CHAPTER THREE, first monday as sophomores

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That morning she woke up to her loud alarm clock, groaning as she rolled over and smacked the button to silence it. She yawned and stretched, the sheets tangling around her legs as she sat up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, her mind still hazy and unfocused. She glanced over at her clock, the bright red numbers flashing 6:00 am. She groaned and laid back down, pulling the covers over her head.

"I hate mornings." She mumbled, her voice muffled by the blanket.

A soft laugh sounded from the other side of the room, the sound making her heart skip a beat. She pushed the covers off her head, her gaze landing on the familiar figure standing at the foot of her bed. Marcus was dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, his hair messy and tousled.

She narrows her eyes at him. "Why are you here this early? You hate mornings too." She pauses after noticing his shirt. "And it's Monday. Why does your shirt say Wednesday?"

"Why are you wearing pj's that have unicorns on them?" Marcus asks teasingly. He tilts his head to the side, smirking at her. "You know unicorns aren't real, right?"

"I didn't ask you to come to my house at six in the morning to be teased, M." Anastasia rolls her eyes, tossing a pillow at him. "But if you must know, I wear them because unicorns are unique and majestic. Just like me."

He catches it effortlessly, grinning at her playful response. "Well, you're not wrong about that." He retorts, tossing the pillow back at her. "And to answer your question, I'm here because I wanted to make sure you didn't oversleep on the first day back to school. Plus, I missed you already." He admitted with a sheepish smile.

Anastasia's heart swells at his words, a soft smile spreading across her face. "Aw, you missed me, huh?" She teased, her tone affectionate.

"'Course I did." He replied with a shrug.

She smiles a little, knowing that despite him trying to act nonchalant about it, Marcus's presence at her house so early in the morning spoke volumes about how much he cared about her. She couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through her chest at the realization. "Why are you here this early, by the way?" She adds, laying back down and pulling the covers over her head. "I thought I locked the window." She mumbled.

Marcus chuckles. "Did you forget I have a key?" He teased, the smirk on his face evident in his tone.

Anastasia huffs in annoyance. "You know, it's rude to break into someone's house." She muttered, her voice muffled by the blanket.

"Good thing I didn't break in then." He shot back, the amusement in his tone clear.

Anastasia couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, whatever." She replies, her tone light. "Now, can I go back to sleep?" She asked, her voice heavy with sleep.

"No, no. C'mon, let's get you up." Marcus replies, standing up and pulling the covers off of her. "I came over this early to make sure you were awake and ready for school. Can't have my best friend showing up late on the first day back, now can we?" Anastasia groaned, her eyes squeezing shut as the light flooded her vision. She reached blindly for the blankets, trying to pull them back over her head. She heard a soft chuckle and felt a hand on her shoulder.

"C'mon, bubba. Up and at 'em." He keeps the covers pulled back and grabs her hands, forcing her to sit up. "Time to face the day, sleepyhead!" Marcus teased, gently pulling Anastasia out of bed.

She grumbles incoherently, her eyes still closed. He chuckles, the sound deep and husky, sending a shiver down her spine. "Open your eyes, Stas." He instructs, his tone gentle, poking her cheek lightly. Anastasia groans in protest, but eventually complied, blinking sleepily as she looked up at him. "Happy Monday." He greeted, grinning at her with amusement shining in his eyes.

"Is it?" Anastasia asks, her tone sarcastic. "'Cause I already hate it." She complained. She didn't care that she looked disheveled. Marcus had seen her like this and worse many times before. Anastasia moved to lay back down but Marcus kept his hold on her. She let out a groan of annoyance and slumped against him, resting her forehead on his chest.

Marcus just laughs, the sound warm and comforting, the familiarity of it making her heart swell. His hands stay on her hips, his touch sending sparks through her skin. She buries her face into his chest, the smell of his cologne filling her senses and making her heart race. He presses a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his thumbs rubbing small circles on her hips. "Come on, bubba. I know you're not a morning person, neither am I, but we gotta get going. I'll make you a cup of coffee if you get dressed." He offered.

Anastasia perks up at that, her interest piqued. But at this moment her want to go back to sleep is winning. She pulls away and lays back down, pulling the covers over her head. "You know what would be better than coffee?" She mumbles, her voice muffled by the blanket. "Going back to sleep and not having to deal with the horrors of public education." She grumbled.

Marcus sighs, shaking his head fondly. "As much as I agree with that, we do have to go to school." He clicks his tongue after getting no reply from her and seeing no movement from her. "Guess I'll have to resort to drastic measures."

"No! Don't!" Anastasia yelped, her eyes flying open. She knew exactly what he was about to do.

He smirked and lunged at her, his hands going straight for her sides. She squealed and tried to squirm away, but it was no use. His fingers found their way under her pj top and danced along her ribs, his touch light and teasing.

"S-Stop!" She gasped, her body shaking with laughter.

He didn't stop, his hands moving up and down her sides, tickling her relentlessly. She shrieked, tears forming in her eyes as she thrashed on the bed, trying to get away from his torturous touch. She hated it when he tickled her. He knew where her tickle spots were and used that to his advantage.

"M-Marcus, st-stop!" She managed to say between giggles, her breath coming out in short gasps.

"Not until you admit I'm the best." He replied, a mischievous glint in his eye.

She shook her head, her face flushed and her chest heaving. He continued his assault, his fingers finding every sensitive spot on her body. Neither one had realized how compromising their position was. He was straddling her waist, his weight pressing her into the mattress. And his hands were moving up and down her sides, his touch making her squirm and writhe beneath him.

"Okay, okay!" Anastasia finally relents, her voice shaky and breathless. "Y-You're the b-best. S-Stop."

Marcus smiles triumphantly, his hands ceasing their movement. "Was that so hard?" He asks, a smug grin on his face. "Now, are you gonna get up and get ready for school or do I have to tickle you some more?" He taunted.

"Fine." She replies, rolling her eyes. "You win, I'll get up." She froze as she realized their position and how close they were, her face heating up. Marcus was still straddling her, his face inches from hers. His hands were on her hips, on the exposed skin from where her shirt ridden up during their tickle fight. The realization that he was so close made her heart race and her breathing quicken.

Marcus finally took note of their position and the blush on her face. He felt his own cheeks flush and quickly moves off of her, sitting on the edge of the bed. He clears his throat, his eyes avoiding hers. "Alright, well, I'm gonna head downstairs and make breakfast. You better be down soon or I'm gonna be eating your breakfast too." He warned, a teasing smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"You wouldn't dare." She gasped, feigning horror. She was still laying down, breathing heavy as she calmed down from the tickle fight. She wasn't ready to move just yet, her limbs feeling like jelly. She felt weird after having him on top of her like that, but she wasn't sure what that feeling was.

"Don't test me, bubba." He smirks, finally standing up. He walks over to the door, turning around and shooting her a playful wink. "You know I would." He teased, his tone light.

"Whatever, just be nice to my parents and don't break anything." She replied, a small smile tugging at her lips. She was glad their little tickle fight had broken the awkwardness from before.

"I'll try, but no promises. And besides, your parents love me." Marcus shot back, a grin on his face.

"I mean it. Behave." She said, pointing a finger at him.

"Yes ma'am." He replied, giving her a mock salute.

With that, he walked out of the room, the sound of his footsteps fading as he headed downstairs. Anastasia sighed, her mind replaying the events of the last few minutes. She couldn't help but think about how close he'd been and the look in his eyes when they were laying on the bed. She got up and made her way to the bathroom, her thoughts wandering to the compromising position they were just in. They've always been touchy-feely with each other, but this time it felt different. Something was shifted in the air, a newfound tension and energy between them.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face, her reflection staring back at her in the mirror. She looked tired and disheveled, her hair messy and her eyes still hazy with sleep. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, her mind replaying the events that just happened. The whole exchange felt oddly intimate, his hands on her sides and his weight on top of her, both leaving her mind racing and her heart pounding. She shook her head, pushing the thoughts from her mind. She couldn't let herself go down that road, not with her best friend.

(anastasia's outfit for this part of the chapter) 

She picked out a white tank top, black ripped jeans, and a green lace vest like cardigan. For the shoes she picked black boots. For jewelry she wore silver hoop earrings. After she got dressed, she walked out of her closest to head to the bathroom to do her makeup and hair. When she arrived at the bathroom, she's surprised to find Marcus sitting on the counter with a mug in his hand and another one by him. 

She jumps, startled at suddenly seeing him there. "M, you scared me."

"Sorry." Marcus replies, a sheepish smile on his face. He motions to the mug beside him. "I brought you some coffee."

"Thanks." Anastasia responds, walking over and picking up the mug. "Kinda weird that you're just waiting in my bathroom for me."

"With coffee." He added, taking a sip from his own mug.

"True, that makes it better." She said, smiling at him. She takes a sip from her mug, the warm liquid instantly waking her up. "Mm, you always make the best coffee." She praised.

"I know." He voiced, a smug grin on his face.

She rolls her eyes. "Don't let it get to your head."

"Too late." He replies, his grin widening. He glances at her outfit. "You look good, bubba."

"Thanks." She smiled a little, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach as she set the mug to the side. She then started on her makeup, doing the usual smokey eye, mascara, eyeliner, and highlight. Then she did her hair, putting her curls into a braided bun. She chatted with Marcus as she did so, the conversation flowing easily between them. It's always been easy to talk to him. Even when they were kids, they'd always had a connection, an innate understanding of each other that made talking and laughing together effortless.

After finishing her hair and makeup, they went down stairs where her parents finished with making breakfast. "Morning, kids." Cordelia greets with a warm smile. She's not surprised when she saw Marcus was there, she was used to him sneaking in at this point. He's always been a part of the family. "Ready for the first day back to school?"

"No." Anastasia grumbles. "Would have rather slept in but for some reason M thought it was a good idea to show up early." She huffed, giving him a look.

"Someone has to keep you on track." Marcus retorts, giving her a smirk. "I'm just doing my duty as a best friend."

"Yeah, whatever." She rolls her eyes though there's a small smile on her face. She walks over to her mom, kissing her cheek. "Morning, mom." She then walks over to her dad and kisses his cheek. "Morning, dad."

"Good morning, baby." Cordelia says, smiling fondly. "You and Marcus are going to have a great day. It's your first day as sophomores. That's exciting."

"What's exciting is this coffee." Anastasia mumbled, picking a mug from the cabinet before heading over to the freshly brewed pot. She poured the steaming liquid into the mug and took a long drink, her eyes closing as she savored the taste.

"Hey, what about my coffee?" Marcus asks, pouting.

"You can get it yourself." Anastasia shot back, not looking away from the mug in her hands. "You're the one who tickled me, remember?" She reminded him.

"It was worth it." He replied, a smug smile on his face as he walked over to open the cabinet to get himself a mug. He knew where everything was, he knew this house like the back of his hand and vice versa. It's the same with her at his house.

Anastasia couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up at his words. She quickly averted her gaze, busying herself with adding sugar and cream to her coffee. She stirred the concoction absentmindedly, her thoughts drifting back to the events earlier. She was still trying to wrap her head around what happened. It was strange. She never felt this way about her best friend before.

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye, taking in his appearance. He was leaning against the counter, a mug in his hand as he chatted with her parents. He looked good, she'd always thought he was attractive. But something was different. There was a spark in the air, a palpable tension that hadn't been there before. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She shook her head, pushing the thoughts from her mind. She couldn't think like that. He was her best friend, nothing more. It was just her imagination, that's all. She was reading too much into things. Besides, she had a secret boyfriend. She shouldn't think this way about her best friend. She finished stirring her coffee and took a long drink, the warmth spreading through her body and clearing her mind.

"Well, breakfast is ready." Cordelia announced.

They all sat at the table and ate, talking and laughing. After breakfast, Marcus and Anastasia said goodbye to her parents left. "Let's see if I can beat you to the school." Marcus said challenging, giving her a smirk, holding his skateboard as they walked down the driveway.

"You're on." She smiles, setting her own board down once they reached the end of the driveway. "First one there gets to pick what we do after school." She challenged.

"Deal." Marcus smirked and started skating. Anastasia quickly followed suit, the two racing towards the school. The wind whipped past them as they skated, the sun warm on their skin. Thanks to Marcus, Anastasia knew how to skateboard too. She loved the feeling of the wind on her face, the adrenaline rushing through her veins.

It was a rush, a thrill like no other. And it helped clear her mind, helped her forget her worries and focus on the present. Marcus was ahead, his long legs and athleticism helping him. Anastasia wasn't far behind, though. She was fast and agile, using her smaller stature to her advantage.

They reached the school and Marcus got there first. "I win." He grins. He gets off the board, kicking it up and catching it. "We're gonna play Mario Kart." He announced.

Anastasia laughs and kicks her board up. "I call Princess Peach." She said.

"Figures." Marcus chuckles. "You always choose her."

"Because she's the best, duh." She said, bumping his shoulder with hers as they entered the school. They had twenty minutes until classes started, so they had time to relax a bit before going to their respective lockers. The halls were busy, students talking and laughing as they went about their day. Anastasia and Marcus headed to their lockers, chatting and laughing along the way. Thankfully they had lockers near each other, and had similar schedules. They were able to talk during their breaks and lunch, and even had a few classes together.

Marcus leans against the locker beside hers as she opens hers. "After school, wanna get some ice cream?" He questioned, looking hopeful.

"Of course. What kind of question is that? We always get ice cream after our first day back to school. It's tradition." She replied, grabbing the books she needed and shutting her locker.

"I know, just wanted to check. You never know, traditions change." Marcus pointed out.

"True. But we're still doing it. I'll be needing some ice cream after a long day of classes." Anastasia admits. "Been craving vanilla and sprinkles lately."

"Your favorite." He chuckled.

"Of course. It's the best." She shrugged, grinning at him.

"Ana!" An excited voice exclaimed before she's suddenly stumbling forward as someone hugged her from behind. Marcus reached forward to steady her, his hands gripping her hips.
Anastasia was surprised and almost dropped her books. She sent Marcus a grateful look for steadying her, her cheeks red out of embarassment.

She turns around to see her close friend and Marcus' twin sister, Max, grinning at her. "Sorry, guess I should've warned you before I gave you a hug attack. It's just that I'm so excited to see you. And your outfit is adorable! Love the braid bun."

"Thanks, Max." Anastasia smiles brightly at her friend. "I'm glad to see you too. It's gonna be an awesome year, I can feel it."

"H*** yeah, it is. Sophomore year is gonna be great." Max grins, nodding in agreement. She perks up more, wrapping her arm around the girl she brought with her. Anastasia then just realized Max had brought someone else over to them and felt guilty for just then realizing that. "This is Ginny! She's new here, she's the one who moved next door, on the other side of course since you live on the left." She rambled.

Ginny waves awkwardly at the duo. Anastasia could tell the girl was shy and nervous. She couldn't blame her, it was her first day at a new school. "Nice to meet you, Ginny. I'm Anastasia and this is my best friend, Marcus. Welcome to the school, I hope you'll like it." She said. She felt bad for the girl. She was probably really anxious.

"Thanks." Ginny smiles gratefully at the two, her nerves lessening. "Max told me a lot about you. Said you're a sweetheart."

"Only because it's true." Max chimes in. "She's a total sweetheart. You'll love her. She's like as if an angel walked onto earth."

"Aww, Max." Anastasia smiled at her friend, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Hey, no flirting with my best friend." Marcus said, giving his sister a look.

"What? I'm not flirting with her! I know she's straight and she's my friend too, loser! Stop being so possessive." Max grumbled, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not possessive." Marcus denied, his tone defensive.

"You're a little possessive, M." Anastasia teasingly spoke, sheepishly smiling and shrugging when he sent her a playful glare.

"See? Yeah, you're being all huffy and territorial over Ana. I don't blame you though. She's amazing and super cute, of course you'd be possessive over her. But chill, she's still your best friend." Max comments, looking a bit amused. "You're lowkey acting a little like a caveman."

Marcus glares at his twin. "Whatever." He glances at Anastasia, his gaze softening. "Come on, let's go. Class starts soon."

Anastasia pauses, looking at Max and Ginny. "But..." She was worried about Ginny and wanted to make sure she would be alright on her first day here. 

"Oh, don't worry. We have the same class. We'll walk together." Max assures her, sensing what she was about to ask. "I'm taking Ginny with me, since I know her schedule. Was gonna ask her to sit with me and my friends at lunch and you guys are welcomed to join though I know you and Marcus already have a usual spot."

"Thanks, Max. I'll see you later, yeah?" Anastasia nods, smiling a little. She looks over at Ginny. "Have a good first day, Ginny. If you ever need anything, feel free to ask." She added, sending Ginny a small smile. 

"I will. Thanks, Anastasia. Have a good day." Ginny smiled back, her nerves lessened now. She hoped she just made another friend. Anastasia seemed really nice and sweet.

Anastasia nods and follows after Marcus. "Marcy, wait." She said, struggling to keep up with his long strides. "You're walking too fast." He was taller than her and she was a little shorter, so his longer strides made her struggle.

Marcus slows his pace, glancing down at her. "Sorry, bubba." He apologized, a sheepish look on his face.

"It's fine. I know you're a little cranky." She smiled a little, bumping her shoulder with his.

"Not cranky." He grumbles, his brows furrowing. "I'm just tired."

"And a little cranky." She teased, a grin on her face.

He rolls his eyes, a slight smile on his face. "Maybe a little."

She giggles a bit, causing his smile to widen a bit more. "Okay, I'm gonna head to class, don't wanna be late. I'll see you in our class after, okay?" She said, smiling at him.

"Alright, see ya." He nodded, sending her a smile.

She smiled and went to her class. Her first class was at the end of the building but she wasn't going there. At least not yet. She just used that for an excuse. She was now at the library, going back to a specific spot near the back and hidden from everyone. She grinned, feeling excited and giddy at seeing her secret boyfriend sitting on a bean bag chair, absently scrolling through his phone.

"Hey, cutie." She greeted, walking over to him.

He looks up, a bright smile forming on his lips and he put his phone away. "Hey, babe."

She grins and plops down next to him, cuddling into his side. "Mm, I missed you." She sighed contently.

He smiles, wrapping his arm around her and holding her close. "Missed you too."

"How are you?" She questioned, her eyes fluttering shut as she enjoyed his warmth.

"Good, a bit better now that you're here." He admitted, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

She smiles, curling up nest to him. Her arms wrap around his waist, her head resting on his chest. She sighs softly, her body relaxing against his. She loved being this close to him. He made her feel safe and secure. She could spend all day just cuddling with him.

He smiles, running his fingers through her hair. He loved the way it felt. It was so soft and silky. "How's your day been, sunshine?"

"Good. I just met this girl, Ginny. She's new. And I think she moved next door to the Baker's. I saw a moving truck there the other day." She admitted, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensation of him running his fingers through her hair. "She's nice, seems a little shy."

"Understandable, first day at a new school and all." He replies. "It must be scary for her."

"Yeah. I hope she makes some friends and feels more comfortable. First days are always the hardest. Especially in a new town and all." She said, opening her eyes and meeting his gaze as she smiled at him.

He smiles, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "I'm sure she'll be fine. Besides you're her friend now, or at least working your way up to it. I know you will try to make her feel welcome, angel. You have such a big heart."

She blushes, averting her gaze. "You're just saying that."

"I mean it. You're amazing, baby. Such a sweet, caring, and wonderful girl." He murmured, cupping her cheek. "You deserve the world and more, sunshine. You're too good for this world."

"Stop, you're gonna make me cry." She pouted, a light blush dusting her cheeks. Her heart was pounding in her chest, butterflies filling her stomach. He made her feel so happy and warm inside.

"No, I won't." He shakes his head, a small smile on his face. "Just the truth." He murmured, leaning in and capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

She smiles, kissing him back. His lips were so soft and warm. She could kiss him forever. He always made her feel like she was walking on clouds. After a few moments, he pulled away. He smiled, cupping her cheek and stroking her skin with his thumb.

"What's the matter, cutie?" She asked, noticing his smile wasn't as bright.

"Just thinking." He shrugged, trying to play it off.

"About?" She prompted, a frown tugging at her lips as she leaned into his touch.

He sighs heavily. "My parents." He leans his forehead against hers. "They're fighting again, it's been pretty bad lately. Dad's been drinking a lot, more than usual. Mom's not home a lot either, she's been working extra shifts. I just...I can't stand it. I hate seeing them like this, so distant and angry. It's not fair, they're supposed to be in love."

"I know, honey. I'm sorry. I wish I could do something." She whispers, her heart aching. She hated seeing him like this. It broke her heart. "Maybe you could try talking to them?" She suggested.

He shakes his head, his eyes closing. "I can't. I've tried, but they just ignore me. Or they yell at me and throw things. Like, the other night when I caught my dad yelling at mom, he threw a beer bottle at the wall. Scared the crap out of me. I was worried he'd hurt mom. So I stepped in to try to stop the fight, but that just pissed him off more and he started yelling at me. Saying how I'm a useless piece of s**t and he wished I was never born. He was so angry. I wasn't surprised he hit me, I probably pissed him off more talking back." He murmured, his jaw clenching.

"Lance..." Her voice broke, her eyes welling with tears. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that. I knew you had bad relationships with your parents, but I didn't know it was that bad."

"It's fine, I'm used to it. They've never been the best parents, always arguing and yelling. I don't remember a time when they weren't fighting. The only good times were when we'd go camping or on road trips, those were the only times we were a normal family. Though I was little then. When I got older I saw how they really are, they were never truly happy together." Lance admits. "And they have always been neglectful and distant. Only thing they were good at was making me and my sister."

"Still, that's not right. They should be loving and caring, not neglectful and abusive." She frowns. "I wish there was something I could do, anything. I hate seeing you hurt and sad. It breaks my heart."

"It's fine, baby. I'll be okay." He smiles softly, his gaze meeting hers. "Just having you here is enough."

"Really?" She asked, her eyes glistening.

He nods. "Of course, sunshine. You make me happy, baby. No matter what, you always cheer me up. I will forever be grateful for you. You're my ray of sunshine, you're my angel." He murmured, gently caressing her cheek.

She blushes, smiling brightly as butterflies went wild in her stomach. "Aww, honey." She coos, giggling softly. "You're so sweet. I'm grateful for you too. You make me the happiest girl in the world." She grins. "You're my prince charming."

He laughs, his eyes crinkling. "I'm no prince charming, cutie."

"To me you are." She said softly and his face softened, a loving look in his eyes.

"And you're my princess." He replies. "I love you, sunshine."

"I love you too." She grinned and leaned forward to capture his lips in a kiss. He happily returned the kiss, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her closer. Her hands tangled in his hair, a small smile on her lips.

When they pulled away, they were both grinning and giggling. She felt warm and happy, a smile on her face. Her cheeks were red, her eyes sparkling.

He smiles, gently caressing her cheek. "You're beautiful."

She blushes, averting her gaze. She didn't know how he managed to do it, but every time he called her beautiful, her heart would race and she would blush. He chuckles, a grin on his face. "So d*** cute." He loved it when she got flustered. It was adorable.

"Stop it." She whined, hiding her face in his shoulder.

He chuckles, rubbing her back. "Never." He presses a kiss to the top of her head, his arms tightening around her. "I'll never get tired of complimenting you. You deserve to be told how beautiful and amazing you are."

She lifts her head, a light blush still on her cheeks. She smiles, leaning up and kissing his cheek. "Thanks, honey. I love you. You are also very handsome and amazing."

He blushes, a smile on his face. "T-Thanks." He stuttered, his cheeks burning. He wasn't expecting that. He wasn't usually flustered like this but she always managed to catch him off guard and make him blush.

"Aww, you're blushing!" She grinned, her eyes sparkling. She found it adorable when he got flustered.

"Am not." He muttered, avoiding her gaze.

"You totally are." She coos, leaning forward and peppering his face with kisses. "So cute."

That only made him blush more and bury his head in her shoulder, letting out a muffled whine. "Baby." He grumbled.

She giggles, hugging him. "Sorry, honey." She leans down to kiss his neck. "I'll stop now."

He relaxes, a content sigh leaving his lips. He lifts his head, giving her a soft smile. "You're amazing."

She smiles, pecking his lips. "So are you, honey." 

"Mmm, you're too good to me." He hums, nuzzling her neck. "I love you."

"And I love you." She murmurs, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she closed her eyes. "We should probably get going. We'll be late if we stay here."

"Can't we just skip and spend the day together?" He pouts, his arms tightening around her. "Don't wanna let you go yet."

"No, come on." She chuckles, gently pulling away. "I don't want to either, but I have to get to class. Can't miss it. And we have classes together, so we'll be able to see each other soon. Plus, you can always text me."

"Okay, fine." He relented, standing up. He reached a hand out to help her up. He didn't like being away from her, but he didn't want her to get in trouble.

She smiles and takes his hand, letting him pull her to her feet. "Thanks, baby." She leans up and kisses his cheek. "See ya."

"Later, sunshine." He smiled fondly, watching her walk away. Once she was gone, he sighed, heading to his class. He hoped the day would go by fast. He just wanted to spend the rest of the day cuddling with his girlfriend. Though he knew she was right, they had classes together. He could survive a few hours. He just needed to keep his mind off her and not get distracted. But that would definitely be hard. She was always on his mind. 

A/N ugh love stas & marcus so much but i also love stas & lance so much too 

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