EP.63|Never Mess With Animalistic, or Demon's, Mate. EVER!

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EP.63|Never Mess With Animalistic, or Demon’s, Mate. EVER!

The VK’s, and Ben, had been walking for over an hour. Not wanting to risk using too much of Evie's magic, they were forced to take it as slow as they were willing, given their limited amount of time.

“Wait, guys…” Freddie says as she sniffs the air. “The trail...it stops here but there's such a large trace of magic that they could be right in front of us. It's way too familiar, though…”

“No I feel it too...there's something about that smell, It's muted by all the other Magi, though,” Carlos says as he looks around, knocking on trees to see if there were any sort of hidden doors. “Yo Carlos, get yer ass over here” Hunter growls as he looks down at the ground.

He points to a plethora ice letters tracing the roots of trees.

"They're Music Notes ice runes, she got them all around the dorm room to hide my piles of instruments...these look exactly the same. This has to be her magic..I couldn't even smell if since it covered by this asshole..but no one writes runes like Operetta,"

He growls angrily, his magic forming a thin purple cloud around him as his body flashes from skin to black scales to reaches over and puts a hand on his shoulder quickly causing him to return to flesh.

"Operetta taught you to read them, right? Isn't there always some sort of clue or key to be able to break it?" Evie asks quietly. "Some sort of condition?"

"There usually is, kid...just gimme a sec," he says as he kneels on the ground, following the words with his fingers before smirking.

"What a smartass Music Note..she meant a literal key.." he mumbles before turning his hand into an black smoke skeleton key.

"All it says it that you need to know the rule of the key, Music Note usually pretty literal," he says with a smirk. Hoping for the best, he shoves his hand into the ground.

Slowly the runes begin to dissipate revealing a small wooden cottage, the windows caked in dust and spider webs and the wood on the porch beginning to splinter dangerously.

They all look at each other before smirking. They were ready to get their loved one back. Ben steps forward, looking back at the to signal them to step away. As soon as he did so he zapped the door, easily breaking off the padlocks that riddled the door.

“What the fuck was that?” Milton growls, his head snapping towards Operetta.

She was the one who he forced to make the runes in the first place, he should have expected the smart one to make it easy for them.

He wasn't ready for them, they had to be weaker. He had to have more leverage over them for his plan to work perfectly. He rushes over to the machines turning them all up to 90%.

Screams fill the air as their magic drops to 15%. Their backs arched against the shackles that held them to the wall, tears stream down their faces as they struggled. Milton stared at them for a second before looking at the cellar door. It wasn't enough..he wanted them begging for mercy.

Their heads snap to look at each other, the screams of their loved ones filling their sensitive ears a soon as they step into the house.

"What the fuck is he doing to them?" Carlos growls, his hair falling to cover and shadow his eyes as his hands balled themselves into fists, smoke starting to emanate from his body, burn patterns appearing under his feet.

"Whatever it is, it'll be the last thing he does," Ben hisses as his eyes turned purple with specks of gold and green in them. He takes a quick step away from Hunter who was currently switching back and forth from scales and skin, his pupil and iris turning a blinding white.

Freddie and Evie looks back at them before running forward towards a set of stairs leading to the cellar.

"Evie wait!" Carlos yells, knowing that anyone who could take out Mal, CJ, Operetta, Jasper, and Zeref had to be at least slightly dangerous. The two girls runs down a set of stairs, following their loved one's sent as quickly as they can. 'I'm coming for you..I promise… they both thought, a glare in their eye.

They all quickly arrive downstairs breaking the locks that held the door closed with ease before they were forced to put their hands over their mouths, the smell of blood quickly invading their senses.

They look around before their eyes lock on the back of the room, their mates strung up to the walls, groaning in pain as their magic swirls in tubes leading to the machines.






They all yell unanimously, rushing towards their loved ones, they quickly turned off the machines, taking out the IV's and remove the shackles from their bruised wrists.

Their bodies fall limply into their arms. Their faces soften as they hold them in their arms, heartbeats barely audible to even the oldest and most experienced VK.

Evie holds her hand over Jasper’s head as she watches his face regain color slowly, she follows suit with the others to ease their pain. She had to start to heal them, they had no chance of making it otherwise. Evie slowly began healing Jasper.

"..trap.," he mumbles in his pained sleep, his eyebrows creasing as Evie pulls her hand away, shocked at his ability to be able to say anything at all it takes her a minute to comprehend that he just said. Her eyes widen a second later.

"The door!" She yells before the door slams and locks behind them.

“Well, I see that you've found my little puppets.” Milton's voice echoes from all around the room.

Ben knew that voice. The VK’s saw how anger fueled his body. “You fucking bitch! We had a fucking deal! Where the fuck are you?! You fucking coward!!” Ben yelled, his anger getting the best of him.

“Can’t we talk nicely?”

"Gimme one reason why I shouldn't turn ya into a chew toy?" Ben growls as the shadows Milton stepped out of began to close in on them.

“Now...the reason you were here for originally was that I want your power, I still do. And if I remember correctly, I did say that I'd let them go if I gained said power.” He says with a fake smirk as he realizes that as some point, Ben’s hand made its way around his neck.

"What makes you think that we're that stupid. You won't let them go" Hunter growls as he unconsciously runs his hand through Operetta’s long locks.

"True true, but either way. Would you rather me torture them more?" He asks with a smirk before gesturing to the shackles that are still on the wall.

"You've got 5 seconds, either you get up there, or I torture them with telepathy so bad that they'll never be able to look at you again.”

The VK's look at one another cautiously, not seeing any other choice, knowing that he could corrupt their minds within seconds.

"Only if I can heal them first," Evie says as she stares at her friends. “You can have my power as soon as I stabilize them,” she says as she looks to the other VK’s, and Ben, all knowing that she'd have no power left after healing all of them.

“..Ugh fine. All so difficult" he says with a roll of his eyes. "Well I mean...your little girlfriends over here were easy, simple sleep spell took out the little minxes long enough fo me to do Whatever. I. Wanted” Milton says with a dangerous emphasis on his last words.

"I swear to the Gods if you touched a hair on any of their heads," Hunter hisses as he proceeds to lock himself into the shackles with the rest of the boys.

"Yeah yeah, turn me into a chew toy, I get it" Milton taunts "That wasn't all that hard now was it, though?" Milton asks with a smirk, kicking CJ and Operetta in the ribs to get them out of his way, drawing a dangerously low growl from the VK's and a gasp from Evie and Freddie as they quickly focused on the new wounds that he just inflicted on them.

He'd be right to be frightened if he didn't have such good leverage. He walks up to the Vk's, sticking the iv's into their arms and making sure that the machines were drawing their magic at dangerously fast speeds.

He walks up to the boys, sticking the IV's into their arms and making sure that the machines were drawing their magic at dangerously fast speeds.

"It should only be a little while now" he purrs.

CJ stirs quietly, her head spinning as her vision slowly clears, black dots still peppering her sight.

"Evie..." she mumbles quietly, moving to sit up before falling back, her groan covered by Evie's hand.

"You're the only one awake so far," Evie says quietly.

CJ sits up and looks around before freezing as her eye land on Milton, too preoccupied with the boys to pay attention to them. "We have to do something...the boys..," she mumbles as she pushes up onto her knees.

Freddie nods as she stares at the boys their faces becoming paler by the minute as they occasionally whimper in pain.

“Particle Bomb!" CJ whispers out the words, tripping over them occasionally as she goes. Milton turns around as the lights flash behind him.

"What the.." he covers his face quickly, staying shielded fo a moment before slowly pulling his arm away and looking down at the blonde who was now struggling to breathe.

“She didn't have enough magic...” Carlos mumbles as CJ slides back into the awaiting arms of Freddie.

Milton claps slowly in front to them. “Wow!” he says with a snicker. “You're so fucking weak.” He kicks CJ in the stomach causing her to double over and causing Freddie to fly back to the other wall.

“Don't touch them!” Carlos yelled, fire lighting his now tired red eyes. “Oh? And what are you gonna do about it” Milton says with a smirk as he reached for his knife and thrusts it towards CJ.

“Ice Release: Guard!” Operetta chanted quickly, holding up both of her hands, barely managing to keep up the shield.

Within seconds, the shield fails and Operetta’s hands fall to her sides.

“I don't care how much magi I have to use... hell, I don't care if it's the last of my magi. You. Will not. Touch my family!” she panted and slowly staggers to her feet.

Milton looked at Operetta before shrugging and staring he down, a scream echoes around the room as she falls to her knees.

“What the fuck did you do to her?!” Hunter screams as he pulls
on the shackles, pulling against the screws that bolted him to the wall.

“Oh, nothing, nothing, just making her relive the two worst day of her life. Did you know that  you're one of them?” he taunts as he takes a step closer to Hunter, their noses almost touching.

Hunter's arm shoots out and grabbed Milton's throat causing him to yelp, the product of his brute strength pulling the bolts out of the wall and freeing his right arm.

“You really fucked up buddy” he growls as he turns his fist into black fire and punches him in the face causing him to fly across the room. Hunter quickly rips off the rest of his restraints and throws the iron into his mouth, roughly pulling out his IV's before proceeding to do the same with everybody else.

“Let's give this bastard what he deserves eh?” Ben asks with a smirk as he walks towards  who was staring intently at Mal, CJ, Zeref, Jasper and the now balled up Operetta.

“OI, don't even think about it” Ben growls, all too late as he hears their screams fill the room.

“Wow.. that red haired one and the purple headed one really are fucked up, Blondie’s getting there but the boys are as fucked up as red-head over there,” he says with a smirk as Ben lunges towards him and punches him in the face.

Red flashes in his eyes as he uses Dragons Fire Fist. He throws punches at Hunter, not ceasing until Carlos and Hunter grab his arms.

“Get the fuck off of me,” he growls as the howl of a wolf fills the air, making Hunter’s hair stand on end.

“Hey, we just want some too,” they growl, for once having something in common as Hunter shoots dark shrapnel at Milton causing his to howl out.

“Today's the day that you learn to never mess with a VK’s mate,” Milton growls as he begins to beat the life out of Milton, their respective elements making their hits even more violent.

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