EP.9|Fashion Shows and Secrets Will Show

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EP.9|Fashion Shows and Secrets Will Show

Our last episode was an emotional one, this is because we learned Freddie was dealing with depression and anxiety. She also began cutting at a young age, due to the death of her grandpa and mother. Now, with the help of her friends she is now getting better. But enough about Freddie, we have others to deal with to you know! On with the story!

Evie was exhausted, she stayed up all night finishing the designs for the fashion show. Evie got out of her chair in the living room and tried to walked to her room, but being to tired, she fell onto the couch and passed out. As the morning sun rose the smell of freshly cooked breakfast filled the dorm room. “What are you cooking Mal?” Evie groggily pondered.

“Breakfast.” Mal chuckled. “You know what I mean.” Evie sighed. “French toast, eggs, bacon, and hash browns.” Mal finally answered. “What time is it?” Evie asked, rubbing her eyes.

“7:46.” Mal answered as Evie slowly but surely got up from the couch. “You should go get dressed.” Mal suggested, Evie nodded as she went upstairs and looked at herself in the mirror to see her hair was a mess. “I hate wednesdays Poison Apple.” Evie groaned as she looked at Poison Apple to see she was fast asleep.

“Lucky cat.” Evie mumbled. Evie got undress and grabbed her brush from the mirror. She pulled over the shower curtain to the right to see Jasper sleeping there. “AHHHH!!!!” Evie yelled causing Jasper to wake up. Evie quickly wrapped herself in a towel.

“Hey Evie. How are you this morning?” Jasper asked yawning. “Why are you in my bathtub?!?!” Evie yelled. “Calm down. Last night I stayed in your dorm room to make sure if Zeref fell asleep, witch he did, Freddie wouldn’t cut.” Jasper shortly explained. “That doesn't explain why you’re in my bathroom!” Evie yelled.

“I’m in your bathroom because I got so tired I went up to the closet room, you weren't in your room and Poison Apple scratched he like crazy cause I tried sleeping on your bed. So I fell asleep in your bathtub.” Jasper explained. “You’re such a pervert!” Evie growled. “Says the girl who is wrapped in a very short towel.” Jasper snickered, Evie’s face turned completely red.

“C-Can you get out of my bathtub, I need to take a shower.” Evie sighed. “Nah, I’m good.” Jasper smirked as he tried to go back to sleep but he felt the water from the shower head splash on him. “Okay, okay! I’ll get out!” Jasper said as he got out of the bathtub. “Thank you.” Evie smiled as Jasper mimicked her words, walking out of the bathroom. “That stupid perverted idiot!” Evie growled as she stepped into the shower.


After a long relaxing shower, Evie wrapped herself in her towel and stepped out of the bathroom with her brush in hand to see Jasper laying there on her bed asleep.

“Ugh, stupid idiot!” Evie growled as she got dressed and brushed her hair. She looked back at Jasper and smiled. Jasper had a goofy smile whenever he slept. Evie giggled slightly as he moved a stand of hair out of his face.

“He’s such a little kid.” Evie sighed as she got up. “I wonder what he’s thinking that making him smile so much?” Evie wondered as she closed the door to the room slowly. “Somebody looks happy.” Zeref smirked. “Could it be because a certain son of Jafar was found in her bathroom?” Freddie tapped her chin, smirking.

“Shut up!” Evie face was flushed. “Aww, look she’s blushing.” Operetta cooed as she brushed Perdita’s fur. She then got up placing Perdita on the couch. The few seconds of peace for the sleeping cocker-spaniel didn’t last long when Dude came in bouncing on the couch. “Dude, get out of the dorm room.” Perdita yawned. “I can’t see, Carlos is here cause him and Ben smelled breakfast.” Dude smiled.

“Great.” Perdita growled. “So you ready for your fashion show?” CJ asked. “Yep! I’ve worked my butt off the last day and a half. Now if I win no homework from that snooty princess for an entire month!” Evie cheered. “Mal, Operetta, Freddie, and CJ in need you downstairs.” Evie ordered. “Why?” Freddie asked, her mouth filled with pancakes.

“You four are gonna be my models.” Evie clapped her hands excitedly.


It was only twenty minutes till the start of the Fashion Show and Evie was freaking out. “What if the fabric rips in the middle of the shows? What if one of the heels break?” Evie then started rambling. “Evie! Calm down! You’re gonna be fine. This is your best work I’ve ever seen! I don’t think Winter’s line is half as good as yours!” Mal assured her.

“I hope so. I don’t know what I would do if I had to leave you guys.” Evie sighed. “You won't. No matter what happens, win or lose, we’re always gonna be friends.” Freddie smiled as the lights on the runway turned on signaling the start of the fashion show

“Today, two extraordinary students have prepared two fashion lines for us to see! I hope you enjoy, now without further ado, let’s begin our fashion show with my wonderful daughter. Winter White!” Snow White announced as Winter walked onto the stage. “Hello everyone!” Winter greeted as everyone, except the VK’s, clapped.

“I’m so glad I got to make this line of clothing for you all to see. Honestly, I didn’t do this completion wise, I am just so grateful I have somebody who loves fashion as much as I do.” Winter smiled, Evie rolled her eyes.

“I hope you all love my designs.” Winter finished as music started playing. “First we have one of my best friends Ashlyn, sporting a wonderful Cinderella look.” Winter started as Ashlyn walked out.

Ashlyn's hair is tied back into several poofy curls. Her makeup is predominately silver. As Cinderella, she wears a strangely mashed up ball gown. The right sleeve is blue and puffy, which is connected to a silver strap that goes across her left shoulder.

The bodice is sewn in a plaid pattern, as well is part of the skirt, which also connects to a silver strap that holds a layer of fishnet fabric, with another blue strap that connects over the material.

Her shoes are blue pumps held together by several red straps, with pairs of scissors making up the heels. On her head, she wears a tiara, made of needles and red thread and a purse shaped like a spool of thread.

Ashlyn walked back and forth on the runway and they stopped at the entrance of the runway. “Next we have Jenna, the daughter of Jasmine, wearing a wonderful Red Riding Hood look.” Winter announced as Jasmine walked out.

Jenna wears a red dress with purple trimming and corset styled ribbons down the front. The purple trim extends down to three straps across the front of the skirt and over her shoulders.

She wears a signature red hood with animal print on the inside, a purple bracelet, purple shoes that have a weaved design, probably to look like a basket, and her sole accessory is a purple basket. Her hair is streaked with red, and she sports heavy black eyeliner with purple eyeshadow.

“Isn't she wonderful! Finally, we have my best friend ever. Briar!” The crowd clapped as Briar walked out Briar has thigh-length hair is all-black but for several strands of pink under dye.

It hangs loose and is parted on the right, while a barrette on the left keeps it in place. Her forehead is not covered, her eyeshadow consists of both green and yellow, and her lipstick is dark maroon.

Briar wears a light green and off-the-shoulder ball gown with a puffy shoulder band. Two sets of black lining run from the band down to the waist, where they are covered by a broad belt tied into a large bow on the front.

The belt is created from white fabric with a pattern of pink poison-dripping apples on it. The skirt portion of the dress consists of two layers, with the green top portion of the dress extending in the upper layer.

This layer is cut to look like poison spilling out over the lower layer, which is a wide pink skirt with a strip of black sheer ruffles underneath that reach mid-crus.

The middle of the skirt is covered in the green outlines of poison-dripping Skullette-apples, under which much smaller black outlines of Skullette-apples fill up the pattern until the skirt bottom.

Her open black heels are decorated with pink bows around the noses. The backs are shaped like green skull-apples, with the high heels resembling poison dripping from them. To match this, all her other accessories are green and made to look like skull-apples dripping with poison too. This includes earrings, a barrette on the left, and a purse.

“Let’s get another round of applause for my daughter, Winter White!” Snow White yelled, the clapping got louder. Snow White was about to say something but Jasper came out and grabbed the mic.

“Okay, that’s nice and all. Our next designer, straight from Villain Isle, the blueberry fashionista princess herself. You know her you love her, Evie Queen!!” Jasper announced, there wasn’t many claps as Winter, but some. Evie walked onto the runway completely nervous.

“Hello.” Evie started as Evie looked over to Jasper and the other VK’s and Ben smiling, somehow telling her it was all okay.

“I spent the last day and a half making these designs, the assignment was to make a design that show how a hero’s wardrobe affects their look on society. Honestly, I was stumped. I didn’t know anything about heroes. But what I did know was villains who are in some ways heros.”

“Then the stories my mother told me came back to me. One story actually stuck me inspiration the most. A story called Power Girls. It tells the story on how 4 girls, who were labeled villains by society, broke the mold and showed the world how villains can be heroes too.” Evie announced as music started playing. “First we have my friend Freddie, sporting the look of the character, Lady Justice.” Evie started as Freddie walked on the runway.

Freddie wears a deep purple leotard adorned with a golden skull and green collar. She has black shorts with purple trim patterned in green, yellow, black and purple comic book dots, starbursts and claw streaks. Her large studded golden boots have purple studded heels and tops, with gold studs running down the front.

She has a  purple studded headband, armband and wristband, golden hoop earrings and energy burst earrings and a golden belt detailing the phases of the moon. Her shield is studded, golden with a purple wolf in the centre and purple phases of the moon around the outside.

Her hair is slightly curly with green streaks and her makeup is maroon and green eyeshadow and burgundy lipstick. Evie looked at the audience to see they were impressed to say the least, heck some even started clapping. “Next we have Mal sporting the look of the character Poltergirl.” Evie continued.

As Poltergirl, Mal wears a black sleeveless dress, with grey dots and magenta chains starburst patterns. It is silver-trimmed, and has a reflective silver, distressed ghost symbol emblazoned on the chest area.

Her belt is silver chains, with an iron ball dangling from a chain. Her magenta cape consists of horizontal chains, stretching from her back to her wrists, attached to her wrists by handcuffs, and chains hanging down from the horizontal chains, each with rings at the end.

Her boots are silver, with magenta chains twisting around them and chains for heels and soles. She accessories with a magenta chain hair band, chain choker, and chain earrings with ghost starbursts hanging from them.

Her makeup is pink eyeshadow in the shape of a fading mask, burgundy lipstick, and her hair is held back with the hairband.

“Now, we have CJ wearing an outfit inspired by the character Cat  Tastrophe.” Evie smiled as CJ walked on the runway. As Cat Tastrophe, CJ wears a grey jumpsuit with vermillion and orange scratch mark stripes, and a black collar.

A cat Skull, fading from orange to white from the top, decorates the chest area. She has a silver belt with a dangling orange feather inspired by a cat toy, and black fingerless gloves.

Each of her red boots have moulded stripes on it, a silver zip running down the side, black studded soles and conical curved heels, like claws.

Her accessories include a studded black mask with three cat whiskers protruding out from each side, a red studded cat collar, and a silver studded bracelet (with mice) on each hand.

Her hair is pulled back and wrapped around her ears at the sides, her lipstick is red, and she had three black ear piercings: one stud on each ear and a ring on her left.

“Finally we have Operetta sporting the look of Voltage!” Evie announced as Operetta walked on stage. As Voltage, Operetta has thick black streaks and her hair is loose, pulled back by an headband.

Her makeup is powder blue eyeshadow with maroon lipstick. Operetta wears a silver v-neck sheath dress with lighting bolt emblazoned on the chest area.

The cap sleeves have back stripes on them and a blue triangular strip of fabric with silver polka dots and black-and-white lighting bolts extends across the bottom.

She accessories with a silver nut bracelet on each hand, blue starburst earrings with lightning bolts streaking down, and a lightning bolt headband pulling back her hair, with lightning bolts shooting up from each side.

Her cape, which is attached to her neck with a ring, has yellow lightning bolts shooting outwards from the ring, forming the shape of a fan.

Her boots are silver with lightning bolts patterns on it and electric blue lightning bolts lining the edges. The boots have blue bolts for heels and have lightning bursts at the ankles.

The crowd started clapping very loudly. Evie smiled. “Now that both girls have finished presenting their designs. You the audience must vote for the best one by using the glow sticks under your seats. Red for Winter and blue for Evie, once everyone has voted we’ll tally up the votes and determine the winner.” Snow smiled as the audience started voting.

After what seemed like eternity to the two girls all the votes were in. A small dwarf then brought the envelope with the winner’s name in it to Snow White. “And that winner, of this fashion show. Is…” Snow then opened the envelope.

“E-Evie Qu-Queen?!” Snow was surprised. Evie’s eyes winded. “YEAH!!! Pay up Winter!” Evie smirked as Winter gave her the car keys. “Looks like the hero doesn't always win.” Evie winked.

After some celebrating the VK’s, and Ben went backstage to celebrate some more. But what they saw shocked them even more. “Oh. my. God.” They all said in unison.

What were they looking at?
Something nobody would ever believe unless they saw it.

Winter kissing Briar.

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