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Thirteen Years ago...

Fire tones dropped, and firefighters rushed into action, slipping their turnout gear on. Loud noises rang into the bay as the doors opened then slammed shut. Soon the truck engines roared to life as the lights shone brightly and the sirens screamed into the gloomy darkness of the night.

Lieutenant Jakob Grey, sat in the passenger seat of Truck 3. The ither three firefighters of the unit sat in the back of the Truck. John West put his SCBA on his head sideways and laughed.

"How do I look?" he asked with a big grin on his face.

Jakob looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. "You look ridiculous."

Small chuckles came from the other firefighters.

The truck soon slowed to a stop as they reached the fire scene. Smoke poured from almost every window, door and crack of the house.

Rescue Squad 2 soon pulled up on the other side of the street.

Jakob quickly got out of the truck and a woman came up to him. "My son! Please he's still in there, I haven't seen him come out. Please, please save my son." She cried out in hysteria. "He was up in the attic."

Jakob nodded and said a quick "That window there?" he questioned her, she nodded. he then led her to the paramedics.

"Think there's a kid in the attic." Jakob informed Lieutenant Jasper Dean.

"I'll raise the aerial," John told Jakob. He nodded and West quickly ran to the truck to get the ladder to the nearest attic window.

"He could be on the stairs, in the halls, anywhere." Jasper told Jakob. "We'll go in the back and work our way up." He turned to look at Jakob. "Case of beer we get to him first?"

"Just vent the back." He hissed in frustration, Jasper turned and moved to the back of the house as Jakob and West started to climb up the truck to get to the ladder.

John followed Jakob and went up the ladder as soon as it was up and steady. John grabbed his radio. "Dean, do we have a vent?"

Jakob went to smash the window out, before John stopping him. Jakob smashed the window anyway and gave a thumbs up.

"John there is no vent." Dean replied on the radio.

"Grey! back out!" John called it for his friend. But it was too late. Jakob hurriedly went into the window. Fire could be heard roaring from down the stairs. Smoke flooded into the vents of the house. The door that Jasper had used downstairs closed.

"Everyone get down!" Dean shouted in exclamation over the radio. Fire rushed and crackled causing a backdraft burst. Dean fell to the floor landing on his shoulder in a loud thud causing him to let out a painful groan.

Jakob had begun to glance into the hallway. The wave of fire which so strongly resembled a dragon rushed and soon tried engulfed Jakob. "Jakob!" West called out.

It was too late. Fire had caught up to Jakob and it ate him. John ducked as the fire exploded out of the smashed window. He looked in horror as he had just watched his best friend get eaten alive, by the same fire they desperately tried so hard to fight.

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