3. Percy

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Hello my children!!! Yes if you made it this far that means i have adopted you. You all are my children and I love you. Anywho, I'm sorry again about the short chapters! This is my first book and I'll try my best to make the chapters longer!



"Percy stop pouting"

"But there was no blue food," I whined to Annie as we left the mess hall.

Piper let out a long sigh before talking,

"Have you decided if you're going to stay or not?

Of course, the most wanted question that they have been asking me for the 3 months I've been here.

"I'm staying unless police tell me that they have gotten in contact with this brother of mine. When they do, if they do, I'll just tell him I can stay here and not bug him with the hardship of caring for me. I mean he must know I'm a demigoddess because he is on my dad's side. b-"

"Percy! Chiron told me to come get you, he said that you needed to get to the big house!"


No rest for the wicked I guess I thought as I jogged to the big house.

"Percy!" I hear the old centar call out.

"It's nice to see you up and going my dear, but going straight to business. We had a call from the Manhattan police. They have gotten in contact with your half-brother."


"The said that he can come and get you once camp ends, he offered to come here bu-"

"It's fine chiron, I quickly interject, "I have reason to believe he knows about us but I can go to the police station just to be safe"

He let out a small sigh, "Ok my dear, you can go continue your activities"

"Okay, bye chiron"

I walk out and head to the arena. I really need to stop slacking in my training, I thought as I arrived.

Once I entered the arena I realized that the rest of the seven (and calypso) were there as well. They all stop once they see me.

"Hey Percy, what did Chiron need," Jason asks as I get Riptide out.

"He just told me that the police got in contact with my brother and he will pick me up at the station at the end of the summer. Although I will see if I can convince him to let me stay at camp for the winter."

He hummed in response. And asked if I wanted to spar. And me, needing practice, said yes.


Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Signing off,

                       ~~Aro, Your Parent

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