EP.7|What The Hell Happened?

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EP.7|What The Hell Happened?

Last episode we discovered that Evie has a growing liking to Jasper, but she wasn't okay with it. Also, CJ finally got her first kiss. Speaking of CJ let's see where she is

"Where…am I" CJ groaned as she slowly opened her eyes.She noticed that she was laying on her side, in a soft red silked bed that was covered in red silk sheets. The bed was soft and comfortable so she didn't move from her position, as nuzzled her nose into the fabric, smelling the sweet scent of water and cologne combined.

The room was completely dark; the only source of light in the room came from two candles that laid on the small drawer in front of her, feeling that she should get up, CJ went to move from the bed, but froze as she felt someone's arms wrap around her waist and place there head on her shoulder. Her face turned completely red as she felt warm breath hit the side of her cheek, causing her to shiver.

What's going on…. She thought as He held her close to his chest and kept the blankets wrapped around their bodies. Heat beginning to spread through her skin at the intimate contact. A small whimper left her lips as he nuzzled into the back of her hair.

CJ could feel her heart hammering through her chest, as if it was ready to tear from her body. She wanted to protest against the man's actions, but before she could, she felt him shift from his position so that he was hovered above her. Softy placing a hand on her shoulder he pushed her down on the bed, so that she laid flat on her back, while the other was placed next to her, to hold his weight off of her small frame.

CJ felt fear rise through her, afraid that this was going to go some were she didn't want to imagine. She placed her small hands against his chest, trying to push the unknown man away from her. But fear got the best of her as she realized that her captor was not wearing a shirt.

For some reason she could not force herself to move. Her hands were pressed against his chest hoping that it would provide space between them. But that wasn't why she stop moving, It was as if her body didn't want to move from this mans touch.

CJ closed her eyes as she felt his lips brush against her neck. She bit her lip as tears beginning to roll down her cheeks, fear consuming her completely.

"CJ" she shivered as her name rolled off the tip of his tongue.

Slowly opening her eyes CJ tilted her head to the side to look at the man above her, noticing his green eyes and crimson red hair.

"Carlos" she whispered through dried lips, holding back the shock she was filling in the pit of her stomach. Her heart did not stop throbbing through her chest as she looked into her sensei's familiar features.

A million questions ran through her head, but were all lost when he placed a finger against her lips to silence her. He showed no expression on his features, but his eyes were fool of something she had never seen before.

Letting curiosity get the best of her, CJ brought her hand up to his cheek. Letting her finger tips brush against his jaw. She giggled at how soft his skin was. She'd expected it to be a little rough because he was Carlos, the son of a DeVille.

Carlos took her hands in his, and intertwined their fingers together. CJ didn't realize it but her breathing became slightly heavy as he placed there hands at the sides of her head.

Her eyes began to close as he leaned forward so that there lips were inches from touching. Only there breath mingled with each other, as if daring the other to claim them.

CJ couldn't believe that she and Carlos were only inches from kissing; not only that but that she was laying beneath him an in intimate position. Especially since one of his legs were in between hers. CJ blushed even more when his leg brushed up against her inner thigh.

CJ wanted to feel his lips against her, wanting to know what the dog loving boy tasted like again. Not wanting to be the first to make the move she pulled away, wanting to see his beautiful eyes, but she was not meet with his usual green orbs but with lustful gold eyes. Carlos then smashed his lips into her’s.

“Last night was fun.” Carlos smirked. “Last night?!” CJ squeaked. “Yeah, you don’t remember?” Carlos asked. “N-No...what did we do?” CJ asked. “You taught me about bunch about the stars. I told you my secrets, and you told me yours. We kissed. Came back here. You and me both fell asleep.” Carlos answered.

“Dammit, you got me thinking we did something.” CJ chuckled as she turned away, going back to sleep. “Hey! Open up!” Jasper whispered loudly. “What…?” Carlos asked opening the door slightly. “You coming down to breakfast or what?” Jasper asked. “Um...I’m a little preoccupied right now.” Carlos answered. Jasper looked into his room to see CJ curled up into a ball of sheets.

“Carlos...it’s cold….” CJ whined. “Gotta go.” Carlos winked as he closed the door. “So, what’d he say?” Mal asked. “He’s in there! With CJ!” Jasper whispered loudly. “MY SHIP!!!” But before Evie could scream anymore, Jasper held onto her mouth. “Be quiet! They don’t know you’re here!” Jasper scolded as they walked up to the door leading to Carlos room to see Carlos and CJ snuggling together.

“Awww! They’re adorable!” Freddie gushed. “Do you think...they did anything?” Zeref asked. “NO! You idiot!” Ben and Mal slapped Zeref upside the head. “It was just a question!” Zeref scoffed. “Well, what’s gonna happen what they wake up?” Operetta asked. But before anybody could answer the group heard yelling coming from Carlo's room.

“I’m so dead!! If we did anything last night Mal is physically gonna kill you!” CJ started panicking. “CJ! We didn’t do anything, I just brought you back here and we fell asleep.” Carlos assured her as she nodded. “So...um about the kiss last night.” Carlos started.

“Um, can we not talk about it? Just forget it ever happened?” CJ asked, Carlos nodded sadly. “Thanks, there’s a lot of things going on right now and I don’t think I would have time to deal with this. I just wanna stay friends.” CJ smiled, hugging him. “Friends?” CJ asked. “Friends.” Carlos chuckled nervously.

CJ then left, with all her friends, back to their room. Carlos sat at the table, poking at his breakfast. “Okay, I’m done with all this sadness. What happened?” Ben asked. “Shmnjcndhuwhdu.” Carlos mumbled. “What?” Zeref asked..”Shejushyfbrhefhyr.” Carlos mumbled again. “Releasiseo!” Jasper chanted, and with a swish and a flick Carlos’s mouth was forcibly open.

“CJ said she just wanted to be friends! But I don’t wanna be friends! I mean I do, but UGH!! This is to complicated! I really don’t know what I want with her! Someday’s I just want her by my side, never letting go. But other days I don’t want that, I just wanna be friends. But I don’t wanna. It’s her! She so confusing! She make me feel alive, like, I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like something there that wasn't there before. Like something was missing, and she brings it back every time she’s around. It’s like. A rainbow.” Carlos confessed as they all looked at him. “A rainbow?” Hunter asked drinking orange juice.

“Yeah! Like you know how rare rainbows are. The thing I have with CJ, the only word to describe it as, is well a rainbow.” Carlos smiled widely. “What spell did you cast on him?” Zeref asked. “A truth spell.” Jasper chuckled nervously. Hunter smirked. “So, he can’t lie.” Hunter smirk grew. “Basically.” Jasper answered. “Well, my dog loving friend, we’re gonna have some fun.” Zeref now smirked as well.

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