Chapter 5

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A/N : hey guys the last chapter had a bit of Marichat so I thought would could change that a bit for this chapter instead of more Marichat I'll put in some major Adrienette and maybe if this chapter allows me to add some Ladynoir.


"Ahhhhhhh..." I sigh happily as I wake up from my slumber.

"Mari, you never told me what happened last night when Chat came over?" Tikki says with an annoyed tone. I groan into pillow imagining telling Tikki what happened last night.

"Tikki do I have to say? Because honestly I don't know myself." I sigh as I remove my face from the pillow.

"Okay you win. I'll stop asking ," she says with an obvious annoyed tone.

"But Tikki I can tell you one thing, I feel like I owe Chat big time." I say as i get up off my bed.

"Oh Mari don't forget that Adrien is coming over later." Tikki tells me.

"Oh no I completely forgot. What's the time?" I almost scream. I jump out of bed to go shower.

"It's like 11:15am." Tikki responds and I freak out.

"Adrien's going to be here in 15 minutes." I scream but not loud enough for my mom and dad to hear. "Quickly Tikki while I go shower can you take off all the Adrien posters," I run to the bathroom in my room and quickly stick my head back into my room, " and change my wall paper on my phone, compute and iPad. Thanks Tikki. Love you!" I say as a blow a kiss with my one hand. I heard her groan and I couldn't help but chuckle. I slip back into the bathroom and quickly take off my pjs and almost slipping in the process.

Once I was done I ran back into the room and quickly took out my most signature outfit because I had no time to pick out something different. After sliding my pants on,I immediately hear the door bell ring. I face up towards the hatch and soon hear my mom shout up to me," Marinette, Adrien is here!"

I begin to freak out, I'm standing here in underwear and jeans. I shout back," Just a minute." I beckon to Tikki to pass me the shirt laying on my bed. I quickly slip it over my head and let out a sigh of relief as my mom opens up the hatch in my floor and now Adrien has a clear view into my room, 'thank you mom' I think sarcastically to myself.

"Mom!" I scream whiningly as she slowly. "You are lucky that I put shirt on quick enough because look he can see right in." I say pouting and I point my hands to the boy in view behind my mom.

" I'm sorry Hun, it just got really awkward waiting downstairs so I decided I should come up. I got a bit worried." She say bowing her head.

"Mom no, it's fine. It was my fault anyway." I say as I bend down to the hatch and hug her. I catch a glimpse of Adrien.....crying? Is he crying? Does he realize he is? Nah, maybe he just yawned or something.

"It's okay Hun, " mom says as she looks at me and then turns to look at Adrien, who I guess did realize he had a tear or two by the way he quickly tried to whip them away which made me chuckle, " you can come up now, everyone is clothed" she says as we all let out a slight laugh at the joke and I just roll my eyes.

My mom quickly scurries down the stairs and allows Adrien to come up. "You can put your bags at the desk, if y-you w-w-want to of course." 'Dammit' I think ' I thought I was actually going to make it through today and I couldn't even make a sentence.' I face palm myself.

"Yeah sure." He says, "About what happened with your mom-" I stop him before he can say another word.

"Can we not in just kinda a bit off today, I had a long night." I say in a oblivious sad tone which I know that he notices.

"Well I was just going to say that was really nice of you to forgive her so easily and I know that this sounds selfish and weird but I wish my mom was still around so we could have moments like that too." He says with a depressed tone that doesn't go unnoticed. He continues," I sorry that I'm dumping this all on you but I envy your relationship with your mother and I wish even as a teenager my mom was still with me. " A tear trickles down his face, he still continues, " I wish we fought, I wish we made up after, I wish she met all my friends, I wish she was there for me when I needed her, " he gets louder and louder then softly whispers, " I wish she was here."

I stop fetching the colored card and walk over to the boy brimming with tears and throw my arms around him. This seems familiar though, like I've done this before... with Chat. I hear my start to let out small soft sobs and I just embrace him tighter and he does the same.

We stay like that for a few minutes well just until he calmed down well we eventually sat down on the chaise so I honestly have no idea how long we were like that. We then decided to finally tackle the work. "So the p-project is to create formal attire for a m-masquerade ball, sounds fun, and each pair must theme their outfits. Then it says that if two people have the same a contest will be held after the teams have done their designs to see who will be making and wearing it to the ball while the other team needs to go be original. Wow they are competitive this year." I say calmly reading the project information off the provide piece of paper from the teacher. Oh my, I can't believe I just said all that and only stuttering twice stuttering. Maybe this afternoon won't be so bad after all.

"Well this doesn't sound too bad, besides the fact that if we end up having the same idea as anyone else, we have to come up with a new design after that." He says in a worried tone.

"Well then why don't we do something so obvious that no one else could ever think of doing like Egyptians ?" I say whilst my eyes are closed and I'm spinning on my chair. I'm mostly doing this to avoid eye contact so I don't start stuttering and this makes me seem laid back and 'chill'.

"Yes that a brilliant idea!" He exclaims," I could kiss you right now!" I stop spinning.


"Yes that a brilliant idea!" I exclaim," I could kiss you right now!" She stops spinning. "I-I mean as a friend of c-course," I'm waving my hands around in all different directions,"Wait! no! I mean-" She cut me off.

"It's f-fine, I know what you mean." She says wearing one of her cutest smiles. My cheeks become pinkly tinted as she smiles. She so understanding, bet you if it was Chloé she would of thrown herself on me by now. "So Egyptians it is then?" She asks.

"Ya," was all I could say without stuttering like an idiot.


He's so cute. I sigh at the thought as we start to design our outfits which only the rough design was due on Monday. We decided that I would design a dress of my own whilst he designs a tux of his own then we swap and draw the matching piece for each outfit.

We at there in silence designing away, trying to create the best possible We were about almost finished when he randomly said something not even Ladybug would of seen coming," so do you think maybe we could exchange numbers? You know to keep in touch and all."

"Yeah sure." I whip out my phone and am shocked at the wallpaper, I even let out a light chuckle which unfortunately doesn't go unnoticed.

"What? What happened? You laughing now at me for asking for your number?" He says with that Chat smile I saw the other day, maybe they good friends.

"No it's nothing." I say looking at the wallpaper Tikki put on my phone; it was a picture of me as Ladybug. The thought of having myself as my wallpaper seems vain but nobody knows it's me so why the hell not?

"Come on tell me." He says as he snatched the phone out of my hand hold its up and obviously his much taller than me so I'm jumping about to get my phone.

"Adrien! Give it back!" I call whiningly while stomping my foot like a 5 year old. I eventually jump to catch the phone and accidentally knock him and I both over. We both lay there laughing until I realize the situation we were in. I immediately jump up off the blonde boy who also seems dazed from the moment's events.

At that moment we hear a crash from outside and I turn to the window," Adrien - uh - do you mind if I quickly - uh - go to the bathroom - uh - downstairs?"

"Sure no problem." He replies giving me the perfect cover to leave and transform.

"Marinette, we'll need to make this quick or Adrien might get suspicious." A little Tikki flys out from my shirt pocket.

"Ya I know the last thing I need is a big time model finding out, but luckily the crash didn't sound too far away." I run into a deserted ally. "Tikki transform me!" I shout and I'm engulfed by a bright pink light.

A/N : another chapter done all for you all that read this book. I love all the loyal people who put up with my spelling errors and terrible grammar.
Kita out 🐱 🐞
Word count : 1697

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