EP.43|Dog Is Man's Best Friend

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EP.43|Dog Is Man’s Best Friend

“Why do you look so glum, Carlos?” 8 year old Jasper asked. “My mom is letting me get a pet, I don't know what pet to get.” 7 Carlos sighed, sitting in a tree next to Jasper. “You should get a Shadow Pet...oh...never mind…” 8 year old Zeref chuckled, petting his baby Cerberus. “What about a bear!” 9 year old hunter suggested. “Yes! Get a bear!” Jasper smiled as his snake, Nagini, slung over his arms like a boa scarf.

“No! My mom wouldn’t let me get a bear!” Carlos laughed. “What about a dog?” Zeref asked, pointing to the dog picture in the magazine. “Have you met my mother?” Carlos asked. “Oh...right….” Hunter chuckled. “Your mom has a dalmation, remember.” Jasper reminded him him. “Yes, Spots has been in our family since my Great Grandmother was a little girl.” Carlos shortly explained.

Carlos jumped down from the tree, soon he heard whimpering. “You heard that?” Carlos asked as he started running. “Carlos wait up!” Zeref called out as the three ran after him. “Carlos, stop running so fast.” Hunter said, out of breath, finally catching up to Carlos who was glaring at the 3 boys beating up a poor defenseless puppy.

“Hey! Leave it alone!” Carlos yelled. “Look, it’s the ugly little dog boy.” The 1rst boy scoffed, pushing Carlos. “Stop hurting that poor dog!” Carlos said, pushing back. “Oh? And if I don't?” The 2nd boy smirked, kicking Carlos to the ground. “Hey! He’s just trying to help the dog.” Jasper defended. “Why? This stupid runt is just a piece of garbage.” The 3rd boy said, holding the dog by its tail causing it to whimper.

“Stop it! You’re hurting it.” Carlos yelled, jumping up to grab the dog but they only moved it farther away from him. “Aww, look Zach, the little runt is standing up for the dog. How cute.” The first boy laughed as Carlos jumped up again but this time Zach punched him in the stomach. Zeref tried to help him but the two other boys held him, Jasper, and Hunter back.

They continued beating up Carlos and the poor dog, eventually dropping them both to the ground. Both Carlos and the dog were bruised everywhere. Jasper, Hunter, and Zeref picked up Carlos as the four walked into the forest. “The...dog…” Carlos managed to say thru the pain. “Zeref, go get the dog.” Jasper ordered as Zeref picked up the dog, the four walking thru the rain, finally reaching Carlos’s house.

Cruella answered the door, immediately shocked to see her son. “What the hell happened to him?” Cruella asked as she welcomed them inside.

Cruella is thin woman with curves, with pale skin and red lips. She has green eyes and eyelids. She has hair that reaches to her shoulders; two halves of her hair are of different colors, with the right side being black and the left side being white.

Cruella's usual attire is a simple black dress, red high heel shoes and black stockings, red opera gloves, large turquoise earrings and ring on her right hand, a cream fur coat with red interior and a matching purse with three foxtails

“We were playing and, HK’s attacked us.” Hunter answered, not wanting to bring up the dog who was hiding in Zeref’s satchel bag. “Fricken Heros. Always trying to one-up us.” Cruella growled, grabbing a purple liquid from the cabinet. “Carlos, come on, sit up.” Cruella said as Carlos sat up slowly. “M-Mom?” Carlos asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Yeah, your friends brought you back here. I thought I told you not to play by the border.” Cruella sighed as she passed Carlos the liquid. “Gods, this taste disgusting.” Carlos gagged. “Yeah, but the worst it taste the more it will help.” Cruella told him as she sat down next to him. “So why in the world did you four decide to play by the borders?” Cruella asked.

“We kinda lost track of where we were.” Jasper chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “Just be more careful next time.” Cruella sighed, suddenly there was a bark. “What was that?” Cruella asked.

“Spots?” Hunter asked. “She’s with my mother for the weekend.” Cruella said as the bark sounded again. “There, I heard it again.” Cruella said as she began searched the room. Hearing the bark once more. She glared at Zeref.

“Uh-oh.” Zeref muttered. “Zeref. Where’s the dog?” Cruella asked. “W-Wh-What dog?” Zeref stuttered. “Zeref! Run!” Carlos yelled as Zeref ran only to get tackled by Spots. “I thought Spots was with Grandma?” Carlos asked. “Spots, heal.” Cruella demanded as Spots got off of Zeref, heading back to her dog bed but not before grabbing the satchel bag and handing it to Cruella.

“Good dog.” Cruella gushed, giving her a treat. Cruella opened the bag to see the dog who jumped out and licked her face. “Carlos.” Cruella growled. “Um...I can explain…” Carlos chuckled nervously. “Better be a good one.” Cruella glared at him. “There were these boys who were beating up the poor puppy. I couldn’t just stand there and let them do that! What did you expect me to do mom?” Carlos explained.

“You know I don't allow dogs in the house!” Cruella scolded. “Spots a dog! He’s in the house.” Carlos stated. “Spots has wings and can fly. Does this dog have wings and can fly? No!” Cruella shot back. “Can we atleast heal her?” Carlos asked. “Him.” Cruella said. “What?” Hunter asked. “The dog is a boy.” Cruella corrected. “Fine, heal him. I want him gone by tomorrow’s sunrise.” Cruella said as she put some veggie in a bubbling hot pot of soup.

“Thanks mom.” Carlos thanked, hugging his mom. The dog walked up to Spots who was sleeping. “Hi.” He greeted. Spots opened one of her eyes and glared at him. “Who are you?” Spots asked stretching. “I’m a dog.” He barked happily. “Do you have a name?” Spots asked. “Dog.” He answered. Carlos then picked the dog up.

“What should we name him?” Carlos asked. “Oh, no, no, no. Once you name a dog they will stick with you forever. This dog is a temp. He’s leaving tomorrow. Do not name him.” Cruella said grabbing the dog. “Look at me dog. You are a temp. Temp. We already have a dog.” Cruella explained slowly, as though the dog understood her. Which he did. “Spots isn't a dog. He’s a experiment you made in a lab with Carlos’s dad.” Zeref reminded her as Cruella chuckled.

“Carlos’s dad, Hexiciah DeVille, is such an Mad Scientist.” Cruella chuckled as a loud boom came from the basement. “Not again.” Cruella sighed as she opened the door to the basement causing smoke to come out. “Hexiciah?” Cruella coughed, the five walked down stairs. “Dad? You okay?” Carlos asked coughing, the group finally making it to the lab.

“Hexiciah? Why in gods name is there smoke everywhere?” Cruella asked and with a flick and swish of her wand the smoke all gathered into a small ball and disappeared. “Well, you see. I was trying out a new expermierment.” Hexiciah chuckled.

Hexiciah is a large bodied male. His hair and moustache are molded on. His hair is black with a middle part that is slightly wavy. The rest of the hair is slicked back and he features sideburns.

He has light green eyes, with one eye being normal and the other one featuring a gear shaped iris, which is implied to be a robotic eye. his skin is tan and features a molded robotic arm in copper with some rust like detailing. His arm is fully articulated, but unfortunately, his hand can only rotate.

Hexiciah wears a white rolled sleeve button down with a purple ascot and a blue pinstripe vest with gold buttons. He wears a pair of red corduroy cropped pants.

Hexiciah wears knee high victorian style shoes with white base and 3 silver buckles that is strapped with a copper band with a gear motif and finishes off with a pair of black dress shoes. He holded a hammer and wears a brown tool belt with a wrench and a flat head screwdriver.

“For gods sakes, what was it this time?” Cruella asked sighing. “So, yesterday Dr. Frankenstein was retelling me about how he created his monster. And then it came to me. What if I can create life. Minus the craziness.” Hexiciah shortly explained. “So let me get this straight, you wanna create a monster?” Jasper asked.

“No, not technically a monster. I was thinking more like a sister for Carlos.” Hexiciah said, wheeling in a bored with a drawing of a female version of Hexiciah. “This is Renee.” Hexiciah said as all of their eyes widened. “So I would be getting an older sister?” Carlos asked as Hexiciah nodded. “Are you sure you want a big sis Carlos?” Hunter asked.

“Of course! Dad this is the best thing ever!” Carlos cheered, hugging his dad. “I’m glad you like it. Now, this is gonna take me a while. She might not be ready for a couple of months. Years maybe.” Hexiciah explained crouching in front of Carlos.

“I know, I’m just so excited!” Carlos smiled, suddenly Hexiciah felt somebody tugging on his hand. “And who is this?” Hexiciah chuckled, looking down to see the dog playing tug-a-war with his finger. “He’s my new dog. We found him today by the border. Some kids were beating him up.” Carlos shortly explained.

“Temp dog. He’s leaving tomorrow at sunrise.” Cruella said as Hexiciah picked up the dog. “Aww, Cruella, he’s adorable. Can we keep him?” Hexiciah asked as the dog licked his face. “Cruella, look at him. He’s cute as a button.” Hexiciah said, bringing the dog up to her face. “He’s just a dog. If you want one so badly, why don't you get a wolf.” Cruella suggested. “Do you remember how I got this arm in the first place?” Hexiciah asked, although the answer was obvious to Cruella.

“Right forgot. Point is, Carlos, this dog is a temp dog. We already have a dog. Who can fly.” Cruella reminded him. “Yeah, but, I like this dog. And wont Spots need a friend?” Carlos smirked. “Spots is fine. She has us. She doesn't need a friend. Now run along, all of you. Dinner should be ready by now.” Cruella said as the four kis went upstairs.

Cruella sighed, sitting in one of the rolly chairs. “Cruella, why won't you let the poor kid have the dog?” Hexiciah asked. “Hex, we already have a dog. Also, you know I don't do well with dogs.” Cruella reminded him. “Yes, but you let Spots stay here. Why can’t this dog?” Hexiciah asked as Cruella passed him a wrench.

“Cause, Spots is a dog we both created, the first one actually. He holds meaning. This dog, is just well, a dog.” Cruella answered. “I know Spots hold meaning to us, but that dog holds meaning to him.” Hexiciah said. “Well, I don't know, I’ll think about it.” Cruella said, looking at the blueprints of Renee, tearing up a bit.

“Hey, you okay?” Hexiciah asked. “She...she just...looks so much like her…” Cruella said, wiping the tears away. “I know. That’s why I made her. She needs us, and Carlos too.” Hexiciah wrapped his arms around Cruella. “You even added the dent.” Cruella chuckled, looking at the small dent drawing on Renee’s knee.

“Hey, mom, the foods getting cold. You coming upstairs anytime soon. I think the new puppy trying to eat your food.” Carlos chuckled. “I swear to the gods Carlos, if that puppy eats my food I will turn it into a new line of earmuffs!” Cruella scolded, trying to go upstairs but Hexiciah slung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

The two walked upstairs, sitting at the table to see the puppy sitting on the table. “Why is there a puppy on my tabel?” Cruella asked, a red tick mark on her forehead. “He wanted to sit with us.” Carlos smiled. “No, no, no, no.” Cruella then picked up the new puppy, placing on the floor next to Spots who was alreading eating her food from her dog bowl.

“Dogs eat here. Not the tabel.” Cruella said, walking back to the table. “Oh! Food!” The puppy drooled as he tried getting some of the kibbel from Spots bowl but she pushed it away. “First rule. This is my bowl. Don't touch it.” Spot growled as she continued eating.
The puppy whimpered, looking at the family eating soup. “Cruella, at least give him the leftover meat on the bone from the chicken.” Hexiciah said as Cruella glared at the whimpering puppy. “But that’s for Spots. She always eats the bone.” Cruella reminded him. “Oh Cruella, Spots won't mind sharing. Now will she?” Hexiciah cooed, ruffling Spots fur.

Hexiciah then spit the bone in two, handing on half to Spots and the other to the new puppy. The puppy barked happily, wagging its tail while eating the bone. “Look, pup, you may be a puppy but you are not Cruella and Hexiciah favorite. I am.” Spots growled in the puppy’s face making the puppy whimper and shiver. “Spots, down girl, you know better than that.” Carlos said, picking up the shaking puppy. “Carlos, he’s shaking. How long was he out there for?” Hexiciah asked.

“By the looks of it, about a week.” Zeref guess, smelling him. “And by the smell of it too.” Cruella said, covering her nose. “Well it gonna be out there more tomorrow.” Cruella muttered. “Cruella.” Hexiciah said as Cruella rolled her eyes. “Fine, you want a dog so bad, show me you can take care of one. This thing smells like garbage, give it a bath.” Cruella said, sipping her soup.

“He’s not that bad-” Hunter then smelled the puppy. “Okay it’s pretty bad.” Hunter said, covering his nose. “Come on puppy, time for a bath.” Carlos smiled as the four walked into the bathroom with the puppy. “Why do you have such a vendetta over that poor puppy?” Hexiciah asked. “Puppies are hard to take care of, and I don't think Carlos is ready to take care of one.” Cruella sighed, looking at her soup. Hexiciah then looked at Cruella’s scars on her arm.

“He’s not Sombra. He’s a puppy.” Hexiciah reminded her, touching her arm delicately. “I know, it’s just. I don't want that happening to our son.” Cruella pulled away from Hexiciah. “And it won't, he’s a puppy not Sombra. He the sweetest puppy ever. Just because Sombra-” Hexiciah then stopped when she saw Curella crying. “Cruella…” Hexiciah placed his hand on her shoulder.

“I’m fine Hex. I just don't wanna see that dog. He’s leaving at sunrise, end of discussion.” Cruella said, wiping her tears. “Cruella, you saw what happened to Sombra. We have it’s head on our wall. For gods sake we play darts on it.” Hexiciah said making Cruella chuckled. Suddenly there was a yell from the bathroom.

Cruella rushed in, thinking the worst. “Carlos are you-” Cruella then saw the four covered in bubbles, the puppy licking them off of the boys face. “-okay?” Cruella said, the bathroom smelled like chocolate chips. “Did you four use my body wash on the dog?” the same red tick mark appeared again. “Yes…?” Carlos chuckled nervously. “Carlos DeVille…” Cruella growled, a dark aura surrounding her. Hexiciah then looked at the scene.

“Lighten up a but Cruella.” Hexiciah asked as the puppy popped up from the bubbles, splashing some water on Cruella causing her to growl more. “You may have washed the puppy, and used my favorite body wash, now you have to brush it. Good luck trying to keep that puppy still.” Cruella smirked as the puppy began running around the bathroom, eventually running into a wall.

“Hey! Hold still.” Carlos laughed, grabbing hold of the wet puppy who was squirming in his arms. Jasper put a towel over the puppy, drying it off. Once he removed the towel the puppy’s fur was all poofy. The four laughed as they walked out of the bathroom and into Carlos’s room.

“We should name him.” Hunter suggested. “But my mom said not to. He’s leaving tomorrow, sadly.” Carlos sighed. “So, we’ll give it an easy name. Something the puppy will probably forget.” Zeref said, sitting in the bean bag chair.

“What about Dude?” Carlos asked. “Yeah! Dude, like Cool Dude.” Hunter smiled. “Well it’s official. Your name is Dude. Now, where is that brush.” Carlos looked around his room for the brush. Carlos then turned around to see Dude holding a brush in his mouth, wagging his tail. “You’re such a smart puppy.” Carlos gushed as he began brushing his fur.

I can get used to this. Dude thought, sitting on Carlos’s lap. He was utterly relaxed. “Look, he’s asleep.” Jasper chuckled, looking at the sleeping puppy. Carlos smiled, he finally figured out what pet he wanted. And it was on his lap.

“Do you have to leave tonight?” Cruella asked as Hexiciah gave her a small kiss. “Yes, I need to start collecting the main parts of Renee.” Hexiciah answered. “You don't even know this guy, he could be dangerous.” Cruella warned him. “It’ll be fine. Just stay here with the boys.” Hexiciah assured her. “Fine, you better come back.” Cruella sighed. “You know I always do.” Hexiciah said as Cruella looked at his arm. “Cruella, it won't be like last time.” Hexiciah said.

“But, if you didn’t go out that day to get supplies. Maybe-” She was the cut off by a kiss from Hexiciah. “Don't blame yourself. I told you time and time again, I’m fine.” Hexiciah reminded her. “I know, but what if you get hurt? Carlos wouldn’t have a father. And Renee.” Cruella began rambling. “Cruella, I’ll be back by sunrise. Don't worry.” Hexiciah smiled, kissing her once more before leaving.

She walked back to her room to see Spots watching Hexiciah walk off from the window. “I’ll miss him too, Spots. But we have to trust him, if he says he’ll be back by sunrise then he’ll be back by sunrise.” Cruella said as she laid down, Spots curling up at her feet.


“Mom, mom.” A soft voice whispered, shaking Cruella. “What, Carlos? D0 you know what time it is.” Cruella groaned. “It’s noon, dad isn't home yet. I can’t find the puppy either.” Carlos said, not wanting to tell her that she named it. Cruella shot up. “What? What do you mean your father isn't here yet?” Cruella asked, her voice filled with worry. Cruella grabbed her robe, which was of course made of animal fur, and ran downstairs. To see the young puppy pulling a badly beaten up Hexiciah and Spots thru the door.

Cruella glared at the puppy. “Come with me.” Cruella growled, picking up the puppy by the neck. “I knew you were dangerous! But did anyone listen to me? No! Now it’s time for you to pay the price for hurting my family!” Cruella held the puppy over a cliff. “Arrivederci, runt.” Cruella smirked, dropping the puppy off the cliff.

“Mom!” Carlos yelled as Cruella’s eyes widened. “Why would you do that?! He’s a puppy!” Carlos scolded. “Did you see what he did to your father and Spots?!” Cruella yelled. “He saved them! If you listened you wouldn't hear dad explain that Spots and the puppy went to look for him and found him fighting off wolves, Spots tried helping him but you saw how that turned out! But in the end, the puppy fought them all! And dragged them back here!” Carlos explained.

Cruella looked at the falling puppy. “What have I done…” She whimpered. “Oh my gods, I’m my mother…” Cruella gasped as the took off the robe, jumping off the cliff. “Mom!” Carlos yelled. Cruella dived down into the water, searching for the small puppy. Finally spotting him, a shark advancing towards him. Cruella eyes turned lavender with specks gold and white in them. I’ll be damned if this shark touches this puppy!

Cruella grabbed the shark by its tail, and slamming it into the sea wall. She resurfaced with the puppy in her arms and a dead shark in her right hand. “We’re having shark for dinner.” Cruella said as everyone looked at her, mouths wide open.

“Oh, and Carlos. Go to the store.” Cruella said. “Why?” Carlos asked. “This puppy gonna need a new bed.” Cruella smiled as Dude licked his face. “Does that mean?!” Carlos smiled grew. “You can keep him.” Cruella smiled as Carlos hugged her and Dude tightly.

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