything.

"Well, I'll leave you eight be, it looks like you have a lot to discuss." Healer smiled sweetly at the group.

In all of them, they could sense a feeling of familiarity when they Healer flashed her warm smile.

Maleficent followed Healer out "and where are you going?" Cosmina raised her eyebrows. "Home," Maleficent placed two fingers on Cosmina's forehead "my work here is done. We still have people in the villain isles to help. Aradem hit us pretty hard so we gotta come back stronger."

"You're not planning on hitting them back are you?" Freddie asked. "Why of course! I've been dying for a good fight, the Argyles were nothing compared to Araden's army." Maleficent eyes grew a vicious look "we gotta start training troops."

"What about Mal?" Ben asked. "She's a Maleficent, she'll be fine, plus, this isn't my test." Maleficent winked.

"Maleficent!!" Healer smacked her upside the head. "I train you for 15 years and you go fuck it up in 2 seconds," Healer pulled her by the ear

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! This is Dragon Abuse!" Healer rolled her eyes, opening a portal. "Get it, and don't say you don't wanna go because you do, I know you miss Stefan." she smirked.

Maleficent blushed "that man means nothing to me! I don't need him!"

"So stubborn..." Healer pushed her in the portal. She peeked in to see the VKs laughing and smiling, "never lose those smiles, my darling sunrise swans."

"You're a dragon?!" Operetta and Freddie screeched.

"Yep!" Jasper smiled, showing them his scales. "That's amazing! They're traditional Japanese inferno scales! I heard dragons only get those if they complete the Great Flame Trails." Operetta gawaked over his new attributes.

"Well they don't give those to anyone honey," Jasper's eyes turned bright orange, indicating Ioaz has taken over "Ioaz, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Ioaz kissed Operetta hand, she blushed a little "Ioaz." Brazzan growled, "you know the rules of common decency."

"Yes, yes, I'm aware, but it's been so long since I've seen you, don't you miss me?" Ioaz smirked. "No, now, I frankly don't like humans but the only ones I can tolerate are these 10. My vessel Hunter, is a special case, him and this "Operetta" have some "special bond" and she seems to be the only thing that calms him down." Brazzan explained.

"Awe, you finally settled down." Ioaz chuckled "mine did the same, it was honestly tiring jumping from broad to broad every January, but ever since he found Evie, he couldn't stop thinking about her."'

"Alright! I'll give you back control, ugh, humans." Brazzan finally gave Hunter back control. He was gasping for air. "Brazzan took control again?" Operetta had that cute worried look on her face.

"Yeah, don't worry about me, honey." Hunter kissed her cheek "Jasper might not be tough." he pointed to Jasper who was now on the floor.

"Ow!" Jasper held his side, "I am never letting Ioaz take over again."

Evie chuckled and took off her necklace, placing it around Jasper's neck "this should help."

Evie closed her eyes, causing the necklace to glow, Cosmina then felt the shards around her neck fly off, connecting to Evie's necklace.

Evie began mumbling words, healing all of his wounds "Evie...?" Cosmina whispered. "Don't knock her out of concentration." Jasper shushed.

"Eh..sjhi...semme..." Evie mumbled, once all Jasper's wounds were healed she stopped mumbling.

She opened her eyes and looked down to see the shards on her necklace "when those get there?" she chuckled a little awkwardly.

"Just now." Cosmina replied. Evie put her necklace back around her neck "well, you kinda gotta go back to Cosmina now." she said, referring to the shards.

"No..." the shards replied back "we're supposed to be with you..."

"No, you're supposed to go with Cosmina." Evie corrected. "Who is she talking to?" Freddie whispered. "Beats me." Ben shrugged.

"We're not leaving..." the shards replied. "Well I can't keep you forever, you're supposed to be with the royal family." Evie sighed.

"We go where we're needed..." the shards seemed to have all the answers to her questions, they were determined to make sure they stayed with Evie.

"You're Cosmina's though." Evie muttered. "Keep em, I never really knew how to use them anyway." Cosmina smiled sweetly.

"These are royal artifacts, I just can't keep them." Evie tried to pull off the necklace but the shards wouldn't leave.

"We're staying...Evianna...we can help you." the shards noted. "Help how?" Evie raised her eyebrows.

"We can help you understand all you don't know..." they vaguely answered. "What don't I know?" Evie grew more suspicious.

This time the shards didn't respond, Evie sighed, never mind...

"Evie, can you hear the shards?" Eddie asked carefully. "Yeah, why?" Evie replied simply. "The shards can't talk." Operetta sweatdropped.

"Of course they can! You just can't hear them." Evie justified. "It's not just the shards, it's really all crystals I guess," she traced her thumb over her necklace, which now had the shards circling around "they all have different personalities and stories."

"But they're shards..." Hunter reminded her. "Yeah, but still, they have emotions, it's kinda like they're all little hearts that loved, loss, and are scared."

"You probably think I'm crazy, don't you?" Evie chuckled nervously. Jasper held her hands gently in his "a little bit, but," he pecked her lips with a kiss "I like crazy."


HEY EVERYONE! So tonight is my concert for band, hence why I updated earlier than usual, and I'm playing the clarinet!

I barely learned how to breath correctly with that this morning. (Apparently there's a wrong way to breathe...?) anyways, I'm still super nervous about it because my family will be there.

I don't want them to think all the money they spent on this clarinet was for nothing! So wish me luck!

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