➸δεκατρείς - DEKATREIS

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«Η καρδιά σου είναι το μέρος για μένα, όλα είναι ζεστά, ωραία και άνετα! Είναι το μόνο μέρος που θα ήθελα να είναι το σπίτι μου, είτε είναι πρωί, μεσημέρι είτε βράδυ!»

❝Your heart is the place for me, all warm, nice and cozy! It's the only place I would want my home to be, whether it's morning, noon or night!❞

That night, Yoongi had trouble falling asleep. 

It wasn't his thoughts or his work keeping him up. He had couched himself on the bed over an hour earlier but found it hard to fall asleep. 

It wasn't until he felt tears roll down his cheeks that he sat up straight. Realizing something was wrong, he touched his wet cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows. 

"W-what the..." he trailed off, wondering what was happening. He sprung out of bed and ran towards the kitchen. Once he drank a glass of water, he relaxed and felt the tears stop. 

"Yah, what the fuck is going on?" He muttered and tugged at his hair in frustration. 

The next morning, Jin noticed something. 

He noticed a change in his best friend's attitude. He regarded a difference in his hype and his bubbliness. 

Most customers knew Hoseok as the hot barista with an all-round happiness tank. He usually kept radiating a sort of lively atmosphere wherever he went. 

With such a distinct personality, anyone who walked into the shop right now would know that something was undeniably wrong. 

"Hey, Jin hyung!" 

Jin slightly jumped at the sudden familiar voice. Calming his breath, he turned around and saw one of his friends, Jackson Wang. 

"Oh, hey, Jackson! Can I get you something to drink?" 

"Yeah, I'll take an iced latte, hyung. Uhh, is Hobi alright? He seems a little off today," Jackson's eyes were on Hoseok as he handed Jin the money. 

Jin sighed. "I don't know, Jackson. I'm sure something's bothering him, but I also know that he wouldn't tell me anything about it unless I find out myself," he rolled his eyes, and Jackson hummed.  

That day at The Magic Shop went by boringly, and Jin couldn't wait to find out what was wrong with his usually-hyperactive best friend. 

Hoseok had been pretending that nothing's wrong the entire day. As if he'd known Jin would interrogate him, he avoided him the whole time. 

After their shift, when it was time to go back home, Hobi quickly said his byes and ran out of the shop. Jin ran after him and pulled him by the arm. 

"Hobi! What's wrong?" Jin asked, looking down at his face. His eyes were glossy with tears filled in them. Worried, Jin pulled him closer so that Hobi had his head resting on Jin's chest. The two of them went to Hobi's house, and Jin stayed the night. 

Before going to sleep, Jin went over to Hobi's bed and sat down beside him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Jin smiled. 

"Wanna talk about what's bothering you? Trust me, talking it out will help." 

Hobi sniffled and nodded, trying to put on a smile. Jin sighed and patted his back. 

"I wasn't always like this, hyung. Those people changed me from who I was," Hobi cried onto Jin's shoulder. 

Jin was confused. 

"W-wait, w-what? What do y-you mean, Hobi?" Jin pulled away from Hobi and looked him in the eyes. 

"Hobi! What is that supposed to mean? Who changed you?" 

"My parents," he said as he wiped away his tears. 

"I don't get it, Hobi. What do you me-" 

"They sent me for conversion therapy, hyung!" Hobi yelled out in frustration, and Jin froze. 

"Oh my God, Hobi." 

x Chapter Thirteen x

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