Percabeth and Perachel

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This chapter was requested by @PeachesTheBangkokCat, but idk if you'll like it. I tried not to make it cliche, so yeah

If anyone has requests, feel free to comment it/drop a message on my mb! 

(Disclaimer: Once again, I do not own Rick Riordan's books)


 "So uh, where are you guys going to live?" Percy asked to his six friends. (technically one was his girlfriend but anyway)

 Homeroom had just finished, with Ms. Gibson giving a three minute pep talk about how kids these days needed to study for the future of their country and some other stuff that Percy didn't remember as he had dozed off. 

 Now, as the rest of the students exited the classroom and got ready for their first period, him and the rest of the seven gathered together in the corner of the room. 

 Piper shrugged, "An apartment, I guess." 

 Percy's eye bulged, "A whole apartment? Gods, you guys are so lucky." 

 Annabeth rolled her eyes, "No, Seaweed Brain. It's a two room house." 


 "Does my hair look hotter when it's shifted to the left or when it's shifted to the right?" Leo asked to Frank all of a sudden, turning his head from left to right very violently. 

 "Um," Frank eyed the boy next to him weirdly, "I prefer right in the middle." 

 "Me too," said Jason, "And we should better get going, too. We don't want to be late on our first classes." 

 "Do we?" asked Leo. 

 "This isn't my first class, I don't mind being late," said Percy at the same time. 

 Leo grinned at Percy and they did a fist bump. 

 After the whole incident with Nike and the nuggets, he and Leo had become somewhat closer. Nowadays they kinda shared the same braincell. 

 "I hate you guys," sighed Jason. 

 "We love you too," sang Percy and Leo. 


 At some point they finally got out of the goddamn door, with Jason on his 'We-are-going-to-do-this-even-if-it-kills-me' march. 

 "Honestly, that dude's too boring," Leo said to Frank (he had no idea why he kept telling these stuff to Frank. He was always just... there, next to him) 

 "I don't know about that. He just wants to make a good impression since it's our first day," Frank replied. 

 Leo ignored him and kept talking, "He reminds me of Steve Rogers." 

 "The 'Steve Rogers' can hear you," said Jason. Which wasn't surprising, since he was right in front of them. 

 "Good, you can be America's Asshole," said Leo. 


 "Perce!" someone called from behind them, interrupting Jason and his forward march. 

 Leo turned to see two boys running towards them; to Percy. 

 "Dude where the hell were you?" asked a boy with surfer blonde hair. His eyes, almond shaped, reminded Leo of Calypso. 

 Calypso... his heard ached. They had been so excited to start off in a high school in the countryside together... but apparently the Gods had other plans. Now, Calypso was attending school miles away from Goode and there was no way for them to communicate except calling. (Calypso wasn't used to texting just yes)

 "Oh yeah, I was at Homeroom," replied Percy sheepishly, "Remember what I said about the new students today?" 

 Surfer dude looked at them, "Oh yeah, right. I'm Dennis Robinson, nice to meet you guys." 

 The other boy, who had red hair and freckles, held out his hand, "I'm Fred." 

 Annabeth shook it, "Annabeth. This is Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel and Piper." 

 Annabeth tried to let go of Fred's hand, but Fred kept shaking it. 

 "We're-the-only-friends-of-Percy-Jackson-in -his-school," said Fred, shaking his hand up and down rhythmically at every word. 

 Annabeth nodded. She looked a little miffed, as she stood there awkwardly while Fred moved his arm wildly. 

 Percy opened his mout to object, but almost immediately closed it. Leo assumed it was the truth. 

 "Fred's a jokester," said Dennis, "He's a pain in the ass, but you'll get used to him." 

 "You'll get along well with Leo," Annabeth told Fred matter-of-a-factly, her arms still swinging, "He's a pain in the ass, too." 

 "Hey!" protested Leo, and Fred winked at him. 

 "So Percy, where's your girlfriend?" Dennis asked. 

 "What?" Percy's eyes were on Dennis immediately. 

 "I mean, you said your girlfriend was coming today, too. I thought she'd be here." 

 "Oh," Percy said, his ears red, "Um-" 

 "I'm his girlfriend," Annabeth piped up. 

 "What?" Dennis shook his head, "Dude, what about that redhead with freckles? She wasn't your girlfriend?" 

 "What?" asked Percy. 

 "You're dating Ginny?" Fred asked suddenly, finally letting go of Annabeth. 

 "Who?" asked Percy. 

 "The girl's name was Ginny?" Dennis asked, then turned to Percy, "Ginny isn't your girlfriend?" 

 "I'm his girlfriend," Annabeth said firmly, "Who's Ginny?" 

 "Yeah, who's Ginny?" repeated Percy. 

 "Huh? Isn't Ginny the girl you blew up the Music Room with?" 

 "No, that was Rachel," Percy answered. 

 "Then who the fuck is Ginny?" Dennis turned back to Fred. 

 "I... don't know," said Fred. 

 "Whaddaya mean you don't know?" Dennis shook his head, "Dude, you just said her name." 

 Fred shrugged. He seemed to be deep in thought. 

 "Aaaaanyway," said Percy, "Annabeth is my girlfriend Not Ginny and definitely not Rachel." 

 Annabeth nodded, "Thank you." 

 If it were any normal girl, they would have accused Percy of cheating them. But no, anyone with eyes could see that Annabeth had enough faith in Percy to know that. 

 Plus, the dude had literally fallen into Tartarus just to be with her. That was definitely something. 

 "Okay," Dennis said, still a little skeptical. 

 Percy raised his eyebrow, "What, you need a kiss for proof?" 

 Dennis frowned, "Nah." 

 "Thought so." 

 "It's just that-" Dennis hesitated, "I mean you and Rachel-Nevermind." 

 Annabeth looked at him, suddenly very interested, "No, go on, Dennis." 

 "I mean Percy kinda did talk about Rachel a few times-" Dennis started, his face now mischievous. 

 "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, you guys go without me," said Percy as he started to walk away fastly. 

 "And he did talk about hanging out with her a couple of times-" 

 "BYE!" called Percy. 

 "Go on," urged Annabeth. 

 "And he most definitely had her number written on his hand." 

 "PERSEUS JACKSON YOU COME BACK HERE," yelled Annabeth, running to catch up with Percy. 


Soooo um how was it?? It's like, really late in my time so idk if it went well. 

Also did anyone get who Fred is? (Y'all probably did, though.)

That's definitely going be be something... 

Anyway, have a nice day/night! Please comment and vote<3 

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