EP.29|Boy Talk, Girl's Day, and Maddie's Date

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EP.29|Boy Talk, Girl’s Day, and Maddie’s Date

The group was now in the living room, just chilling until Lizzie came in. “You girls wanna go to a spa?” Lizzie asked as the girls nodded. “Don't wait up.” Operetta winked as the girl walked down to the spa.

“Hey, have you noticed the girls were being kinda different today?” Jasper asked. “Yeah. Now that I think about it, Lori and CJ were acting weird today.” Bruce answered. “Yeah, Maddie was acting the same way. Like I was invisible.” Alistair added.

“Same with Mal. I was trying to ask her something important but apparently she rather talk to Nevermore.” Ben sighed.

“Operetta freaking lashed out at me when I tried to help her with skee ball.” Hunter scoffed. “I couldn’t even get a word out of CJ. Her and Lori were talking to Milo the entire time.” Carlos added, brushing Dude’s fur. “You think we did something?” Zeref asked.

“I don't think so.” Jasper answered as C.A popped out of nowhere. “Hello!” C.A said making all the boys jump up a little. “Do you have tunnels in this hotel?!” Carlos asked.

“Yeah, I have tunnels.” C.A laughed as she scooted the rug a little to the left. “Is there a tunnel under the carpet?” Bruce asked. “I don't recall saying tunnels.” C.A smiled innocently. “Anywhoozle! Maybe you did something, maybe you didn’t. How am I supposed to know.” C.A smiled.

“What do you mean?” Hunter asked. “Oh~nothing.” C.A cooed. “Sis? What do you know?” Alistair asked as C.A started laughing nervously. Shit! I’m so dead! I can’t lie to Alistair! Oh what am I saying, of course I can! C.A thought.

“Sorry big bro. Can’t say.” C.A winked as she moved the carpet jumping down a tunnel. “I told you there was a tunnel!” Ben said.

Meanwhile, downstairs at the spa. C.A fell out of the ceiling and into on the massage chairs. “Hey C.A.” Lizzie smiled. “Sup.” C.A said as they put a green face mask on Lizzie and C.A. “Hey C.A, can I ask you something.” Lizzie asked.

“Sure.” C.A smiled. “D-Do...yo-you wan-wann-wanna go ou-out on a date?” Lizzie asked as C.A shot up, cucumbers flying off her eyes. “Seriously?!” C.A eyes lit up. “Yeah.” Lizzie smiled. “Of course I wanna go out with you!” C.A hugged her tightly.

“Mmmh...this spa is amazing…” Freddie complimented as the masseuse massaged her back. “Hey, um...Freddie...the masseuse’s name isn't Zeref. It’s William.” Operetta chuckled as Freddie’s face turn red. “Sorry…” Freddie muttered.

“So, I saw you and Hunter at skee ball yesterday Operetta.” Evie observed as she had a face mask on, getting her nails painted. “He was just helping me with skee ball that’s all.” Operetta clarified, the masseuse putting hot rocks on her back. “That’s not what Hunter was planning.” Mal sing songed.

“What do you mean?” CJ asked. “It looks like Hunter was trying to get closer to Operetta.” Maddie smirked. “You’re one to talk, you kept chatting up one of the Charming kids.” Lori added. “It’s part of the plan remember.” C.A reminded Lori.

“But does Derek know that?” Freddie questioned. “Um, well...no...but he…” Maddie stammered, soon she got a text. “Is that mister Charming himself?” Lizzie asked as Maddie looked at her phone to see it was, indeed, Dexter.

“What does he want?” C.A asked. “H-he...he wan-wants to...t-to know if I-I wan-wanna help him plan a party.” Maddie stuttered. “Oh… Plan a Party...I see…”  CJ smirked. “Yeah, he said it right here. Plan a party.” Maddie repeated showing CJ the next.

“No, honey, when a boy sends you a text to met up at a place for something other than to eat out with you. Then it means he secretly wants to have dinner with you. Leading to. Other things.” Evie explained.

“Other things?” Maddie was confused. “Yes, Maddie. You know. The thing you dream about doing with Alistair every night.” Freddie shortly explained as Maddie’s face turned red.

“Sex, Maddie. It means sex.” Lori said blankly. “Geeze Lori! Way to not beat around the bush.” Mal scoffed, eating one of the cucumbers. “You really think so? That he just wants to have sex with me?” Maddie asked.

“Maddie, you’re a beautiful girl. And Dexter is a weird dorky, and some reason you like him, kid who is a little cute. So, obviously he likes you, and you like him. If he kisses you tonight, if you feel a spark, that’s how you know you like him back. No spark, then he’s not the one.” Operetta answered.

“Here, you look tense. Miss Opa!” C.A called out as a girl with brown hair and a Heart Hotel uniform. “Yes, Miss C.A?” Opa asked. “Can you give Maddie the Love’s Arrow Treatment.” C.A winked as Opa nodded.

“Of course, Miss C.A.” Opa said as she lead Maddie to one of the massage beds. “Now, Miss Maddie, you need to relax. We will get out best masseuse in the spa.” Opa said as the masseuse began massaging Maddie.

“Ahh...C.A...you are so lucky you get to live in a hotel…” Maddie smiled.


“Maddie you have a date?” Alistair asked as Maddie nodded, putting on her earrings. “Yes.” Maddie answered  Maddie's hair is tied up into a high side-ponytail, streaked with pastel and soft colors. She has lilac purple eyeshadow and fuschia lips.

She wears a breathable top with a dark magenta bow with polka dots on the center-front of her top. The rest of the top contains light blue and white strips and bouncy sleeves with trimming.

Her skirt contains various tea cup drawings and patterned trimming. She wears a magenta layer underneath. Maddie wears pale gray stockings and yellow shoes. She accessories with a top hat-hairband, teabag-like earrings, a gold necklace and black gloves.

“Holy crap…” Alistair muttered. “I’ll see you guys later.” Maddie waived as she walked towards the door. Alistair looking at her hips sawing the entire time. “Hey! Alistair!” Ben snapped his fingers in Alistair’s face.

“Stop staring at her ass!” Bruce added. “What? Was I?” Alistair asked. “Yes, yes you were.” C.A answered as she put stuff in her purse. “You ready for you date with Lizzie?” Carlos asked slyly. “Yes, I’ll be back.” C.A then opened the door. “Tomorrow morning that is.”  C.A added as she closed to door on the way out.

“Tomorrow? Oh..her and CA are gonna get some tonight. No wonder Lizzie been planning this date for the longest.” CJ smirked.

Maddie walked to the restaurant down stairs to see Derek waiting for her. “You look lovely.” Derek smiled as Maddie smiled back. “I remember you saying you love ramen, so I thought we go to Ichiro Ramen.” Derek said as they walked into the ramen shop, sitting at a table on the patio.

“Hi! Welcome to Ichiro Ramen, would you like to try our specials tonight?” The waiter asked. “No thanks, I’ll have the Tonkotsu.” Maddie requested.

“I-I’ll ha-hav-have the Tsukemen.” Derek hid his face behind the menu as the waitress walked off. “Why are you hiding behind the menu?” Maddie asked.

“Well, I kinda stole the blue french horn on the wall…” Derek chuckled nervously. “That was you? I love blue instrumental!” Maddie smiled as the waitress brought them their food.

“So, what kind of party were you planning for?” Maddie asked, eating her ramen. “Actually, I wasn’t planning for a party...I just really wanted an excuse to meet you here tonight.” Derek sighed, looking down at his ramen.

“Oh…” Maddie trailed off. “Look, I really like you Maddie. You’re really beautiful, and quirky, and your laugh is adorable. I just really don't know what to say in this situation… but...I guess I’m just gonna go for it.” Derek then learned over the table and kissed her, shocking Maddie to say the least.

He tastes like ramen, which he just ate. Maddie searched and searched for that spark but it just wasn’t there. Nothing, zero, nada, nei. Zero spark. God...this is terrible...I wish...I just wish...it was somebody else… Maddie thought as the kiss separated and Derek wasn’t Derek anymore. It was Alistair.

“Oh...my god…” Maddie breathed. “So, when you said somebody else, did you mean me?” Alistair asked smirking. “Al-Ali-Alistair?!” Maddie stuttered. “Shh...Maddie...let’s get out of here…” Alistair said as Maddie nodded. He grabbed her hand and lead her out of the restaurant.

Inside the elevator, the two kept kiss. Alistair, who wasn’t really Alistair but in Maddie’s mind it was, backed Maddie up against the wall of the elevator. His lips smothered hers.

He had her pinned up against the elevator walls, holding her wrist above her head. His tongue slid across her bottom lip before he nipped it, demanding entrance. Her mouth opened just slightly to let out a soft moan, but he took a rush, and the muscle dove in,

Then and only then when she thought about Alistair kissing, that’s when she felt a spark. A magical spark that flew thru her veins, the magical spark that made her shiver in excitement. But, this wasn’t Alistair, the kiss was horrible when she thought about it as Derek.

But when she thought about it was Alistair, the kiss became a lot more exciting. “Let’s take this somewhere private.” Alistair (not really Alistair, remember Derek) whispered as Maddie nodded, leading Maddie to his hotel room.


“That was amazing, Maddie.” Derek smiled. Amazing? It was friken terrible! Maddie thought. Maddie then grabbed her phone and started texting in the girl group chat. Meet me down stair NOW! Maddie then slowly got out of bed and dressed, heading downstairs to the diner.

“Maddie? What’s wrong?” C.A asked. “Wel...last night me and Dexter had sex…” Maddie started. “How was it?” CJ asked. “Horrible...absolutely horrible!” Maddie exclaimed. “Yikes.” Evie inhaled thru her teeth. “But, when I thought of it was somebody else, it made it so much better.” Maddie sighed in delight.

“Oh~ so when you thought about it as Alistair it made it better?” Freddie asked slyly. “N-No!” Maddie face turned red as Operetta hair. “Who was thinking about me?” Alistair asked, sitting next to Maddie.

“Nobody.” Maddie waved her hands in front of her face. “Maddie.” Alistair got closer to her face, their nose almost touching. “Al-Alis-Alistair…” Maddie stuttered. “Is there something your not telling me?” Alistair asked suspiciously. “N-No.” Maddie answered.

“Maddie? You’re not hiding something? Right?” Alistair asked as he grabbed Maddie’s wrist slightly. She felt the spark, that electrifying spark, she wanted it again.

She wanted to feel it again. Touch me again Alistair! Please! Touch me again! Maddie thought. “N-No...I’m not…” Maddie answered as Alistair’s hand grabbed her waist.

“Alis-Alistair?” Maddie asked. “Why do I feel like you hiding something from me? Something your not tell me?” Alistair asked getting closer to her face.

“I-I hav-have to g-go!” Maddie stuttered trying to leave but Alistair held onto her wrist. “Maddie?” Alistair asked. “I have to go. Please, I explain later.” Maddie kissed his cheek before leaving causing Alistair to faint.

“Nee-kun got it bad for Hatter’s girl.” Lori chuckled. “Ma-Mad-Maddie kis-kissed m-my cheek!” Alistair stuttered. “Okay, off the floor.” Mal picked Alistair up off the floor.

Evie then looked out the window to see somebody she never thought she see.


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