EP.81|Fire and Crystals

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EP.81|Fire and Crystals

On the rooftop at a city during sunset, Jasper uses his grappling hook arrow to climb to the top of the building, he approaches the door before the handle is shot by a purple arrow.

Jasper immediately took cover and looked to the other building, where Evie was seen loading another shot. They then both released an arrow aimed right at each other.

The two arrows clash and barely miss the heroes. Evie started firing more shots at his opponent while Jasper hid behind an air conditioning unit and fired one back.

Evie shot an arrow that cancels out the arrow Jasper shot. They both started firing a multitude of arrows that they continually dodge and shoot.

“Yes, I can dodge and shoot at the same time.” Evie smirked. “Not today sweetheart.” Jasper replied.

Evie hid behind a water tower and fired three arrows at Jasper. Evie’s opponent responded by catching them. “You’re gonna try and outarcher me? This is how it’s done!” Jasper the released a subatomic particle arrow high into the air.

“Something about this…” The subatomic particle arrow explodes into multiple arrows heading for Evie. “...isn't very right…”

Evie then countered it with a tornado arrow, which spreads the purple arrows to the both sides.

Evie then took cover from the raining arrows while Jasper shoots a zipline to Evie's building and starts sliding across it.

Evie uses the opportunity and shoots an arrow to cut Jasper’s line and send him falling.

Shee then starts shooting multiple arrows that Jasper dodges until he shot a putty arrow that Evie catched but explodes in her face.

Hawkeye uses the suction cup arrow to get to Evie’s building as Evie uses an acid arrow to get the putty off of his face“Ugh! Lucky shot punk!” Evie scoffed. Both of them prepared to fire five arrows at each other.

The arrows clashed and Jasper immediately shot another one at Evie, who blocked it with her bow but was unable to block a couple more and hid behind an air conditioning vent. Jasper walked over to her

“I know this isn't you Evie, I know Lucifer’s controlling you like a puppet. Just fight it. I know you're still in there.”

Evie looked at Jasper and then at Morticia. “I...don't wanna...hurt you...” Evie struggled to say.

“Evie! You listen to me! His words are lies!” Lucifer yelled as she pressed the second red button causing Evie's eyes to turn a dark shade of blue.

Evie then rips the arrows out of her body.

“You should hear the boxing glove arrow when it hits!”

Jasper stood there confused.

“It makes this "THWOOP" kind of sound. I'll record it and make it my ringtone!”

Evie shot a boomerang arrow, that Jasper soon caught, then tries the boxing glove arrow with the same result. Evie groaned it didn't hit him. Holding his phone, Jasper prepared his thirty megaton bomb arrow.

“Stop this Evie!” Jasper yelled.

Evie dodged it as the arrow proceeded to blow up the building behind them.

“This is me now! Deal with it or die!”

Evie started shooting multiple arrows that Jasper dodges.

“I know this Evie! This is the Evie who didn't understand friendship or love! The Evie that didn't want to live! This isn't the Evie I know!” Jasper yelled.

Jasper then goes in for close combat. Evie tries countering it, but Jasper has her cornered and uses the opportunity.

“Sorry Evie.” Jasper then reached into Evie's soul, pulling out ball of dark red mist.

“Jasper?” Evie asked. “Oh thank gods, you scared me. I thought you were gonna die.” Jasper chuckled.

“Why does everything hurt?” Evie asked. “Long story. I’ll explained later. Right now, I’ll glad your safe.” Jasper smiled, the two sharing a kiss.

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