Angry White Boys

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Allie Meyers is a fucking bitch, and today she celebrated her sixteenth year of being one.

Apparently, I sexually harassed her. As a result, I've been exiled to the Siberia of high school, the lunch table by the trashcan. She had come by my table with cupcakes for her loser boyfriend David Ling and his crew. David is probably the most whipped guy I've ever seen- he goes to Allie's volleyball games with handpainted signs, and he even lets her play with his new game consoles the day he buys them, and apparently sometimes she wins. He's exactly the kind of guy we're trying to rescue, beaten into submission by manipulative girls and thinking he's inferior because of PC feminazi shit.

It's about 2AM, 1:48 to be exact, and I log onto the dark side of the A Voice for Men forums, where I'm known as MichealDurden16. In middle school, Allie and I had gotten into a crazy argument about Fight Club; she said the movie was trying to "show how destructive Tyler Durden's philosophy actually was." It's probably one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard- more proof that girls just handle certian types of ideas, I guess.

I click the link to my favorite chat room, Young Redpills Unite III. Started by a total newbie college guy back in 2010, the first post was him simply asking if there were any other people under twenty-five on AV4M. Soon after, it blossomed into a great place for angry kids like me to just vent about the stupid cunts we see every day at school and support each other. We're now on our third thread, and it's amazing.

MichealDurden16: so, theres this crazy bitch at my school who thinks I sexually harassed/assaulted her and she actually got me suspended for a couple days

NarutoGuy: @MichealDurden16 ugh I hate those type of sluts who manipulate the system like that. What did u actually do

MichealDurden16: @NarutoGuy well, I mean I said I'd fuck her and stuff and I think i tried to feel her up but idk i mean she dresses like a total skank. i know it sounds bad, but...

Downwithmisandry: @NarutoGuy @MichealDurden16 well my advice is to just get her alone and scare the shit out of her. i mean thats what you have to do with those bitches. Am i right?

MichealDurden16: @downwithmisandry @NarutoGuy I wish i could- still in high school, sadly. I think I know where she lives? stupid cunt put her address in our school contact thing.

NarutoGuy: @MichealDurden16 @downwithmisandry gimme a social media link i can post her pic and stuff on pinkMeth. The deep web is like the biggest tool us MRAs have shocked nobody really uses it.

After just a few minutes, I feel better. These guys validate me. I first got linked to men's rights stuff from r/Coontown; and I still check out white power stuff occasionally. But AV4M is my home. I mean, where else can a guy who's never even met you or the person you hate offer to sic the whole deep web on her? It's not about sexism, really. We have no problem with women, especially when they're in bed with us. It's about support.

PinkMeth. I didn't even know it was still up, but I'm happy it's back serving it's old purpose of scaring those fucking skanks. Am I ready for this? Will anyone find out my imvolvement? I know Allie. When the threats start pouring in, she'll run to the nearest fucking teacher and I'll be the one who has to take the blame. Guys always take the blame- we're rapists, "misogynists," woman-haters and wife-beaters. I asked a girl out yesterday. She gave me a death glare, said she "knew what I did to Allie," and stamped away in her skanky-ass heels.

My eyes hurt from staring at the screen in the dark, so I unplug my computer, shut it down, and try to sleep.

I can't wait to see her cry.

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