EP.85|The Jester, The Devil Child, The Swan, The Bookworm, and The Wolf (Part 2)

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EP.85|The Jester, The Devil Child, The Swan, The Bookworm, and The Wolf (Part 2)

“I don't get it? How is that supposed to help us find Courtly?” Ben questioned. “I’m getting there.” Giles replied.

“As the 5 of us got older, our body, minds, and powers, matured, but so did our feelings for each other.” Milton narrated.

18 year old Courtly sat in the throne in the Realm of Laughter, drumming her fingers on the arm rest with a bored expression on her face.

“Always have your ankles crossed on the throne. Always smiled politely. Always sit up straight.” Her mother explained as Courtly zoned out and closed her eyes.

“Courtly~” A familiar voice rang in her head. Courtly laid in a beautiful sunflower field, the sun hitting her skin perfectly.

She then felt something licking her face, making her laugh. “HAHA!!” Courtly looked up to see a black wolf.

“Hey, Wolf.” Courtly greeted as the wolf turned into Milton. “How’d you know it was me?” Milton chuckled.

“Hmm, who else wakes me up like that when I’m napping?” Courtly stroked her chin.

“It’s not my fault you taste good.” Milton smirked, Courtly blushed. “H-Huh?!” Courtly stuttered.

“You heard me, I said you taste good.” Milton got closer to her lips. “Um…” “Shh~” Milton kissed her lips softly.

Courtly couldn't believe this was happening. She always dreamt of having the Prince of the Realm of the Animal's lips on hers.

“Milton…” Courtly mumbled thru the kiss. Milton pinned her wrist to the grass, she wrapped her legs around Milton’s waist, pulling him in closer.

“I can’t take it anymore, Courtly. I have to have you.” Milton licked his lips. “Just take me already, Milton.”

“Courtly! Courtly!” Her mother snapped her fingers in Courtly’s face, waking her up from her dream. “Yeah?” Courtly jolted up from the throne.

“You need to pay attention, this is important for your coordination in a couple of weeks.” her mother sighed, shaking her head.

“I already know all this stuff. I’ll be in my room.” Courtly walked up stairs to her room and closed the door.

Courtly grabbed her sweater and opened the window, soon jumping out of it, landing on the bridge that connected the 4 realms.

She ran across the bridge to the Realm of the Animals. She brought out one of her card and stuck it to her hand.

She then started climbing up the wall like spiderman till she reached a large window. She opened the window and climbed into the library to see Giles reading a letter.

My Prince Charming,

If you are wondering how much I love you, wonder no more. You are the sun in my sky, the river that runs through my soul, and the very air I breathe.

Before I met you, I didn't believe it was possible to love someone so deeply and completely, but you have given me faith that true love really does exist because I share it with you.

Totally yours, Demonia

“Who’s Demonia?” Courtly slyly asked causing Giles to jump out of his chair.

“N-No-Nobody!” Giles stammered. “Right, nobody.” Courtly smirked, sitting next to him.

“She must be special if she’s sending you love letters.” Courtly ruffled the bookworm’s hair.

“We’ve been sending each other love letters for about a month now.” Giles smiled.

“Ohh~you got a crush~” Courtly cooed. “Shut up.” Giles blushed a little. “Giles, you really smart right?” Courtly asked.

“Well I am named the smartest in the realm, so yeah I’m smart.” Giles informed her.

“So, when you have a dream, about you and a guy making out. Does that mean something?” Courtly play with her hair nervously.

“So, I’m guess you had a dream about my brother and your not sure if you like him or not?” Giles smirked.

“Yeah…” Courtly muttered.

“Look, I can’t answer that. This is something you have to decide on your own.” Giles rested his hand on Courtly’s shoulder.

“Now, I have to go give something to Swan. Wanna come with?” Giles questioned as Courtly shook her head.

“I have to teach your brother and Lucifer how to waltz.” Courtly chuckled as the climbed out the window.

Giles clapped his hands, teleporting to Swan’s castle. “What took you so long?” Swan asked.

“I was busy, anyways, here’s the book you wanted.” Giles handed her a white book with golden embroidery on it.

“Thanks, Giles, since your here. I need to talk to you.” Swan led the Giles upstairs and into her room.

“I need help picking out a dress for the ball tonight.” Swan opened her walk in closet to reveal millions of dresses.

“This is gonna take a while.” Giles sighed.


“Why do we have to practice dancing?” Lucifer groaned. “I don't know, something about waltz.” Milton rolled his eyes.

“Eyes up Lucifer.” Courtly reminded him, sipping on her smoothie. “1. 2 3. And 1, 2, 3.” Courtly instructed.

“I don't need to learn how to waltz.” Lucifer grumbled. “Yeah you do. You both do actually, it’s a requirement of the princes.” Courtly smiled smugly.

“You know what Courtly, I might learn better if you demonstrate it first.” Lucifer smirked.

“Alright, Milton, give me your hand.” Courtly and Milton held hands, Milton put one arm around her waist, surprising Courtly.

“Umm…” Courtly cheeks turned red as the music started. Courtly was surprised how well Milton was dancing. She felt so light on her feet, like walking on air.

“Her eyes are on her head Milton, not her chest~” Lucifer cooed as Milton glared at him.

As Milton spun Courtly, her blonde hair spun with her. He quickly pulled her in close, resulting in an ‘eep’ from the blonde Jester.

Once the song ended, Courtly and Milton’s faces were so close they could be practically kissing.

“Why don't you two just kiss already?” Lucifer smirked. He was about to say another smart remark till the sound of gunshots filled his ears.

“AHHH!!” Giles screams filled the air. Lucifer, Courtly, and Milton ran up stairs to see Swan’s bleeding body on the floor.

Lucifer’s eyes turned fully black. “Who the hell did this to her?!” Lucifer yelled.

“I-I-I don't know! So cloaked person smashed the window and shot Swan!” Giles rapidly explained. Lucifer held Swan’s body in his arms.

“L-Luc-Lucifer…” Swan coughed. “I’m right here...don't you dare leave me Swan! I swear to the gods if you leave me Swan I’ll kill myself!” Lucifer cried.

“I’m sorry...where’s Courtly…?” Swan asked as Courtly ran to her side, tears streaming down her face.

“Courtly...I entrust my legacy to you…” Swan placed her hand on Courtly’s stomach causing the buddhist hand symbol to appear on her stomach.

“This is...Nirvana...use it wisely…get the four of you out of here...the realms will soon fall…” Swan warned them.

“We can’t leave you!” Milton said. “I’ll be okay...just go…” Swan pleaded. “But…” Lucifer began but Swan shook her head.

“Go.” Swan saif as Courtly nodded and Lucifer, Milton, Giles, and Courtly joined hands.

“With the power vested in me, please take us to a safe place.” Courtly chanted, and just like that, they were teleported.

Little did they know that would be the last time they would see each other in a long time.


“We haven’t seen Swan since that day.” Giles sighed. “But, something tells me she’s still alive!” Milton said. “But you saw her die.” Ben said.

“I know, but I feel it, deep down. Somewhere in this world Swan is still alive. And we’re gonna find her.” Milton's smirked.

“How?” Carlos asked as Milton brought out a dusty book and flipped thru it pages.

“This.” He pointed to a picture making all the VK’s gasped in shock.

“That’s the Holy Grail…holy shit…” CJ eyes widened.

“Now, I’m sure you're all familiar with the legend of the Holy Grail right?”

“The Holy Grail, as we’ve come to know it today, is a vessel of sorts (depending on story tradition, can be a dish, stone, chalice, etc.) promising eternal youth, riches, and happiness in abundance to whoever holds it.”

“But, if me and Giles make a special potion and pour it into the Grail. I’m willing to bet it’ll show us the way to Swan.”

“She’s our best bet a beating Lucifer once and for all.” Milton smirk grew. “But it’s near to impossible to find the Holy Grail.” Evie stated.

“I know, but the last known site of the Holy Grail was on an island Misty Archipelago.” Milton pulled down a map, pointing to a tiny island.

“Me and Milton will start looking for the ingredients for the potion. You ten get some sleep, we leave first thing in the morning.”

Milton looked outside to see the setting sun, “Gods, help those kids...they're gonna need it.” Milton sighed.

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