EP.41|I, Jasper Damoola, Am NOT In Denial.

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EP.41|I, Jasper Damoola, Am NOT In Denial.

“You two are dating?” Alistair asked, over video chat. “Yeah.” Zeref answered, kissing Freddie cheek. The sound of the door breaking was heard thru the video call. “My shiping sense is going off! Which one?” C.A asked excitedly.

“Shadows.” Bruce answered as C.A grabbed the computer. “Yes! 2 down! 3 more to go! Lizzie! Get the shipping board! Cross of Freddie and Zeref!” C.A called out as C.A started fangirling. “I’ll call you later.” Alistair chuckled.

“I can’t believe you two are dating!” Evie squealed. “Evie, calmed down, it’s 9:00 in the morning. Ben and Mal as still asleep.” Jasper groaned.

“But! This is romance! We must tell the queen and king!” Evie announced.

Meanwhile, Ben and Mal sat in the bathtub. Ben looked at Mal, like he was staring at her for the first time. “What?” Mal asked, chuckled. “Nothing. Just remembering how beautiful you are.” Ben smiled.

“Idiot.” Mal blushed, laying on top of him. “You know, I never done this before.” Ben informed her. “What? Lay in a bubble bath with your girlfriend? Not even with Briar?” Mal asked.

“Nope. She never liked bubble baths with me for some reason, she likes taking them in private.” Ben answered. “Isn't that a bit suspicious.” Mal chuckled.

“No, I mean she took them when I went off to the Villain Isles to get the VK’s. Oh, wait.” the realization then came to Ben. “Oh, she would take they with Winter.” Ben sighed.

“Ben, you really are clueless at times.” Mal laughed, blowing bubbles in his face. “Hey, can I ask you something?” Mal asked. “Anything.” Ben smiled.

“If you had a choice. Would you go back to Briar. If she wasn’t a lesbian?” Mal asked sadly. “Never, I would never Briar over you.” Ben said, kissing Mal’s lavender flavored lips.

“I love your lavender smell.” Ben said, taking a whiff of her scent. “Idiot.” Mal chuckled.

“Hey Malley.” Evie said, opening the door. “Evie!” Ben and Mal yelled in shock, Mal ducking her body under the bubbles.

“What are you doing in here?!” Ben yelled. “Hey dude.” Jasper smirked. “Why are you here Jasper?!” Mal yelled.

“Evie dragged me up here. But it looks like you two were occupied. But keep going. I don't mind.” Jasper said, taking a bite of his apple. “Pervert!” Ben and Mal yelled.

“Anyways. Apparently, Zeref and Freddie are dating. Now, I have to take care of this pervert!” Evie grabbed Jasper by the ear pulling him out of the bathroom.

“Also, Maddie wants to talk Wedding Day deets.” Evie added. “Ow!” Jasper yelled. “Shut up! How dare you interrupted them! Have you no decency?” Evie scolded closing the door behind him.

“Can you believe that might be my best man?” Ben chuckled. “Really?” Mal asked. “Yeah, either him or Zeref, Hunter, or Carlos.” Ben said. “Evie’s obviously gonna be my Maid of Honor.” Mal smiled.

“Speaking of weddings. I finally planned out honeymoon.” Ben smiled, grabbing his phone. “Where are we going?” Mal asked, Ben then showed her the phone.

“We’re going to Alabasta!! The magic hub of the entire world!! Ben you’re the best!” Mal tackled him into a hug. “You’re welcome.” Ben smiled. “This must have cost the fortune.” Mal sighed.

“How the heck am I gonna pay you back?” Mal asked. “By being my wife.” Ben smiled. “You could've chosen others, but you chose me. Why?” Mal asked.

“Cause. You Mal, are the most beautiful, most kind, most adventurous person I ever met.” Ben said kissing her. “Hey, Ben. you-” But before Jasper could say anymore Evie tackled him.

“NO! Romantic moment! Don't ruin it!!” Evie yelled, pulling Jasper out of the bathroom again. “Yeah, I might choose Carlos as my best man.” Ben chuckled. “Good choice.” Mal added.


“Evie, I get it you didn’t want me to intrude on Mal and Ben’s romantic moment. But you didn’t need to hit me upside the head with a frying pan.” Jasper groaned as him and Evie entered art class.

“Well, you didn’t have to be a pervert! You could be more mature.” Evie scolded as the two sat down at one of the artist table.

“Evie, I’m always gonna be like that. There’s no changing me.” Jasper smirked. “You’re such a pervert.” Evie muttered. “Where is this art teacher anyways?” Evie added as a the art teacher walked in.

“Welcome class to art 101!” Rapunzel announced.

Rapunzel is an 28-year old, young woman with fair skin, rosy cheeks, large green eyes, brown eyelashes, brown eyebrows and light freckles around her nose.

She is famously known for her long, silky, golden blonde hair which is around 70 feet in length tied into a braid with flowers in it, Rapunzel's dress is a traditional German dress called a "dirndl", with a longer skirt than that of a normal dirndl.

Her dress has a purple theme with a pink accent. The dress consists of a lavender corset top laced with a pink ribbon.

The skirt is purple. It is decorated with swirling and floral designs in pink, dark purple, and white. She wears a white petticoat underneath. The skirt's hemline is above her ankles, but well below her calves.

Her sleeves at the top are short, puffed, and striped with pink and lavender; the rest are long and it is pale baby pink with a white lace at the hems.

“Today, I want you to draw or paint something that makes you happy, something that inspires you, gives you hope, something that’s your light.” Rapunzel instructed as Jasper took out his notebook.

Evie went over to the paint cabinet and grabbed blue paint. “Poison apple. Stay still now.” Evie smiled as she began fingerpainting Poison Apple.

Jasper chuckled as he began drawing, none other than who else, Evie Queen. It was her with the golden dragon covering up half of her eyes and the tail dripping down her red lips.

“Evie. What have you drew today?” Rapunzel asked. “A blue smiling cat.” Evie smiled, her painting looked like a 5 year old did it.

“That’s...creative…” Rapunzel and Jasper sweatdropped. “Jasper. What have you drew today?” Rapunzel asked as her and Evie looked at his sketchpad. “This is...um...unique…” Rapunzel said as Mother Gothel rolled her eyes.

“Nonsense! I love what it says about this society. Like how they’re silencing us villains.” Mother Gothel smiled. “Thanks, Gothel.” Jasper smiled, fist bumping with Gothel.

“Anyways, how does this inspire you Jasper?” Rapunzel asked as Evie smiled at him. Evie, she inspires me! That! That girl right there! For god sakes, look at her! How could you not me inspired by that?! Jasper thought.

“Society I guess.” Jasper answered. “Good, if you continue drawing like this. You might me good as me.” Rapunzel smirked, flipping her hair.


“Remember students! Homework is to make a collections of drawings that makes you heart sore.” Rapunzel called out. “Hey Jasper. Can I talk to you?” Gothel asked. “Yes?” Jasper asked. “I wanna catch up.” Gothel smiled as she passed Jasper a paintbrush.

“Hey, is it true. Did you teach Rapunzel how to paint?” Jasper asked as he dipped the paintbrush in the black paint. “Yes, but she tells everyone she was “self taught”. My butt she was self taught!” Gothel yelled.

“Hey, Jasper. Why don't you show Evie the drawings?” Gothel asked. “I can’t. She’ll think I’m crazy.” Jasper sighed. “But you love her. She’s your muse!” Gothel exclaimed.

“So, I can’t show her. She’s gonna think I’m an idiot. A weirdo. Yes, I draw Evie whenever I can but that doesn't mean I love her. Or how the smell of blueberries in her hair smells wonderful, or how her personality lights up the room she’s in. But it doesn't be I love her.” Jasper scoffed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

“Really? So why are you painting her with butterflies surrounding her?” Gothel asked, smirking. “No reason!” Jasper face turned red. “You blush anytime you say her name!” Gothel pointed out.

“So! Nobody friken asked you Gothel! You think she’s adorable when she rambles and you think it’s the cutest thing in existence when he nose twitches when she rambles.” His face turned a brighter shade of red.

“Your in denial.” Gothel cooed. “Am not! You’re in denial! You’re the one who thinks she’s the missing piece in your life! You’re the one who makes you forget all of the pain and abandonment that you went thru!” Jasper face turned red again.

“Damn, you’re deep into denial.” Gother chuckled. “No! You are in denial! I, Jasper Damoola will never be in denial! And I don't love Evie Queen! Period.” Jasper grabbed his stuff before storming out of the art class.

“He left the sketch book.” Gothel observed. “That gives me an idea.” Gothel smirked.


“What’s up with you Jasper?” Hunter asked as him and the rest of the VK’s sat down in the lunchroom.

“I’m not in denial!” Jasper yelled. “With Evie? Yeah you are.” Mal chuckled, sitting on Ben’s lap.

“I am not! Your in denial! You think every part of her is beautiful!” Jasper scolded, burying his face in his arms.

“He’s in deep.” Carlos laughed. “Shut up! I don't think Evie’s hair smells a lot like blueberries.” Jasper sighed.

“Thank, I’m using a new shampoo. Sapphire Blueberry Bliss. Makes my hair smell like blueberries more and give it that shimmer of a sapphire.” Evie started rambling about her hair.

She...she’s so adorable! Jasper thought as Evie nose twitched making her laugh a bit. “Sorry, I’m rambling.” Evie chuckled. Jasper then cupped her face.

“Stop it. Just stop it right now! You need to stop being...being...being…” Jasper tried to get the words out of his mouth but it was like his mouth was sealed shut.

“You think he’s gonna say it?” CJ whispered. “I hope so.” Operetta whispered back. “What are you doing Jasper?” Evie asked, her face turning a slight red.

“UGH!!! I need to talk to the boys.” Jasper then grabbed the boys hands, walking to the rose garden.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Carlos asked. “I-I-I don't know! I wanted to tell Evie everything but my mouth was sealed shut!” Jasper answered.

“It looked like your heart was trying to say one thing but my mouth and brain were saying something different.” Ben observed.

“Yeah, I’m not in denial!” Jasper muttered loudly. “Really? Have you seen how you acted today?” Hunter asked. “I’m NOT in denial!!” Jasper repeated.

“Yes you are. You keep telling yourself you don't like Evie, even though you do.” Operetta said, sitting next to him. “But I don't like Evie.” Jasper sighed. “Well...I don't know...what to feel…” Jasper added.

“You love her.” Mal stated. “That’s why you keep drawing her.” Freddie said, looking in his bag for his sketchbook. “Where is your sketchbook?” Zeref asked. “It’s in there.” Jasper answered.

“No it’s not.” CJ said showing Jasper his bag. “Where is it?! If Evie finds it, I’m dead!” Jasper started breathing heavily. “Where was the last place you had it?” Carlos asked.

“Art class.” Jasper quickly got up and ran inside towards the art classroom to see Evie flipping thru the first page of the sketch book

“Theses…” Evie started. “Evie...um…” Jasper stammered as the rest of the VK’s, and Ben, watched from the windows. “I think he’s gonna tell her.” CJ whispered. “I hope so.” Hunter whispered back.

“These are the Sundrop Golden flowers. Where did you see these?” Evie asked. “At the festival on vacation…” Jasper sighed in relief, the flowers were the first page in his sketchbook.

Everything else was Evie, which she luckily didn’t see. “You’re really good.” Evie smiled. “Thanks.” Jasper chuckled.

“Wanna see my new painting I did for homework?” Evie asked, excitedly. “Sure.” Jasper answered as Evie pulled out another smiling blue cat finger painting. Still looked like a 3 year old did it.

“It’s another smiling blue cat!” Evie smiled widely. “It’s great blueberry.” Jasper sweat dropped. “Thanks! I did other ones too!” Evie smiled, taking out 4 other identical ones.

“What did you do for the homework.” Evie asked. “Oh, I haven’t started it yet.” Jasper said, he was obviously lying, but Evie didn’t notice.

“Hey, you should really put these in the art show at the end of the year.” Evie suggested. “No.” Jasper blatantly said. “Why? Your really good.” Evie asked.

“I’ll think about it. We should get going, I have potions next and I don't wanna be late cause Jasmine will give me extra work. I hate her so much at times.” Jasper growled.

“Well, she kinda is a bitch.” Evie agreed. “I have to go too. Think about the art show.” Evie winked.

She looked down at her phone as she walked to beast taming and care class, looking at a picture she took.

What was the picture? One might ask.

A picture of a drawing Jasper did.

A girl with hair covering up her face.

In a white wedding dress.

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