EP.78|Can You Fight The One You Love?

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EP.78|Can You Fight The One You Love?

Hunter woke up to see it was still night, maybe evan very early morning. He yawned as rubbed his eyes to see he was in his room.

“Morning, Hunter.” Brazzan greeted, a tone of slyness in his voice.

“Why does my head hurt?” Hunter asked. “You don't remember what you and your mate did?” Brazzan chuckled.

“Mate? Wait a minute…” Hunter looked to his left to see Operetta stirring in her sleep.

“YES!!!!” Hunter mentally cheered. Hunter smiled as she looked at Operetta and smiled.

“Wait, did I mark her? I didn’t hurt her right?” Hunter asked, worryingly.

“No, she’s perfectly fine, and yes you did mark her.” Brazzan shortly explained.

“Oh my gods…I marked Operetta…!” Hunter muffled into his pillow. “Hunter…” Operetta muttered in her sleep.

“Good morning.” Hunter whispered, causing Operetta to wake up. “H-Hu-Hun-Hunter?!?!” Operetta stammered.

“Your’s truly.” Hunter smirked. “Oh my gods...did we?” “Yep.” “And you?” “Yep, look in the mirror.”

Operetta looked into the mirror to see 3 swirls arranged into a triangle on her neck. “It’s beautiful.” Operetta smiled.

“Just like you.” Hunter muttered under his breath. “Thanks you, Hunter.” Operetta sat back down next to him.

“Last night, when you said that whole confession. Did you mean it?” Operetta asked. “Every word.” Hunter pinned Operetta to the bed.

“Operetta Phantom, will you give me the pleasure of being my girlfriend?” Hunter asked as Operetta started crying.

“Oh course!” Operetta sobbed as she kissed him. Hunter then felt a pain in his chest. “Babe? You okay?” Operetta asked.

“Yeah, probably just nothing.” Hunter replied, kissing her again. “Kid, something's burning.” Brazzan warned.

“What’s burning?” Operetta asked as the looked outside to see the entire temple was on fire.

Operetta and Hunter jumped out of the temple and down to the VK’s.

“What the hell?!” Ben coughed. “What’s happening?” Operetta asked. “We were in the bar and suddenly the entire thing lit on fire! We barely got out!” Carlos coughed.

“Hello VK’s!” A voice cackled, the VK’s looked up to see Lucifer holding a knife to Courtly’s neck. “Let her go Lucifer!” Milton yelled.

“With Nirvana so close? No fucking way!” Lucifer cackled. “Let’s see what this Nirvana can do.” Lucifer pressed his hand on Courtly’s stomach, causing it to glow.

Evie, Freddie, Ben, Carlos, and Hunter looked at their hand to see a black mist climbing up their skin.

“Fuck! Why does my head hurt?!” Evie groaned. “Nirvana’s affects. Remember when Milton hooked you up to the machine when they kidnapped you lovers. What you, or Milton, knew was that inside of each of you now is Black Mint. When touched with Nirvana’s energy can cause chaotic effects.”

The five could feel the darkness corrupting them. “Zeref, look at me, whatever happens. I don't wanna...AH!...hurt you… please. Run!” Freddie warned him.

“I’m not leaving you, Freddie.” Zeref clutched Freddie’s shoulder. “But I need...you to leave.” Freddie said.

And just like that, the darkness took over the five of them. “Now that’s more like it! Now attack my soldiers!” Lucifer cackled.

“Freddie? Is that you?” Zeref asked. “What do you think?” Freddie scoffed. “Freddie, this is just the darkness taking over you! I know your strong enough to fight this!” Zeref said.

“What are you talking about? This is the new me now! And there’s nothing you can do to stop it.” Freddie cackled.

“This isn't you! Please, I know you're in there! I know your strong enough to fight this off!” Zeref yelled.

“Look, get it thru your fucking thick skull. This. Is. The. New. Me.” Freddie spaced out her words, talking slowly.

“Fine, I’ll guess I have to do this the hard way.” Zeref sighed.

“You really think you can beat me? Please, don't make me laugh.” Freddie chuckled darkly.

The two VK’s charge towards each other at high speeds.

Zeref tried smacking his giant hammer downwards but Freddie flipped over it and tried striking Zeref with her sword and shield.

Zeref countered with the giant hammer and managed to smash Freddie’s energy based shield.

“This isn't you Freddie!” Zeref summon lightning from his hammer that Freddie leaped over.

She backflipped when Zeref tried striking her with the charged hammer.

“Yes, it is!” She spined horizontally forward to sending the Son of Hades backward as the two exchanged multiple strikes and counters with their weapons.

Zeref tried striking his hammer forward once again, but Freddie blocked the blow with her wrist gauntlets.

“Time to stop holding back, Freddie.” The voice deep inside her head scolded.

Freddie pushed Zeref back, kicked him, kneed  him in the air, and then landed a devastating kick that sent the Storm Release user into a nearby mountain.

Zeref broke out of the mountain with his lightning strikes and held the hammer close to his chest.

“Mighty Tornado!” Zeref summoned a massive tornado that engulfed the area.

Freddie flies straight inwards and leaped off of a stone monument piece before smashing some of the flying pavement.

Zeref swinged his hammer forward and clashed with Freddie’s gauntlets with his hammer, sending the two backwards.

Freddie summoned two blades from her bracelets and leaped high into the air. Zeref tried shooting more lightning, but Freddie deflected the projectile with the sword to confront the Son of the God of the Underworld head on.

Freddie’s intense speed and dual weapons prove too much for Zeref and sent him backwards.

“You can’t let this darkness overtake you!” Zeref yelled, while flying backwards, tossed the hammer at the Shadow Man daughter that Freddie easily avoided. Zeref landed on a nearby debris piece.

“Hmph, such reckless abandon… when will you learn that I’m never coming back, Zeref?” Freddie asked slyly, Freddie was unaware that Zeref’s redirecting his hammer to fly right back at his opponent.

“Poor, misguided fool-” the hammer struck Freddie and left her in a stunned state. Zeref took the advantage and started spinning his hammer.

“I’m so sorry, Freddie.” Zeref felt tears streaming down his face. Zeref uppercuts Freddie with the hammer so hard that it sent Freddie right to the mountains.

Freddie got back up and noticed the hammer flying right at her once again.

She clinked her gauntlets to summon a powerful force field that protected her from Zeref’s attack that ended up destroying the mountains.

Zeref retrieve the hammer as the debris from the exploding mountains hit the ground. Zeref flied at the Storm Release user at high speeds as Zeref summoned lightning from the sky.

“You know this isn't like you Freddie! Just come back to me!”

He directed the powerful current towards Freddie, who blocked it with her gauntlets as she flew forward.

“Never! This is the new me Zeref! Accept it or die!”

Freddie brought out her sword once more and goes on the offense, causing Zeref to start bleeding. This sends Zeref into a warrior’s madness.

“Dammit Freddie! Why the fuck won’t you listen to me?! This isn't you! You know damn well I can’t kill you Freddie! You know I love you!”

Freddie, who was just walking away, turned around at the remark.

“Excuse me?! You never fucking loved me! Nobody did! And nobody ever will! Stop acting like you know me Zeref even though you don't!!!”

Zeref started screaming as he brutally attacks Freddie with.

It proves to be overpowering for Freddie as he smacks her on the ground with the hammer, but Freddie managed to lessen the pain by blocking his blows with the gauntlets.

She managed to avoid Zeref last, devastating strike and wrapped her whip around Zeref’s hand, causing Zeref to hit himself in the face with the hammer. The blow was enough to send Zeref out of his warrior rage.


But before Zeref could say anything, Freddie stabbed him through the stomach with her sword, now in an enhanced state as Freddie tooken the gauntlets off.

“Your not worthy of my love…”

“Oh really…? Look down, Princess.”

Freddie looked down to see a lightning bolt go thru her stomach. “Ho-How?...when?” Freddie stammered, shockley.

Freddie and Zeref dropped to the floor. “Freddie...when you… said that I wasn’t… worthy of your love… was that true?” Zeref asked, looking at the fire surrounding the town. “I...don't...know.” Freddie sighed.

“You know...I love you...Freddie.” Zeref intertwined his bloody hands with hers. “I know.” Freddie nodded.

“Please, say you love...me, Freddie…”

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