EP.59|Welcome To The Magi Life, Kid

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EP.59|Welcome To The Magi Life, Kid

“Oh thank gods your waking up.” Mal said as Ben’s eyes fluttered opened to see Mal. “Where am I?” Ben asked.

“The dorm room. Giles brought you to us. You and Carlos both passed out.” Evie shortly explained.

“Wait, where’s Carlos?” Ben asked as he turned to his left to see Carlos hooked up to a breathing tube.

“Giles said it’ll take time for his Animalistic to return to normal.” Freddie stated.

“The cloaked figure. When they kissed Carlos, all his animalistic powers were sucked out. Like if his soul was sucked out of his body.” Ben shivered, remembering how much power he felt coming from that cloaked figure.

“You okay Ben?” Hunter asked, rubbing his back. “Ye-Yeah.” He stuttered. “Ben, you look pale.” Jasper observed. “I-I’m fi-fine.” Ben stuttered. “Ben, honey, you’re shaking.” Mal rested her hand on his shoulder.

“Honey believe me, I’m fine.” Ben pecked Mal lips, trying to prove he was okay even though he wasn’t. He knew Mal would make a big deal about this if she knew, the little she knows the better.

“You guys should get going. Your training starts in about 15 minutes.” Giles suggested as the ten nodded, leaving the room.

“CJ. That means you too.” Giles said as CJ sighed. “Please wake up soon.” CJ whispered as she kissed Carlos’s forehead, soon exiting.

“She really does care for him.” Giles chuckled. “More than she cares to admit.” Ben added, looking down at his hands. “Yesterday, that magi. What was it?” Ben asked, his voice was shaky.

“Curse Magi. Or morley known as Curse Seals.” Giles answered, sitting next to him. “I-It wa-was so str-strong.” Ben stuttered.

“That’s the power of Curses. It’s beyond compare.” Giles sighed. “Why...why wo-wou-would som-somebody do this…” Ben stammered.

“I don't know, but somebody is after you ten.” Giles sighed. He knew who it was, but, now wasn’t the time to tell them. “What’s Sarmenti Cordis? I heard somebody say it yesterday.” Ben asked.

“Something you shouldn't worry about. Don't worry, I got it under control.” Giles assured him.

“Giles, is there something you not telling me?” Ben asked. “No, now, come on. You need to start training.” Giles helped Ben up. “Alright.” Ben nodded.

“Courtly, where is this Particle Release Magi guy?” CJ asked as Courtly and her stopped at the same door in the library when she met her mother again. “He’s right in here.” Courtly opened the door to reveal a hot desert.

“Jeez! It’s hot as hell!” CJ complained as Courtly and her stopped at a small oasis to see Garrett meditating.

“You!” CJ yelled, pointing her finger at him. “Oh, hey CJ.” Garrett greeted. “Give me my sword!” CJ yelled, running towards him, soon being blocked by a wall of particles and dust. “What the hell?”

“Particle wall.” Garrett blankly said. “Particle what?” CJ asked. “Particle Wall.” Garrett said slowly. “Yeah I heard you. But how did you do it?” CJ asked again. “Sit.” Garrett said as CJ sat on the ground.

“Alright, before you learn any types of Particle moves. You must learn Particle Energy Mode. Harnessing the energy of the earth is one of the main foundations of Particle Release.” Garrett began to explained as the particles from the ground turned white and circled around him.

“By connecting with the earth, the earth will determine if your ready to move on with your training.” Garrett added.

“The earth? You can’t be serious.” CJ chuckled. “I’m deadly serious. I mean, if you don't want your sword back, I’m sure it’ll love having the gouge being it’s permanent home.” Garrett smirked.

“Fine.” CJ growled as she closed her eyes. “Now relax, clear your mind, no more worry, no stress, no thoughts.” Garrett instructed as the particles began forming around CJ but soon disappeared.

“Focus CJ.” Garrett said. “I’m sorry, I just can’t stop worrying about Carlos. That stupid person that kissed him.”

CJ growled as she kept thinking about how that cloaked figure was on Carlos, kissing him, should didn't know what she was so mad. She just was.

“CJ! Hey!” Garret yelled, snapping his fingers in her face. “What!” She scowled. “Looks like the earth wants you to move on with the training.”

Garrett smiled as CJ looked around to see a white chakra that formed around her as it flows around her with more white particles also gathering more tightly to her.

“Woah…” CJ mouthed. “Not gonna lie kid, you got some serious skill. Especially when your mad.” Garrett chuckled.

“I didn’t break anything right?” CJ asked. “No, but you hair began floating up and your eyes turned fully white.” Garrett said, patting her shoulder. “Sword.” CJ held out her hand.

“Not yet kid.” Garrett winked. “What do you mean not yet?!” CJ yelled. “We got work to do.” Garrett smirked as he walked deeper into the desert.

While CJ was arguing with Garrett about her sword, Evie was just meeting the Crystal Master that was gonna train her in Crystal Release.

Evie then felt something rubbing up against her leg. “Oh, hello, what are you?” Evie cooed as she crouched down.

It is a quadruped, mammalian creature covered in light-blue fur that can be frozen into sharp quills. It has long, pointed ears, dark eyes, and a small nose.

It has two dark blue, rhombus-shaped markings on its back, and the tip of its tail and feet are the same shade of blue.

With the crest on its forehead and the two teal dangles hanging from its ears, it appears to be wearing a teal ushanka or trapper's hat.

“Icicle, I see you meet our guest.” Giselle said, picking up Icicle. “Aww, your adorable.” Evie gushed as she scratched under Icicle’s chin.

“Icicle here is my old master.” Giselle said as Evie looked up at her shockingly.

“Huh?” Evie questioned. “Once she died, my old master’s spirit went into Icicle.” Giselle shortly explained. “But beside the point.” Giselle then put Icicle down.

“You need to begin training.” Giselle added as she snapped her fingers, transporting Giselle and Evie to a dark cave with shiny crystals lighting it up.

“Woah…” Evie gasped. “These are the Crystal Mines. The lost civilization of the Castea Clan living in these mines.” Giselle then lead Evie to a larger part of the cave to see a mural of a regal woman holding a diamond when the village people bowed to her.

“Who is that?” Evie asked, touching the mural slightly. “This is Tribal Leader Kianna, they worshiped her like a goddess. She was the first one ever who used Crystal Release.” Giselle said as the crystals began glowing.

“We will be doing most of our training in here.” Giselle said as she and Evie sat in the lotus position.

“Crystal Release is all about balance. The more balance you have the more easier it’ll be to control your magi.” Giselle took a deep breathe in, suddenly a crystal like dragon appeared behind Giselle.

“Holy shit…” Evie muttered. “Balance is key.” Giselle continued as the dragon split into miniature crystal and morphed into multiple dragons.

“Woah…” Evie gasped as the crystals circled around Evie. “Without balance the world would fall into chaos.” The crystals then turned red and then into black.

Then they exploded, violent images appeared around them, wars, murders, rapes, genocides, Evie couldn't believe all the horror that was in this world. What kind of person would do this? Evie thought, her mind racing.

“Chaos, it’s a word that makes us all shiver, it happens all the time, but we just never notice it. Cause with Chaos, comes light and love.” The violent images then turned into ones of all her friends.

The good old days before all of the chaos, all the problems that were to come. She wished she could turned back time.

To when it was easy, simple, loving.

“Evie, you can stop now.” Giselle said as Evie opened her eyes to see the crystals circling around her.

“You’ve finally achieved balance.” Giselle smiled, as the crystals morphed into different shapes. “Now, let’s begin.” Giselle smirked as Evie nodded.

She couldn't be the girl who always needed protecting anymore, she wanted to be the one who protected Jasper. Not the other way around.

This time, she would be the hero.

“Freddie, your training is gonna be a little bit different.” Nico said as Freddie and him walked thru the forest to find Bakeneko sleeping.

“Bakeneko!” Freddie cheered as she ran up to Bakeneko, hugging him, the large tiger than purred.

“I see Bakeneko has taken a liking to you.” Nico chuckled as Freddie smiled.

“Now, for our first session, we have to test if your power is compatible enough with Bakeneko’s.” Nico said as Freddie climbed on top of Bakeneko.

“Now, Bakeneko has an ability to sense people Magi levels. Now, I want you to focus all your energy on Bakeneko.” Nico instructed as Freddie mediated, looking a Bakeneko, suddenly, everything went black.

“Welcome to the Quantum Realm.” Nico said. “The quantum realm is inside Bakeneko’s head?” Freddie asked as Nico nodded.

“Woah, why is it...so dark?” Freddie asked. “The quantum realm is the only realm that is like this. It’s nicknamed the Tamakiki realm cause the highest Tamaki users trained here.”

“Tamiki. What is it?” Freddie asked. “Close your eyes. Think peaceful thoughts.” Nico instructed as Freddie closed her eyes, thoughts of her friends, family, Zeref, flooded her mind. She was the happiest around them.

With every moment of depression, the hurt, the abandonment, they were there. They helped her conquer it.

It was the toughest battle of her life, so far (but that’s a story for another time), she cried, at times she felt like ending it all

Like there was nothing the world had else to offer her. But her friends would always come and save her.

But she didn’t want to be saved by them anymore. She didn’t want others to save her. She wanted to save herself.

She was her own woman.

She didn’t need a man to save her.

This time.

She’ll do the saving.

“Mei how will me survive a volcano" He was nervous of burning alive. Now that he thought about it how will they get there at all. “And how-...”

“Don't worry, I got you. The island around the volcano is safe. We'll talk about the rest later." Turning into a dragon she spoke again “Hop on Jasper”

He climbed onto her back. She then flew into the air bringing them to her volcano.

They landed on a beach area. Jasper climbed off of Mei and waited for further instructions. Now in her human form, she spoke up “Okay time to train leave your stuff here, follow me”

Heading up a mountain path, Mei was silent on where we would be going.

“Oi! Jasper listen up” Mei called stopping suddenly “First things first is building you up. Run 20 laps around the island. Then come back here for pushups. Go!”

Jasper ran for the hills and started his laps. After the 20 laps, that took about two hours, he was exhausted as hell. He found Mei sitting on a rock with her cat named Lava sleeping.

“M-Mei” His voice was hoarse he really need some water. Mei woke up shortly and yawned, rubbing her eyes.

“Oh you finally finished” she rubbed her eyes “Took you long enough! Start with three hundred pushups. Go!”

Jasper went on the ground and started. Mei sat on Jasper’s back, making him fall on his chest. “W-what...the hell!?"

“I'm here to help, keep going!”

He mustered all his strength and continued.

This was going to be a long day.

Hunter and Mal sat on what seemed to be a dark cloud. “There you go you two. Focus, the demon doesn't control you, you control it.” Their master, Sereinx, instructed.

Sereinx has mid-long hair and colour between burgundy and purple. She has a fringe, hiding one eye and a hair clip on the other side in shape of a butterfly.

She wears a black dress with red and white sings on the middle and top.

She also wears hand gloves without fingers, for all hand. Her nails are in a black color. She wears a cape and black high heels.

“Sereinx, how is this suppose to work?” Hunter asked. “Well, you won’t know unless you shut up.” Sereinx commented.

“Snarky much.” Mal muttered. “That doesn't sound like focusing.” Serenix snapped.

“Fine! Jeez!” The two demons snapped back as Serenix’s eyes went fully red, glaring at the two demons, sending shivers down their spine.

“Did I just hear tone from you?” Serenix scolded, her hair flowing up. “N-No ma-ma’am!” Mal and Hunter stuttered.

“You damn right no! Now! Forty laps around the island!” Mal and hunter sighed. “Did I stutter?!” Serenix yelled.

“N-no ma’am!” Hunter and Mal ran off as fast as they could. “Why are you so hard on them two?” Giles chuckled.

“Hey, I’m doing the same I did with you.”

“Plus, I love those two.”

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