EP.20|We're Truly Are Demons

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EP.20|We’re Truly Are Demons

Both Hunter and Midnight laid on the cold hard, broken, cement, both breathing heavily. But, one thing was different. Midnight wasn’t Midnight anymore. She was Mal again. “Hu-Hunter?” Mal stuttered. “Ma-Mal?” Hunter asked as Mal nodded. “Wh-what happened?” Mal asked.

“I-I thi-think we fought.” Hunter guessed as they both started remembering what happened. “W-Wh-What did we d-do to deserve this fate?” Mal asked.

“I think...I think...we’re doomed...we're doomed to be demons…” Hunter sighed. “We try not to show this side to the ones we love, but in the end, everything goes to hell.” Mal sighed.

“We’re truly demons aren’t we?” Hunter asked as Mal nodded. Mal looked at the sun and started crying. “It’s so beautiful!” Mal cried. “I know…” Hunter agreed crying a bit too. “I thought I wouldn't see the sun ever again.” They both cried. Laughing a bit afterwards.

“Has the sky always been this blue?” Mal asked. “I know...everything...looks so different.” Hunter wiped his eyes. “Hey...I’m so sorry…” Mal appolgized. “For what?” Hunter asked. “Operetta…” Mal sighed as Hunter crawled over to Operetta to see her lifeless body.

Hunter slammed his fist on the floor, hugging Operetta’s lifeless body, crying into it. “Why...why did you have to go!” He cried. “Hunter…” Hunter looked up from Operetta’s body to see the VK crew, and Ben standing there. All crying. “Hunter...her funeral...it’s today…” Zeref said as Hunter shook his head, crying into Operetta’s chest.

“I-I-I wo-won’t let them bury her!” Hunter cried. “They...they have to take the body…” CJ sighed. “No! I won’t let them!” Hunter yelled holding onto her body. “Hunter…” Evie started. “No!” Hunter sobbed. “But, Hunter...they need to do the funeral…” Jasper said as Hunter shook his head.

“Hunter! Let go!” Carlos tried pulling Hunter away from Operetta but it was no use. “Stop it Carlos! Let me talk to him.” Freddie said as Carlos let go of him. “Hunter.” Freddie started. “What is it Freddie?” Hunter sobbed, and kept muttering the words ‘it’s all my fault’.

“I get what your going thru. I’ve lost 3 people. The first is always the hardest. But you can’t go blaming yourself. If you keep saying it’s all your fault then you will end up in a dark, dark hole and there might be nothing to get you out. But, as a friend I need to do this to you.” Freddie then slapped him as hard as she could.

“What the fuck Freddie?!” Everyone yelled. “He needs to learn the way I did. Tough love.” Freddie said slapping him again. “She’s dead. There’s nothing you can do about it! It’s not your fault. It’s not Mal’s fault. It’s fates fault. Cause fates a bitch. A straight up mean girl bitch.”

“Sometimes fate wants to be a bitch and not give a shit about anybody and will kill of random people! Not giving any thought that if they had family, or friends that care about them. I get it, you care about Operetta. More than you let yourself care about her. You’re scared, and you don't know what to do. But, you’re gonna get thru this.” Freddie assured him, Hunter looked at Operetta and nodded sadly.

“Now, come on. Her funeral is in an hour.” Freddie sighed as Hunter let go of Operetta’s body.


It was finally time, the last time anyone would see Operetta. “Hello, Mister Phantom. I’m so sorry for you lose.” Evie apologized. “Thank you Evie.” Phantom thanked.

“How do you know my names. Operetta sends me letters home every week, telling me of your adventures.” Phantom chuckled, remembering the letters. CJ then put the black and red roses next to Operetta’s coffin. “You never got to tell him.” CJ sighed.

Hunter sat outside the funeral house, he couldn’t go in and see Operetta dead body laying there. He couldn’t even understand why he was so damaged up on her. “This is all my fault!” Hunter groaned. “No it’s not.” A voice said, Hunter looked to his side to see a girl with a black dress with ruffles at the bottom.

Her hair was black with white streaks, and she wore a very dark veil that covered up most of the facial features. “Who are you?” Hunter asked. “A family friend.” She answered. “Just so you know, it’s not your fault.” She added. “But I stabbed her.” Hunter stated. “No, it was the demon’s fault.” She said as Hunter looked at her.

“But I am the demon.” Hunter sighed. “No you’re not. You’re Hunter. Not Brazzan.” She assured him. “But. I let myself turn into Brazzan.” Hunter said, covering his face with his hand. “Hunter, was Operetta special to you?” She asked. “W-wel-well…” Hunter stuttered. “I wou-” Hunter’s face heated up. “So she is special huh?” She smirked as Hunter looked away from her. “Hey, I’m going thru what your going thru. Well, I know what Operetta is going thru. The guy I liked blamed himself, I haven’t seen him since. But, if I could see him now, I would tell him to to blame himself. Not to go thru the dark depression he went thru.” She explained as Hunter looked at the gloomy sky.

“She’s up there.” She smiled. “You think so?” Hunter asked as she nodded. “Do you want to join me in the burial of the body?” She asked. “Oh…” Hunter started. “Look I know how hard it is to see a love one get buried. But, I think it would be good for your closure.” She explained as Hunter nodded and they both walked towards the burial site in the rain.

“We are gathered here today to mourn over the death of Operetta Styles, friend, music lover, and last but not least, a great villain. Operetta’s dying wish was to buried next to her mother with the music box. And that is what we shall do.” Phantom spoke as the coffin lowered into the ground. Hunter couldn’t believe it was the last time he would see Operetta, ever.

“Goodbye, Operetta.” Hunter whimpered.


Hours later everyone went home. Little did they know, millions of feet under. A certain redhead opened her eyes.

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