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It was way too late for any of this.

Alejandro was sitting in his office, working trough a bunch of files he had been pushing away to do for weeks, or even months, now. The room was dark and he made a mental note to get a new light bulb since he could barely see the text in front of him.

He wasn't even sure why he had to sign all these files and look over them again. It was standard stuff. Reports of drug busts, things that happened in the city, some missions, he hadn't even been there for all of them.

But that was what it took to keep los Vaqueros going. 141 had been a grand help when they had visited, and sometimes they were still coordinating missions together but it had been a little complicated in the last time.


Rudy had told him to not stay up too long again.

'The reports will be there tomorrow' he always said.

Alejandro knew that. But there would also be more work.

Alejandro sighed to himself. That was what he told himself. What he told himself when he tried to excuse why he was burying himself in work. He had an important job. Someone had to do the job. And it wasn't that bad anyway.


To be truthful, he was worried about what he'd do if he wasn't working late at night. The night brought some dark thoughts with it. If he didn't work he'd probably drink. And he was bad at controlling himself there. He never knew when to stop and then Rudy would scold him again.

He'd scold him as if Alejandro was some child that wasn't able to control himself. Maybe that was true.


Alejandro looked at the few files that were still on his desk.

Maybe he should stop for today. He could really work on those files another day.

No. No Ghost was right. He had to finish it finally. Even if he didn't want to. At least then it wouldn't float over him like a dark shadow who's going to kill him any second.


Alejandro looked at the last file on his desk, not daring to touch it at first. This was what he had been avoiding for all this time. He felt like...maybe if he just didn't open it, if he didn't sign the report it just wouldn't be true. Of course, that would be stupid.

He slowly opened the file, starting to read the report. Of course, he remembered everything. He had been there on that mission.

He did his best to keep calm while reading over the text before grabbing his pen, his hands slightly shaking while signing off the report.

He just sat there for a minute, not knowing what to do with himself when his eyes moved to the bottom of the file again. It was still written there, in bold letters so just no one could miss it.


Alejandro closed the file, leaning back for a second.



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