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That idiot closed the door, and locked it, with Kim Jong un too, stuck inside.

"Jong-Dae!! What are you doing?!"

"Oh my dear brother, oh wait, you're not even my brother! None of you are even related to me! I'm locking all of you up, for 10 days, without food or water, and kill each and every one of you, cruelly, cunningly, in the highest tower, located near the boundary of the South and the North. Later, me, my wife and Hyejin will live a powerful life. HA!!", He said, and walked away.

"What the hell?!!", Jong un exclaimed, not able to accept or believe the situation.

"Dad... This is not a North-South war. Let us fight for our country, and after that, be content with what we had...", Taehyung said.

"What...? I don't understand... Why is your uncle like this?", He asked.

We had to explain the whole thing again, leaving the part where Taehyung was adopted from his real parents, by that uncle. We decided to say that when he's in a better state of mind.

He was completely dumbfounded. "Seriously?! Really?! What is wrong with this Jong-Dae? Aish- I seriously can't believe!!"

"Now, are you planning something devious, or will you support us to escape this place?", Dad asked.

"I'm of course in your side. LETS GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!", Jong un exclaimed.

 We all became happy. Good. At least, team coordination would make it easier to escape.

"Now, what do we do?", Yoongi asked. "Don't tell me I'm silly and think of some stupid idea."

"Mine was not a stupid idea if that uncle guy did not come!!", Jimin said.

"It was a stupid idea. Here, if you escape, you're killed, remember?", Yoongi said.

Kim Jong Un cleared his throat.

"Ah. sorry.", Yoongi said.

"So... Are there any chances of convincing Hyejin?", Jin asked.

"Hyejin? No way. I'm sure she hates me. But, I'll try.", I said.

I took out my phone, and dialed her number. The phone cut, after ringing.

"She cut my call.", I said.

I tried 5-6 more times, but it didn't work.

When I looked at my phone, I saw the call history.

"V!!", I exclaimed, excited.

"What?", Hoseok asked.

"I have this friend, called V, who can save me!!", I said, excitedly.

"Aw come on!! You still don't know?", Jimin asked.

"What is it?", I asked, amused.

"Your friend V, is none other than this darling Kim Taehyung!!", Jungkook said, and hugged Taehyung from the back and giggled.

"WHAT?!", I asked, perplexed.

"Yes, sweetie...", Jimin teased.

I looked at him, shocked. "You...?"

He looked away, embarrassed. "Oh my god, I hate you so much!!", I exclaimed, hugging him, after pushing Jungkook off him.

"Such a liar...", I muttered, letting go of him.

I gave him a small peck, and sat beside him.

My face flushed, as soon as I realised that I did this in front of 2 fathers, and 6 brothers.

"What is happening here? Is this a story of betrayal?", Dad asked, amused.

"Taehyung...? I thought you both were pretend lovers...? Is this real now...?", Jong Un asked, shocked.

"Uh... um... we... I... uh... probably... I guess... are together...?", Taehyung said, looking at me in confusion.

"What is it, Tae?", I asked.

"I thought you hated me?", He asked.

"You have a Tae+V in you... that's why... Or else, I would have made you bald by now...", I said.

I added, muttering, "So, that daddy, is you?"

He went red, and looked away.

"Ooooh so cute!!", I whispered.

"Okay, let's talk about all this love later. Now, how do we escape?", Yoongi asked, annoyed.

"I don't know... Let's just think for a while...", Namjoon said.

"Yeah...", I said, thoughtfully.


"Hey...", I whispered to Taehyung.

It was our 2nd day, without food. I really don't know how I'm alive. I can't live without food.

We all were cramped together in the cell, with Dad in one corner, talking with Taehyung's 'not real' dad, and Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin together in another corner.

The 3rd corner was with Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok, discussing seriously on how to escape. Me and Taehyung were in one corner, with my head on his shoulder, exhausted.

"Yeah?", He asked.

"You were behaving like you didn't care at all... But deep inside...", I said, my voice trailing off in the end, unable to ask him in a proper way.

"I felt bad. Disgusting. Terrible. Totally pained. I felt like dying. Your tears, hurted expression, everything made me hate myself more than anyone. I couldn't bear it. I usually don't fall in love easily, with anyone. I didn't even expect that I'd fall for you... But when I realised, I was scared. Almost terrified, you could say... I didn't want to hurt you...", He said, his eyes staring into mine.

"Then... That day... Art Museum... Why did you save me? And even on my birthday... Instead of just taking me away and kidnapping?", I asked, curiously.

"I love you Y/n... I didn't want to let go of you then... I wanted to spend more time, as much as I could... But, on your birthday, they really did beat me up. So, I had to protect you. I was scared if they'd kill you then.", He confessed.

I noticed his eyes became teary. "I really did care for you, all the time. I just couldn't show it out. And.... And all the words I spoke to you... All of them... I was honest. Completely honest. Totally honest.", He said, cupping my cheeks.

"Please guys! We're in a cell, together... Please, control yourselves...", A voice called out. Jimin.

"We were just talking...", I said.

"I know what 'just talking' will turn into...", He teased.

"Guys... Let's talk about that later.", Namjoon said.

"Now, what do we do?", Yoongi asked.

We thought hard. I stared at those bar rods, intently. Jimin was leaning against it.

He's so slim...


He's SLIM!!!

I exclaimed, "Jimin, do you know how to open a lock with a hairpin?!"

"What? Why?", He asked, puzzled.

I got up, and walked to him. "Try going through the bars."

"What?! I can't!", He said, nervous.

"You can, Jimin. I know.", I said.

He put his leg out of the space between two bar rods, and crouched so that he could fit his head out. He slowly wriggled outside, and beamed excitedly.

Everyone looked at him in awe, and exclaimed together.

"We should have thought of this!!"

"Aish, I should have noticed, he was right beside me!!"

"Freedom at last!!"

"Y/n you're so clever!!"

"Taetae you're so lucky!!"

"Oh my god!! Jimin-ah! You proved that your small size is actually useful!!"

Jimin glared at Jungkook, who said that. I giggled.

I pulled out the hair pin from my hair, and tossed it to him. He took it, and tried opening the lock.

He twisted it, and shook the lock, and tried some stuff. Suddenly, we heard a click.

It opened!!!

Jimin's eyes widened, and he pulled out the hair pin excitedly.

"We did it!!", Jin exclaimed.

"You did not."


(Hey guys!

We're slowly..... Coming to the end, and I'm excited and slightly sad... Idky, it's just....

Anyways, I hope u liked the chapter, and thank you for being with me all this while<3

Love you SO MUCH!! 💜💜💜💜

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