Chapter 4

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It has been 5 months since my brother is not awake. He has been lying on the bed for the whole 5 months. I never knew his health was that serious. I mean, the doctor said he would be fine unless he quits drinking those alcoholic drinks but the doctor never told us that he wouldn't be awake for a few months. I kept visiting almost everyday. He didn't even move an inch. He's not even moving as if he's like a statue. One day, I visit my brother in the hospital and then suddenly, he moved his hands and he started moving his body parts.

I literally panicked and called the doctor. The doctor rushed in the room and gave a medical check up on my brother. The whole family went to the hospital. They came in the room and looked at my brother. He was finally awake. He was opening his eyes and kept blinking. The doctor said that he's fine now. He just needed some rest. And I asked the doctor.

"Doctor, what's the reason why he was asleep for 5 months?"

"Due to how much he drank those alcohol, we needed to inject him so that he could have some rest and get away from all those drinks." The doctor said.

"Thank you doctor. We really appreciate it." My dad said.

As I sat beside my brother, I looked at him and my tears was shown. My brother looked at me and he started to raise his hands, reach my face and wiped away my tears. He said in a low voice.

"Don't cry Jenny. I'm sorry. It was my fault that made you cry." He said slowly.

"No its not. I just.........feel so selfish...........for not giving you a chance............. I'm just so stupid.............." I said while crying.

He kept wiping my tears off. My dad told me to go home and get some rest. I needed rest so that I could study at night. So he told me to get a taxi and gave me money. I didn't wanna leave until my brother held my hand and said slowly,

"It's okay. I'll be fine. Just go and get some sleep. Don't worry about me."

So I had no choice but to leave. I took a taxi and told my address. The taxi dropped me off in front of the house so I payed him and he drove off. I went inside, go upstairs, went to my room and lay down. After a few minutes later, I fell asleep. At 6 pm, I woke up. I showered and used my pajamas. When I went down, I went to the kitchen to cook something that I could eat. As I find for the ingredients to cook chicken soup, the door bell rang. I went towards the window and looked outside to see who was there. As I looked out, I saw a group of boys standing outside holding a baseball bat. I was so frightened until one of the boys saw me at the window. He went towards the window and I closed the curtains. I stepped back and bumped the couch. I was so frightened.

They knocked on the door and one of them said,

"We know that you're inside. Please open the door. We're your brother's friend. He just texted us to keep you safe."

I went towards the door, opened it and said,

"Prove it." I said to them.

"Hi, my name is Nick. I'm 22 years old and these are my group of friends. We're really close to Kyle."

I didn't tell you in my intro what was my brother's name. His name is Kyle. My sister's name is Michelle.

"I said I wanted prove. Not your info of your friends or whatsoever. I want prove!" I said angrily.

"Calm down girl. Here." Nick said.

He handed me his phone and showed me the text that my brother send. It says,

'Hey Nick. I need you to keep my sister safe. Her name is Jenny. She's 19 years old. Keep her safe please. She's all alone at home. My parents and my elder sister is here with me. Please take good care of her.'

My brother actually texted this friend of his. So I let them in and they sat on the couch. I went back to the kitchen and start cooking. As I cooked, they asked me if they could get a tour around the house. Then I told them,

"You guys can have a tour but if you dare to steal or break or touch our stuff, I'm gonna tell Kyle."

"Okay okay. Calm down. We won't break or touch or steal okay." They said.

They walked around while I was cooking chicken soup. Once I was done, I took a bowl and poured 7 bowls. One for me and the rest for the guys. I brought it out to the living room and I called them to gather. They gather at the living room and sat down. Some of them sat on the floor and some of them sat on the couch. They all ate and enjoyed. After they ate, they thank me.

After eating, someone rang the bell. I stood up and went to the window. I looked through the window and saw Kyle, Michelle and my parents. I was so excited to see Kyle. I ran to the door and open the door. As I saw Kyle standing in between my sister and my dad, I ran to him and hug him tightly. I was so glad to see him again. He giggled and said,

"Hey Jenny, why are you hugging me so tightly? I never knew you would miss me that much."

"Of course I miss you!! You're my brother." I said while hugging him. 

"Alright alright. You can continue hugging me on the couch later. For now, we need to go inside okay?" He said as he giggled.

"Really!!?? Promise me first."

We promised each other that we could hug later. As they went in the house, my parents saw Kyle's friends and my mum asked,

"Who are you guys and what exactly are you doing here?" My mum said nicely.

"Oh! We are Kyle's friends. We're here to keep Jenny safe while you were gone. Kyle texted us to keep her safe so we came. Jenny made us chicken soup and we really appreciate it." Nick said.

"Wow~ We really appreciate it and we thank you all for coming here to just protect Jenny. And thanks to Kyle, Jenny is safe." My dad said.

"We don't mind. Its due to safety so we're up to it." Nick said to us.

As they left, I asked my dad where was my brother. My dad said he was in his room so I ran up and barge into Kyle's room without knocking the door. As I barge in, I saw him lying on his bed, watching TV. I ran to him as he noticed me. I ran towards him, jumped on his bed and gave him a big hug. He kept giggling and he looked at me in the eye. He first kissed me on the cheek. Then I giggled a lot.

As I was done giggling, I smiled at him. He smiled at me back and suddenly, I felt his heartbeat beats faster and faster. I was wondering why. Then his face went closer...................closer................closer and closer. He stared at my lips and his head went closer.

What just happened??!! Does Jenny's own brother Kyle loves his own sister or was he just gonna kiss Jenny's cheek again?? What is going on?? Find out and stay tune for more~ Hope you love the story~

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