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(Lightly based off of the Marvel TV show, "Dare Devil" and the Broadway Musical "Wicked", Enjoy!)

"Your insane. Father would be furious. He's been planning to rebuild this city for months- with this information, if you drop out now... brother, he would kill you!"
Reasoning wasn't going to work I knew that much looking back. My brother has been repressed for months, no thanks to my father and his strict views on a perfect family- and a perfect city. The only colors would be white and green. The perfect Storm city. Clean. Advanced. Dress codes and structure, highest fashion and education. A perfect world in his eyes... just not my brothers.
"Crystal. I cant just pretend tha I'm okay with this anymore. Its not right. He's taking over the city illegally to get what he wants! Replacing Judges and people on the Jury, Lawyers, Police forces, reporters!-"
"Our father is a good man. He wants whats best for the city." I interrupted, but I couldn't deny that nagging feeling in my chest. Truly, I was on the right side. He wanted what was best for the City he grew up in. Where everyone would be perfectly happy! This was a good thing.
"No, No, Hes not. I cant be perfect anymore. I cant pretend like you. Come with me! We can fight back against this corruption together!"
He truly believes we can. That scared me more than I liked to admit. Lets say he's right. For just a moment. Lets say in this moment in time I joined him. What would it do? We go against the law? He's taken that. He wins. Jury rules innocent. We go to the papers! Get this story public, get the people against him. He rules the reporters. It would never work. This plan my brother has it would never work... but if he was planning what I thought he was and he wanted to kill-... if this insane plan was put into motion, and I let him get away right now- if my father found out I let him get away right now with this information. Im done for. I cant win, I'm guilty for being here. Im guilty just for hearing these corrupt words. Im guilty if I dont have the courage to do what I'm about to do...
I felt a ball of pure electric light magic form in my hand I held it up to show him the power that radiated at my finger tips. "I cant join you." I said simply, but there was nothing strong in my words. In fact it was shaky... unsure. Weak.
Im Guilty.
    "Crystal... dont do this..." but there was nothing shaky or unsure about his voice.

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