EP.181|Assassin Or Not, I Still Love You

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EP.181|Assassin Or Not, I Still Love You

Araden walked around the empty castle, looking down at his hand to see a black promise band.
“My darling,” Nadia’s soft voice rang through his head “you promised me you wouldn't shut me out.”
“I’m not…” Araden walked out to the patio to see Nadia’s spirit “it’s just, I hate seeing them so happy.”
“Honey, don't you remember what it’s like to be happy?” Nadia chuckled, her fingers lightly brushing through his hair.
“Yeah,” Araden looked down “when you were alive.”
“Then let them go, let them be happy, like how we once were,” Nadia stood in front of him “that Operetta was right, you should tell her what’s going on.”
“She wouldn't understand.” Araden shook her head. “We have no other choice,” Nadia tried to kiss his cheek but she just went through “the sooner we find someone to help us, the sooner I can be back in your arms.”
Araden smiled sadly, he wanted her back so badly, but sadly, the VKs were the only way to the one object that could bring her back.
The VKs have been in Araden’s boxes for about 4 days now. The VKs have been in thought situations before but when it came to this, it was the icing on the tourture cake.
“I’m sorry everyone…” Ben mumbled, grabbing the VKs attention. “Ben,” Mal coughed, luckily her box was near Ben’s so she could hear her “you did nothing wrong...I should have found a way out already.”
Ben whimpered a bit, looking at the pain in Mal’s eyes “I promise, it’ll be okay,” he tried to assure her.
“You don't have to lie to be darling…” Mal’s lips curved into a frown, she closed her eyes, trying to get some rest.
“Hunter,” Ben got Hunter’s attention “you should know what happened at the camp before Araden twist my words.”
“What happened?”
“I said some hurtful things to Operetta, like that she didn't deserve to be in our group and that she should have stayed on the demonic islands.”
Hunter chuckled “she told me, she knew you’ve been stressed but she said the look on your face when she said I would go after you was princless!” Hunter laughed.
“Then why did you ask what happened?” Ben chuckled. “Cause seeing you scared of me is priceless!” Hunter rolled on the floor.
“Jasper! Look at his face! It’s paler than a ghost!” Jasper and Hunter laughed in unison. “I thought the Beast wasn’t scared of Gaston!” CJ teased, smirking.
“And I thought Pirates used swords, but I don't see yours CJ.” Ben shot back, smirking as well.
“You little punk!” CJ laughed, as much as she hates the fact she didn't have her sword, the VKs made the go away when they were all laughing.
“I’m surprised someone got within 6 feet of her sword, she loves that thing more than she loves Carlos!” Evie stated, giggling a little.
Carlos shrugged, “meh, I’ve come to accept that metal bar with a point edge is more important than her boyfriend.”
“I thought you always knew that?” CJ tilted her head, chuckling.
“Don't even get her started on her hat!” Zeref laughed, CJ rolled her eyes in a joking way.
“I was trying it on one day in the mirror and she almost stabbed me in the kidney!” Operetta shivered “last time I ever touch her stuff.”
“Oh please, you think I’m bad you should see Mal when I touch her amethyst jewel cake!” CJ scoffed “she bit my hand!”
“Look Pirate Princess,” Mal yawned, waking up from her little nap “nobody touches my jewels, not even Ben touch them.”
“Tell em’ what happen when you touched my jewel cake.”
“She bit me…”
“You bit your husband?” Zeref looked at her strangely. “We agreed he wouldn't touch it! And he did so I gave him some punishment.” Mal smirked slyly.
“By biting him…?” Freddie repeated slowly.
“Yes! As creepy as it sounds, the Beast King learned his lesson.” Mal nodded assuringly.
Araden watched as the group began laughing once again, he couldn't believe it, these VKs were laughing at a time like this?!
“They’re the Sunrise Generation, the ones who’ll bring us into a new light.” Nadia smiled, her hand resting on top of Araden’s to the point where it didn't flow through him, but just enough to assure the demon everything was okay.
As the night wore on, the VKs fell asleep, however, Carlos couldn't sleep and neither could CJ.
“Princesa,” Carlos began, getting the blonde’s attention, her eyes filled with sadness “I love you.”
“I love you too,” CJ sighed, playing with the feather on her hat.
“You’re nervous.” Carlos stated. “Am not!” CJ pouted.
“Yes you are,” Carlos smirked “when you get nervous you play with the feather.”
“You know me too well…” CJ mumbled, “Carlos, I don't think I’ll ever find my sword.”
“Princresa,” Carlos muttered. “Don't “Princesa” me,” CJ sighed, “Carlos, if I can't find my sword, I could never face my family ever again.”
“Mi amour, they’ll understand.” Carlos encouraged. “How do we know that?” CJ felt like crying, but her number one rule was to always be strong.
“Princesa, you don't have to be strong for me.” Carlos smiled, he could smell the tears stream down her face.
“Carlos…” she whimpered, wiping her tears “don't think less of me.”
“For crying?” Carlos chuckled “it’s normal to cry.”
“But I never cry.” CJ sniffled. “Yes you do CJ, you cried on Mimosa, you cried when I asked you out, you cried when your heart was broken by Philip.” Carlos stated.
“But...Bu-But.” CJ stuttered. “But nothing,” Carlos smiled “I promise, whatever he does to us here, we’ll both make sure he’s repaid back in full.”
CJ sighed in relief, she wanted to get out of this box and hug her animalistic, but things don't always go the way you planned.
He placed his hand on the wall of the box “Princesa,” he looked into her kind blue eyes “we’ll make it through this.”
“Awe,” Araden fakely cooed “you two just insist on being happy don't you?” he grimaced.
“Oh I’m sorry, I forgot the word happiness wasn’t in your dictionary.” CJ chucked slyly, stepping up to the demon.
“You got a big mouth for someone who just lost a sword,” Araden shot back “stings doesn't it Princess?”
“Wait till I’m out of this box Araden, I swear I’ll-” CJ was cut off when tape appeared
“You’ll what? Stab me? With what sword?” Araden chuckled and spun the box one again, his eyes landed on Carlos “ooh, let us play with the dog boy!”
CJ’s face grew pale and she tried to utter any words through the tape but the tape prevented her voice from reaching Carlos.
Carlos growled when his eyes locked with Araden’s, “Carlos DeVille,” Araden crouched down, “anything I do to you will just be a repeat of your childhood.”
Carlos stopped growling, knowing that he was hinting towards his Aunt Tangerine “Tangerine really did hate you.”
“No matter where your parents hid you, Tangerine always found you and kept beating you.” Araden walked around Carlos’ box “every since day that woman tortured you almost to the point of death.”
“But then she found some work for you, didn't she Carlos?” Araden smirked, teleporting inside the box. “Wanna tell your girl what that work was?” he pinned Carlos face to the wall to face CJ.
He shook his head rapidly. “Princesa,” Carlos voice rang in her head “I’m sorry for what I’m about to say.”
“What was your assignment Carlos?!” Araden growled, hitting Carlos’ head on the wall, causing his forehead to bleed.
“To assingnate CJ Hook.” Carlos admitted, Araden smirked as she watched the pirates face turn pale, the hope fading from blue eyes.
“Wh-what?” CJ stuttered.
“Tell her the story Carlos!” Araden slammed the animalistic head against
“It started when I was about 10, you were about 12.” Carlos narrated.
Water dripped down the ceiling of the cold wet cell, Carlos sat in the corner of his cell, his head in his knees, tears flowing down.
For 3 weeks, Carlos has been locked in this cage, awaiting for Tangerine to give him some food.
“Dog Boy,” Tangerine footsteps echoed through the halls “I got a job for you~”
“No,” Carlos turned away from her. Tangerine, smiled and opened the cage doors, grabbing Carlos by the neck, pinning him to the wall “You’ll do what I say!” Tangerine ordered.
Carlos hit her are quickly, trying to let Tangerine to know he couldn't breathe “say you’ll do whatever I say!”
“I-I-I will!” Carlos craoked.
“Good, your mission starts when you wake up, good luck.” and just like that, Carlos was knocked out.

“He’s waking up,” a sweet voice said, Carlos’ eyes fluttered opened.
Once Carlos’ eyes fully adjusted, his eyes laid upon the dazzling beauty that was CJ.
“Hey you’re up,” CJ smiled, bringing on a beautiful radiant glow.
“Woah...never really knew goddesses talked to mortals like me.” Carlos smiled back, noticing the pirate blush.
“A-Any-Anyways! Do you know what caused you to flow out at sea?” CJ asked, dabbing a warm towel on his head.
“Say you don't know.” Tangerine ordered, sending mental messages through his head.
Carlos’ brown eyes saddened “I don't know.”
CJ noticed his sadness. Someone must have messed him up pretty bad…
“Wh-Why! Don't you tell me yo-your name?” CJ sat on the cot next to him. “Carlos.” he sat up, groaning a bit.
“Lay down,” CJ pushed him back down, “you have a scar on your stomach, it must have opened again during the riptides.”
“How long was I at sea for?” Carlos groaned, holding his side. “A while,” CJ passed him a blue liquid, “drink up, it’ll heal you.”
Carlos gladly accepted the drink, chugging it down “what is this stuff?”
“God if I know,” CJ shrugged “my dad gives it to me when I’m sick so I don't know.”
“It tastes like blueberries mixed with,” Carloss sniffed the mixture “dragon spit, and I wanna say rainbow unicorn tears?”
“How did you know that?” CJ was shocked. “My senses are a lot higher than normal humans.” Carlos replied, smiling up at the pirate.
“What are you an animalistic?” CJ asked, wringing out the towel. “Yep,” Carlos flashed her a toothy smile “wanna see?”
CJ chuckled, “sure, amuse me.”
Carlos turned into a wolf, licking his paw “aww! That’s adorable!” CJ gushed, hugging the wolf “I love it!”
Carlos licked her cheek “you taste like seasalt, and vanilla, and cherries!” Carlos drooled.
“You can tell all of that just by my cheek?” CJ touched her cheek slightly. “Yeah! You can tell a lot by a person’s smell and taste.” Carlos replied.
“What does it say about me?” CJ tilted her head. Carlos began to sniff her “you’re dependable, smart, kind, hella strong.”
CJ chuckled “thank you,” she chuckled when she heard Carlos’ stomach growl “you’re probably starving.” Carlos nodded and got up, holding abdomen.
“If you keep touching it, it’s gonna hurt more.” CJ warned him as she lead kitchen to see the crew happily eating lunch.
“Smee, what’s for lunch?” CJ plopped down in the rolly chair. “Fish fillets and steamed veggies.” Smee replied, passing CJ and Carlos a plate.
“Oooh! When’s Smee’s cooking it’s always good.” CJ drooled, digging into her lunch. Once Smee served Carlos the food, CJ watched as the light shined in Carlos’ eyes.
“You alright?” CJ asked, eating a piece of fish. Carlos didn't answer licking his lips, it’s been so long since the had a decent meal.
“Yeah...it’s just...there’s actual food on my plate.” Carlos muttered. “Uh yeah,” CJ chuckled awkwardly “that’s normally what’s on a plate on when you eat.”
“When was the last time you atr Carlos?” Smee asked. “What’s today?” Carlos asked, not looking away from the food.
“July 10th.”
“5 weeks ago.” Carlos replied, his stomach growled.
“FIVE WEEKS?! How did you survive without eating for that long?” CJ shrieked. “I barely survived, she doesn't give me anything other than bread and water.” Carlos eyes saddened.
“She?” Smee raised his eyes in suspicion.
“Say never mind.”
“Never mind,” Carlos mumbled, focusing back on the food, finally getting enough courage to eat it. Once he did, it was like his body was being filled with a delicious warmth.
“This is amazing.” Carlos began to tear up “you’re really talented Smee!”
“At least somebody compliments me,” Smee glared at Hook “unlike some people!”
“I do compliment you!” Hook shouted over the crowd. “Lies,” Smee hissed.
CJ and Carlos laughed. She watched as the anlimastic continued to practically inhale his food “slow down Dog Boy, you’re gonna choke.”
“Sorry,” Carlos slowed down “it’s just so good!”
“Smee cooked for a lot of royal families before deciding to join my dad’s crew.” CJ said, looking at Smee and Hook arm wrestle.
“Everyone in our crew has a different story of how they got here, some are excovicts, some are runaways, my father didn't care, he welcomed them with open arms.”
“They’re like family to me and my dad, it’s like I have 20 aunts and uncles.” CJ smiled, leaning back onto the stool “but as much as father loved all his crew, my mother was his favorite.”
“You mom?” Carlos asked, facing her, basically giving her all his attention. “Yep, Nikita, her, my dad, and the crew went on all types of adventures before I was born.”
“My dad said she was just like me, everything down to the blonde hair and my laugh I get from her.” CJ laughed a little, Carlos smiled and continued to listen “I don't have a lot of memories with her but the ones I do have were so special.”
“She would sing me to sleep every night with this little lullaby, sometimes, when all you can hear in the ocean at night is the waves, I can hear her singing to me again.” CJ smiled softly “I’ve devoted my entire life to finding her, I want to see my dad happy again.”
“That’s really sweet CJ.” Carlos rested her hand on CJ’s, “you have a really determined scent to you, I’m pretty sure that’s where the cherry is coming from.”
Carlos sniffed her hand “yep, it’s definitely the cherry smell, it’s distinctly related to a person’s determination.”
“I-Is tha-that so?” CJ stuttered. “Yep.” Carlos smiled widely “I like people with determination like you.”
CJ blushed “heh...heh...thanks…” she played with her blonde hair.
“Awe, that’s cute.” Darlene chuckled, slamming Smee’s arm down, winning the arm wrestle. “What is?” Hook asked, chugging down another shot.
“Miss Darlene! My arm!”
“CJ and that new kid Carlos.” Heather answered. “So? What about them is cute?” Hook was still confused. Peyton sighed “you don't get it do ya Hook?”
“I can't feel my arm Miss Darlene!”
“No I don't,” Hook replied, “I seriously don't get what your trying to tell me.”
“Okay, let’s break this down in simple guy terms.” Darlene sighed “your daughter is 14-years-old right?”
“Is anyone concerned at the fact that my arm is going numb?!”
“Shh!” Darlen shushed him.
“Yeah, so what if she 14, what does that have to do with anything?” Hook tilted his head like a confused puppy. “When a girl is around CJ’s age, they start to develop feelings.” Heather began.
“You know what else is developing?! The fact that my arms will be cut off soon if Miss Darlene doesn't let up!”
“And CJ was getting all red near Carlos, playing with her hair, and being nice, heck, she even gave him a piece of her fish! CJ doesn't even share that with Crackers!” Peyton chuckled, looking at the young couple playing with Crackers.
It then all became clear to Hook, all the pieces lined up “CJ! We need to talk outside!” Hook abruptly grabbed CJ by the arm, pulling her outside “huh?”
“What was that all about?” Hook asked. CJ chuckled nervously “what?”
“You like Carlos, don't you?”
CJ’s laughter died down, looking at her feet “is it that obvious?”
“Just a tad bit,” Hook laughed, pinching his daughter cheeks “my little pirate has a crush, it’s cute.”
“Shut up..” CJ muttered. “You should tell him you like him.” Hook suggested. “It’s not as easy as you think, dad…” CJ muttered again.
“Hey, you tell him when you’re ready,” Hook patted her back “but if you ever need to talk, you know where I’m at.” Hook hugged his daughter, CJ snatched his hat, running back inside with a large smile on her face.
“Just like her mom.” Hook laughed, walking back inside the mess hall.

As night came onto the crew, everyone turned into for the night, however, Carlos’ couldn't sleep.
He missed his friends and family more than anything, but Tangerine filled Carlos with jobs he had no time to see his family.
He missed his moms warm hugs, his dad cooking. The way Hunter would spar with him. Or when Jasper would teach him dragon tongue. Or when Zeref and the VKs would prank the gods and goddesses. Or when Ben and the VKs would play hide and seek in the castle.
He missed it all.
“Listen up dog boy,” Tangerine’s disgusting voice rang though his head “I got your mission.”
“Whatever it is, I don't want it.” Carlos scoffed, looking out into the beautiful ocean.
“Awe, you think you have a choice? Cute.” Tangerine began to move his body against Carlos’ will towards CJ’s room.
“Your mission, which you MUST accept or you’ll die,” Tangerine began, making Carlos unlock the door “is to kill little miss Princesa.”
“What?!” Carlos yelled a little too loudly, CJ mumbled, turning to her other side. “You heard me, kill the girl, and grab that sword while your at it.” Tangerine repeated.
Carlos shook his head “no way! What did she ever do to you?”
“None of your business,” Tangerine shot back “remember Carlos, I control you!”
Tangerine made Carlos grab the sword, approaching CJ’s bed. As much as Carlos tried to regain control, he just couldn't.
He towered over CJ, holding the sword high, getting ready to strike. Carlos closed his eyes, not wanting to witness the crime he was about to commit.
“I’m sorry CJ…”
To this day, Carlos was thankful for CJ grabbing his hand “Carlos! What are you doing?!”
Carlos, finally regaining his ability to move, dropped the sword “I’m sorry CJ.”
“It’s fine,” CJ swung her legs over the side of the bed, sitting on the edge “what happened? Why were you about to kill me?”
Carlos didn't answer, he stared into her ocean blue eyes, smiling a little. CJ was about to ask her question again “I wasn’t lost at sea…”
“You…? What?”
“My aunt, Tangerine, she’s kept me locked up for years and only let’s me out for missions.” Carlos began, looking at his feet.
“Why don't you just leave when she sends you on a mission?”
“I would if she didn't have the stupid body control link on me, basically if I try to escape or defy her, she can move my body like it’s a puppet.” Carlos sighed, “she made me try to kill you.”
“I haven’t seen my family in years because of that monster…”
CJ rested her hand on his, Carlos could feel a certain shock flow through him “hey,” she said softly “she won't hurt you anymore, tomorrow morning we’ll talk to my dad about seeing a healer, they might be able to take off this body control link.”
Carlos smiled and hugged her, “thank you, Princesa.”
“What does that mean?” CJ chuckled, Carlos made a ‘o’ face, remembering that CJ didn't know spanish.
“It means Princess in spanish. I like calling you Pirate Princess, or just Princesa for short, kinda like a cute nickname.” Carlos flashed her his goofy smile.
CJ blushed a little bit “fi-fine! Then I get to call you Dog Boy!”
Carlos laughed and got up “alright, you can call me dog boy,” he put the sword back on her dresser “you should go to sleep, Princesa,” he kissed her forehead.
Before he could walk away, CJ grabbed his wrist, “stay…” she yawned.
“I don't think there’s enough room,” Carlos tried to move away but he locked eyes with CJ again.
“Please...stay...for me…” as much CJ hated looking vulnerable like this, something about Carlos’ touch made her feel at peace.
She wasn’t letting him get away anytime soon.

Carlos sighed in delight and defeat “fine, scoot over.” he climbed into bed with her, pulling the cover over the both of them.

CJ snuggled up close to Carlos, the heat radiating off of him warmed her body at just the perfect temperature.

“You’re warm,” CJ practically purred, sleep getting the best of her as she closed her blue eyes. Carlos smiled and ran his fingers through her blonde hair, yawning a little.

“Don't worry Princesa,” he yawned again “assassin or not, I’ll always be there for you.” with those last words, he fell asleep with his princess in his arms.

Healer, Hook, and Smee watched as the couple slept “I told you things would work out.” Healer smiled.

“I can't believe they found each other,” Hook was shocked, “I was this close from cutting Carlos with my sword if he’d hurt CJ.”

“Captain, we all know you wouldn't do that.” Smee rolled his eyes. “Shut up Smee, let me be threatening…” Hook mumbled.

Hook then noticed the glow of a design of different size dots drawn along CJ’s collar bone to make a beautiful swirl design with two swords making an X symbol in the middle.

“Holy crap…” Darlene muttered, peeking into the room to see the glow of wolf claw marks on Carlos’ left pectoral chest plate.

“Told ya!” Swan cooed, sitting on a soft cloud she made, sipping a smoothie “they’re part of the Sunrise Generation, the ones who’ll bring us all into a new day.”

“So, wasn’t that a delightful flashback?” Araden cooed sarcastically. CJ attempted to bite through the tape “have something to say?”

Araden snapped his fingers, making the tape disappear “what’s wrong with you?!”

“Moi?! There’s nothing wrong with me! I’m beautiful, thank you!” Araden pretend to flip his imaginary long hair.

“You’re an egotistical bitch.” Carlos crused, hissing at him. Araden fake gasped “you kiss CJ with that mouth?”

Araden sighed and shook his head “you could have been a great member of my crew,” Araden rolled his eyes “but you end up choosing Ben and his crew.”

“You were working with Tangerine! If I stayed with you I’d just end up being her slave again, and I’m not going to let that happen twice!” Carlos vowed, anger and determination in his eyes.

“Why couldn't you been like your ancestors? Now those were true animalstics!” Araden reminisce fondly.

“And I’m not?” Carlos questioned. Araden scoffed “no,” Araden scoffed, kicking the box, making it spin, coating the inside with a green gas.

Carlos began to feel woozy, “I don't...feel so good…”

“Ooh yay! It’s working!” Araden cheered. “What are you doing to him?!” CJ yelled, pounding on the box.

“Well, if you must know,” Araden stopped the box, “introducing…” Araden snapped his fingers, making the gas go, reveal a feral Carlos “Feral Spray! Get your animal from calm to feral in seconds flat!”

CJ’s eyes widened in horror, “Carlos…” she barely muttered.

Carlos growled at her, his eyes were black as night, Carlos couldn't control his body. Inside his mind, it was as if Carlos and Alvarez were locked inside a cage.

“Dammit Araden!” Carlos could see everything out of his own eyes, it was like was on the inside looking out. Being forced to watch himself become feral.

“Carlos...listen to me!” CJ tried to reach him “please! Carlos this isn't you!”

Carlos growled again, “eh!” Araden snapped his fingers in front of Carlos’ face, grabbing the wolf’s attention “see that girl over there?”

Carlos nodded when Araden pointed at CJ “she means a lot the guy you’re controlling.”

“No! Please Araden!” Carlos pleaded, Araden just smirked.

“So,” Araden walked over to CJ “ya ever fought a wolf before?”

“You monster!” CJ scolded, Araden shrugged and clapped his hands, teleporting Carlos into the box with CJ.

“Carlos, please tell me you can hear me?” CJ approached him slowly, “baby, you know me.”

Carlos snarled, snapping at her, “Carlos! I know the real you wouldn't do this to me.”

Princesa, I’m so sorry…

“Just talk to me,” CJ tried to reason with him but he couldn't hear her, “please…”

Araden smirked, “sick her,”

No! Carlos know CJ didn't have anything to defend herself with, her magi was being canceled out, her sword was missing, and her arms and legs weren’t strong enough at the moment to fight back.

He watched in horror as he bit and scratched his beloved Pirate Princess, tears streaming down her face as he begged him.

Please! Somebody! Anybody! Just stop me!

“Carlos! Pl-Please!”

Carlos just growled and pounced on her again, attacking her just as hard, Carlos began crying. He couldn't watch this, but it was like his eyes were glued to the horrific scene.

I promised I wouldn't hurt you…

“Carlos! Stop it! Th-This- AGH!” he sunk his teeth into her side, she screamed even more.

I promised I keep you safe…

“Sna-Snap ou-out of thi-this!” he threw her against the box, “Car-Carlos!”

What’s wrong with me…?

“I-I know yo-your still in there!”

Why are you with me?

Carlos slowly approached her, getting ready for the kill. The blood of his princess dripped from his fangs and onto the box’s floor.

Why be with a feral animal?

“I...CJ…” he managed to say, CJ’s smiled slightly, barely able to keep her eyes open “pr-prin-princesa...just leave me…”

Leave me in the forest in forest with feral animals…

Carlos dug his claws into the box, trying to stop himself, but the Fereal Spray began to take over again.

“Carlos...I can’t...go on…”

I can't either, Princesa...please, stop this! End me!

It was almost as CJ could hear him, she crawled out of the corner, “baby…” her voice was weak and dry.

She reaches her hand up to his cheek “I know you’re...in there...so please…” at her touch, Carlos could feel the Feral’s spray control slipping away, his eyes turning back to their natural color “come back...to me..”

“No...no...please...I’m dreaming! This is all a dream…” Carlos muttered, trying to take hold of the situation.

Carlos looked at CJ to see her body was covered into open wounds and bruises, she still managed to give him a small smile “Carlos...it’s alright…”

“No it’s not!” He began to cry, “I’m so sorry, Princesa!”

“Carlos, shh...shh...it’s okay…” CJ whispered, her hand slipping from his face “I’ll be...okay…”

Carlos shook his head, his tears staining her clothes below “please...Princesa...end me…”

Carlos turned back into a human, holding her in his arms “I promise...I’ll be gone...I won't hurt you anymore…”

He cried, running his fingers through her golden locks. I’m sorry...you deserve better… He looked up from her hair to see Araden’s smug face. Araden on the other hand… his eyes turned red, growling deep at the demon. He deserves no mercy!

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