➸ένα - ENA

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«Είστε η τελευταία σκέψη στο μυαλό μου πριν πάω για ύπνο και η πρώτη σκέψη όταν ξυπνάω κάθε πρωί.»

You are the last thought in my mind before I go to bed and the first thought when I wake up every morning.

Seoul, South Korea

"Where is she, Namjoon? She said she'd be here in five minutes, about fifteen minutes ago!"

"Sheesh, calm down grandpa! Girls take time to get ready, you know?" he chuckled and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

The two music majors had walked down their street and were now in front of the newly renovated bakery they've been wanting to visit for some time now.

"Magic Coffee Shop? Mrs. Kim's name was so much better!" Yoongi scoffed as he read aloud the name of the coffee shop.

"What do you mean? You're saying that 'Stone Cold Cafe' was better than 'Magic Coffee Shop'?" Namjoon asked and Yoongi rolled his eyes as the two went in. They then sat down at an empty table.

"What do you wanna order? It's so packed, I don't think the baristas can take our orders from here," Namjoon asked Yoongi.

"Cafe Latte," he replied and took his phone from his jeans pocket.

Namjoon hummed in response and got up from his seat. He walked up to the counter and a young boy, about his age, smiled and welcomed him.

"Hello and Welcome to The Magic Coffee Shop! I'm Hoseok, and what can I get you today?" the barista cheerfully asked and Namjoon smiled in return.

"I'll take one Cafe Latte and a Caramel Macchiato, please!"

"One Cafe Latte and Caramel Macchiato coming right up! Anything else?" he asked and Namjoon shook his head, taking his card out to pay.

After Namjoon paid the bill, Hoseok said, "You can go ahead and have a seat! It'll take some time, so I'll bring it up to you!" Namjoon nodded and walked back to his seat.

Yoongi was still on his phone as Namjoon sat across him. Yoongi then looked up and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Where's my Cafe Latte?"

Namjoon chuckled and shook his head, "The barista said he'd bring it over. The place is full of customers! I think they're making more profit than Mrs. Kim!"

"Mrs. Kim's shop was more decent, Joon. Most of these customers are girls who probably came only to drool on those male baristas!" Yoongi answered and Namjoon raised an eyebrow at his best friend's remark.

"Well, you're probably not wrong about that," he replied as he took a look around him, effectively seeing girls giggling loudly and some checking the male staff out.

"I wonder why Mrs. Kim left this place in the first place, it was a pretty nice cafe!" Namjoon said and Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"I heard people say that she left it in the care of her only son. The talent of making coffee and bakery items probably runs in the family!" Yoongi replied and went back to his phone.

Right then, the barista from the counter stood in front of the table, handing them their drinks.

Namjoon smiled at him, but Yoongi still hadn't looked up from his phone.

"Here's your Caramel Macchiato and Cafe Latte! Enjoy your drinks!" Hoseok said with a bright smile.

"Thank you!" Yoongi said as he reached his hand towards his cup, eyes still glued to the phone.

Just as his hands grabbed the cup, his fingers brushed against the barista's, sending a sudden shock of electricity through both their bodies.

Almost immediately, both their eyes met and widened in shock.

Namjoon, on the other hand, sipped his coffee, silently watching the scene in front of him.

"Uhhmm, I-I have t-to g-" Hoseok quickly muttered and ran to the kitchen hurriedly.

"Whoa, what was that all about?" Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow at Yoongi. He, on the other hand, was still fazed by the whole shock and failed to make words out of his thoughts.

"I d-don't k-know. I think he's my-" "Hey guys! I'm so sorry, I woke up late!" a girl's voice interrupted Yoongi.

Yoongi and Namjoon looked up to see their best friend, Kang Ara. As she apologized, she lightly pushed Yoongi aside and sat down beside him.

"Here you go, Yoongz, your lyric book!" she said as she slid a small black notebook over to Yoongi. She also noticed his absentmindedness and raised an eyebrow.

"Okayyy," she stressed, "so, what'd I miss?"

"It looks like Yoongi met him," Namjoon said vaguely and Ara furrowed her eyebrows.

"Can you be a little bit more specific, Joonie? Who did he meet?" she rolled her eyes and Namjoon sighed, looking over at Yoongi.

"His soulmate."

x Chapter One x

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