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Y/n POV-

I wanted to escape from this hellhole. Do you think I'll be unbothered, when I'm kidnapped? Of course not!!

I thought of ways I could escape.

I can't jump off the car. I don't even know where we are. I can't even explain this to V.

I tried to get Jimin on my side, but this Taehyung is so annoying!!

I told Taehyung I wanted to pee, after he brought me to a restaurant, and was waiting for me outside.

I somehow should escape this bathroom. I saw that the grills were tight and secure everywhere.

Except one of them, which was to be constructed.

I stood on top of the seat, after closing the lid, and tried to climb the window.

It was too high, so I placed everything I could find in the washroom, and climbed on it.


I peeped out, to see the height from where I have to climb down. We were in the 1st floor, so it wasn't much high. I climbed over the window, and saw that there was a platform on which I could stand and climb down somehow.

I climbed on it. I couldn't find any other way to climb down, except slide down the pipe.

I gripped the pipe tightly, and slid down.

Everything went well, at first.

But, I'm not light, remember?

Somewhere in the top, a pipe got broken or disconnected or something, and the pipe bent away from the wall, and I slowly tilted backwards.

It gave a few creaks, and I knew what was going to happen.


"Ouch!! My butt hurts!!"

I groaned in pain, trying to get up. It hurt so much, that I couldn't get up for almost 20 minutes. 

I was going to get up, when I saw Taehyung walk towards me, angrily. He looked seriously angry. I tried to get up and run, but my butt betrayed me.

He crouched down, and bent closer to my face. 

"Looks like some ass can never let go of me.", He said, smirking.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms lift me up, and carry me in the bridal style. I gave a slight shriek when he did that.

"Don't ever run away. Or else, you'll have to see a different side of me you don't want to."

He spoke in a whisper, making my heart beat faster, and his breath, which fanned my face, made my insides feel something I'm haven't ever felt...

He carried me to the car, and made me lie down in the passenger seat. While putting me on the seat, he bent even more closer, staring into my soul, that my blood pressure increase.

Are some people born, just to kill you with their expressions, mannerisms, and behavior?

If yes, I'm dead already.

Till now, that baby Tae was enough for me. Now, I feel like this hot Taehyung is also enough to lure me to him.

He just smirked, and went out of the car. He came back in again, this time with a rope. I readjusted myself, such that I'm sitting, with my back against the car door which was closed.

He sat right in front of me, so close, that my eyes went wide. He tied my hands tightly, not leaving even a millimeter gap. He took the other end, and tied it around his ankle.

He turned to me, and bent closer. Closer. Even more closer. So close, that made my heart beat faster, and remember the kiss I am sure I did NOT dream about.

He slammed his hands to the both sides of my head. I looked down, not able to look at his super hot and attractive face for more than a few seconds without blushing hard. 

He whispered, "Why? Love Tae so much, that you start behaving like him?"

"N-nothing... L-like... T-that...", I said, my body heating up, by his intense gaze.

"Baby, you better not keep your hopes high for escaping from me... Because it's impossible to let go of me.", He said, his lips brushing against mine.

Suddenly, we heard a voice. 

"Taehyung-ah! I got our food parcel!!"

Taehyung got off, with zero expressions, towards Jimin.

"Hey!!!", I shouted, warningly, when I remembered that I was tied to his leg.

But it was too late. He fell down, and I fell forwards, and fell off the seat, on the car's floor matting. We both groaned loudly.

Did my butt out of all my body parts hit the ground?


He got up, and readjusted the rope tied to his ankle. Probably making it tighter.

He saw me groaning and cursing, and laughed, picking me up, and making me sit.

"Don't make me sit!! It's paining!!", I wailed.

He gave a small laugh, and made me lie on my front. He lifted my legs, sat down, and placed it on his lap.

Jimin was surely amused, and got inside the car, and he drove.

I don't know what happened to Taehyung, or what plan he has in mind. He is surely freaking me out, by behaving like how he did, a few minutes ago.


"You have to pay us more! We received all that beatings for what?!"

I was sitting on a chair, playing with the strings of my hoodie, while the thugs whom me and Taehyung almost murdered, came to our hotel room, for receiving their pay.

"I didn't expect you to receive all that... And, you hit us too, remember? I thought you were just supposed to pretend like you're bullying me...", Taehyung said, calmly, sitting on the couch, his legs crossed.

Damn, he looks like a mafia gang's boss!!

"At least a 2% increase.", One of them begged, glaring at me.

I stared at my nails, completely unbothered. 

"Well, ask this miss sitting over here. If she wants, I'll increase your pay, or a big NO.", Taehyung suggested looking at me.

All of them looked at me.

The- Seriously? I was just sitting here, minding my own business... Why is he dragging me into this?

"I couldn't bear the fact that they hit you that bad. That time, you were adorable Taetae, and not the badass Kim Taehyung. And, my head is still hurting. So, no extra pay."

I thought for a second and added, "Actually, you have to cut off some money..."

The men panicked, and I smirked. 

"So sad. That's what the queen says. So...."

"Are you okay with your money, or do want more?", He asked, smoothly.

"No no!! We're fine with our money! We're leaving!!", They said, and went away, quickly.

Taehyung got up and closed the door. 

"Where is Jimin?", I asked.

"Went out to buy some stuff...", Taehyung said.

He put his hands in his pocket, and walked towards me, in a cool manner.

Adjectives aside, he is walking towards me!!!

My heartbeat increased. My hands became sweaty. I started panicking internally. 

But deep down, I wanted to kiss him. Badly.

Not just that, though.

He trapped me, by resting his palms on either sides of my chair. He bent forward and whispered, "I am badass, huh?"


(Oh my God. I'm so tired after the graduation. I didn't even do much work, but still I feel like I did most of the work...

It went pretty smooth, though I couldn't receive any award, it was actually something fun...

I'm gonna miss many of my friends, and part to our directions, based on what we want to do in the future... Parting with friends is slightly hard, even tho u can catch up online... Right?

Anyways, I'll end my rant, thank you sooooo much for reading the book 💜)

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