EP.5|How I Met Your Mother

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EP.5|How I Met Your Mother

Greetings readers, welcome back to the 5th instalment on Good At Being Bad! Last time we left your VK's They just settled down at the academy. We also learned that CJ was the voice Carlos was hearing the night before. What would this voice mean? Find out in this episode of Good At Being Bad!

"Operetta..." A voice rang inside Operetta's head. All she could see was he music box falling into a deep abyss of darkness. The voice sounded so sweet, like it was telling her it was gonna be okay.

And for a split second, Operetta didn't feel incomplete anymore, that moment was soon over in a flash. Operetta woke up to the morning sun gleaming through her window. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up on her bed yawning.

"What was that?" Operetta questioned as she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. Operetta could still hear the faint voice inside her head. She looked over to the music box winded up letting the music play. A smile appeared on her face as she went into the bathroom.

She looked into the mirror and saw her reflection. She wondered why it looked so different from here, but still looked the same. "Operetta." The mirror spoke causing Operetta to stumbled back a little and fall into the hamper in the bathroom. She couldn't see her reflection anymore it was so foggy.

"Operetta. My sweet little symphony..." The mirror spoke again, Operetta tried to defog the mirror but it was no use. "Wh-Who are you?" She asked. "You always known me Operetta." The mirror answered. "I-I have?" Operetta asked.

"Remember...remember Operetta!" The voice then faded away as the mirror defogger and it showed her reflection again. Operetta rubbed her eyes with great speed, hoping that this was another dream, but it wasn't she was fully awake. Operetta sighed and removed her clothes before jumping into the shower.


After a refreshing shower, Operetta did her daily routine and went down to the kitchen for a beautiful breakfast cooked by Mal. "Woah Mal! Since when did you learn how to cook?" Operetta asked. "I've always loved cooking. It helps me calm down when I need to." Mal smiled as she placed a plate of pancakes, sausage, and bacon. Operetta started drooling. "This smells amazing!" Freddie gushed as she rushed to the table.

"Eat up Freddie." Mal giggled as Evie dropped her books. "Y-Yo-You giggled?!?!?" Evie gasped. "Yeah so?" Mal asked. "You never giggle!!" Evie added. "So why are you now?" Evie asked. "No reason. Let's just say, Briar's gonna get a special surprise on friday." Mal winked as she picked up two more plates and put them on the table for CJ and Evie.

CJ walked downstairs, still obviously asleep. "C...Ca...Carl...Carlos..." CJ toppled over the last step almost hitting the floor, luckily Voodoo and Crackers caught her.

"She's still tired." Evie chuckled as she helped CJ to the table. "You...smell so good...Carlos..." CJ smiled. "I'm not Carlos kid." Evie sighed as she placed CJ in then chain, her head falling onto the table causing her to wake up. "Carlos...? Is that you?" CJ asked. "Hey! WAKE UP!!!" Freddie yelled snapping her fingers in her face. "I'm up!!" CJ yelled. "Morning Miss Deville." Mal smirked. "H-Huh?!?" CJ stammered.

"Sounds like you had a wonderful dream about Carlos." Evie snickered. "U-Um..." CJ trailed off. "That's none of your business!" CJ scolded. "Oh really? So you wouldn't mind calling Carlos in here?" Freddie chewed her pancakes. "W-Wh-What?!?!" CJ face was flushed.

"You like him!" Operetta singsonged. "I-I have n-no id-idea wha-what your talking about!" CJ denied. "Yes you do." Evie snickered. "Stop that! I don't like him! Now, if you excuse me I have to finish getting ready." CJ gave a little hmph to the group before exiting the kitchen and heading upstairs.

"Stupid people thinking that I like Carlos." CJ growled lowly as she looked through her trunk. "Who do they think they are, huh Crackers?" CJ looked at her pet parrot to see him eating a cracker. Typical CJ sighed as she continued looking in her trunk. "Where is it?" CJ the looked around her room frantically. "Hey! CJ!" Mal called out. "What!!" CJ yelled. "Somebody here!" Evie yelled as CJ rushed down stairs to see Carlos standing at the front door.

"C-Carlos?!" CJ shrieked. "Hey! I found your hat. Also, B-Ben wants u-us to b-be "buddies" for the d-day." Carlos stuttered. "YA!! I have a tour buddie!" CJ gushed as she grabbed Carlos's hand and walked out of the room.

Freddie smirked and looked into the hall to see Zeref. "Oh no." Zeref went back into the room. "Nope! Let's go! I don't feel like walking, and my books are heavy. So carry me!" Freddie then got on Zeref's back as they began walking.

"This is hell..." Zeref groaned. "Come on! We have 15 minutes to get to Potions Class!" Freddie smiled as Zeref rolled his eyes. "Why are you making me do this?" Zeref asked. "Cause you lost." Freddie reminded him. "I know, I know. I swear, on friday we're having a rematch! And believe me, I. will. Get. back. At you!" Zeref growled.

"Yeah, yeah. But you can't blame me though. There is one thing your getting out of it." Freddie said as Zeref looked at her. "What?" Zeref asked, Freddie's eyes then turned black as she leaned into Zeref's ear.

"You carrying me is actually making you form a 6-pack. It's very hot." Freddie whispered, making Zeref blushed as he dropped Freddie, her eyes turning back to normal. "W-Wh-What was that for?!" Zeref asked. "What do you mean?" Freddie asked.

"The whole thing you whispered in my ear." Zeref answered. "Oh,...that's shadow Freddie! I swear!" Freddie said as she got back onto Zeref's back. "Yeah whatever." Zeref scoffed as Freddie fell asleep on his back.

"Yeah, she gets to sleep. But i have to carry her! Why can't you do it Voodoo?" Zeref asked as Voodoo hooted twice. Meanwhile inside of Freddie's dream, it was unusually to her. She never dreamt before. Her being the shadow man's daughter, she would always see well shadows.

And sometimes talk to her dad. But it was different this time. There were specks of light flashing. "Light?" Freddie asked herself as her dad, Dr. Facilier, appeared next to her.

Facilier bears many physical traits that are similar to Jafar such as being tall, skinny, mustached; and dressed in very linear black-and-red clothing. Facilier has purple eyes, and a thin mustache, as well as a gap between his front teeth. He has long, boney fingers, and lanky arms and legs.

Dressed as the infamous Loa of the dead Baron Samedi, Doctor Facilier wears a top hat with a purple feather in it and a skull and crossbones on it. Under his top hat, instead of being bald or having a comb-over, Facilier has a huge hairdo to fit in his hat.

Around his neck, he wears a necklace with two crocodile teeth. He also wears a dark maroon undertaker tailcoat and black pants, white spats over black shoes, a purple vest under his coat that doesn't entirely cover his midriff, and a red cummerbund.

He somewhat looks and performs like a showman. Facilier wears mostly purple, red, and black in his clothing."Hey, Freddie." Her dad smiled as he ruffled Freddie's hair. "Hey, what's with the light?" Freddie asked. "Oh! I knew this was gonna come sooner or later. I was hoping later than sooner." He sighed.

"Huh?" Freddie asked. "Okay, remember the story of how I met your mother." He started. "Of course! You walked into a bar one day to get some clients, then you say mom dancing there in the bar. You said that mom looked so beautiful just turning and spinning that you completely forgot about to forgot about the clients you were suppose to find." Freddie began as the crystal ball on Facilier's staff glowed and emitted a video. Showing the past.

“It was a cold winters night.” Facilier narrated

It was a cold, cold, winter night. Facilier, only being 17 at time, kicked the snow as he walked throughout the town. "Stupid dad, making me find clients on christmas eve." Facilier growled.

He looked up to see a bar called MACLAREN'S PUB. he sighed as walked inside the pub. "Hey kid, want something to drink?" The bartender asked as Facilier nodded, putting his coat on the coat hook.

He sat down at the bar waiting for the clients. Music then started to play. "What's with the music?" Facilier asked. "Is this your first time being here?" He asked. Facilier nodded. "You're in for a treat." He smiled.

"Here's your drink." The man passed Facilier his drink. "I don't get it, it's just some music. It's good music, but just music." Facilier said as the bartender pointed to the stage. "Wha...oh my shadow lord!!" Facilier looked at the beauty in front of his eyes.

The lady was a young woman with long, scarlet hair and brown eyes. She wore a revealing blue garb with a golden chain collar around the neck area, along diamond earrings and matching colored hair accessories. On her legs are two large diamond patches while around her arms are cape-like garments to complete her clothes design.

"WhoIsThatGreatBeautfuilPersonOnThatStage?!" Facilier stammered. "Her name is Acadia." The bartender answered.

"Wait, you looked like an idiot when you saw mom! Ha!" Freddie laughed. "Yes I know, I was nervous. Your mother, well, it's hard to describe what you mother did to me." Facilier sighed.

Facilier looked at Acadia in awe. "Hey! Acadia! Come over here!" The bartender called as Acadia nodded and jumped off the stage and into the bar and gracefully danced over to Facilier. "Hi." Acadia greeted. Facilier started freak out. "H-H-H-Hi!" Facilier greeted as Acadia shook his hand.

"Is he new here, Alex?" Acadia asked as Alex, the bartender nodded. "Acadia here is the best dancer in the entire world!" Alex smiled. "Stop over exaggerating." Acadia sighed. "I'm not though! She just won't admit it." Alex added. "I'm not the best dancer." Acadia the stood up as the next song started playing. 'You know the right words, they're all in your head' Acadia then spun off the bar and onto the stage.


"I mean, everyone assumes I'm "the world's greatest dancer" but I'm just a 18 year old girl, trying to get by in life." Her heels touched together in a straight alignment, and knees touched with her legs straight. "What do you mean?" Facilier asked. "I wanna be a ballerina! Like Rosita Mauri, a french ballerina." Acadia feet turned out straight like in the first pose, but her heels were apart.

'So wake up in the morning and get out of bed. The dreams you've been dreaming were right, now's the time. You build up these monsters, they're just in your mind' "I wanna be in paris! Dancing at the ballet!" Acadia feet are aligned in a turn out position, keeping one foot to the front, and the heel close to the arch of the hind foot. 'If you feel it in your heart, then sing it loud'

She pull the right leg up, and bring the knee as close as she could to her body. She started by standing in the first position as mentioned above. Acadia raised her right leg in a passe as discussed above.

She extend her leg from the knee gradually, till her right leg is outstretched completely, with her toes pointing towards the ceiling. She gradually lower her leg back to the passe by reversing the motions, and put her right leg back in the first position.

She performed the passe with her left leg. 'You just gotta know (gotta know) You can do it on your own Guess it's why I wrote this song You know it's about you It's always about you Never let a dream go cold Even when you're losing hope Guess it's why I wrote this song You know it's about you It's always about you So there you go' Acadia leaped into the air and landed on her left leg. Thee other leg was extended behind her body with her knee straight.

She lowered down her leg and laid on the stage. 'T-Th-That was amazing!!' Facilier thought as she laid down next to her. "Hey, if you wanna go to Paris so much. Then why don't you?" Facilier asked. "Cause, I owe the manger of this bar money." Acadia sighed turning away from Facilier.

"ACADIA!!!" A voice boomed. "Coming boss!" Acadia yelled back. "I see you later." Acadia's eyes sadded a bit thinking of leaving Facilier. "I'll be out here when you get back." Facilier smiled as Acadia smiled waivers.

"ACADIA!!! NOW!!!" the voice boomed again. "Yes...sir..." Acadia sighed as she walked into the back room. "What took you so long?" The boss asked. "I'm sorry boss. I won't keep you waiting again." Acadia apologize.

As the boss stood up, he had tan skin, short brown hair, and a black suit. "You better be." He flicked Acadia's chin. "S-Si-Sir...I...I was..." But before Acadia could finish, the boss slapped her right across the face.

"Were you spoken to?!" The boss yelled. "N-no sir." Acadia whimpered. "I told you to to speak unless your spoken to! You're gonna pay for that you little skank!" The boss the backed Acadia into a corner.

"P-pl-plea-please!" Acadia stuttered. "Shhh...Acadia, I told you you're gonna pay for what you did." The boss snickered as he came closer to Acadia's face. But before their lips touched the boss was moved away from her and smashed into the wall. "Facilier?" Acadia asked. "Ready for paris?" Facilier asked. "W-Wh-What?" Acadia stammered.

"Lets go." Facilier grabbed Acadia's hand. "Wait, I have to talk to Alex." Acadia then went over to the bar and next to Alex. "Hey Alex..." Acadia started. "Go with him." Alex said. "Huh?" Acadia asked. "Go live your dreams, and be with him." Alex sighed. "B-but what if he turns out like the other guys?" Acadia asked.

"He won't, I saw the way he looked at you when you were dancing." Alex answered. "What do you mean?" Acadia asked. "His eyes were so filled with hope, love, and safeness. He looked so enchanted by you, like, everything was okay in his eyes. It's that look that a guy only gets once or twice in his life. It's that look that said, "Oh my lord, I'm in love with this person!" I mean look at him now." Alex and Acadia looked at Facilier who was looking at Acadia, a giant smile across his face.

"Hey Acadia!" Facilier called out. Acadia smiled back. "You see it don't you?" Facilier asked. "Yeah, thanks Alex." Acadia smiled. "Hey! Facilier come here." Alex called as Facilier walked over. "Take care of my Acadia." Was all Alex said. "I will sir." Facilier promised. "You better." Alex smirked as Facilier and Acadia ran out of the bar smiling.

"Dad, I get it, this story is very sweet, but how is this suppose to help with the light?" Freddie asked. "Keep watching."

As the memory played the again it showed Acadia and Facilier at 28 years old. Facilier walked into the front yard of his and Acadia's house, wearing an army uniform. "Facilier!!" Acadia sobbed running towards Facilier.

"W-Wh-Why did you go...go to the war? I-I-I thoug-thought they had enough men? Wh-Whe-Where is Alex?" Acadia asked as Alex walked into the yard as well, in an army uniform as well. "ALEX!!!!" Acadia sobbed.

"They sent us home early." Facilier said as Acadia sat on the porch and sighed. "Oh, well...you see...." Acadia started, looking down at the ground. "Acadia, how long have you known?" Alex asked. "A mouth so..." Acadia answered. Facilier picked up Acadia and spun her around. "YAAAAAA!!!!" Facilier smiled. "Your happy?" Acadia asked. "OF COURSE!!!" Facilier answered smiling. "H-Hu-Huh?!?!" Acadia asked.

Alex looked up at the sky smiling. "You must be happy, aren't you god?" Alex chuckled. "I'm having a kid! I'm have a kid! MY WIFE IS PREGNANT!!!!!" Facilier yelled. "SHUT UP!!!" Their neighbors yelled. "NO! Cause my wife's pregnant!!" Facilier yelled. "I love you Acadia." Facilier smiled. "I love you too, Facilier." Acadia smiled also.

The memories now showed Alex and Facilier in a hospital waiting room "Facilier, stop panicking. The doctors said the baby was completely healthy the last ultrasound. And that was 2 days ago. I'm sure the baby is still healthy." Alex assured him. "But what if it isn't! What if the baby does during the delivery?!" Facilier paced back and forth.

"It's not gonna die. Speaking of which, we shouldn't be calling the baby "it" eventually your gonna have to find out the baby's gender and give him or her a name." Alex said. Facilier kept pacing back and forth.

"For God sakes Facilier! You're a soldier! If you can survive a bloody battlefield I'm sure you can go and couple of hours without freaking out over the birth of your child." Alex sighed as Facilier nodded. "You're probably right, Acadia is probably calm as can be during the delivery. I'm sure there isn't anything to worry about." Facilier sighed.

After hours of screaming her head off. Acadia finally delivered a healthy baby girl. The doctor went into the waiting room to see Alex and Facilier sleeping up against each other. "HEY!!" She yelled as they both shot up. "There's no need to yell." Alex groaned. "It's a girl." The doctor smiled as Facilier ran as fast as he could to the delivery room to see Acadia holding a baby girl bundled in pink blankets.

"Hey, how are you?" Facilier asked. "Well, Let's see. I just have birth to a baby girl. Which took so long by the way! So what do you think?" Acadia chuckled as the baby girl reached out her arms towards Facilier and Acadia. "So you're gonna name her of what?" Alex asked. "I was thinking Freddie. Freddie Acadia Facilier." Acadia smiled. "I like it." Facilier smiled also.

As the years passed Freddie grew up big and tall. "Honey! Look, she's taking her first steps!" Acadia gushed as Freddie stumbled onto her small feet and started walking. "Come on, you can do it." Facilier smiled. Freddie then looked to her side to see Alex. She walked past her father and towards Alex's arms.

"Hey shorty, did someone miss their uncle Alex?" Alex asked chuckling. Freddie started giggling, and sneezed. But, instead of snot, a black shadow figure appeared. When the shadows disintegrated a baby snowy owl appeared with green, pink, and yellow tips at the end of its feathers.

"That. Is. Freaky." Alex said as Freddie hugged the owl tightly. "It's a shadow gift." Facilier chuckled as he looked at the owl. "What's a shadow gift?" Acadia asked, holding Freddie. "In the shadow realm, each time a baby is born from a Shadow Family Bloodline. The Shadow Gods will grant the baby a shadow gift." Facilier shortly explained.

"So, this owl is her Shadow Gift?" Acadia asked. "Yep." Facilier nodded. Acadia then saw Freddie's shadow moving on it's own. "Facilier! O-O-Ou-Our daughter has the shadow gene!" Acadia said.

"She's amazing! My daughter is amazing!! She's amazing! My daughter is amazing!! I wouldn't in a million years believe that my own daughter has a shadow gene!" Facilier smiled as the spinned around with Freddie in his arms. Acadia smiled at the both of them. "I love you Acadia." Facilier kissed her forehead. "I love you to Facilier."

Once the memory ended, Freddie still didn't understand. "Dad, I still don't get it." Freddie sighed. "You're not supposed to right now. Your understanding on the subject gonna grow. And soon, your gonna fully understand the reason I showed you the memory, and why there is light." Facilier smiled as Freddie opened her eyes to see she was still sleeping on Zeref's back. "Finally you're up! Come on, we have potions class right now." Zeref chuckled as they entered the potions classroom.

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