Chapter 1

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Today, it was just a normal school day. So I woke up, took a shower and get dressed. After doing all that, I went out of my room and went down to have breakfast. When I went down, I didn't see my parents at all. Only my sister and my brother. So I asked my sister.
"Where's mum and dad?"
"Where do you think?" My brother said.
"I'm not talking to you or asked you."
"Mum and dad went to work early because they have a big project. I can't send you to school so you're gonna have to follow your brother. He'll send you to school." My sister said.
"Look. I know you hate your brother. I hate him too. You know that. But you have to let this one go. Just let him send you to school."
"Damn girl, chill. You literally hate me that much?" My brother asked.
"I have no time for this Jenny. I have to work. I'll see you later. Have fun in school." My sister said.
*Sigh~ This is the end of me.* I said in my thoughts.
"Come on. Get in the car. You don't want to be late to school." My brother said kindly.
I went in the car and replied him back in an annoyed way.
"Obviously you'll make me be late to school."
"Hey, I know you hate me that much but don't hate me too much kay." My brother said kindly.
"Well, its too late for that." I replied him back with my annoyed face.
My brother sigh and when I looked at him, his face looks sad. I felt like he's dissapointed at himself. But I still think that he's just acting or so called as faking it. He does that to my parents. Well, I won't fall for his trap. So I ignored him. As we reached to school, he dropped me off at the entrance. I got out of the car and shut the door. Without looking backwards, my brother slide down his window and said to me.
"Have fun in school. Bye." He said with a smile on his face.
I ignored him and went towards Ashley and Christine. As my brother drove off, Ashley asked me.
"I thought you said your brother was a bad person. I mean, his face seems like a gangster and gorgeous but his personality seems like a gentleman."
"Don't fall for his trap Ashley. My parents fell for it once and I learned from it so I won't fall for it." I replied to Ashley.
"What if he's trying to change himself? Maybe he's trying to change and be nice to you." Christine said.
"If he wants to change, why does he treat my parents as if their nothing to him?"
"I don't know your family life okay Jenny. But at least give him a chance. He's your brother anyways." Christine said to me.
"Guys! George and his group are coming to towards us!" Ashley said in shock.
"Maybe their going to towards this group girls behind us." Christine said to Ashley.
"Oh man. You ruined my mood." Ashley said in disappointment.
I laughed thanks to Ashley and Christine. Their the best. As George and his group kept walking, they stopped at us and George looked at me, leaned towards my ear and said,
"Smile always Jenny. It upsets me to see you mad or sad. I love you Jenny." George said as he pulled himself away from my ear and smiled at me.
He walked away as Ashley and Christine looked at me in shocked.
"What just happened?! Did George just whispered something?!" Ashley said in shock.
"What did he say?" Christine asked me.
I told her what he said to me and they were excited.
"Seriously?! He said I LOVE YOU at the end?!" Ashley said in excitement.
"Aww~ That sounds so sweet!!" Christine said.
"I know right!!" Ashley said as she agreed.
The bell rang and we went to our class. As we had our Biology lesson, Blake went in with his group and sat down.
"Blake, I don't think you have class today for Biology." The teacher said.
"I'm here for a reason." Blake said.
"What's your reason?" The teacher asked.
"Uh duh.. To study obviously." Blake replied to the teacher.
"Oh! Okay then." The teacher said.
"I feel like he's not here to study. I think he's here because of you." Christine said to me.
I shake my head as I disagreed. And I thought again and kept thinking. *Maybe he is here because of me. Maybe.* I turned and looked back. I looked at Blake and he was actually looking at the table as he yawn. As I kept looking at him and kept thinking, he looked at me back. I was shocked as he looked at me. We made eye contact for a few seconds and I decided to look front and focus on my studies. As we studied and studied, finally the bell rang. I went out of the class and went to the cafeteria with Ashley and Christine. As we took our food and chose our seat, we had our conversation and ate our food. As we kept laughing and talking, Blake and his friends went to our table and sat with us. It was weird and awkward actually. Blake sat next to me and his friends sat next to Ashley and Christine. Our conversations and laughter was gone. We were so awkward and none of us say a word. As we finished our food, me, Ashley and Christine stood up with our tray and went away. As I was about to walk away, Blake stopped eating for a while, hold my arm, stood up and pulled me into a tight hug. He whispered to my ears and said,
"I will do anything to make you happy. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. I'm sorry that I kept disturbing or annoy you. I hate to see you sad or being mad. I'll protect you in any way. I love you Jenny. And even though you wouldn't accept me, I will never stop loving you."
I was in shock and he ended the hug. He pulled himself away and my face was still shocked. He sat on his chair and continue eating. I couldn't move. I was in BIG shock. Ashley dragged me out of the cafeteria and Christine put my tray back. They dragged me outside and looked at me in shock. The same faces I saw this morning.
"WHAT.THE.HECK.JUST.HAPPENED?!" Ashley asked me in shock and with her clueless mind.
"I just realize it today. What Ashley told me, about George liking me, well, that one I realized it a long time ago but Blake, what Christine told me, was true. You were right Christine. Blake does like me." I said to both of them.
"So who will you pick?" Christine asked.
"I'm not sure. I'll have to get to know them first."
"She is right. You must know the guys well before you choose." Christine said as she agreed.
"Isn't the answer obvious?! ITS GEORGE!! He's such a sweetheart, he's a gentleman and he's kind." Ashley said.
"We know that but we should also give Blake a chance too. It's not fair if he doesn't get a chance." Christine said.
"What Christine said is true. It's not fair if Blake has no chance. Maybe he has a nice gentleman side of him." I said as I agree with Christine.
"Let us help you Jenny." Ashley and Christine said.
"Sure. But don't go way over okay?"
"We won't. If Ashley could control herself." Christine said.
"Hey!!" Ashley said in a sarcastic way.
We laughed a little and went back inside.

Will Jenny get to know the real Blake and the real George? Who will she choose in the end? Find out and stay tune~ To get more updates, follow me on instagram at: wattpad_beatrice2806. Hope you enjoy~

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