EP.61|What Exactly Happened?

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EP.61|What Exactly Happened?

Perdita struggles to rub the sleep out of her eyes, groaning as the bright light of the infirmary lights blinds her momentarily. She looked around for a moment before shooting up in her bed, her memories coming back to what had just happened.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Giles chides quietly as he puts his hand on her shoulder, easing her back onto the stack on pillows he somehow moved behind her.

"But..the girls, Zeref, Jasper..."

"I know, the VKs, and Ben, are on their way now to bring them home, but I need you to tell me how this happened," he says with a comforting smile.

Perdita nods taking a moment to remember exactly what happened.

"The VK's and I went to go get the chairs from the supply room. It was completely dark and there wasn't any light switch, suddenly, this black and red flash knocked Jasper into what sounded like the chairs. Moments later, Operetta and CJ had the same fate."

"None of us could use our magi, it felt like gravity was putting so much pressure on us to the point where we couldn't move our body. I then heard somebody laughing and their footsteps getting closer to us. Their chuckle turned into a cackle when they reached Mal."

"All he said was "I got the princess reject and 4 other rejects. Aren't I lucky." Suddenly, shots were fired and Operetta's scream filled the closet, but they were muffled."

"Then the lights turned on and all the VK's were knocked out and hogtied. The man then looked at me and just smirked, saying that he didn't need some weakling like me and that the only reason Operetta kept me around was because I would get a lot of money in the black market. I tried to get up but the gravity kept pushing me down."

"And to make it worse, he stomped on my head just for the fun of it. He then started cutting into my skin, just cause he wanted to see me cry. Just wanted to punch him where the sun doesn't shine. He threw the orb at me and told me to give it to the VK's, and Ben."

Courtly sighed shaking her head slightly, "Thank you Perdita, you've been very helpful. Now rest and get better, my child" she says before hopping out of her chair and leaving the infirmary.

The VK's, and Ben were on their way to the Wonder forest just on the outskirts of the Hero Isles. Since the quickest way, there was to get to Blue Moon Town first and walk the rest of the way, they were required to take a train.

And much to the 1 Demon and 2 Animalistic dismay, it was going to be a long ride. Freddie sat in her sat in her seat fidgeting with her hands.

Not able to be knocked out by motion sickness like the others she had no other choice but to sit there and worry.

She looks over at Hunter who shoots her a sad smile before his face one again becomes pale. Everyone in the group knew that he always thought of Freddie as a little sister.

"We're gonna save em, Freddie I can promise you that" he mumbles, anger flashing through his blood red eyes for a moment before his motion sickness overtakes him once again.

"I know..." she says as she stares out the window knowing that Hunter was just trying to make her feel better and that it wouldn't be easy.

"Now now little one that's not how you treat the one who decides if you live" he growls into Zeref's ear as he wiped Zeref's spit off his face.

The kid had a lot of spunk he had to give that to him, along with the little red-haired bitch, but that wouldn't last for long, VK's were just ugly, useless, powerless creatures without their magi, and he was going to suck it out of them as slowly and painfully as possible.

He reached to the side and turns up Zeref's machine a bit coaxing a scream from the boy's throat. He left it like that, watching the young boy deteriorate quicker as he grabbed a knife and walks towards the girls.

"Leave him alone!" Jasper barely managed to yell. "Oh, somebody wants to talk eh?" He smirked as he turned up Jasper's machine up as well, granting the same coaxing scream from Jasper as he did Zeref.

"Why are you doing this to us?!" Zeref yelled, he felt as though his body was being ripped apart. "Cause, you VK's need to be taught a lesson. Your entire race is just an ugly, wretched, good for nothing, villains." He growled, kicking each of them in the ribs.

They all flinched, bruises and cuts covering their bodies and old caked on blood covering their tattered clothes and scalps. He flipped the knife in his hand as he smirks at Operetta who decided she wouldn't scream as he drained her power.

This enraged him. He got pleasure from the screams and groans from the little bitch, they failed him. He'd get them from her, even if it meant he had to kill her before the demon even got here for her.

He had placed cut up her legs and bruised up her ribs from even his softest hits. This one could take a lot of pain, and he was going to be sure to get good use from it. Mal and CJ were still well off in comparison.

Other than a few cuts in their face and stomach and blood in their hair from him dragging them around. He traces the knife over CJ's lower jaw. His head snaps up as he hears something from CJ, shocked as he assumed that she was unconscious.

"What was that Blondie?" He asks as he roughly pulls CJ's hair causing her to whimper.

She hated being called "blondie" it made her feel like she was weak and needing somebody to protect her.

And she surely wasn't that.

"C-Carlos..." she mumbles under her breath.

"Cruella's son, the animalistic, correct?" He asks with a smirk. "He'll be here I'm sure," he purrs as he strokes her cheek slowly.

"But will you be alive to see it?"


Look at me! Getting 3 updates in a day! WOOP WOOP! Anyways, I'm writing as fast as I can, believe me, I know I man have lost some readers cause of the slow updates but PLEASE! PLEASE keep reading this book! I promise you I will get more updates in before this weekend is up

With everything in school, I barely have time to write anymore, you know when I'm not obsessing over if somebody else like my crush. (I swear I'm turning into Juvia from Fairy Tail XD) and homecoming is on Friday so that's even more stressing cause I'm worried he might ask somebody else out.

ANYWAYS, let's not talk about my terrible, and I mean TERRIBLE, love life. I have to go write another chapter and I will try to make it longer this time. KEYWORD: TRY. I have to get going and write another chapter!

See you soon,


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